
Chapter Taken

I started growing close to Zion as Aella grew closer to his wolf Steele. Before we could really begin a relationship I knew Ethan Black had to be dealt with. Now I believe the whole plan needs different plans of action. My feelings have shifted.

The first thing I want to repair is my friendship with Jackson. I slowly approach his door and knock. The door swung open to show a shirtless Bryce. Dang Jackson, aren’t you a lucky man?

“Hey Ciana, what can I help you with?” He asks as he dries his hair.

“I was hoping I could talk to Jackson,” I respond.

“He went for a run. I could tell him you are looking for him when he returns.” He tells me.

“No, I think I will catch him on his run. Thank you.” I give him a heartfelt smile and head out to find Jackson.

I go to the forest line where Jackson is exiting in human form.

“Jackson, can I talk to you?” I ask.

“Yeah, think it is overdue.” He says.

“First, I want to apologize. I am sorry that I have not been the friend to you that you have been to me. For allowing my emotions to blind me from everything. Especially, here lately it wasn't good. You are my brother and I miss us. Being able to come to you for everything.” I tell him.

“First Ciana, you have always been an amazing friend to me. You were willing to let me go so I could have my mate. You are selfless. Yes, you have a lot of bottled-up emotions but we all do. You have no reason to apologize to anyone.

You only need to forgive yourself. You deserve to be happy Ciana. We all do.” He says as he grabs me into a bear hug.

“Thank you, Jackson. For always being here for me.” I tell him.

“Alpha, beta, how are you doing?” I look up to see Clover.

“Hey, clover. We are good. How are you cutie?” I ask her.

“Great, King is having a lunch for everyone.” She tells us.

“Okay. Thank you, Clover, we will be there shortly. Go have fun.” I tell her.

Clover runs off as me and Jackson sit their briefly.

“Come on Ciana, lets go eat.” He says.

“Go on I will be there in just a little bit.” I say back.

Jackson takes off and I sit there looking at the sky. I feel more at peace than I have in a long time. Aella is sleeping in the back of our mind. She has been very happy the last few days. Lilly was right. I need to focus on my future not my past. Just the few moments I have shared with Zion has changed my entire perspective of life.

We can do this. Aella and I. We can be happy and I want that now more than I ever have.

Suddenly, in a flash, the masked woman was standing in front of me. In my state of shock, she grabbed my hand and we were gone.

We appeared in another place. It was unfamiliar to me. She threw me to a bed and put up a force field. She was in a black cloak all wrapped up. The only ones showing again were her eyes. The same emotion radiated off her purple orbs. Pain.

“Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing this?” I yelled as I banged on the forcefield she had wrapped around me.

She only looked at me and then away. She was fighting herself with what she was doing. With her I was confused I had no clue who she was or why she was helping Ethan.

“Is he your lover or something? Why would you want to help a maniac like him?” I yell.

“Because he is a maniac Ciana. I have no choice. I must do as he orders.” She says without looking at me.

Her voice was low and fear radiated off her. He must have something on her.

“What is so important that you would help him take over our world.” I shout.

“My daughter. He has my daughter. One wrong move and she is dead. That is what is so important.” She snaps back.

I had no words. That was the last thing I was expecting her to say.

“I understand.” Is all I say to her before taking a seat with the forcefield still active.

“How could you possibly understand? Do you have children Ciana?” She questions me.

“No, but I have a pack. There are children in my pack. Orphan children. I would do anything in my power to save them from that maniac Ethan.” I tell her and she looks as shock as I did when she said this was to save her daughter.

“Why am I here?” I ask her.

“Ethan demanded it. While he goes to destroy your pack and the royal pack, and take out your king, he wants you here to witness the finale. His words not mine.” She responds.

“Just like before.” I mumbled.

“Before?” She asks.

“You don’t know, do you?” I ask her.

She simply nods her head and all I can do is chuckle through the sorrow.

“This is not the first time. Ethan Black was my first mate. I met him on my eighteenth birthday. His family came for business when we met. He was apart of it so I went shopping while they were in their meeting with my parents, the Alpha and Luna. They were my parents. I was out all day with my best friend. Daydreaming of my future with the newly found mate.

When we came home that night my whole world was flipped upside down. He murdered almost my entire pack including my parents. It was a blood bath. He stood there as if he were king. The evil in his eyes was a look I never saw before.

He knew I was next in line for Alpha and he needed me gone. He sent his goons after me where my body went through a forced shift. Aella was born. She saved us that night.” I tell her.

“I am sorry you had to go through that. He has my Clover. I need to keep her safe.” She says.

My ears perked when I heard her name.

“Clover?” I ask.

“Yes my daughter. I named her Clover because she was my miracle baby. Pure luck really. My angel.” She says while holding a photograph.

“How did he get her, if you don’t mind me asking.” I say.

“She loved helping me bake. So, she went out back to pick some apples from the trees for us to make apple pie. She had done it a hundred times before so I never thought of any danger lurking.

Next thing I know I hear her scream and by the time I made it outside, wolves were everywhere. That is when Ethan appeared. Saying he had Clover and would keep her in a dungeon. She would remain safe as long as I work for him. When it is over I will get my daughter back.” She says with tears.

“May I see a picture of her?” I ask with my curiosity getting the best of me.

She looked conflicted but then used her powers to float the picture to me, through the force field. I grabbed the picture and those eyes. I was right.

“Clover Ray?” I say out loud.

The witch looks in my direction and anger was adamant. She waved her hand slinging me to the wall. I let out of groan as I start to pick my body off the floor. Her hand was quickly around my neck.

“How the fuck do you know my daughter’s middle name?” She yells in my face.

“Let go, I will explain everything.” I manage to stutter out as she chokes the air out of my lungs.

After a few seconds she let go and my forcefield was back up and I once again was in my little prison.

“Talk fast.” She demands.

“Ethan lied to you. He does not have your daughter. You don’t understand you are going to help get her killed.” I say rubbing my throat.

“How would you know?” she shouts.

“Because a two and a half years ago we found a little girl outside our camp. She was crying, had scrapes and bruises all over her. She said bad wolves tried to take her and she ran. I asked her name and she said Clover Ray.” I tell her.

“Your lying.” She shouts and again looks conflicted.

“You are a powerful witch. I think you can tell if I am lying. I am not. So when he attacks and wipes out both packs that includes your daughter.” I tell her.

“My baby is safe.” She says to herself.

“Yes, but not for long. We have to go back. You have to stop helping him.” I begin when she interrupts.

“And what help you or you will kill her.” She states.

“I would never hurt Clover. I don’t care if you help us or not. I just want her to be happy and I know she needs you. She thinks you are dead. Take me back and take your daughter and leave. Keep her safe. Please.” I beg her.

She then takes off her cloak away from her face letting it hang down her body. Her hair was curly and her bright eyes complemented her caramel skin. Then with a wave of her hand the forcefield disappeared. I was in shock.

“We don’t have much time. Let’s go.” She says reaching for my hand.

“Let’s go get your daughter.” I tell her reaching for her hand in return.

“You need to warn your pack. When I see clover, I will render all my powers that are keeping Ethan and his pack invisible. He will no longer be able to hide.” She says and I nod.

Please let us be there in time.

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