At the end where Destiny awaits: Book 6 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 41: Battle of fates


Regulus and his forces march through the city. To everyone’s surprise, yet not to Selene, they elected to do nothing along the way. He wants to keep the Shyair estate intact as he knows it is a treasure trove of information, and actually warned anyone to not attack it. Selene however has her own plans for her cousin’s home, something dark to pervert it all in the name of spite.

Overhead flies several clans of dragons, allies from centuries whom were banished for one reason or another from Dewloura. He himself curses under his breath, wishing his forces weren’t nearly as low thanks to constant need to send more in the attempt to retrieve the markers, now a fruitless endeavor.

He pans around as they travel up the streets to the third tier. He’s actually surprised they haven’t met with any traps the more they go. However, this only fuels his suspicion. He knows Aria, the same brat who’s evaded him for months, even insulting him in his own home, would have set traps, yet nothing.

Selene however marvels at being home for the first time in centuries. Not once has she forgotten the true splendor of it. The wight leans back in her seat, formulating plans after plans with what she wants to do with Aria, grinning darkly as the ideas become more and more twisted.

Outside she sees her daughter Diana as she rides atop Orobas. The girl is eager for revenge for her humiliation back in the fall. Selene smiles more to her, ready to finally snuff out the last descendant of Shyair.

Behind them in numerous armored carriers ride not only their allies, but also the houses of Drakthul and Laevatain, all primed for battle. The caravan itself is massive, with hundreds of cars. Some are comprised of a few from the colonies who heard her call, yet faced some resistance. Selene knows that once this is all over, she will go and personally deal with the traitors.

The caravan soon arrives near the entrance to the third tier, again unchallenged. If there is another thing that Regulus reluctantly admires in Aria is her sense of honor, wishing to face her enemies first. She demonstrated this last summer when dealing with Lana and Mistral, whom were found unconscious in the woods while hunting for Aria. Strange as it was, to be ambushed and yet their attackers left no trace.

As his car comes closer, Regulus seeing a lone figure at the top of the steps. He leans forward, eyes then grow wide as he recognizes who it is.

“Stop the car,” he orders.

It comes to a stop, as the order is relayed to the others. He then steps out, followed by Selene and everyone in the caravan.


I stare down at Regulus, seeing that he’s no more than thirty yards from where I am. I chose this spot for a reason; a little theater is in order for this prick. I breathe softly while still maintaining eye contact with him.

My eyes then glance up, seeing Almarec and Eneius walking towards the front the caravan along with their daughters and the rest of their houses. Both are bearing the crests of their houses, watching as they wave in the wind. I pan back, as my own house’s crest drapes near the gate. I nod and smile to it as it rests there.

I look to the Lana and Mistral and nod, noting they still seem unaware of our last encounter. I bite back the urge to grin, knowing how I’ve beaten them twice now.

I stand up, brushing of my pants. It’s time to get this party started. I take a few steps down, just a few, so that they can get a better look at me. I stare down at Regulus as I take a couple more steps, “So…did you have fun searching for the markers? I know you must have poured so much into them, all that time and resources while also looking for me.”

I stop and smile softly. “All wasted only me for to personally open the door for you.”

He growls, sounding more and more like an animal. He looks tired, no doubt from the endless stress I’ve caused him. Good. That’s what I’ve been counting on.

“You little bitch,” he cries out. “You have no idea how much I’ve wasted these past few months, let alone century. Yes, I should be thanking you, for something I should have done myself.”

I smirk, well this is a stark change to our conversation in July. Granted…I have continued to piss him off since.

“Aria,” calls out Diana, “I’ve missed you so much. We really need to talk.” Her voice is mockingly sweet, mixed with anger and hatred.

I shoot her a glare. “Shut up, Diana!!” I reply. “I will deal with you later.”

She looks to me shocked, as her mouth hangs agape. Even Orobas looks to me with surprise. Oh I plan on dealing with them, soon enough in fact.

My eyes then catch as Selene steps beside her daughter, placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder. I reach back, resting my hand on Astraea, yet I hold back from drawing it. I glare at the woman, biting back all the rage I have for her. I sigh, taking a deep breath to calm myself as I remove my hand from the hilt.

I look to her, “Selene,” I call out to her, taking a few more steps down. “Do you recognize me now?”

She stares as I come just little closer to her, just enough for her to get a really good look at me. Her blood-red eyes then grow wide as her mouth drops. Shock as the revelation dawns on her.

