
Chapter Reunited

She was gone and I failed her. I did not protect my mate. Anger boiled inside at the thought of Ciana and what she could be going through at this moment. It should be me. I have tried to keep my rage contained because I am the King.

I have to hold myself to a different standard than most Alphas. No matter how badly I want to rip someone’s head off at this exact moment.

“Your Highness. We have searched everywhere. No scent, no signs, nothing. It is as if she vanished in thin air.” One of my warriors spoke.

“How does someone come on to my land, kidnap your queen, then vanish? Never once being noticed.” I shout at my men standing before me.

“Zion, Alpha. Calm down. We are not going to be able to find her this way.” Bryce states as he is comforting his mate, her best friend.

“What would you do if it were Jackson?” I ask my second in command.

“The same as you are Zion. Yet you would then be doing as I am.” He speaks with wisdom.

“I just do not understand Bryce. How can someone just vanish without a single trace?” I ask out loud, more calmly.

“Everyone out!” Bryce shouts leaving him me and Jackson in my office.

“Zion, it has only been a few hours. We will find her.” Bryce assures me.

“Ciana is strong and very capable of taking care of herself,” Jackson says in a sad tone.

“Or maybe a witch got her.” I heard her voice speak out.

“Ciana?” I question as if it were a dream.

I turn to see her standing there. She is standing next to someone I do not know. Joy rushes through me and I do not hesitate. I am in front of her at an inhumane speed. I smash my lips against her plump soft ones. She freezes but leans into it. As I leave her lips I look in her eyes before her words resonate in my mind. ‘Maybe a witch got her.’

I grabbed the woman next to her by the throat and picked her off the ground.

“You are Ethan Black’s witch. You took my mate and have the nerve to come back here.” I say to her seething in anger.

“Zion, stop it right now. She brought me back and is going to help. Now release her before Aella takes charge.” Ciana shouts at me.

I release the woman as she then grips her throat coughing harshly. I hear Ciana whispering to Jackson. Jackson looks in shock but leaves the room quickly.

“Why should I trust her after all she has been assisting him in his onslaught over the years.” I say to Ciana.

“Because I trust her. If you remember our first meeting together it was said Ethan has followers out of fear. Everyone has their reasons Zion. Sometimes when you find out the reasons you can switch the agenda in your favor.” She begins.

“Shortly after we had people joining us for safety after what Ethan did to our pack. I was on a walk in Aella’s form checking the perimeter as I usually would do. I heard cries one day. A little girl crying for her mother. I ran to the sound and saw three large wolves dragging this little frail child through the woods as if she were a bag of garbage.

Aella took full control and ripped them to shreds to save that little girl. She did not remember anything. Just those guys taking her from her mother.” She tells me.

“What does that have to do with this situation?” I ask her.

The doors open and the little girl I believe her name is Clover came through carrying her small pink teddy bear. She ran straight to Ciana. She didn’t even see the other woman.

“Alpha Ciana. You are back. Jackson says you want to talk.” she says in her small, cute voice.

“Yes, Clover. You remember the day we met?” Ciana asks her.

“Yes, you saved me,” Clover responds. I only watch and listen.

“What did I tell you that night?” Ciana asks her.

“You promised that one day you would find my mommy.” She says.

“Clover.” The witch calls out.

The little girl turned. She looks directly at the witch and drops her teddy bear as they both held tears in their eyes.

“MOMMY!” Clover shouts as she runs straight into the witch's arms.

The witch hugs Clover tightly and I hear her muttering my baby. I only look at Ciana in complete confusion.

“You see Zion, Ethan took her daughter. She never knew Clover was rescued and out of the hands of Ethan Black. She did what she did to save her daughter's life.” Ciana says putting her hand on my forearm.

“Ethan is coming Zion.” She says to me.

“You kept your end of the agreement Ciana and I will do the same.” The witch says to her.

“Wait.” Ciana Shouts.

“What?” The witch asks a bit on the defensive side.

“Zion, she is going to render all her powers from him. He will not be able to hide. When that happens send some of your best to his pack. Clear out the trash sort of speak.” Ciana tells me.

“Ethan is coming here though.” I remind her.

“Yes, but he still has guards and prisoners there. They need help too.” She tells me and I nod in agreement.

“Go ahead.” She says to the witch.

“It is done. What are you going to do now?” The witch asks Ciana.

“He thinks you have me captive. Zion sends warriors to get all those unable to fight into safety. Will you hide them please?” Ciana asks.

“Yes for what you did for my daughter. They will be safe.” The witch responds.

“Now let him come. We will be ready.” She says to me.

“Ciana, no matter what may happen I just.” I begin but she cuts me off with a kiss.

“NO! We can talk about the what ifs after. I know what I must do Zion. It is me versus Ethan, once and for all.” She tells me.

My heart is heavy with fear of losing her but I know she must do this. Goddess, believe me, she will not die today. Lily, please watch over us.

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