Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 21



Oh shit. Wren's whole body stills upon hearing his older brother speak. He slowly turned around with a shit ton of hesitation.

"We have a lot to talk about, brother." Ben nods.

"When were you gonna tell me that you changed again, huh, Wren? You know how much danger you just put us in. Even your damn self." Ben shakes his head at him, like a mom scolding their child.

"And I know that I'm a Hell Hound too. He contacted me too." Wren's while demeanor changed in an instant. From ashamed to angry real quick.

"What in the fuck do you mean he contacted you, Ben?" Wren pushed the covers and me off of him and stood face to face with his brother.

"Who did, Stylo or Him?!" He was shaking now, so was Ben, in my damn room.

Did they not know I was still here or something?

Ben and Wren were staring each other down, not a single muscle moving on either one of the McAllistair boys. A small flash of red crossed over Ben's eyes at that moment, and they both stepped back from each other like they were on fire. The room was filled with an unknown presence, it was menacing and dark.

"Not here. In the fields, I'll talk to Solanis, there cannot be two of us at once." Wren shook his head vigorously like he didn't believe what was happening. Ben did the same.

"Wren, we are the only ones though. We are the only Hell Hounds in existence, I thought only one of us could be in transition at one time, not fucking both!" Ben threw his hands flailing them around.

The scene would have been funny if they weren't gonna turn into technical killing machines that destroy everything in their way.

They looked in each other's eyes again, having a private conversation with one another. The longer they stared, the more Ben's eyes intensified with that now somewhat familiar blazing red.

Wren's eyes widened until his eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his head.

"Damnit, not now, Ben! Hold it back!" Wren screeched out. Ben shook like he was seizing. Wren began to shake too, their bodies began to hum in sync, an overwhelming amount of their powers filled through the air. It was so thick you could cut it.

"Guys, please calm dow-" I was interrupted by a low rumbling growl from Ben. His eyes locked onto my wide saucer-like eyes. Wren growled at me too.


I gotta go.

I tried contacting Solanis to see what I should do. I didn't get through to her. It was like if one of them was riled up, so was the other. They were feeding off of each other's energy, creating a dangerous cycle.

And I was smack in the middle.

An ominous dark red aura wrapped itself around the two brothers. Lightning started to crash in their very visible energy. The aura was so damn dark it was almost black, it was creeping me the fuck out.

Did I do what any normal person would do?

Nope, I jumped out of my window and into my yard.

Groundbreaking growls were heard from behind me and I knew they were there. I ran like the wind using my powers. I blurred my way through the city hearing the blood thirsty Demon Dogs, I noticed all the nature around us was dying in an instant.

The sky was black even though it was just after noon. Red blazing lightning was cracking through the skies, I wasn't even paying attention to my surroundings when I slammed into a thin metal stop sign pole.

That hurt like a bitch.

I rubbed my face feeling the small trickle of blood fall from my nostrils and from a scrape on my forehead I scooted my way into the nearby alley. I prayed to the Gods that they didn't smell it. But they did.

Darkness found its way around me now. Their powers together were overwhelming my own.

How in the hell could they be so damn powerful?

A thought floated through my mind.


He was the one who pulled Wren out of dormancy.

Maybe he could make their powers dormant again.

He woke up his powers, but why?

My thoughts were interrupted by a snarling, bloodthirsty pair over brothers running behind me. They didn't look like the happy brothers I came to know. They were malicious, evil incarnate.


Their father is the Demon of several different realms for Christ's sake!

They ran after me at lightning speed. The black aura that surrounded them had small bolts of red lightning crackling and popping as they transitioned further to their Demon side.

I ran going towards the outskirts of the city but a big bolt of red lightning crackled under my feet and sent me flying through the air.

My hands caught most of my fall before my body landed with a harsh thud. The small scrapes on my skin started to heal already but I was cornered by the two brothers now.

Wren looked over at a heaving and twitching Ben who looked like he was gonna pop at any moment. Both did.

"What should we do with her brother?" Wren asked licking his lips.

And we're back to square one.

They forgot about me.

Why is it that every time he changes into his Demon part, his mind goes blank of everyone around him?

Maybe it's because of the feral parts of him coming to light. His true instincts have been dormant all of his life so when they come out, this is what happens.

That's just a guess.

Ben shrugged his shoulders and bent down and sniffed me. He looked up to Wren and motioned him to do the same. Now, both brothers were sniffing my neck, face, hair, Wren even sniffed down my chest and torso.

