Ava- Ever Green Series Book Two

Chapter 18

Ava sat in the Head of Council’s office after that ass brought me here. She was too angry to protest anything after the comment her brother made. Miles tried to get her to talk. She only ignored him and sat in silence.

Lucius strolled back into the room and asked his father, “Did she say anything? He looked over at Ava.

Ava glared at him.

Miles took the hint from her and answered, “Nope. I can barely sense she was a werewolf either. Can you sense her wolf signature at all?”

“Nope,” Lucius agreed.

Ava was getting increasingly unsure why she was here in the first place.

Lucius grabbed the arm of the chair and kneeled to get at her eye level. He asked, “Where are th3 others?”

“Why should tell you?” Ava sneered.

“We need them to face the council” Lucius stated.

“I am not giving you anything.” Ava threaten and folded her arms over her chest.

There was a knock at the door, and Lucius opened it. One of the tracker's veneers informed, “They were at Selma’s parent's house but nowhere else. The van was left behind. So, they must be on foot looking for her.”

Lucius shut the door again and came around to face Ava. He looked her dead in the eye, “I think placing you in a cell should do the trick. Don’t you think?” Then grabbing silver handcuffs, and places them on her hands.

The silver from the cuffs made a sizzling sound and smoked. Ava grasp the pain and kept herself from crying out in pain. Doing so, Lucius grabs her arms and pulls her from the seat. Then opens the office door. The tracker was out the in the hall waiting for them.

“Take her to the cell block” Lucius instructs the tracker.

The tracker only nods and pulls on Ava to follow him. Going towards the elevator, the trackers tugged Ava in after him. They went to the bottom floor. The doors opened and it was very dim. The smell in the air was very rancid, metallic like blood. Ava wished she could hold her nose to keep from gagging. The tracker pulls her towards a cell that was close enough to the elevator. Then he locked her in. Ava knew she needed to come up with a plan.

Serena knew something was up when her friend was missing. She tugged on Thomas’s sleeve and said, “Ava is nowhere in sight. I think the council got her.”

“I swear she is not far,” Thomas reassures himself.

“Thomas stop. We are not going to find her.” Selma argued.

“We might as well split up to try to find her” Margo suggested.

“Not a bad idea but are you forgetting that we could be found by the trackers,” Selma said to Margo.

“Yes, I am aware of that. But we have to do something instead of stonewalling without not looking for Ava by just standing here doing nothing” Margo said raising her arms. She walked off towards the woods. No one else followed her and was completely on her own. Halfway in, she heard a branch break then a hand over her mouth.

“Do not make a sound or I break your neck” The tracker threatened.

The tracker handcuffed Margo and said into the earpiece, “I got the witch”

Margo faintly heard that the others were caught just like her.

The tracker dragged her behind him to a van with another tracker standing with the back door opened. Margo could see the others resting on a bench. She grabbed a seat next to Serena. The door slammed shut. No one said anything, just only silence lost in their thoughts. The van stopped in front of the council building. The door opened again, the trackers dragged them from the vehicle towards the building. Waiting for the elevator, the trackers did not bother bringing them to Lucius and Miles. They only took them to the cells on the lower level.

Thomas notices his sister sitting in the corner not far from his cell. He tried to grab her attention but was forced to stay quiet. Selma and Serena were placed together. Thomas has placed himself. Margo was placed across from the others. Ava looked up and noticed her brother and friends now held in a prison cell like her. She looked away from the others. It was completely silent, Ava fell asleep to the very silence. She was personally scared for herself and her friends.

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