Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 18



It's been two days since the incident at the Creek, and it's been eerily quiet.There still hasn't been any sign of Brayden, her dad's missing body, or Stylo.

Wren's been on alert a lot lately too.

We don't kiss as long as we used to anymore because he thinks someone's going to pop out and stab us.

It's just so crazy.


It's Saturday, and today Kash and I are having a sibling day. We haven't had one in one time in a while since Wren and Ben came around.

To be honest, I missed my twin.

We were currently lounging on the couches in our living room stuffing our faces with snacks. Ranging from Oreo's, chips, dips, Sour Patch Kids, and chocolate. We were watching Netflix and enjoying each other's company.

"Hey, Kassi?" Kash broke the comfortable silence.

I look over and smile at him. "Yeah?"

His face had shifted from a happy grin to a small frown. "I have to tell you something crazy, alright. open-minded about it okay?" He stressed.

I nodded and turned my attention to him and paused the episode. "You okay?"

"Yeah, but I think I need help Kassidy." His head hung low in frustration. "I think I may like..." he paused. He let out a shaky breath.

"Who do you like Kash? The only person who even really talk to nowadays is Benji." I snorted. It would be nuts if he liked Ben, they're best friends.

"That's the thing Kassi," he shook his head and let out a humorless chuckle.

"I actually do like Ben." He looked straight into my eyes.

Say what?

"You what?!" I yelped out. "I can't believe this whole time I thought you had a thing for Kassandra."

This is a whole new level of a surprise.

"I do, and I'm so confused, Kassidy. I like them both and I don't know what to do. I told you to keep an open-minded perspective about it. Oh my Goddess, I can't believe I told you!" Kash shook his head again and got up to leave.

He better not leave.

I jumped up from my place on the couch and tackled him onto the ground. I sat on his back, holding down his shoulder with my knees.

"You better tell me everything Kash Xavier Grayson! Details now!" He flipped us over and was currently holding onto my legs. My hands punched at his hands.

"I'm not telling you a damn thing, until you stop and get your fat ass off of me. You are a fucking whale, Kassidy!" He flipped us over and landed in my stomach sideways, putting his huge chest on my face. I was choking under him.

We didn't even pay attention to the door opening and voices filled the room.

"Kash? Kassidy? What the hell are you two doing on the floor?"A voice called out to the two of us, still wrestling on the floor.

We stopped dead in our tracks looking like deer caught in the headlights playing Twister. Ben and Wren had curious expressions sitting on their faces. Analyzing the situation with my brother and I.

We pushed each other apart and fell in our butts. My hair was so messed up and looked like a damn bird's nest. Kash looked as ruffled up as I did. We both let out a huff of air and pouted like kids.

"He started it!" We yelled at the same time.

"She started it!" We pointed fingers at each other as we looked at the two brothers standing in the living room.

Ben shook his head laughing and approached Kash and helped him up then wrapped and arm around his shoulder.

"Call of Duty today?" Ben said with a hopeful expression dancing across his face.

Kash shook his head and gave a sad smile. "Not today dude, Kassi and I are having a sibling day. Maybe tomorrow?" He asked. Ben nodded his head and turned towards me.

"Hey Kassidy!" He yelled and swooped me into a bear hug, squeezing the life out of me. I mentally began to write a will until he let go.

"Don't be so rough with her..." Wren began pulling me into his chest. "It's my job." He smirked and kissed my forehead.

"That's enough lovebirds. Now,Wren can you release my dear sister so we can finish binge watching stuff on Netflix. We have all day." Kash let out an over dramatic sigh.

"Why don't we all have a sibling day. Me and Ben are siblings and you two are. So, let's just hang out together." Wren suggested. He let go of me and I plopped back into my place on the couch and grabbed the Oreo's.

"Can you all shut up so I can press play. If you're gonna stay, then sit down already." I grumbled. They all looked up at me and shrugged. Then the boys kicked off their shoes and piled onto the couch with blankets and snacks, we sat and watched Scary Movie and laughed together.


