Awakening The Storm

Chapter Storm 28



It felt too quiet. The trees weren’t swaying, the birds weren’t cawing, and the creek sounded like it wasn’t flowing. Something’s off.

“What’s going on?” Ben asked, obviously feeling what I was.

Not a second later, Dad began to usher us in the house without explaining what was happening.

“Wait! I thought we were going outside?” Kash yelped as Dad kicked his butt through the door. With another yelp, Kash fell straight to the floor.

We didn’t have tome to laugh about it since the dread in the air put a damper on our good mood.

“What’s going on, Dad?” I ask. The anxiety I felt slipped into my voice.

I’m freaking out.

Small sparks drifted through my skin as Wren’s hand intertwined in mine. I look over at him, he was already looking at me.

The warmth in his eyes calmed me down a bit, but the uncertainty in them scared me even more.

Dad closed all the curtains, cut the lights, and shushed us all. “I need all of you to listen carefully,” he began, “I know you all can feel the dread sticking’ in the air.” He said. He peered out the fold in the blinds before facing us again. “We need to execute our plan now.” He said seriously as his brows strewn together.

“The Alpha is making his move?” Kash asked. Dad nodded and went down into the basement. We all followed behind him to see what he was doing.

The sounds of objects clattering filled the basement as Dad was tossing things out of his way as he crouched over searching for something.

“Mary Anne?!” He calls out. My mom pushed through us to get to his side.

“What is it?” She asked. Dad sighed and stood to his full height.

“I need to find the safe.” He sighed out. Mom hummed in thought, her eyes wandering over the basement as she pondered.

“Behind the wall in the second to last cell.” She gasped snapping her fingers as she realized. Dad kissed her forehead and went to the shifting cells.

“What safe?” Kash and I asked in unison. Mom turned and looked at us before she jutted her head in the direction Dad went.

I looked over at Kash and gave him a confused look. He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a look that mirrored my own. We both sighed and went after Dad.

He was in one of the cells, feeling along the walls for something. He turned his head over his shoulder to look at us before he motioned us over with a wave of his hand.

“Feel up this wall.” He told us. Kash and I exchanged curious glances before stepping into the cell.

“Why are we fondling the wall, Dad?” Kash asked. Dad growled under his breath before turning to us completely.

“I said feel the damn wall!” He barked. The air was drenched in his frustration, it was starting to get to me.

Kash and I walked deeper into the cell and placed our hands against the rusted wall. I made my hand into a fist and knocked along the metal, listening for any shallow points in the wall.

When the hallow echo reached my ears, I knew I found what we were looking for. “It’s here, Dad,” I tell him knocking on the wall again so he could hear.

He motioned me to move out of his way, and I moved back to stand next to Kash. We both watched as Dad banged on the wall with his fist, making the mound sound echo.

“Light me a fire, Kassi.” He instructs holding his palm out towards me.

I let my power simmer as a large flame spread across my fingers. I walked closer to Dad and clasped my hand in his, feeling dizzy as his power took a portion of the flame.

His index finger burned bright as he used it to melt the metal of the cell wall. The thin sheet of metal curled around Dad’s finger as he trailed it along the length of the wall.

“Woah. . .” Kash awed. I guess he hadn’t seen Dad’s affinity yet.

“You’ve never. . ?” I asked trailing on. Kash shook his head and looked down at his hands.

A small plant sprouted from the palm of his hand. The healthy green leaves danced in his palm as they grew little by little in his hand.

I looked up to his eyes. The galaxy blues were clouded by silver as Kash watched his creation in his hand.

The only thing I can create is destruction, while Kash can sprout nature from the palm of his hand.

I glanced down at my hands. The flame had went back under my skin, still simmering.

Waiting to be used again.

I focused my energy on the small deer I had made before with my flames back in the Keeper’s Palace. The flames glided along my skin as they danced and spun around my hand. Shaping, and shifting into the desired shape.

And there he was, the small flaming deer in my palm again. He trotted around my hand and snorted out a small cloud of ash.

I giggled at the small creature as it sniffed around my hand. Kash’s hand moved next to mine in the air. He laid his fingers atop of mine, letting the flaming deer into his hand with the dancing plant. The deer sniffed at the plant gingerly, as if it knew that he could hurt it.

