Awakening The Storm

Chapter Epilogue



The beautiful sound of laughter drifted like a sweet melody into my ears. I watched Kassidy as she played around with Anais, Jordan, and Kassandra. They splashed in the water in the Creek, a place everyone’s been at since Xander became Alpha.

It’s been a week.

The townspeople have helped a lot with reconstruction. The Clan, pack, and coven have pitched in with fixing homes that were destroyed. They even took up building new homes in some places.

Ben and I had gone back home to see our dad. For the first time in a long time, he was happy to see us. Both of us.

After Mama’s explanation of why he’d treated us so badly, I was open-minded about reconciling with him. Benji was hesitant about the whole ordeal, but I helped him through it like he’d used to when we were kids.

From the corner of my eye, Xander stood on the other side of the Creek. His arms were crossed over his chest as he stared out at everyone enjoying themselves. He looked up at me, just jutted his head behind him, a gesture to follow him.

I made a track of ice through the lake to walk across. I stepped on my ice and tread across the Creek. Kids splashed water at me, waving me down for my attention. I smiled and waved back.

It was the least I could do.

My eyes met my mate’s. The icy blue eyes captivated me so much so, I stopped in my tracks. She smiled sweetly at me and wiggles her fingers at me.

She was dressed in one of my band tees with her bikini beneath it. The water rolled down her tanned thighs deliciously. I felt my dick twitch in my jeans just watching her. She knew what she was doing to me. She smirked as her eyes swept over my body, her lip slipped between her teeth sensually.

If she didn’t stop I’d run her back to her place and fuck her into the bed, but her dad was waiting on me.

That snapped me out of my dirty thoughts. I sent her a wink and walked to the other side of the Creek successfully.

Benji, Noah, the Stylos, and Kash were all waiting on me. Isaac was watching over everyone with Anais and the girls and the parents.

“You shouldn’t ogle so much, you look like a fuckin’ creep.” Noah snickered. I smacked him upside his head and shook my head.

“Says the one who’s been feigning for Anais since you’ve been back. Remember the day Xander became Alpha? I remember clearly how much you challenged her just to fuck you.” I pointed out with a chuckle. Noah growled under his breath and pushed his shoulder into mine.

“That’s not the point, asshole. You look like a creep when you’re trying to be sexy. Unlike me, I look fuckin’ gorgeous every time, every day.” He asserted.

“You’re both demented,” Ben grumbled beside me. I shook my head and snickered at Noah’s comical face.

“Ben, my man, you are wrong. I’m the sexiest one here, the Russian vampire with black hair that smokes cigarettes. I’m in every girl’s dreams.” He sighed happily.

Stylo snorted. “Every girl except for Anais.” We all burst out in laughter.

“You got your eye on anyone, Kash?” I ask poking his cheek. He swatted my hand as his cheeks reddened.

I looked at Ben, gauging his reaction. He kept his cool expression, his eyes squint a bit, but that was it.

“Damn man, why are your cheeks so red?” Noah teased flicking his fingers against Kash’s cheeks.

“Stop it, damnit!” Kash yelped swatting Noah’s hands away.

Noah put his hands up in mock surrender. “Whoa calm down. I was just jokin’.” He exaggerates animatedly.

Benji’s jaw clenched, and his fists tightened. “Leave him be.” He said calmly.

I smirked. “Leave him be.” I mocked. Benji smacked me upside the head and stomped ahead of us.

“He okay?” Stylo asked. I shrug.

“His panties are in a twist,” Noah adds shaking his cigarette in Ben’s direction. I was about to say somethin’ until we got to our destination.

The battlefield.

Where Xander and Kassidy died.

Xander has his back to us talking to Styloneus. When they wrapped up their conversation, they turned to us.

“Hurry up, boys.” Xander snapped impatiently. I rolled my eyes and slid on a piece of ice I kept flowing under my feet. Stylo, Noah, and Kash jumped on and slid behind me.

Once we landed in front of Xander, he had started talking to Ben about his plans.

“Alright, boys,” Xander began with a clap of his hands. “We’re goin’ somewhere different.” He says.

The five of us exchanged looks with each other.

“Where we goin’?” I ask. Xander sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Would you let me get to that, boy?” He growled. “Ben, smack him.” He quipped. Ben smacked me up the head with a small smirk on his face.

“Not everyone here knows the extent of Xander’s affinities. And that’s why we’re here.” Styloneus explains.

“How many do you have?” Noah asked. Xander smiled at him.

“Besides speed and strength, I can bend the Life Plains, and Dream Walk.” He explains. All of our jaws drop to the ground.

“Plain bender?” Noah asked.

“Dream walker?” I asked.

“Plus the power draining?” Kash adds.

Ben stayed silent and nodded his head to all of our questions. I narrowed at my older brother.

