Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 19



Still in Wren's arms, I looked up at him. His eyes were still red and sea green, they were distant in thought.

"Why didn't you tell me that he was contacting you, Kassidy?" He mumbled into my hair.

"What aren't you telling me, Wren?" I evaded his question and slid my arms from around him and held his face in my palms. He wouldn't look me in the eye at all.

"A couple years ago," he began and led us over to my bed. He pulled the covers over us and pulled me to his chest, being careful of my arm. "My father had been a very bad dad to me and Ben." He pulled me into his arms again.

"We were forced to train all of the time in the the worst condition. But after one of my terrible workouts in the middle of a rain storm, I collapsed onto the ground. I begged her to take me away, to let me die, but my dad heard me call out..." his eyes flashed a glint of pain at the memory of it. I guess his dad wasn't a happy subject for him.

"Wren, what did he do to you? And who were you calling out to?" I turned in his hold and reached up and cupped his cheek in my palm. He shut his eyes and let out a shaky breath before he continued.

"My dad bursts out of his meeting and beat me to a pulp. He left me mangled and unrecognizable, and later on his Beta came and wanted to put me out of my misery. He dragged my body into a cave near our pack boarders and went to stab me. Someone stopped him from doing so." His eyes glowed in anger again, I scooted away from him a bit.

And he noticed.

"Shit, I'm sorry baby, I know this is a lot right now but please, don't be afraid of me." He pulled me closer to him again.

I couldn't help it though, he hurt me. Even though my arm was almost all the way healed, the thought of it was still fresh in my mind.

"It was Stylo. Stylo, was the one who did this to me, after he found me in that cave with the Beta, he sent him away. He healed my body completely, he put all of the lost blood back into my body, but he did something to it." Wren shook his head, like he still didn't understand what happened to him.

"What do mean he did something to it. What did he do to you, Wren?" I am really trying not to jump out of that window and hunting down Stylo myself.

That little-

"He called it a new 'corruption'. He told me to fight it as long as I can without killing anyone. At the time I didn't know what he meant by it, until later that day. I was on my way back home to my dad and Ben to give them the good news." He huffed our a breath and rolled his eyes.

"I wanted my dad to see that I wasn't weak and that I could be as strong and reliable like Benji was. I wanted his approval so badly that I accepted Stylo's offer. He turned me into this new crazed beast. He mad me hungry, insane, and gave me a whole new definition of bloodlust." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"He released my other powers." He sighed.

"Other powers?" He ran a hand over his face.

"My dad isn't my real dad." He clarified.

"Then who is?" He shook his head and started to sit up. I pushed his chest and held him there.

"My real father is a demon, Kassidy." My mouth dropped open and my eyes popped out the sockets.

"So what does that make you, Wren?" I am still confused by all this.

Why would Stylo save his life to only make him animalistic like this?

"I'm a Hell Hound, Kassidy." What in the hell?

Hell hounds, the ones from hell?

Oh my God my mate is a demon dog.

Will he eat me?

Our friends?

The whole town?

He must've noticed my frantic mind racing and pulled me back into his embrace. He kissed my head and whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

"You're a Demon Dog, and, a Revolutionary,Wren? That's insane, you are a freaking hybrid and I'm just back from the dead with new cool abilities." Then an idea popped into my head.

"Hey, Wren?" I batted my eyelashes at him and drew circles on his chest. He shuddered under my touch, and I fucking loved it.

"Y-yeah, Kassidy?" He breathes out. His hand caught my wrist before I could do anything more to him.

"What do you want?" His voice was huskier than before.

"Since you're a Demon Dog now, does that mean you two sets of weapons that you can use? If so..." I drew out. I wrapped my legs over his hips, straddling him.

I placed both hands on mid chest, slowly trailing them down his abs towards the v-cut going towards his nether regions.

"Kassidy, what the hell do you think you're doing, huh?" His voice dropped to another level of huskiness. His eyes both began to smolder over in a dark heated gaze.

If he won't let me have them by asking, I guess I'll have to resort to other ways of persuasion.

I leaned down and kissed his lips. It started out slow and sweet, after a minute that it turned more fevered, and hard. My hands wrapped around his shoulders and neck, pulling him into a sitting position.

His hands, they traveled to the backs of my thighs, sliding me closer to his hips. I could feel his hot pulsing self in the inner part of my thigh, pressing against his boxers.

I pulled away slightly and dipped my head into the crook of his neck. Peppering open mouthed kisses down the length of his neck.

"Could I have your Demon weapons?" He looked completely thrown off by my question.

What was he expecting me to ask?

"So, you sit here and seduce me, just for weapons? I thought you were gonna ask for something else." His cheeks tinted a bit in embarrassment.

Goddess, I made him blush for once.

"Awe, did I make Mr.Tough Wren blush?" I squealed, I gripped his cheeks and pinched them.

He smacked my hands off of his face and growled. "I am not blushing, Kassidy. It's you that's blushing." He turned his head to the side looking away from me.

"Can we just sleep? Great fucking idea, Wren." He mumbled to himself.

"We are not done here. Let me have one of your weapons, please." He shook his head and laid back down with me still straddling him. "I'll do anything you want." This grabbed his attention.