The plant leaned toward the tiny flaming deer, letting the deer climb onto one of its leaves. To my surprise, the flaming deer didn’t sizzle through the leaf. He just laid comfortably on the lead and rested there.

Amazed, I reached my non-flaming hand forward and pet the leaf holding my deer. The leaf leaned into my touch and sprouted another leaf to wrap gently around my finger.

Kash and I laughed as the leaf danced again. I didn’t notice when Dad finished until he came over to us and placed his much larger hand around both of ours. The flaming deer and the dancing plant disappeared.

I shot my head up to look at Dad. His face looked concentrated on something before I felt the slight dizziness of him taking my power.

“Look at what I can do,” he said. Kash and I exchanged curious looks before glancing down at our father’s hand.

The dancing leaf was aflame now. The deer was now a leafy little creature trotting around his big hand. My eyes went wide as I stared at the creatures. “H-how?” Kash and I both ask. My eyes met his as he just shrugged.

“So you could take other’s power and use it?” Kash asked Dad, he nodded. “For how long?” He asked. Dad sighed and let the creatures climb back into our hands before answering.

“However long I want to. I could give back the power if I wanted, but I would always give back the power I use from you two.” He says as he walks past us with two large duffel bags. “Let’s find a jar to put them in.” He called out as he exited the cell.

Kash and I rushed after him, almost bumping into his back. Once we made it back to where everyone else was at, we all went back up the stairs.

Dad dropped the two duffles on the dinning table and scanned all of our faces. All if the adults made their way over to his side before he began. “You all have extraordinary power. Only some of you can manipulate that power right now, and that’s okay,” he said before hitting his head to the duffles. “For those who haven’t unlocked their power has a weapon.” He stated.

My eyes darted to Anais, Jordan, and Kassandra. They didn’t have their powers unlocked since they hadn’t been to Purgatory yet.

“Wait.” Noah interjected, grabbing Dad’s attention. “Me and Stylo both died and came back from Purgatory, but nothing’s happening to us.” He says pointedly. Dad’s lip tilted up in a small smile.

“Well nothing happened yet, because some of you haven’t turned eighteen yet. Well, you and Stylo both turned eighteen but were out of Styloneus’ reach. The girls all turn eighteen soon,” Dad said looking to the girls next to me.

“Also, Alex didn’t know that all of you have the potential to become Revolutionary.” Styloneus said with a smile. “His focus was just on Kassidy and Wren, but all of you can gain the power, but I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have,” he said sincerely.

“So, would I have to wait until my coronation?” Noah asked Dad and Styloneus.

Styloneus gestured for Dad to answer. He pondered for a minute before continuing. “If your parents are okay with it.” He said with a shrug.

Stylo turned and looked at his dad. “What about me?” He asked quietly as f he shouldn’t have asked at all.

“Do you really need anymore power? You’re already a prodigy of magic use already, you don’t need the Revolutionary power on top of that,” he reasoned.

“I guess you’re right,” he smirked and have a wink to Anais. She winked back and turned away from Noah’s glare.

“Alright, kids,” Dad said getting our attention again, “who’s going first?” He asked.

Kash, Ben, Wren, and I all stepped back to let our friends get their weapons. Dad turned his back toward us and unzipped the bags.

“Each one of parents had these weapons custom made for each one of you, so whichever weapon calls out to you, it’s yours.” Diane, Anais’ mom, added as Dad emptied out the contents of the duffles onto the table.

Anais steps up first.


The adults had already left. It was just us kids now. Well, more like young adults since we’re eighteen and seventeen still.

“I want everyone using the link, alright?” Ben directed. We all nodded. “We all know the plan?” He asked scanning all of our faces.

“Could you just explain again, Benji?” Jordan’s small voice requested. Ben nodded and looked at the blonde with sympathy.

“We all scatter around the woods surrounding Alex’s house. That’s where Xander think he’s been all this time since the Pack House was burned down,” he began. “We break off into small groups of about two to three, all using our powers and whatever weapons Xander had supplied. We fight off the rogues, whatever pack members Alex has and make sure no one interrupts Xander and the others.” He explains.