What were they looking for?

"She's different, brother." Ben nuzzled his face into my neck more.

"She has a different power, another from her Revolutionary powers." His voice was low and monotone, gravely and rough.

So they know that much.

But what the hell power is he talking about?

I only have my Revolutionary powers, what else is there to be put on the list?

Wren continued to sniff further down my body until he got to my legs. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. A purring like sound vibrated through his chest.

"Mate." He growled out. Ben stopped his movements around my neck and pulled away. His black clawed hands cupped my cheeks in his palms, tilting my face in different directions.

"Is she yours, mine, or ours?" Ben asked. Wren looked up at me under hooded blazing red eyes. His gaze was smoldering hot, and making me squirm under his gaze.

"Yours." Ben grounded through gritted teeth. He stood up and I noticed neither one of the brothers had shirts on, or pants.

Just tethered boxers.

My cheeks heated from my observation and Wren chuckles darkly.

"Why so red, Mate? Something making you uncomfortable?" I shook my head at him and squirmed a bit more. He placed one clawed hand on either one of my knees.

He licked those plumped lips again and spoke.

"Open wide." With that he spread my legs. His head dipped between my shorts clad waist. His nose grazed my heat and I squeezed my eyes closed.

Just as I was about to protest, screams were littering through the air. Women, men, even kids were yelling and screaming. A pungent smell of metallic copper filled the air.


If matters couldn't get any worse, Wren's eyes blazed with an even darker red than before and he lifted his nose into the air and flipped out when the blood reached his nostrils. He growled from on top of me and a echoing growl responded his.


Wren jumped off of me with lightning speed, he dashed out of the alleyway and into the dark streets of Raven's Creek. More screams and growling pounded into my ears as I stood up on shaky legs. I took baby steps into the street and the scene in front of me made me want to hurl.

Wren, he was tearing his teeth into a bunny. Ripping its body apart with his jaws. They expanded so much I thought they were gonna snap apart. Ben, on the other hand, was punching a hole into the chest of wolf's rib cage ripping his heart out.

Then he started to eat it.

The crimson liquid dropped down his chin onto his chest. I felt hit tears hitting my cheeks.

My boys, they turned into these monsters.

Wren was done with his bunny and moved onto a large silver wolf.

Something wasn't right.

Besides Wren destroying that bunny, something else was happening.

The silver wolf, I now realized, wasn't one of ours.

It was Rogue.

It was bigger than the rest I've ever seen, it's muscular form stood proudly in front of a blood junkie Wren. More Rogues entered all around the boys. They were here for them specifically. They didn't hurt the city people, just went after Ben and Wren.

"No, guys!" I tried running after them, but I was tackled to the ground. A light brown wolf latched it's jaws to my leg, while another snarled and snapped it's teeth at me.

I kicked the brown wolf off of me and lit the wolf in my face on fire and pushed it off of me. It howled in pain then disintegrated in front of me.

I looked away from it and turned my attention back to the boys.

The wolf snarled at the Demon Dog and was standing in a defense stance. Wren did the same and licked his crimson lips and smirked evilly at the Rogue.

Then he pounced.

In a flash everything happened, one second the Rogue was being launched at by Wren. The next, his strong furry jaws were latched into Wren's neck. Shaking and tearing into my Mate like he was dinner.

And I fucking lost it.

My body hummed with the familiar heat. The flames licked and danced through my fingertips through my arms. Suddenly, my entire body was on fire! My fiery aura wrapped itself around my entire being, heating the already warmed air. Winds went whipping about, claws extending with dripping lava from the tips. Canines elongated making small droplets of blood leave my snarling lips.

He was hurting my god damned mate.

I don't think so.

I watched as his jaws kept shaking around Wren's neck, but his face was smiling.

Why the fuck was he smiling about, he was being eaten by a big ass wolf right now?

I stepped forward but Wren's eyes looked into mine and gave me a look tell me not to get closer.

Wren's eyes darted up and down to my flamed body and he smirked. His blazing, electrifiying eyes burned through me.

What was he planning?

In that moment I focused on the scene in front of me. Everything slowed down, every movement was slow and calculated. Wren lifted his hands from the ground and placed his hands inside of the wolf's mouth, placing his stained hands in between the beast's jaws and his injured neck. He smirked at me again and looked back at the large wolf.


He wouldn't.

But this isn't regular Wren, I reminded myself.

He gripped firmly onto the wolf's jaws and yanked hard. The wolf split in half. Straight down the middle. Skin and fur shredding into bits and pieces, organs spilling into the cemented ground coating it with the crimson liquid.