A movie and some snacks later...


Ben and Wren decided to stay over for the night. My parents were having doubts about our idea, but after we all jumped on them and begged, they gave in.

Back in the living room, Ben and Wren were arguing over their Guardians of the Galaxy favorite characters.

"Groot, is the best damnit!" Wren growled. Slamming was heard and more growls as they continued to argue.

"No he's not, dumbass. It's obviously Drax." Ben grumbled.


Kash and I were making and getting more snacks in the kitchen. My mind drifted back to the conversation we had earlier.

Was Kash really bi?

I mean, I'm not appalled by it, just surprising that's all.

He was always 'anti-boy' and drooled over Kassandra and Anais. Hell, I think he even liked Jordan too, only because he seen her in a bikini during spring break last year.

Ben's voice brought me back to reality. "What the hell is taking so long? I'm hungry and I will raid this whole damn house if you don't hurry up!" Ben was standing in the door frame of the kitchen and growled out pouting.

How does he sound scary, but then looks like a kid who can't have candy?

No sense.

"Here we come!" Kash called out. He turned over to me and gave me a look saying, 'we'll talk about it later'.

I nodded and exited the kitchen with buffalo wings and ranch dip in my hands for us to eat. Kash came out shortly with an oven baked pizza.

I walked back into the kitchen to grab plates and soda when my phone buzzed.

Unknown :

'Hello, my dearest. I need you to come to the following address alone. If you tell your boyfriend I'll make him pay for his past mistakes against me. Don't tell your other friends either. Just come without a question on Friday evening.

XO '

I reread the message ten times to make sure I didn't miss anything. It stayed the same. I tried calling but the number disconnected as soon as I hit dial. The address they gave me was around the cemetery. It makes me think back to when I climbed out of the grave I was in.

Theo and Helena.

I decided to give them a call later on this evening. I grabbed all the stuff and went back into the living room with my boys.

As soon as I sat down, Wren pulled me towards him and sat me across his lap. My legs were dangling over his thighs and onto Kash's legs. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent.

"What took you so long?" He mumbled out. I shook my head and laid my head onto his chest and ate my pizza and wings.

He won't ever find out...


After more Netflix and eating, Wren and I retired to my room to sleep, while Ben and Kash stayed downstairs to watch more stuff and chat.

When we entered my room, I immediately threw off my sweater and stole Wren's as he tossed his onto my desk chair. I picked it up and pulled it over my head.

Smells so good.

"You like my sweater that much, baby?" Wren asked with a surprised glint in his eyes. I nodded and took off my pajama pants and crawled under my galaxy blankets. Wren did the same with his shirt and pants and crawled in after me with just boxers on.

Wren pulled me onto his chest and kissed my head. I snuggled into his cool body and just laid there in deep thought, and so did he.

My thoughts were occupied by the message I had gotten.

'If you tell your boyfriend I'll make him pay for his past mistakes against me.'

What did they mean by that?

Wren hurt somebody in his past?

I wonder what else he hasn't told-

'What aren't you telling me, darlin'? Wren's voice shook me out of my mind.

Well that was ironic.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair thinking of an excuse to tell him.

"What are you-" I can't lie to him.

After everything we've already been through, I can't.

I would never put him in danger.

"You can tell me what's going on Kassidy, I won't judge." Wren pulled me closer to his chest, playing with the ends of my hair. I looked up at him, his green eyes intensely bore into mine.

I can't lie to him.

But I'm not going to put him in any danger either.

Knowing how stubborn I am, Wren flipped us over in an instant and started tickling my sides. "Wren! S-stop!" I bursts out in more giggles and laughter. Wren just down at me with a smirk on his face.

"Nope, not until you tell me what your hiding." He tickled even harder. I finally gave up and looked up at him. I gave a shy smile and gave a soft kiss to his lips.

It's the moments like these that I wish can last forever. But happy times are over for now. I lay back into his chest and collected my thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke. "I think Stylo contacted me." He tensed underneath me. I turned around and straddled his waist and put my hand on his chest, massaging the tension from it.