“It…it cannot be,” she says. “You were that girl I knew from all those centuries ago. But how is this possible? Why didn’t I recognize you?”

I smirk, “Perhaps your resurrection must have fried some of your brain cells, that or they rotted away before Regulus got to you.”

She glares at me, feeling her anger and frustration grow. She’s no doubt remembering all of our little encounters, well three of them at least.

I smile to her, “I’ll tell you the real reason why you didn’t recognize me. That night in July, you said my aura was different as it was. Something left me that night, which also changed my appearance as well.”

I then glare at her, matching her growing aura with mine as I grit my teeth, trying not to lash out at her as I did first time I met her here. “You murdered Serasfall. You didn’t kill with her honor, merely wishing to remove her like trash or an obstacle. You simply executed her.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “The idea of you taking me in and molding me into your image still sickens me.”

Her anger then vanishes in an instant as she looks to me. Ah, hit another surprise didn’t I?

“How…how do you know all of this?” she asks. “You weren’t there that day when I said that to Celestine. I thought you were still at the estate with Tyrion and his family.”

I thumb the black ring over my necklace, instantly transforming my clothes into my battle regalia, hearing my armored boots clanging on the stone steps as I walk closer. Selene’s eyes grow wide once more as I transform into a kitsune, as all nine tails flow around me. I then finally pull out my mask; the same one Serasfall had made for me and clip it onto my face.

Her mouth drops as she stares at me. “You…you were the fox spirit.”

This causes Almarec and Eneius to stare at me with the same look of bewilderment. They know the stories of the Fall from their predecessors, having seen me and Celes ride through the streets and even fighting a few along the way here.

Selene growls as she strokes her chest. “My wound still burns from your flame as your blade sliced through my chest.” She then grins darkly, “I am going to take great pleasure in removing the final head of Shyair. You and your family have always been a thorn in our sides.”

I smirk, “So did Serasfall.”

She growls, knowing what I mean. I may have sliced through her armor, but it was Serasfall who delivered the final blow with her last act of defiance.

Wisha falesh mitrien halen Shyair e’thivame,” she calls out.

I grin, swishing my tails behind me. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” I watch as she seethes with anger.

In truth…it’s actually one of, if the not the most vile of insults between our houses. Again…I have to thank Veylana for telling me about it. I dare not translate it, for if I did…I might have some issues later on.

I look to Almarec and Eneius. “I’m willing to offer you back your birthrights, even forgive you and your houses for everything. That includes your daughters trying to murder me.” I take a deep breath, hoping yet not putting too much into it, “We are both children of Dewloura. I am offering for you come home. All you have to do is walk away.”

Almarec stares at me, “I refuse. You are the last of your house, a worthless piece of trash, with no power to offer anything. We are here to reclaim our glory, to see Dewloura return to the power it once wielded if not greater.”

“Your ancestors lacked vision,” adds Eneius. “Nethune swells with ambition. Personally, I much rather have your house wiped from history. You are the last of a meager, soon-to-be forgotten house. Back to where it belongs.”

I sigh, shaking my head. They really are no different than their ancestors.

I look back to Regulus, “So…through your wasted time and effort looking for the markers, and looking for me, I wish to grant you a reward. For I have both of your real prizes here. All you have to do is claim them.”

He growls as he steps forward. “You truly put me through hell, little princess. I should have increased my searches for you, expanding them throughout the world.”

I smirk, thankful yet again for being blasted to Japan when Diana attacked.

“I will admit to being led around like some hapless child,” he adds, “being fed so much misinformation on your whereabouts that I could never discern what was truth and which were lies.”

I again bite back the urge to grin, “So much time and resources wasted on little ole me.”

He snarls, walking up the steps to me. “It would have been so much easier if you had met you rightful judgment that night, and had stolen the Xur’canah for me.”

I smirk as I pull it out from behind me and dangle it.

His and Selene’s mouths drop at the sight of it. A little carrot as bait, and he’s taking it.

“If you want it, just come and claim it.”

He continues up the stairs, coming ever closer to me. I watch him, keeping the lantern still clearly in his sights as he soon is right in front of me. His hands out-stretched, ready to take it.

Just before he’s inches from it, I open tiny fairy right beneath the lantern, just big enough.

Tir Na Nog,” I whisper, dropping the ancient artifact into the portal.

He watches in horror as it closes, the life seemingly drained from his face.