Wren pulled his head away, his neck didn't even have a puncture in it at all. He flipped over the two halves of the now dead Rogue and stuck a hand in each piece of carcass. Searching for something. He pulled out the heart and held it to his lips and sank his teeth into it. Eating leisurely like it was normal to rip a wolf apart and eat its heart.

I think I just pissed myself.

A eat piercing scream filled the thick dark air. Heat rose more and more, skies swirled in a magnificent colors of fiery storm clouds. Winds picked up and a giant funnel cloud twisted and flipped 'til it touched the ground. Wren looked at me with a pissed off face and nodded towards Ben. He was currently eating and gnawing on someone's ribs. He looked at Wren with an annoyed expression and dropped his rib.

The screaming still didn't stop, I wonder what the hell was happening. The funnel cloud turned into a firenado. It's fiery red, orange, and black look was really scary.

Hehe it was mine.

The screaming didn't stop until I realized when my throat began to hurt, that it was me. I was screaming and I don't know why. I looked down to see a bloody patch of red deep through my sweater. A familiar laugh entered my ears.


I looked down again and seen a silvery blade hanging through my stomach area. Two very dangerously close growls resounded around me. A pissed off Wren and Ben approached me with their electric energy surrounding them. The red lightning aura cracked and popped around the two brothers.

A hand twisted the blade in my stomach, making me scream even louder. My sobs wracked through my body as it was yanked out and pushed back into its original place in my gut. Brayden laughed and giggled at my pain, Wren and Ben disappeared.

Where did they go?

"You know what, Kassidy?" Brayden's voice was near my ear and her head was next to mine.

"Wren, is going to be mine. You got that, bitch? He never wanted you in the first place," she twisted the blade again. I dropped to ground, my knees hit the ground scraping against the cold cement.

My flames retreated back under my skin as the blade wrecked my insides.

"I will kill you," twists blade.

"Take your mate," twisted again.

"And kill destroy everyone you love. I will end you." She twisted the blade once more.

What the fuck did she just say?

I'm more than angry now, I'm fuming, literally I'm on fire again.

Brayden screeched when the flames touched her skin. I stood up on shaky legs and looked her in the eye and yanked the blade out of me, I tossed it to her side. My skin began stretching and pulling back into place.

Thank the Gods for that healing ability.

"What are you going to do?" My voice was deeper, calm, but it shook the hell out of her.

Fear and anger swimming in her eyes. She was in jeans and a dingy shirt in sneakers. Her blonde hair was dirty and knotted her usual bright blue eyes were dull without life to them.

She looked like shit.


"You heard me Kassidy. I'm gonna get Wren and fuck the living shit out of him and make you watch as your mate is with me." She tilted her head and smirked.

My hand reached out faster than I thought it would and connected with her jaw, sending her across the street.

She shook her head and stood up to her full height and walked up to me. We stood face to face now.

This isn't right.

She should be down from my dominant power.

What's wrong now?

She giggled.

"Awe, what's the matter, Kassidy? You must be wondering why I'm still standing." She giggled again and looked at her nails.

"Stylo gave me new power, let's see who's better, yes?" She smirked at me and punched me square in the nose.

I flew back into a store window. Glass shredding my clothing and my back. I didn't have time to get up when a growl ripped through the air.


Where the hell did he and Ben disappear to?

I looked around and saw a darting black figure in the back of the alley. My further investigation was interrupted by the roaring of an angry Wren.

"Where is she?" He roared.

Standing behind him, Kash held his shoulders trying to calm him I guess while looking as angry as he was.

There was more fighting in the background. Pack members were standing up to the rogues that kept flooding in, my dad and a few warriors were spotted across the way.

"Mate, come out here!" He was standing outside of the store yet he couldn't sense me.


Brayden waltzed in front of him and whispered something into his ear, she laid a hand on his chest and he broke her wrist back. A sickening crack reverberated in the air. Her screeching was unbearable to hear, but I didn't care.

She got what she deserved.

Wren spun around and looked into store window. He ran in and looked around, his eyes met mine and nothing happened. He walked over to me and walked over me, like I wasn't even there. I stood up, glass fell off of my back and onto the ground making a shattering sound.

He looked back in my direction and walked over to me, then walked through me.

What the hell is happening?

"Wait, Wren!" I ran up to him and laid my hand on his back. He didn't flinch like he felt it.

He kept walking.