Wren slid out from under me and went to my window. After a few minutes of him gazing out into the dead of night, he turned and looked into my eyes. Hurt rushed through them, but more importantly, the anger.

His eyes were a simmering sea green, more vibrant than usual. Darker in anger, but what surprised me most was a different color.

Blood red.

It flickered in his eyes for a second, but I still seen it. That one second put more fear into me than anything I've ever seen.

It was dark with malice, pure rotten evil that leaked into the world, for just a second. I hadn't even released I jumped to the other side of the room. I was shaking like a leaf, and he noticed.

He always noticed.

"Please...don't be afraid of me." Wren's voice cracked. He took a step closer to me and I scooted into the corner. Thinking that the walls would just swallow me whole, and take me away from whatever that was.

"W-what was that, Wren?" My voice came out small. Like a whisper. His eyes flashed that blazing evil red again, but more appeared in his eyes.

Like it was spreading.

He took another step towards me and I started to panic, hyperventilating like crazy. His nostrils flared in anger and his eyes grew darker and darker, 'til there wasn't any sea green left.

Just black, and that blazing red.

The air had gotten thicker with darkness as he stepped closer. I scooted further into the corner away from him as he neared.

"Kassidy, get off the floor, right now." Wren's voice dropped dangerously low, unlike anything I've ever heard before.

It sounded almost...demonic.

I stood up slowly from the floor on shaky legs. Tears began to stream down my face.

I've never been this scared before, but right now in this moment, I feel like I'm in danger.

"That wasn't so hard to do, now was it, Kassidy?" His voice shook the walls, leaving tremors through my body. He extended his hand out to me to grab. I shook my head, not being able to form or speak words at the time.

"Now why weren't you listening?" He asked more angrily than a second ago. How much more angry can he get?

I shook my head again. He pulled my hand roughly towards him. A sickening crack filled the air.

And so did a scream.

It was mine.

The screaming in sheer agony and cracking of bones was from me.

I looked at my limp arm through tear filled eyes. My heart thrashing against my ribs, threatening to jump out. Wren stood there shocked by what he did. His eyes snapped into mine, regret pooling out like a waterfall. Guilt simmering against the surface. The red in his eyes disappeared in a flash, an d Wren toppled over with a yelp of pain.

"No! Not again, not again." He shook his head and pulled his hair.

"Fuck! Why now?!" His voice went back to normal, but yet it was strained in pain. He held is head with his hands and rocked back and forth. When he looked up again, one of his eyes was sea green, and the other was blazing blood red.

What the hell is he?

"I'm so sorry baby! I'm so fucking sorry, I knew I should have stayed away. I'm so stupid for bringing you into this, and then I hurt you. I never wanted to do that." Tears filled his eyes now, broken and shattered was now the feelings between Wren and I.

He looked in my eyes and got onto his knees and wrapped his arms around my torso before I could move away. His head under my chest, tightly holding me. "Please forgive me, Kassidy. I'll explain everything when I get better, okay. I'm going to leave-" I cut him off.

"Shut up, Wren!" I placed my good hand on my broken arm and snapped it back into place with a scream. My abilities kicked in and I began to heal.

"What the fuck was that? You broke my arm, your eyes changed colors and you keep talking to someone. What's going on?" I cried out.

Still hurt like a bitch.

"I'm corrupt, Kassidy. I don't know how much longer I can keep it at bay." His muffled voice reached my ears.

Wren was still trying to hold onto me and I slid away from his grasp. He looked up at me with hurt in his sea green and red eyes. He stood up and pulled me into his embrace and just stayed there.

I know I shouldn't be nice to him right now, but he's got something going on. And I'm going to find out, whether it kills me or not.

"We'll figure it out, just like we've always have." I reached up and massaged his scalp with my good hand.

My phone dinged from across the room. It was from the unknown number again.


'Let the games, begin.


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