His sea green and red eyes bore into my blue greens. The intensity of his stare made me squirm on his lap.

"Keep squirming and I'll take you right now." He growled out. I knew that he still had a boner under those thin boxers he's wearing.

So another idea popped into my head, a wicked smile graced my lips and Wren's face paled.

"What the hell are you thinking, Grayson?" Wow, last name basis.

"Oh nothing, McAllistair." I innocently blinked down at him. I sat up and moved down his legs, straddling his thighs.

I placed my hands on either thigh and slowly moved my hands further up towards his boxer clad boner.

"Kassidy, baby, what are doing exactly?" Wren sounded strained, his voice dropped a couple octaves lower and his breathing became short.

His hands came down to grasp mine, but then I decided to use my anticipation. Everything moved in slow motion.

I never used it on command before. I guess I'll learn how to later.

I reached over into my nightstand and opened my drawer and pulled out my long socks. I grabbed both of his hands and tied them together to my bed post.

After successfully tying him down I went back to normal time.

"Kassidy, I can't just give you my weapon- oh fuck." He groaned. My hand massaged him through his boxers. It throbbed in my hand. He groaned and growled as I quickened my pace.

I reached up and pulled back the waistband of the boxers and began to slide them down his hips, releasing his not so small, Wren Jr.

"Do you have any idea how bad I'm gonna get you back for this- shit." He growled again.

I grabbed him in both of my hands, since its too big for only one, and rubbed circles on the tip. Pre-cum was oozing out already. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as my other hand pumped him up and down.

"Fucking untie me." He growled pulling against the restraints of my socks, but I wasn't having it. I pumped harder and faster and he moaned loudly.

I could tell he was close so I stopped my movement and his eyes snapped open.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Kassidy?" He sneered at me. I just pulled his boxers back up his hips and straddled him again. His normally cool body was burning up.

"That was for breaking my arm out of socket. That is your punishment, no release for Wrennie-Bear today." I say while rolling my hips against his hard on. He groaned again and tried to get out of the socks that were tied together around his wrists.

He looked at me with a menacing smile. He closed his eyes and the temperature in the room dropped, ice danced around his hands and coated the socks. He looked up at me and winked before breaking the icicle socks in pieces of ice shards.


"Now, what were you saying darlin'?" He mocked me. I leaned down and kissed him, he immediately responded with eagerness and kissed back. His hands cupped my butt and squeezed.

His thumbs rubbed over the hem of my lacy panties. I rolled my hips on his again and groaned into my mouth. I reluctantly pulled away from his addictive lips and sat up.

"It wasn't just about the weapons, or breaking my arm." I admitted shyly. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and looked down at Wren.

"Then what was it about then, you jerked me off and stopped when I was about come, why?" My cheeks tinged pink at his question. I know I shouldn't really be blushing since I did just give him a hand job.

I wasn't really experienced with this kind of stuff. I only knew how to do this because of Anais. She suggested it a while before my birthday to learn some stuff for when I found my mate.

"Since you h-helped me out the other day, I wanted to do the same for y-you I guess." I managed to get out.

He just looked at my face and studied me, his hands still rubbing my butt.

"I see, but you didn't let me come though, was that just a part of my torture then?" He asked. I nodded at him.

"Let's go to sleep now, alright?" He pulled me down and yanked the blankets over us. I turned away from him towards my window gazing the stars. Wren's arm wrapped around my torso, holding me to his now warner body.

'Let the games, begin...'

The words flooded my mind again, I wonder what he meant by that.

And what else did Wren do?

His soft snores brought me out my thinking, I breathed in deeply, closing my eyes.

Deep slumber captured me.


I cracked my eyes open to be blinded by a bright light streaming through my window. I let out a small whimper and tried to move. But I couldn't, a heavy weight was laying on top of me.


He actually stayed the night this time.

Wren's chest was on my face and his arms were holding my head. His stomach was laying on my chest and torso, while his legs were intertwined with my thighs and legs.

"Wren, get your fat ass off of me!" I growled out. He just mumbled incoherent words as he snuggled into me even more.

"Wren, I will set you on fire if you don't move!" And he nodded his head and slid down my body until his face was smushed on mine. His arms wrapped around my torso and his legs were still intertwined with mine.

"Kassidy, can I tell you a secret? Promise me you won't tell anybody else." Something's off. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"Of course, Wren."

"I killed...a lot of people, and I think I will again. So can you put me away, please?" He whined.

Why the fuck is he acting like a baby?

Is this what happens if Wren is sleeping?

More importantly, all the people he killed.

How many?

And where do I lock him up?

"Wren, how do I-" I was interrupted by a thunderous growl from beside me.

Wren looked up at me with now, two blazing red eyes. His chest was heaving up and down and he began to shake like crazy.

"Wren?" I was a wee bit scared of him at the moment.


I was pissing myself, not really, but I'm close!

Wren tilted his head and he looked at me with curiosity then jumped off my bed. He started pacing around my room, pulling his hair, talking to himself.

"Hungry. Hungry. Hungry." He kept muttering. He snapped his head up to me and gave me an evil crooked smile.