“How does it feel to finally come so close to something you’ve spent over a century looking for, only to have it slip away yet again when it was just within your reach?” I ask.

“Shyair brat,” he growls, glaring at me. “I should have killed you ten times over by now.”

I smirk, swishing my tails and holding out my hands. “And yet, here I am.”

Regulus growls even more, reaching into his coat and draws his sword. The shing of the blade echoes in my ears as he reels it back and charges it with magic. With sheer rage in his face, he swings down, aiming for my neck, only to be intercepted by a black staff. The wind created from the strike ruffles my hood as sparks fly across my face.

He then looks up too see my mother standing next to me. She grins to him, “Hello, Regulus.”

His eyes grow wide, staggering back a little. “I thought you were dead.”

She pulls back her staff and twirls it around, charging it with magic and blasts him with a spell before he can react. Regulus is sent flying through the air and crashes into the stone road below. As the dust settles, his allies all stare up at her in shock seeing her alive as she slams her staff into the stone steps.

Regulus then gets up from the ground, still bewildered at what just happened.

Suddenly, the sound of howling echoes through the city. Everyone below than looks up, mouths agape as dozens of wolves come into view. They all exude the presence of the mighty beings they are, causing Drakthul and Laevatain to shudder. I can hear their murmurs even from this far up.

I take off my mask as Marron wraps her arms around me. Fenris and Athena also emerge from within my shadow and stand at each of my sides.

Selene stares at my wolves, mouth a quiver as she then turns to Marron as her eyes grow wide. She looks to my sister, finally recognizing her.

“Celestine,” she says.

I smile, holding onto my sister. “No matter what era I’m in, how wide the breadth of the world is, my family will return to me in one form or another.”

The wight breaks free from her stupor and snarls, only to grin darkly. “I am going to take great pleasure in robbing it of you again, little one.”

Mom stares at her, “That will never happen.”

Regulus growl, shirking off the dust from his coat. “Attack!!!” he roars.

I hear hundreds of people screaming as they charge up the steps. Overhead I watch as his dragons begin to swoop down towards me.

I smirk, snapping my fingers, causing hundreds upon hundreds of kitsune-bi, orbs and various other spells to emerge from below and slam into them. The spells send many of them flying into each other, some harder than others.

Yeah…most of last night was spent laying these traps, really took a lot out of us. I also predicted that while he knew I might have laid down traps, his riled-up anger towards me would cause him to forget said caution.

The enemy dragons are soon met by Ddraig and his clan of dark crimson dragons along with Tanith and Ashlan’s clan. I peer up as Silvi and Asha follow suit, both in their full forms.

I marvel at my aunt, seeing her practically stretching across the sky, possibly over 300 feet long. She calls thunderstorms into existence and begins target the enemy dragons, striking them with massive, continuous bolts of lightning.

Silvi meanwhile rips and slices through young adults and even a few of the bigger ones.

We begin to fall back, as I let out whistle, signaling the wolves to attack. All around me I hear the flurl of shadows appear as the wolves begin to pick off anyone caught in the traps, dragging them into shadows.

As we race up the steps, I feel a hand grabbing my shoulder, and clamping down hard on it.


I look back to see a woman behind me. She’s half-burned in the face and parts of her upper torso. I poof into smoke as she tries to summon a fire spell. I then reappear behind her and blast her with an Orb, sending her body smashing into the stone steps.

Fenris and Athena then turn, rallying their units and charge down into the crowd with me leaping onto Fenris’ back. My wolf mother nods and takes her unit and begins to crash into a group, skewering them with shadowy tendrils and impaling them with ice shards.

Fenris’ group rips and tears through anyone they come into contact while I summon orbs, splitting them into three groups. I mix dragon flame into one, kitsune-bi the next, and ice into the last. I spread out my tails and begin whirling the orbs within their groups and launch them. The Orbs fly about, slamming into people, igniting and freezing many. Upon their return, the frozen are shattered and the ones set ablaze fall to the ground.

My ears flick back as the sky begins to churn and darken. Within them I can hear the crackling of thunder. I look back, watching as Mom’s staff sparks with lightning. She then screams, swiping down her staff and sends hundreds of lightning bolts crashing into the ground, striking not only humans, but also dragons in the sky.

Marron dodges several strikes and fires her darts from Mystletainn. Four of the darts fly around, piercing dozens upon dozens around her dumb enough to get close. The fifth dart of course acts as her shield, deflecting anything thrown at her.