Jordan nodded to herself and hugged herself. I wrapped an arm around her should and hugged her. She crouched into herself at my touch, I didn’t blame her though. After everything she’s been through, I wouldn’t want anyone touching me.

I know the pain well enough.

“I want to be with Jordan and Kass, Ben.” Kash requests determined. Jordan gave him a thankful smile and nodded.

Kassandra had been silent since Dad and I rescued her. I can see the emptiness in her eyes whenever she looks in mine. Jordan is coping a bit better, but there’s a misty look in her eyes too.

“Anais and Stylo are with me,” Noah asserted. Ben chuckled and shook his head.

“Wren’s taking her, and Kassidy is going with you. I’ll be with them, so you’ll be fine.” Ben assured him. Noah rolled his eyes and pulled a cigarette from his pocket and walked over to me.

I lit my finger and brought it to the death stick. “Thanks, Sugar Plum.” Noah thanked and brooded to himself. Anais smirked to herself and shook her head trying to stifle a laugh.

Wren clenched his fist in slight anger. He hated the fact that Noah had a nickname for me. I grabbed his hand, letting the sparks flow from me to him. He calmed down a bit, but his jaw was locked tight.

“Stylo,” Noah called out.

“What?” He answered confusedly.

“Fuckin’ behave.” Noah grumbled. Stylo scoffed and rolled his eyes at the vampire and stuffed his hands into his pocket.

“I won’t.” Stylo snapped back. Noah shook his head and gave me a pointed look.

“What am I supposed to do?” I ask unsure of what he wanted of me.

Noah sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and pulled the cigarette from his lips. “I want you to tell him to behave. He listens to you.” Noah grumbled.

Anais giggles and slapped Noah’s shoulder. “Leave Kassi out of this. If Stylo wants to go a lil’ crazy, let him. He needs to let his emotions out somehow,” she reasoned. Stylo gave her a grateful smile and laughed to himself as Noah’s face scrunched up.

“Stay outta this, Buttercup.” He growled. Anais winked and rolled her eyes before turning to Stylo.

“I’m on his side anyway, Noah,” she sneered playfully. “You need to let loose too, you been grumpy since you popped back up,” she groaned rolling her eyes.

Noah smirked and gave a wry laugh. “Well, there’s one way to get rid of all of this tension,” he said and winked at her. She gave a fake laugh before flipping him off.

“Fuck yourself.” She said drolly. Noah smirked and stepped into her personal space.

“It would be easier if you just did,” he husked licking his lips. Anais’ heartbeat increased, and Noah’s fangs dipped from beneath his lips.

"Are we really gonna watch them go at it?” I asked Wren through the link. He shrugged his shoulder and leaned toward me.

’Don’t you love seeing them role each other up?′ He laughed. I shook my head and pushed his shoulder.

This is getting weird now,′ Kash added into the link. ′Should we stop them before they end up tearing each other apart?′ He asked.

’Let’s just see where this goes.′ Ben said with with a smirk on his lips. Kash shuddered and looked to me for help, but we were interrupted by Anais.

“Maybe I will,” Anais challenged leaning her lips up towards Noah’s.

Noah smirked and leaned towards her ear. “You better make sure of it, Buttercup.” He hissed lowly in her ear. I’m not sure if I was supposed to hear that last comment, but I did. My cheeks heated and I turned my eyes away from them.

“Alright, you hornballs, you can screw each other on your own time,” Isaac interjected himself between them. “We got a pack to save.” He reminded them.

Noah backed up and raised his hands up in surrender. His eyes were blood red and veiny. “Will do,” he promised.

Anais let out a shaky breath and smirked back at him. “Will not, asswipe.” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s go, we all know who we’re with?” Everyone nodded. “Good, lets go.” Anais said grabbing her leather jacket and keys.

We all got our shoes, or boots, on and went out of the door. We all went out in our groups.

Wren walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. He gripped my chin and leaned my head up towards him and placed a firm kiss on my lips.

“Be careful, and let me know if you’re in any trouble.” He reminds me. I nod and kiss him again.

