Awakening The Storm

Chapter Storm 17



Seven months after Kassidy's death. . .

We have a plan. It's easy, simple, it could be easily accomplished. All we need to do is make it out of the building and away from the premises. Easy enough.

I don't see why we hadn't made a plan to just get rid of Stylo and the Alpha already, and I could tell it was pissing off Kash and Ben, but I knew they were itching to tear a new whole in Stylo and the Alpha, but we couldn't just do that right away.

We're waiting from Kassidy's end on what to do.

Speaking of Kassidy...

'Wren?' Her voice buzzed through my mind.

Our mate bond heated and hummed to life at the aspect of it being molded again.

"Yeah?" I answered back over the mindlink.

Ben raised an eyebrow at me in question and I mouthed 'Kassidy' to him and he nodded before his eyes had widened and he stood closer to me.

'Open the link to everyone there with you in the dungeon.' She said.

My brows scrunched together in confusion at her request before giving a nod she couldn't see.

I opened our link to the friend we shared in the dungeon and the feeling of all of their feelings and voices flooded my mind.

'The hell is this for, Kassi?' Kash's voice rang in my head.

'This is for precaution, they've probably been listening to you for the longest and you haven't noticed. Anyways,' she sighed.

'You are leaving that place tonight. No exceptions. Me, Stylo, and Noah made a plan to get you out and us in.' She said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now.

They're already making their plan happen?

Everyone else was just as confused as I was at the news.

They were coming back to us.

'How?' Anais' voice flitted into my head.

'Stylo had stopped his flow of power into the World of the Living, and while using Kassidy's power, we had unchained him from the cabin.' Noah. That was his voice.

Looking over to Anais, it was apparent that she was effected by hearing him. An indescribable look passed through her once confident eyes.

'What do you need us to do on this side? There's obviously more to it than that?' Ben asked.

'That's where Anais comes in.' Kassidy started.

'Anais, you'll have to use your power and some power from the others to get us back. Stylo will be helping from our side and lend you some of his power too.' She added.

I nodded my head knowing that she couldn't see me, but I had a feeling she knew I did.

'How do we do this exactly?' Kash had joined in.

I could feel the unease in Kassidy. Her emotions filled me, even from the other side.

She didn't want to go through with this.

'What else is there to it, Kassi?' We needed to know everything that was going on with this plan.

'There's a huge chance that Anais may not be able to make it after...' No one spoke after that.

It took a few moments, but I had to ask.

"It's because she's borrowing someone else's power, right?" Kassidy gave a 'yes'.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. This just keeps getting more and more complicated for us.

'I'll do it,' Anais' voice started.

"No." I cut her off.

"You will not be putting yourself in danger for us." I have her a pleading look, but she just shook her head.

'I'd rather be at risk then let people keep getting hurt by all of this. We'll bring Kassidy and Noah back, find Jordan and Kassandra, and set everything back in order.' I know she means well, but I can't handle loosing someone again.

Of course I want my mate and Noah back, but I don't want to have to lose one of my best friends to do so.

'What if you die? What the hell is supposed to happen when you aren't here anymore?!' Noah's voice screamed angrily in my mind.

'Noah-' She tried to talk him out of it, but he cut her off.

'You are not dying because of me. For me. And if you ever suggest some stupid shit like that again. . .' he growled under his breath.

'She'll be fine, if she's using Wren's powers. He could protect her from any danger that tries to stop her.' Kash added in.

'I'll just give her the half of my powers that were stolen from me, so then she won't have to take any power from anyone.' Stylo had jumped in this time.

He sounded much better from the times had talked with him before.

"Then I guess that settles it." I paused and looked at everyone in that dungeon with me.

"We're bringing them home."

'Be careful.' She asid.

'All of you.' Kassidy's voice filled our heads. We all gave a nod and looked towards the only thing separating us from them.

The door.

I walk first. Ben, Kash and Isaac trail behind me while Anais is coat tailing. I should be able to go through since the whole Labyrinth thing, so I take a chance.

I reached for the door, my fingers grazing the knob. I almost had my hand wrapped around it until it blew up in my face.

Shreds of wood flew out the doorway and out into the staircase leading up. I looked out and seen that no one was there. I turned around to find Anais twirling her thumbs around each other with an innocent look on her face.

"What?" She asked. I raised my brow at her.

"What the hell was that for?! I could've lost an eye, or ruined my fucking face!" I yelped.

What if I got a splinter?

"Don't worry about your precious face, Wrennie. I made sure everything went out and not in." She smiled at me and walked passed me.

"Let's go." She jogged up the stairs and I followed behind her, and the rest after me.

We ran all the way up the stairs. I couldn't hear a damn thing. It was too quiet for it to be a Pack House. Usually, there are people running around, laughing, playing.

But all I hear is nothingness.

Either they used some magic to make us not hear anything, or there is no one there to make noise.

The latter was so much worse.

We got to the top of the steep, slippery stairs. The door looked the same as the one Anais decided to blow up, except it was better looking.

I pushed Anais behind me. I pressed my ear to the door, my ears strained to hear anything, but all I got was the sound of a radiator going off.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked to no one specific.

