Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 32



Earlier in the day...

In the World of the Living, Ben and I are doing patrols while Wren and Kassidy aren't here with us. Saying that's it's been boring would be an understatement.

It's been dead silent since they left.

Absolutely nothing was done, heard, or spoken when they went to their Keeper.

My dad and Darius, Anais's dad, had helped us in trying to locate Stylo and Alpha.

If I really think about it, I haven't been able to sense him or Brayden since the incident in town. My wolf hasn't sensed his Alpha since then.


Today is the day that Wren and Kassidy do stuff.

The thought of it grosses me out.

The craziest part about all of this is that I'll feel everything that's she is emotionally. And if what Anais said was true, Kassidy will bring her Lycan powers out of dormancy. If she succeeds then my Lycan powers would wake up too through the twin bond.

I wonder if they're wolves would come back after all of this.

Wren had his wolf when he turned into a Demon Dog, as Kassidy calls it, but lost it due to the accident. My wandering thoughts were interrupted by an energetic Ben bursting through my bedroom door. He had a smile on his face and a bag of donuts in his hands.

"Donuts for the lad this morn'" he spoke in a imitated English voice. I laughed and took the glazed donut from the bag.

"What's the occasion?" I asked with a full mouth. He shook his head with a smile and took a sip from his coffee.

"How are feeling about being a Lycan soon? You get to join the Cool Hybrids Club." He excitedly said. I just shrugged and ate the rest of my donut.

"I already kind of am, considering I inherited some of Kassidy's powers." I tell him.

"Touché." He shrugged and we ate and drank in silence.

"Boys, come on down here!" My dad bellowed from downstairs. I looked to Ben but he just shrugged. I grabbed the bag of donuts and trudged down the steps.

My dad was sitting in his loveseat with the remote in his hand. He was dressed like he was leaving soon with his keys in his free hand.

"Boys, before Wren comes home we need to set up some things." Dad said. We sat down on the couch and sat up as he spoke again.

"When he comes home we have to prepare the cell down in the basement for when he wants his mate. His mind and body will want to search for his mate and to be near her. That five days will drive him insane." Dad explained. We nodded and followed him as he made the small trek down the stairs to the basement.

The basement was finished but there was another door on the far side of the room. The door had claw marks and some splinted wood off the hinges. This was the place where we all shifted. There were four or so cages.

Ben raised his hand and traced the outline of my cage specifically. I don't know if he knew they were mine or not, but the gesture conflicted me more.

I shook the thought away and unlocked the hinge. The door swung open with a creaky squeak and a gust of dust blew into mine and Ben's faces.

"Why are there cells down here anyways?" He coughed and swung at the dust particles. We stepped through the door and walked down the damp cemented hallway of cells.

Ben sniffed the air as he neared my cell. A low growl erupted from his throat and and his eyes switched from obsidian green to crimson red. Blinking back and forth between colors.

His head snapped towards my direction.

"It was yours wasn't it?" He practically growled out.

Why was he acting like this?

"Yeah" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Yeah, it was. What about it?" I ask, genuinely curious as to why he wants to know so badly.

"I can feel it." He simply answered. His breathing had calmed down a tad bit but his nostrils were still flared and his eyes couldn't decide on what color they should be.

"What can you feel?" I take a step closer.

"The pain you felt. The pain all of you felt when you were in these cages." His fingers trailed against the claw marks of Kassidy's cell, then Dad's.

"How?." I'm confused now.

It might be one of his powers, or...

The only other option is that he's someone's mate.

That would be completely impossible, we're both the same age and we would've felt the bond immediately after we turned eighteen. But he's older than me, he would've done something about the situation before hand.

"I think it's because of the Demon half of me. I can sense pain and suffering, since demons tend to torture souls in hell and whatnot." He shrugged and began to open up Kassidy's cell.

"Why are you in her cell for?" I ask.

"Because she is his mate and he would want to have some remnant of her here with him while she's in an entirely different place than he's in." Ben had explained.

I nodded my head and walked to the entry door. "I'll get the cleaning supplies." He gave a nod and I set out for the steps and the stuff.

When I got back, we cleaned the cell spotless and even added some blankets and other things of use for Wren. It took two hours to finish up but we did it. Now we're just finishing up with a few touches here and there.

A growl sounded in the back of my mind.

And then another and another.

'What's wrong?' I ask my wolf, Xenon.

'It's happening. Kassidy is unlocking the powers that's hidden in us.' He proudly said. If she was able to unlock hers than what will happen to me?


"Ah!" A broken growl escaped my throat as my body began to shift. Ben's head snapped to my direction and a look of concern washed over his face.

"What's happening?"He was all over the place. Looking for anything that could help me, but nothing could in this case.

"Dad!" I growled again. He need to hurry up, because if he doesn't, I don't know what exactly will happen if he doesn't.