“Same for you.” I say and hug him before stepping out of his arms. He watched me walk over to Noah and Stylo before walking off to Ben and Anais.

I watched as Isaac and Kash spoke to Jordan and Kassandra in hushed tones. Letting them know that they have their backs.

I breathed a deep breath in before facing my own group. The vampire and witch looked at me impatiently.

“What?” I scowl. They look to each other before shaking their heads.

“You remember which sector we’re taking?” Noah asked. I nodded and rolled my eyes at him.

“Wanna teleport?” I ask him and Stylo. They exchanged looks before holding their hands out to me. “You both have your weapons?” I ask making sure we were completely prepared.

“Yeah, Kassi.” Stylo reassures me with a smile. I nod and grasp their hands in mine, feeling the humming of my power beneath my skin before the fire in my spine pulled me through space and time.

Our bodies dropped to the ground as the fire dissipated from around us. We’re here.

The house looked the same as it did all those years ago. A shiver ran down my spine as memories flooded my mind of things that disgusting prick did to me and my family.

My pack.

My home.

Stylo and Noah helped me up, both grabbing an arm and hauling me up. “Thanks, guys.” I thank giving them small smiles.

“No problem—” Stylo began but was thrown to the ground. Growling above him was a large rogue.

Noah reacted quickly and kicked the wolf off of Stylo, sending the big beast in the air.

“Already? We just got here.” Noah complained. I rolled my eyesat him and scanned the area.

Rogues we’re closing in on us.

Stylo scowled up at him and got up from the ground. “Of course they’re here, dumbass.” He ground out through gritted teeth.

“Guys, we have no time to argue with each other,” I remind them as I watched more rogues file through the tree line.

That got their attention, they both turned towards the trees and inspected the area.

“Shit, that’s a whole lot of mutts.” Noah comments. Stylo smacked him upside the head and sighed.

“I’ll handle this side, you go to the right, Noah.” He instructed before turning to me. “Kassidy hang back and secure the house while we take of the cretans in the woods,” Stylo directs before pulling out a dagger from his belt and running into the woods.

Noah sent me a wink with his red rimmed eyes before speeding off into the woods with his brass knuckles.

I began my half shift, letting my eyes change. The flames didn’t sprout from beneath my skin, I didn’t feel the need to use them just yet. I called on my bow and arrows and let them materialize in my hands.

From a distance, I could see how languid Stylo and Noah were when they fought together. Even though they could be using their powers, they seemed well off without them.

Punching, kicking, breaking, and killing seemed like first nature to the pair. Stylo sliced and diced the rogues that approached him with ease. Dancing his way from their snapping jaws and swiping claws with a rugged kind of grace. The dead look in his eyes was back as he held one rogue by the nape of its neck and slid the dagger against its neck, watching the blood leak out.

Noah, on the other hand seemed to be having a blast. I could hear his joyous whoops and hollers loud and clear. Some rogues had shifted to their human forms and tried launching themselves at the hyped up vampire.

“Come on! Is that all you’ve got, assholes?!” He yelled excitedly as he broke the jaw of one rogue and snapped the neck of another.

I was so lost in watching the boys fight, I hadn’t noticed the man standing a few feet away from me until it was too late.

“Kassidy!” Noah called out to me. I looked over just in time to see a pair of large hands make it around my neck. The man’s eyes were dead as they bore into mine. His hands squeezed tightly around my neck, crushing my windpipe beneath the weight of his hands. My bow and arrows disappeared back into my body at the surprise.

So, I finally let the flames free from my skin and let them sear the man to a crisp as he cried out at the flames ate off his skin. Noah was at my side e next second.

“You okay?” He asked grabbing my shoulders turning me towards him. I nod and rub at my neck.

“Yeah, I’m all good.” I say to him. Movement behind him pulled my attention away. Rogues we’re surrounding Stylo. “Oh my. . .” I trailed off as I watch wide eyed as one by one, rogue bodies were tossed through the air.

“What?” Noah snapped looking over his shoulder. “Shit.” He swore and sighed.

“Should we help?” I ask nervously. Flashes of the last time I had seen Stylo go crazy filled my mind.