“You know about all of this? How?” I pester. He shrugs.

“I’m the favorite,” he simply says. Kash’s face drops even more into a deep frown.

“But I’m your actual son?!” He yelled.

Xander crosses his arms at his son and narrows his eyes at him. “Who are you yellin’ at boy?” He questioned dangerously calm.

“Sorry, Dad.” Kash quickly apologized. Xander nodded to himself before starting again.

“We’re meeting someone very important. I know all of you have the potential to become a Revolutionary, but who we’re meeting can take any of you down with one touch.” Xander informs us with a serious tone. His lips tilted down in a frown.

“Why do you mean?” Ben asked this time. He raised his brow at Xander.

“You’ll find out when we get there.” He says. “Now I want you all to hold something on me. It has to be skin.” He adds. We all step forward and grab his arms and hands.

“We’re going between plains, huh?” Noah guesses. Xander nodded and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, they were silver.

Our bodies drifted up into the air, getting higher and higher until we suddenly dropped. We landed on our feet, but the drop has my stomach all twisted up.

“We’re here.” Xander states. I look around. The place was a long hallway, mirrors covered every inch of the place. There was full lighting and the silver of the mirrors made the room seemed dreary.

“He should be here any second—” Styloneus began but was cut off by a whoosh.

A man in a tattered dark brown cloak appeared out of nowhere. He had a large scythe in his gloved hand and a sword at his waist.

The cloak was so deep and dark I couldn’t make out his features, even with my powers.

The power rolling off of this man was traumatizing. My stomach churned and flipped inside out being this close to him.

I was standing over ten feet away from him.

“Hey, Death.” Xander greeted. The tall cloaked man removed his hood and gave Xander a lazy smile.

I was expecting some pale old man, but this guy looked like he was in his early thirties. He had bronzed tanned skin seems like he’s from middle eastern heritage. His dark wavy hair ended at the end of his neck.

“Hello, old friend. You have my soul?” He asked. Xander nodded and disappeared for a split second before popping back up again.

Alex was standing next to him. The man was gross looking, his clothes were tattered and dried blood clinging to his skin. Hell, he even smelled like death.

Death looked Alex over with a sneer. “You’ve caused a lot of trouble for me and my reapers, Alexei.” He chastised.

Alex rolled his eyes and stepped forward. His hands were cuffed by shackles bound in magic, I can smell it.

“Why are you here, Death? Don’t you have other people to worry about? I know someone’s dying somewhere.” Alex grumbled with an eye roll.

Death gave a dark chuckle. The deep was of his voice topped even Benji’s. “I’ve been waiting for this one to take you out,” he says pointing to Xander. “So now we’re here. It’s judgment day.” Death tells him.

Alex’s eyes are bug wide. “No, I was told there would be more time!” He yelled angrily. Death rolled his dark eyes and sighed.

“There usually is for the good ones.” Death shrugs and grabs Alex by the neck. “There’s no place for you in paradise, so you go to the next best place.” He added.

“No!” Alex growled. He glared harshly at Death. “I have eyes on your girl, Apollyon!” He yelped as Death’s hand squeezed his throat. Death paused and looked behind Alex to Ben.

“Check up on, Cardinal for me. We’re in a rough patch right now, so I can’t be there.” He says. Ben nods.

“Goodbye again, Alexei,” Xander says turning his back to Death and the former Alpha.

“Get back here, Xander!” He screamed struggling in Death’s grip.

“Don’t worry, this little weasel isn’t going anywhere but where he deserves to be.” Death assures before looking to Xander. “Bye, old friend. We’ll catch up soon.” He says before dropping Alex.

“What’s gonna happen to him?” Kash asks me quietly.

“Oh!” Death says excitedly. He gave his scythe a great swing into the air. “My favorite part!” He practically squealed. He swung the scythe down and into Alex’s chest. A bright white light sprouted from the wolf’s chest.

Then, his body disappeared.

A ball of black light glided through the air and Death caught it in his hand before pulling a mason jar from his cloak.

“I hate when they try to escape.” He complained. He stuffed Alex’s soul into the jar and put it back in his cloak. “Bye guys.” He says waving before he disappeared in a big ball of smoke.

“Whoa,” Noah gasped. “That dude is kinda nuts about death.” He comments.

“That’s literally his name.” Stylo exasperatedly sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

“Let’s go home now,” Xander says putting his arms around mine and Noah’s shoulders as we glided between plains.

We dropped back into the World of the Living. The dizziness passed as I adjusted again.

“I’m glad this shit is done with,” Noah sighs. “For good,” he emphasized.

“Yeah,” I put my arm around his shoulder. “It’s over.” We walked back to the Creek and enjoyed our time, but something picked at my brain.

Something else was coming.


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THE END. . ?

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