"Hurry it up, man! He's shifting!" Ben shouted to my dad from the bottom of the basement stairs. Feet could be heard padding down the stairs in a rush. Large hand grasp my twisted arms and legs as I'm carried into my designated cell.

"Ahhh!" I groan out in pain. My elbows snap and bend into a weird and abnormal shape. My knees break and remold themselves into their new form. The feeling of my bones enlarging and expanding inside of my body is even more excruciating than my first shift.

"Hold on, baby! I'm gonna get warm water and a blanket." My mom frantically rushed out and up the stairs to retrieve the items she listed off.

My head snaps back in an ear splitting sound. My jaw bones separate and grow bigger underneath my skin and stretch to even bigger bones than I had before. My wrists crack and stretch also, reforming and creating longer and stronger bones in my skin.

"M-make. It. S-stop!" I breathlessly groan. My entire body feels on fire. My bones ache and my skin feels like it's being shredded in a meat grinder.

I feel my snout on my face and my spine realigning itself with my other bones. My hands and feet are hurting the most because of the sensitivity in the skin there. Hell, they weren't hands and feet anymore, there were mangled versions of paws with claws.

My clothes?

They're only a memory now, long forgotten. Scattered and torn across the wet cemented floor of the cell. My shoes were ruined too. My body seemed longer, taller. My legs and arms were stretched the most, expanding and making way for the new size of my new wolf body that's coming soon.

"How long is he gonna be like this?" Ben asked chewing on his nails. I wish I could smirk right now, I could make fun of him for worrying about me.

My mom has tears in her eyes, seeing her pup in such pain must be hard. Dad stands there with pain written all over his face too, but he's more composed about it.

But back to shifting, shall we?

"Agh!" My body gives another huge crackling noise as my spine raises up an fur prickles from underneath my skin and out of my pores. Heat spreading and nipping at every peak of my body, mocking me as it continues it's awful wrath on me.

All my consciousness leaves my body as one last crack erupted from my body and the fur spurred from under my flesh and outside of it.

All I see before I close my eyes, are very big paws.

And they were mine.


"When is he gonna wake up?" A familiar voice asks.

Who is it?

Where are they?

Why are they here?

"I don't know, but Wren is in his way back home right now and we have to make sure that they both are in Okay condition throughout all of this." A strong voice answers the other.

What is this?

Where am I?

"Look!" A voice says.

"I-I think he's waking up!" The voice claims.

Who's waking up?

Suddenly a loud creaking noise fills my ears. The noise makes my ears tingle with sensitivity. A strange growling noise erupted from inside me.

Was that actually me?

'Yes, that was you, Kash. Now open your eyes and see what we've become now.' A deep voice voice boomed in the back of my mind.

I nod my head in the direction of the voice. I knew that this voice could be trusted.

I crack open my eyes and immediately close them shut again. Everything was so clear.

Too clear.

The small light seemed ten times stronger and more vibrant than before. I try to reopen my eye again and they adjust to the clear vision presented to them. Like everything was brand new again. Like my eyes have opened up to a new world.

"Damn, he's huge..." a boy says. His dark brown locks and obsidian green eyes remind me of something important.

Of someone important.

His cheeks are high and his lips are plump. He has a strong and sharp jawline too. He looked beautiful.


I need to know who this specimen is.

I turn my head to the other two people standing behind these metal bars. A woman and a man. They look like a power couple.

The man, he had a beard, not too long or short. He had striking blue eyes, almost gray. Sharp jawline too, his eyes seemed older with age but still young. He's tall and muscular, but he's also lean. A perfect balance of stature.

The woman, she had soft rosy cheeks. Big brown eyes with slight wrinkles at the corners of them. Her lips seemed plump but small at the same time. She was a taller woman, but shorter than the man. She had a warm look to her, comforting.

These people are my parents.

I think.

I stand up, but on four legs instead of two. I'm level headed with my father standing behind the cell bars.

He reached a hand out, cautious of me. I rub my nose into his palm and let out a purr like sound and rub my face into his palm. I want him to know that I mean no harm to him or any of the other two people with him.

He smiles and looks back to the woman.

"He's okay, but damn has he changed," his head goes to the beautiful specimen and acknowledges him.

"Ben, go grab a mirror so this big guy can see what happened to him." He smiled at the boy and the boy walks away and up the stairs to retrieve the mirror.

"How could this happen? He grew so much in a small amount of time. I mean, his wolf was already huge." The woman starts, her mouth agape in shock.

"He's a giant now." She reaches out to touch me too. I let her and let the familiar warmth of her touch soothe me.

I sat in my haunches and let them continue their petting. Soon, footsteps could be heard pattering down the steps. The boy from earlier came into view with a long wall mirror. The reflection in it startled me.

A very, very big wolf was staring back at me. His muscles could be seen through his thick, light grey fur, canines were sharper and longer also. His eyes were a sharp, stormy silver color. I looked him up and down from the enormous paws he had to his big furry head.

He looked amazing.

That's who I am now, I guess.

A Lycan.


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