“We have to let him do what he’s doing. There is no stopping him, not really. On the plus side, he can handle every one of those things.” He said nodding to himself.

“What if he doesn’t stop?” I worried. Noah wrapped a hand around my shoulder and sighed.

“I could stop him. I’m the only one he’d allow to stop him.” He said with a sigh.

I let that sit within me for a moment before being ripped from Noah. With a yelp, I turned to see a man with dead eyes staring intently at me. His claws dig deep into my skin, letting blood drip from my wounds.

“Get off of me!” I growl. I use my free hand to punch the man in the face. The sickening crack of his nose filled my ears as the smell of his blood filled my nostrils.

The force of my punch sent his head flying back, snapping at the base of his neck. For safe measures, I snapped his neck around, making sure he was practically decapitated. His blood stained my hands, his blood was sickeningly thick as it clung to my skin like glue.

“There’s something wrong with their blood!” I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. Two more rogues popped up behind him, launching right at me.

The flames roared from beneath my skin, repelling the raging rogues. I stepped forward and grabbed both rogues by their throats, letting the flames drift from me to them. Burning holes through their necks down.

“This is gonna take too long,” I scoff to myself seeing a huge wave of rogues roll in. I closed my eyes, letting my sixth sense do it’s job by letting me sense the entities in the woods.

There were so many of them.

I snapped my eyes back open. They were on all sides of me now. I stood in my fighting stance, widened my legs and held my hands close to my body and face.

The rogues, in their shifted and human forms, ran straight for me. I sucked in a deep breath, building up the burning ash in my cheeks, but stopped.

They all stopped.

I turned my head to see Stylo walk out of the woods, soaked in blood. His eyes were glazed white as he whispered something under his breath as he neared me.

With a wave of his hand, the rogues tore at each other. They ripped limbs off, scattered chunks everywhere, and left bloody messes. One rogue was being jumped. One held him in a choke hold as another ripped his belly open and ripped out his insides. Blood gushed him his stomach as he gave a agonized howl.

I snapped my eyes away and looked back at Stylo and Noah who was next to him. Stylo has a small smirk adorning his face as he watch with glazed eyes as his spell went to work.

Once all the rogues were all defeated, I walked away from the ghastly sight. I hurried over to Stylo and Noah and looked them Iver for any injuries.

Both were covered in blood, but I sniffed around them and concluded it was all rogue blood. Noah seemed to be getting irritated by my check up and clasped his hands on my shoulders.

“We’re okay, Sugar Plum. You don’t need to worry about us.” He reassured with a smirk. “How are you feeling?” He asked seriously, his smirk gone and replaced with a frown.

“I’m okay. The only scratched me a little bit,” I say turning back to look at the mess. I glanced at Stylo to see his eyes were still glazed as he looked at me. It seemed like he was actually looking through me. “Are you alright?” I ask him reaching for his hand. Noah caught it in his own hand and shook his head at me.

“Let him calm down a bit first.” He advised. I nodded and slipped my hand from his.

Is everything alright over there?′ Wren asked. I looked past Noah, searching for my mate in the woods.

I felt him near, but I couldn’t seem to place him.

"Yeah, where are you?” I wondered. His chuckle filled my mind as I spun around looking for him.

“What’s going on?” Noah demanded. I shook my head and sighed.

“I don’t know, but I think something’s wrong.” I tell him feeling my stomach churn at the thought of Wren being in danger.

“Is it Wern?” Stylo asked. His voice sounded scratchy like he hadn’t had anything to drink in a while. I turned to face him and looked in his eyes.

They seemed to be reeling in from their previous glaze and returned to their azure color. I nodded and turned my back to the boys again and walked away.

“We’re supposed to be staying overnight here, Kassidy,” Stylo reminded me grabbing my arm. I turned back around and gave him a pointed look.

“What if something is wrong?” I worried. Stylo grabbed my head in both of his hands and inhaled deeply.

“Let me read your conversation.” He grumbled. I raised a brow at him and crossed my arms across my chest. “I’m just going to see if that’s really him talking to you, it shouldn’t hurt.” He squeaked before his eyes glazed over again.