"Can I eat you, Kassidy? It will be quick I promise, little to no pain." He took a step towards my bed. Right before he took a step my phone dinged and he stopped. He kept bouncing all around with that weird smile on his face as he talked me.

Or himself.

"Aren't you gonna see who it is baby, or can I check it for you?" He tilted his head again looking for a response from me.

"I can get it, Wren." I shakily reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone and looked at the message.


'Give the phone to Wren. I suggest you evacuate everyone out of there. He tends to get messy when hungry.


I look up to Wren to see him already staring at me. I look in his eyes and they looked dull, empty, lifeless. The whites of his eyes weren't white anymore. They were inky black while his irises were crimson red.

His aura was so dark and daunting. Small crackles of red lightning surrounded his body lightly in small pulses like it wasn't really there.

"He wants to talk to you, Wren." I hold the phone out for him to take. He looks at it and then to me with a questioning look on his very scary, but beautiful face.

"Who are you?" He tilted his head and stared at me. My heart broke into little pieces as he kept staring like I was an unsolvable mystery to him.

"And why is there a he texting your phone?" He growled out.

Wait what?

He doesn't know who I am then he gets all jealous and possessive on me?


"I know who you are now." He closes his eyes and thinks hard about it. When he opened his eyes again, they blazed with a glint of mischief.

"You're mine. You're my mate aren't you?" He asked me.

I nodded my head and he stepped closer to me until we were face to face. His right hand cupped my left cheek and his thumb slid across the apple of my cheek.

"So fucking gorgeous, and.." he smelled the air and smiled to himself. "Pure. Other girls aren't like you . You are smart, and pretty," he said licking his lips.

Is it bad that I want to kiss him while he's gone all Demon Dog on me?

"I bet you taste good too." He closed his eyes and inhaled my scent in the crook of my neck. "You smell absolutely delicious, did you know that?" He asked, his hands wound up on my waist and he pulled me closer to him.

He looked down at his sweater I was wearing and his gaze turned angry. "Who's sweater is this and why are you wearing it?" He ground out through his teeth.

"I-its your sweater, Wren I promise it is. I wore it to sleep last night because I wanted to wear it." I nervously laughed and shrugged my shoulders. He played with the hem of his sweater and pouted his lips.

"Take it off." He stayed, no question about it. I want to keep him as happy as possible and complied to his wish.

If I was an angry Demon Dog, I would want Wren in his underwear too.

Once the sweater was off and thrown on my bed he smirked down at me.

Oh fudge.

"I like you like this," his finger looped around my black bra strap. "In your underwear, you look even more delectable darlin'." His voice was different.

Deeper, more powerful than how he actually is. Yeah, his voice was already deep, but this is just so much more.

If this were normal Wren trying to dirty talk, his voice would be 50 shades of husky and deep.

Demon Wren has a strong deep voice that exerts power, a slight husk to it that just makes my panties melt.

I like happy Demon Wren.

"Do you like me, mate? Am I a good enough mate for you?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Of course Demon Wren, you scared me, and the last time we talked..." I trailed off thinking of how painful it was.

"I'm sorry, love, I was angry. But I'll never hurt you again, unless you like that kind of stuff of course." He shrugged.

He kept playing with my bra strap like it was so fun. He snapped his bloody gaze to my eyes. "Can I kiss you? I can make it up to you darlin'." He insisted.

With food, because I am starving and all of this changing personalities is stressing me out.

"What do you have in mind, Demon Wren?" I asked a bit warily because if he brings me back a dead bird, I'm flipping my shit.

"I'll get food for us." He smiled. I nodded and he was still standing here holding me close to him playing with the bra strap.

"I almost forgot, we didn't kiss." A devilish smirk crossed his plump lips.

"Yeah, we didn't kiss-" I was cut off my hot electrifying lips colliding with my own. This kiss was different from the first kiss with Revolutionary Wren.

This was was while new level.

He picked me up from my thighs and pushed me up against the wall, his tongue slid into my mouth. I moaned into his mouth, his tongue shocked mine with force.

The kiss was deep and searing. My body shook to life, his hands wandered my body shocking me with small bolts of red lightning across my skin. He grounded his hips into mine and groaned into the kiss. I could feel him through the thin layers of underwear we had on. But then he pulled away.

"If I continue, you will not be able to use your legs anymore darlin'." He moved his face to my neck, peppering kisses on my pulse and under my ear.

"I will be so deep inside of you that you'll feel me in your lungs, understand?" The only thing I could do was nod at him in response.

"Good mate, now let's get clothes on." He set me back down on my feet and walked back to my phone and began to type.

He knows my password?

All of a sudden, Wren growls like crazy, his chest heaving again and he looked at me with blazing eyes.

Happy Demon Wren has left and gone.

"What's wrong, Wren?" I crawled onto my bed and made my way over to Wren.

I grabbed his shoulder and jumped back at the shock. His aura started to crack and leak from being his aura anymore. It surrounded his physical body. He trembled with anger and his bones started to shift under his skin.

"He said something bad, mate." He growled. He handed me my phone and I stilled at the message.


'I'm coming for your mate, Wren.



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