Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 05



Being home again was brand new to me. It was like I was a whole new person. I have to make all these choices, and have to take in all these new responsibilities because of my new powers. And it was all too much.

Let me explain. . .



“Kassidy, you cannot go into the public yet, you’ll cause a serious panic!” Theo tried reasoning with me.

“But I am not staying cooped up anymore. I want to visit my family, and let them know that I’m okay.” I reasoned, but he knew that I couldn’t handle my powers correctly.

I don’t want to incinerate them on accident.

I’ve been alive again for about two weeks now, and it’s been great living long with Theo and Helena.

Don’t get me wrong, I love staying here. With being taken care of and those generous amounts of food that Helena stuffs me with, why would I wanna leave?

Since I’m a Revolutionary now, my appetite is the equivalent to a ship of starved men.

I eat everything they give and then some more.

But I still want my family.

On the plus side, I’m still in great shape, being a fat ass in a great body is freaking amazing.

“Now, I need to leave before I set myself on fire!” I tried to give another reason as to why I should leave.

“Come on, I’ve been learning to control my powers, even though I almost may have set the couch on fire once.” I tried to reassure them.

I only set one thing on fire that one time.

Or twice?

I don’t know, who’s keeping count?

Besides all of that, anyways, I been able to sense things they don’t, minutes before it happens. Like the pizza man, I sensed him approaching our street a few blocks back before he came rolling down to us. I can hear everything, and I mean everything.

It’s gross trying to eat pizza and hearing a couple around the block having sex. Even though it’s super funny hearing conversations from other people too.

It breaks my heart hearing them.

My family and my friends.

Especially Anais, she’s been reaching out to me, praying to the Moon goddess to just let me talk to her, just once. And I almost crack, hearing her weep, saying things like:

“I wanna be with you so bad, Kassi, I’ll come, I promise.”

It breaks my heart.

I might mindlink her to let her know I’m here to tell her I’m alright. It’s the least I could do.

But I listened to Solanis.

Speaking of the Keeper, she said I could contact her, and I have. She tells me things on my powers, and even told me my mate was here. I just have to look for him when I have some decent control on my powers.

Which I do.

I asked if I can contact my loved ones, she said if I do my powers would react to their pain, and it won’t be good.

But I miss them so much, hearing my mom shake and weep as if she was right next to me, it makes my heart clench.

I’m gonna do it. I make my way into the small kitchen where Theo and Helena are making dinner, and sit at the table. I’m gonna tell them I’m leaving to go home to my family.

First, I’m gonna mindlink them all at once. Next, I’ll run home into their arms and never let go. Then, hunt him down. He better be as good as Solanis said he was, or I’m setting someone on fire.

“Hey, my girl, something on your mind?” Theo questions.

I looked up at him and gave a small sad smile. I really don’t wanna leave him and Helena.

They’re like a second family to me.

“Um, I would like to go home, and see my family. I know you think I don’t have my powers under control, but I do. I really do! I promise, Solanis has been helping me.” I hope I made my point great enough.

I need this.

“I know you guys are tired of me being around I’ll get out of your hair, and I’ll pay you for your help. I am so grateful for you two.”

They look at me with shocked and saddened eyes. I can see their emotions on them.

Pain. Sadness. Shock. Fear.

They don’t want anything bad to happen to me. I knew that, but I wasn’t really their daughter. They glance at each other, then back at me.

Saddened smiles on their faces, Helena’s tears are flying out like a waterfall. Theo was hurt, but no tears were shed from his eyes.

“Are you sure, sweetie? You really want to do that?” Helena asks quietly, looking down at her apron tied around her waist. “If that’s what you feel is best, and with the help of Solanis, I suppose we could take you home. Promise us one thing though.” She says sternly.

I look into her warm brown eyes and look into them.

She says,” You come back on every other weekend to check in with us sweetie, we can’t bare to loose you darling.” She gives another sad look.

I nod quickly, I stand to my feet and walk over to where she stands by the stove. I wrap my hands around her torso and let her warmth wrap around me.

Seconds later, Theo hugs me too. We stay like that for what seems like forever, but it ends too soon when she pulls away sniffling.

“Girly, look after yourself, okay? Because I’m not afraid of a little bloodshed.” She jokes.

I put my pinky in the air, and she wraps hers around mine, promising to her I’ll be back.

After putting all the clothes Helena had given me in a large black backpack. I drape it over my shoulder and head to the car. With Theo in the driver’s seat and Helena in the passenger seat, I take the back. Theo looks up into the rear view mirror and locks his gaze with mine.

I want you to know that I love you, my girl, and I will always be here if you ever need me. Keep that hood on and keep those flames in check. Alright?′ Theo mindlinks me.

Since we’re in the same pack, we already have a bond.

I look up and nod to him.

Then I mouthed to him, “I love you too”. And with that the car roars to life, then off we go. We drive for about fourty-five minutes until the familiar trees and houses come into view.

I wonder how long it would have taken me on foot. My thoughts came to a stop.

There it is.

My home.

The familiar black Jeep in the front of the house, while the old black Cadillac was in the driveway.

The two-story brown and red bricked house, the big bay window looking into the living room.

The dark wooden planks on the porch floor and steps.

The rickety rocking chair and couch swing lonely sitting there.

The tears fall down when I can hear their voices talking about mine, the things I would laugh at, sing too, complain about.

All teary-eyed. I look up at Theo and Helena already looking behind them at me.

Sadness was filling the car quickly.

I get a curt nod from Theo and he walks out the car and grabs my backpack. Helena gets out and opens my door.

I step out, hand in chest looking at them.

I open my mindlink, and speak.

“Guys, I’m home.”

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