I gasped as my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

Talk to him,′ Stylo instructed. I looked all over. Seeing random words fly around the dark of my skull. Ran some memories floated and flashed through my head. ′Focus!′ He chided me.

I felt myself nod and focused back in my task. I recalled our link and began the conversation again.

"Is everything okay, Wren?” I asked him. Our link didn’t budge, but another one did.

The pack link.

What do you mean by okay?′ The voice chuckled. I know that voice, that disgusting voice.

"Get out of my head!” I scream at him. My body didn’t feel like I was in it. All I could feel was Stylo’s stained hands on my head.

What the hell are you doing, Alex?′ Stylo gritted out. I could see a materialization of him form in my head. He looked pissed. He seems to be looking past me as he brooded.

I turned to see the Alpha standing a bit behind me. I instinctively stepped back closer to Stylo. His hand landed on my shoulder, holding it in comfort.

I’m just visiting my favorite girl. That’s all.′ He said with a sly smirk. He held his hands up in mock surrender when Stylo pushed me behind him.

Leave, now.′ He growled. Alex laughed boisterously before he suddenly stopped.

He sobered then gave Stylo a dirty look. ′That girl belongs to me, boy. I advise you to run along out of here before things get messy.′ He threatened.

Stylo stepped closer to Alex and rolled his shoulders. ′I’m not the same boy from before, asshole.′ He stated rolling his knuckles beneath his skin. ′I’m much more powerful than I was then. If I hadn’t agreed to letting Xan kill you, I would get it over with now.′ He admitted unabashedly.

Kassidy?! Darlin?′ Wren’s voice rang out through the void of my mind. I looked around for our link—

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Kassidy. Don’t try to call loverboy over here. I have land mines scattered all over the land surrounding the house. I can set them off with a press of a detonator, love,′ he sneered at me.

I mentally gulped and my nerves spiked. If he really had land mines, why didn’t we set any off?

He did say that they were detonated.

"What do you want from us?” I question him. I’m tired of all the back and forth with him and his plans.

For most of my life I had to deal with his atrocious and disgusting ways, and I’m sick of it.

All o want is for you to come back to me. I know your father has his power back, but I will leave Raven’s Creek, and leave your family and friends alone if you come with me. I was your first, remember that.′ He reminded with a sickening smile that made me want to vomit.

Stylo look nauseated by the Alpha’s words. He turned and looked at me with sad blazing eyes.

First?′ He whispered. Tears stung my eyes as all the memories flooded my mind for him to see.

Stylo stepped closer to me and grasped my shoulders. ′He will never have you again, Kassi. I promise,′ he swore laying a kiss to my forehead.

I closed my eyes and released a shaky breath. It was in the past, but it seems like it happened yesterday.

Listen here, you sick fuck,′ Stylo began. ′You expect for her to go with you? And to do what with you?′ He sneered. His eyes seemed to get darker. The white glaze turned into a stormy grey.

That’ll be enough, son.′ A voice interrupted the intensity. I turned and met the silver eyes of my father.

Xan? Do you know?!′ Stylo demanded. Dad nodded and inhaled sharply before walking over to me and laying a kiss on my forehead next to Stylo’s kiss.

Everything will be okay, Kassi. I’ll fix everything.′ Dad reassured me before facing Alex. His silver eyes stormed with disgust and sizzling anger. ′Now leave!′ He bellowed with such strength that Alex’s form scattered apart and the link we had shattered to pieces.

My mind was free from his torment. Tears leaked from my eyes and trailed down my face.

I was finally free.

Dad smiled at me before he disappeared from my mind. Stylo looked at me and nodded before he too left the void of my mind.

I was alone.


Abruptly, my eyes rolled back to the front of my head. I blinked a couple times before they adjusted again. I scanned everything around Stylo and I.

His hands still laid in my head and his glazed eyes still bore into mine. “I’m so sorry.” He apologized. He brought me into his arms in a crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist as his laid around my shoulders.

“It’s going to be alright. It was a long time ago.” I tried to tell him but my voice cracked. Tears poured from my eyes and into his shoulder. His hand rubbed my back comfortably, calming my nerves.

“It should have never happened.” He sighed sadly.

The sound of skin ripping rang in my ears. My ears twitched at the gross sound.