I look out into the street to see a sobbing Brayden on the ground wailing at Wren.

"Baby, why did you do that? You don't need her, I'm here." She cried.

Wren looked down at her a knelt down and reached his hand out. A pang of hurt made its way to my heart. He grabbed her jaw and held it lovingly then smirked at her. He wrapped his large hand around her throat and lifted her to the air. Her feet dangled and swung in the air.

"I asked you once, now twice. Where is Mate, you little bitch. She is the one chosen for me not you, lead me to where she is or..." he bring her down his eye level and whispered some in her ear.

Her face visibly paled and she shook with undeniable fear.

What did he say?

Voices and yelling were heard down the street.

"Kassidy?" A voice roared out. Kash was looking around for me.

I stepped out of the broken store window with my feet still bare. Flash shards poked my skin as I walked, but I didn't care.

"I'm over here!" I waved my arms around, but no one could see me.

Kassandra, Anais, and Jordan were here now too. Looking in the same store I was just in and looking around the streets and around the block.

"Why can't I sense her around? Is she-is she dead?" Anais' voice came out as a whisper.

I'm not dead anymore.

I try yelling, screaming, punching stuff but it doesn't work. My flames were put away earlier. They come out when they want to, I didn't have really have a good grasp on them.I don't think they could come out again.

Guess I need that training still.

There must be some type of magic she's using to make me insensible and invisible to my Mate, family, and friends.

"Do you know how to find, Mate?" Wren turns his head to see an angry Kash glaring holes into Brayden's figure.

"And no she can't be dead, I would be able to feel the her loss and so would everyone else." Wren explained.

"I don't feel her at all, that's the problem with this, Wren!" Kash's body was already shaking with fury, I felt it rush through me too.

This is all going to shit.

His eyes flashed like mine and I already knew what was coming.

He was inhabiting my abilities again.

I need to make my presence known already.

I need them to know I'm okay.

But what can I do?


Why didn't I think of it earlier?

I'm so slow sometimes.

I mentally face palm myself for thinking of this just now when more people were going to die today.

Counting some of the people Ben and Wren ate, the Rogue wolves who I still didn't know why they were here in the first place too.

The poor little bunny.

Why would they attack now of all times when the boys changed into Demon Dogs?

I feel like this is all being set together, and I have a pretty good idea of who was behind it.


I focused my mind on Wren at the moment. If I was able to mindlink him the others will sense me.

I closed my eyes and searched for my bond with Wren.

I was surrounded by darkness, yet it was comforting. I looked all around for our binding string, when I found it, it was fuzzy like it wasn't clear if we were mates or not. I reached out for the whit ribbon like string and grazed it with my fingertips. Light surrounded me, blinded by the brightness of it.

I can feel him again. I opened my eyes but still grasped onto our binding string. He turned around so fast I thought he had whiplash. He threw Brayden from her throat and dashed towards me with lightning speed.

Get it?

Cause he has lightning abilities.

Anyway, his large body tackled mine in a bone crushing hug. He sniffed my neck, face and hair and held me close to his chest. He kissed my neck and my jaw whispering sweet nothings into my ears. He was warmer then usual still. I was used to him being cooler, but having him so close was all I really needed right now.

When he finally let me breathe, and pulled away he looked over me with his eyes for injuries and growled at the patch of blood in my sweater.

"What happened, Mate?" He ground out. Each word dripped with venom, I gulped and placed my hands on his hard chest.

Soothing his taut muscles with my hands. He hummed in appreciation and pulled away.

"Brayden stabbed me-" I didn't finish the sentence because Wren growled so loud the sky had darkened again but with red lightning crackling through the clouded area.

Kash growled too, his rumbled the ground, shaking the street sending crackling lines and broken cemented blocks into the air.

Okay, I never could do that.

Does he have his own abilities with mine too?

This day just keeps getting crazier and crazier.

Wren walked up to a shivering Brayden. His face held a furious, angry expression to it. But before he could grasp his large hands around her throat again, my Alpha appeared. Beta Ryan was next to him too.

How is he alive?

And he had two arms again?

Wren paid no attention to the Alpha and wrapped his hands around her neck again and shook her like she had change in her.

The Alpha stepped forward and spoke with a snarl on his face.

"Let her go, boy." He spat at Wren.

Wren tilted his head and smirked at the Alpha.

"Or what?" He chuckled darkly and squeezed her neck tighter, making her turn red and slightly purple in the face.

Alpha smiled and pointed towards me.

"Your mate dies."


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