Ben walked behind me and Kash was trying to calm him down before he made this door explode in my face too.


I think I hear voices.

It's either that or I really am going insane.

"They'll be up here soon, Stylo." The familiar gruff voice spoke. It left a nasty taste on my tongue.

The Alpha.

What was he doing here?

Well, besides being the Alpha.

"He already started taking my powers back. There won't be much stopping we could do before they walk through that door and kill us all." There was a pause.

"You already know what happened to Brayden. Don't you see, your stupid plan went to shit as soon as you thought you could separate mates." Stylo's dad said.

So he wasn't the one who started this?

I mean, yeah he killed Kassi, but he wasn't the one who was calling the shots.

Beta Ryan had it all wrong then.

"Don't you dare bring her into this!" Something broke and fighting and bumping was heard.

"She wanted him, so I gave him to her. Then he killed her because she killed the one thing that got in her way of having him. Wouldn't you kill anyone who killed your wife, or your son?" The Alpha gave a dry chuckle.

"Oh wait, I killed them. And here I am, still standing because you are one weak son of a bitch, Styloneus." Another bump was heard, then there was silence.

Some rustling noises were made and not a second later a piece of paper was slid under the door at my feet.

'I am sorry, but I'm not your enemy here.' I picked it up and reread it over and over.

This really is getting more complicated than what it needs to be.

I look back at Ben and hand him the note. He scrunched his face up in distaste and gave it to Anais to read. She wore the same look he did and shook her head before passing it to Kash.

He read it then crumpled it in his hands. He tossed it down the stairs and looked at me.

"What are we gonna do now?" He asked.

"We get the hell out of here." Everyone nodded. I turned back to the door and turned the knob to find it easier than I expected it.

It was already unlocked for us.

Too easy.

I stepped out first, scanning the dark hall. I moved out the way and opened the door for the others to come out.

And to my surprise, it was bright and clean in the hall. I look to the window to my right to see that it's night out.

That's weird, since right before I was kept under the trance, it was chaos and destruction.

What happened?

I look around for anyone and my eyes catch a door swung open. There was a whit paper stuck to it with scribbled writing.

I looked around some more, seeing that no one was coming for a while I walk over to it. I grabbed the paper and held it in my hands as I read it over.

'You have a forty-five minute head start. Get your friends and leave, I'm sorry for what's gonna happen later, but it has to be done.' The note read.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Small hands gripped the paper from my hands. I turned my head to see Anais making a disgusted face at the note.

"Let's just go before they do something weird." I nodded and looked back to Kash, Ben and Isaac to see them all making confused faces.

"We're leaving." I told them in a quiet voice.

They nodded and we walked out the door. I held the paper in my hand and seen a time stamp at the bottom of the page.

Nine o'clock. I look over and the grandfather clock at the end of the hallway.



"We gotta go now!" I whisper yelled. I rushed through the door, tugging Anais along with me.


What is it?

The thing that was supposed to be on our side, but isn't anymore.

We have fifteen minutes to make it across the field and over the fence.

Is it that thing that keeps going without us?

I know what it really was.

It was that thing that pulls the energy from your body with each passing second to your death?

That's what it feels like when your running when there's lives on the line.

"Holy shit. How are we gonna get out of here?" Anais pants as we run across the pack ground fields with Kash, Ben, and Isaac right along with us.

"Yeah, Wren, how the hell are we gonna get outta here with our powers are out of service for a while?!" Kash yelped as a dead rogue nipped at his heels.

"We gotta run faster than this!" I yell out as more rogues filled in the field. There were even lack members who were under the mind control spell following us.

"How are we gonna do that, smart guy? We're not to even use our powers!" Ben yelled at me. Mud kicked up as our feet pounded against the raining field.

"We're in deep shit." Isaac concluded. I looked over to him and flipped him off while also suppressing my powers.

We were all out of shape since we've been stuck in that damn building. Anais kept stumbling around as we ran, tripping over her own feet every five seconds.

"Damnit," I grumbled.

"Someone pick Anais up!" I shout over my shoulder. Pants and groans could be heard behind me, I get it.

We were all tired but we couldn't drag each other down like this.

"I got her!" Kash's voice called out. I turned to look at him pick the smaller girl over his shoulder as he caught up to the rest of us.

"Guys, we need to really hurry it up!" Kash yelled over all of the growls from the undead rogue wolves trailing behind us.

"What the hell do you mean by that?!" Ben asked with a crack to his voice. I've never seen my brother afraid of anything before.

His eyes were wide and held a glint if fear as the rogues started gaining on us. Hell, I was even scared at this point too.

Having to suppress my powers so we couldn't be tracked was the hardest thing I've ever done, and on top of that, I was weakened a bit too from my cell chains.

"Have you forgotten that I have sone of Kassidy's abilities? She could compel allusions, and apparently she passed those powers onto me. I could get some of my power going and I could make us disappear into thin air!" Kash responded. I mean he had a point there.

"Do it, Kash! Now!"I yell. He pants some more and turns a bit with Anais still on his shoulder.

"Now or never." Kash growled.

I hope we make it out of here alive.


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