I pulled from Stylo’s embrace and sniffed wiping my face of the tears staining my cheeks. I peek over his shoulder to see Noah tearing into a rogue’s neck with his claws.

Bodies on top of bodies piled around him as the rogues threw themselves at him. He easily ripped them apart with his elongated nails and speed. His strength was incredible as he picked up a large wolf and broke its back on his knee. I almost felt bad, then remembered what was going on and looked away.

“Is everything okay?” He called out to us.

“Yeah, we’re okay. Are you okay?!” I yelped seeing a large claw mark in his side and along his back. Blood leaked from his wounds the more he moved.

“We have to help him.” I tell Stylo. He shook his head with a smirk.

“Can’t you see how happy he his?” He asked pointing to Noah. The vamp had a wide smile on his bloody face as he tore into the wolves. Even though he was banged up, he was still holding his own. “If it gets to be too much I’ll take care of it.” He assures me. I nod and watch Noah fight.

A long howl cause all three of us to stop. The rogues came running towards us, but Stylo flicked his finger and a force field raised around us. Then, the rogues began to kill each other again.

We all walked around to the front of the large house to see what the commotion was was about. We had step over carcasses on our way because of all the fighting.

Once we made it to the front of the house, the sight of Dad and Alex standing in front of the Challenge ring met our eyes.

He’s really doing it.

He’s challenging Alex for the pack.

Alex was a bloody mess as Dad dropped him into the ring. Dad was a bit messed up, but he looked a whole lot better than Alex did.

“Get up.” Dad commanded kicking the Alpha in his ribs forcefully. The Alpha flew out of the ring and into a tree trunk. The crunch of bones breaking filled the air. The Alpha groaned as his body slid to the ground.

I found everyone else surrounding the circle, away from the fight and opposite of me, Stylo, and Noah. Dad had all the space he’d ever want.

“You really think you can beat me, you filthy—” Dad kicked Alex in the mouth, cutting off his insult. The Alpha’s wail of agony sounded like music to my ears.

Get him Daddy.

“You really think you can hurt my kids and think I wouldn’t get your ass back for it?” Dad scoffed sardonically. “I should have killed you a long time ago, Alexei, but I knew better,” he paused. “Or at least I thought I did.” He admitted.

He grabbed Alex by the ankle, breaking the left and crushing the rest of the bone under his grip. Hauling the Alpha back into the ring, Dad stripped off his shirt and pants. ”Shift.” He barked the order. His lip curled in a sneer as he mugged at the broken wolf beneath him. “I, Xander Ray Grayson, Challenge you, Alexei Skolanski for the pack, and Raven’s Creek.” He declares fiercely.

Alex chuckled roughly and leaned on his elbows. His eyes stared into Dad’s with boredom. He wiped his lip and yanked his ankle from Dad’s hand and snapped the bone back.

My eyes widened as I watched as the once broken wolf stand to his full height, an inch shorter than Dad’s. His bones healed and his wounds closed, the blood seeping back into his body.

“I accept.” Alex agreed with a sly smirk on his lips. His eyes flashed so many colors I was surprised I caught them all. “I’m not the same wolf as I once was, Xander.” He tells Dad.

Dad shrugs and picked at his nails like he hadn’t a care in the world. “Neither am I, Alexei.” He says back with another shrug.

Alex’s eyes flashed through my mind. I’d seen those colored eyes before. Recalling the fight at the Pack House, Beta Ryan’s eyes were that color when he’d attacked me.

“Dad!” I call out running for him. Hands wrapped around my waist, stopping me. Sparks shot through my body, calming me a bit, but I still needed to get to Dad. “Put me down!” I screamed as I watched as Dad and Alex undress to shift.

“It’s going to be okay, darlin’,” Wren whispered calmly into my hair. I struggled in his strong hold, but he wouldn’t budge. “Your dad is going to take care of everything. Just watch.” He tells me softly.

Stylo and Noah step you’re next to me, Stylo on my left and Noah on my right.

“We’ll be okay.” Noah said with finality.

I stop struggling for a second, just watching the scene unfold before me.

Dad’s humongous silver wolf circled Alex’s much larger dark grey wolf. The wolf’s muscles bulged heavily against his fur.

“Why is he so big?” Stylo asked appalled. A slap filled my ears as I see Noah’s hand connect to the back of Stylo’s head.

“Have some faith, dumbass.” Noah snapped. Stylo pouted rubbing the aching part of his head and watched the fight silently.

I reached out to Dad through our link, nuzzling our link gently. He nuzzled back. ′I’ll be okay, Kassi. I can handle this, just have faith in me,” he requested. I nod and retreat back.

I watched him cirlcle around the ring once more before Alex pounced. A gasp left my throat as I watched the ginormous wolf launch at my Dad’s. Wren’s arms tightened around me, letting the sparks flow between us.

Even if the sparks calmed me down a little bit, my nerves were still hopped up in anticipation and fear.

Dad’s wolf rolled from beneath Alex’s snapping jaws. Dad jumped and sunk his claws deep into Alex’s shoulders. The wolf gave out a howl of pain as he tried to shake off Dad.

Dad opened his jaws wide before slamming his large canines into Alex’s neck. Blood leaked from the wolf’s throat as Dad embedded his teeth farther under the wolf’s skin.

“What is he doing?” I asked Wren. He shrugged and smirked.

“Just watch.” He tells me with a smirk.

I don’t know what’s going on, but it seems Wren and Noah know what’s happening.

Alex’s wolf howled again still trying to shake Dad’s off of him. Dad sunk his teeth into Alex’s neck once more before ripping his jaws out of Alex’s neck, pulling a fat chunk of skin and fur with him.

Then, Dad shifted back into his human form. Boxer clad and determination in his eyes he punched his fist into the gaping hole in Alex’s neck.

Alex snapped his jaws at Dad’s arm, snagging chunks of skin off. He sunk his teeth into Dad’s arm and ripped away. Dad grunted a bit but still kept his fist in Alex’s neck.

He placed his legs on both sides of Alex’s wolf and sat down on his back. He wrapped his good arm around Alex’s neck and began to strangle the rabbis looking wolf.

Alex struggles tossing himself in his back, crushing Dad beneath his weight and biting his arms. Dad fought back and made his claws form, digging the claws into the wolf’s neck and swiped them across his neck.

This is so bloody.

So fun to watch.

"Release.” Dad whispered. His silver eyes glowed in the midday sunlight. He pulled his fist from Alex’s neck and put his hands into the wolf’s mouth and snapped his jaws open.

Different colors bursted from the Alpha’s throat as Dad held his jaws open for them to escape.

Lightning red.

Galaxy blue.

Crimson black.

Amethyst purple.

Sea green.

Their blood.

It was everyone’s blood.

I watched as the colors danced through the air and whooshed as it flew to its rightful owners. The sea green flew right at me. I yelped and leaped from Wren’s arms. I turned and stared in awe as the sea green essence slipped into Wren’s mouth.

I stepped back and watched as all the essence of everyone’s powers seeped back into them.

Once all the power was returned to its rightful owners, Dad snapped Alex’s jaws shut and stepped back before squatting in from of the slumped wolf.

“Goodbye, Alexei.” Dad growled grabbing Alex’s head and twisting his head all the way around, decapitating him.

The wolf’s head rolled away towards my side of the ring. His eyes started to fade from a deep blue to glassy baby blue. As I stared into his eyes, I felt a part of myself sigh in relief.

I walked closer to Wren and slumped in his arms. He kissed my temple and ran a bloody hand through my hair.

“It’s over.” He whispered.

“Yeah,” I smiled. “It’s finally over.”

I looked back at my Dad as he placed his foot against Alex’s head and lifted it high. Then, stomped down.

The crack filled my ears as blood splattered across Dad’s legs.

“I announce, Alpha Xander Ray Grayson!” Styloneus declares raising Dad’s hand in the air in victory.

Claps and cheers sounded all around me as everyone ran up to Dad and praised his work. I ran up to him and he caught me in his arms.

“I love you, Dad.” I tell him kissing his cheek.

“I love you too, sweetheart.” He said back embracing me.

“What now?” Ben asks him.

Dad shrugged. “Now, we go home.”


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