Fenris huffs, splitting his unit up and they race through the lines, further picking up anyone when come into contact with. I look up just as Yukari and Kenji appears, hurling massive streams of spectral flames, catching many with them. I smile up at them as they continue their assault.

Viktor and Le’nia soon appear from the top of the third tier along with their houses and other allies. Magical bolts and other spells continue the rain down, with the wolves harmlessly dodging them. Both houses charge deep into the enemy forces, splitting them up and keeping them divided.

The tactics are medieval sure, but firearms aren’t playing that much of a factor thanks to the surprise of attack and sniping from above. Even if somehow Regulus had even brought in jet fighters, the dragons would easily have dispatched them thanks to both incredibly strong armor, and of course magic being fired out.

There’s also the idea among many in our world that firearms are a bit mundane. They use them, but magic can deal a lot more damage over time. Plus there’s the fact we erected a multitude of spells and wards that lock up firearms, the same spells the Parkston’s use at their home.

I pan over to see Kerrigan charm many of the men. She grins, lulling them in close as the eyes glow a soft pink only to slash them apart with her claws. She looks to me, still smiling but is just as gentle and loving as I know her to be.

I blushingly smile in return, only to grin as I summon dozen of pink hearts and fire them into the crowd. I haven’t used Charm in forever, having not much of use for the ability. As they strike their targets, I watch them walk love-struck to me only for them to be killed as another group of wolves tear into them.

Leto and Nelly’s groups also appear, racing through enemies, ensnaring them in shadows and dragging them away. Both units then split up, encircling and charging through people, freezing and impaling them with ice and shadow.

I pan up, seeing Yukari floating in midair as she casts powerful illusions, causing her targets to writhe in horror and running around like madmen. Some soon even begin to turn their weapons on each other. She then follows up and gathering magic into her palms and slapping them together, summoning little portals as many more are dragged into wherever she sent them.

Dozens of shots then ring out, sounding very much like miniature railguns, and striking into Regulus’ dragons. I look up to see Marie with half a dozen rifles beside her as she continues to fire upwards. Now I know I said firearms had been rendered useless here. I never said anything that Marie uses, which uses more magically-based technology she developed. Oh, I can’t wait to see what she comes up with after adapting Dewlouran tech.

I look up again as Marie’s fire begins to concentrate as Silvi is beginning to become surrounded by some of the larger adults. She attempts to break free; summoning a pair of magic circles at her wings and blasts several yet more come closer. My eyes then catch the sight a massive green dragon, swooping in and breaking up the trap. I grin as it’s Tanith. The pair smile to each other and fly off in formation.

Piotr and Kayle soon emerge, fully armored and begin to effortlessly slice their way through the enemy. I watch in awe at their skill and precision, having trained with them for months. Magic and weapons simply bounce harmlessly off their armor as enemies try and get close.

Hundreds of magical bolts then rain down as Norick joins Marie in covering us. He nods to me as he charges a couple a massive bolts and fires them skyward, striking at dragons as they get a little too close to me.

Lyra and Abigale appear with the valkyrie raining down dozens of magical swords as she flies around. Abigale on the other hand rips through more and more on the ground in her wolf form as a couple wolves join her.

I see Bianca riding on her wolves, freezing and shattering as they charge through. She’s as calm as ever while in her true form, firing ice shards from her hands and impaling more as the wolves shield and slice.

I pan over again, seeing Orga and Kateryna hacking and slashing through enemies. I still have to smile as I watch their flawless teamwork. While both are attacking, they turn and pivot, blocking and slashing in one seamless motion.

I reach back and draw Astraea, flames and ice swirl around the blade as it becomes fully unsheathed. I hop onto Fenris’ back and launch myself into the fray as both elements erupt from the sword as I dodge and weave my way through attackers.

I wrap several within my tails and leap around them, slamming them into the ground while slashing them. The wounds ignite or have ice sprouting out of them. Several more appear and attack me. I leap again into them, jumping from one person to the next, summoning streams of fire while blocking sword and spell as I hurl it at them.

I dare not use Rush right now, opting to for a later time. It’s still one of my best abilities but for now I’m going to hold onto it. It’s always good to keep a few aces in the hole.

Mom is soon joined by Arcturus as they each work in tandem, launching spells or slashing at enemies. I smile at them, seeing how well they work together, knowing one day they’ll be happy after this is all said and done with.

I hear the screams of more as Andriy butchers any humans who get in his way. I watch not in horror as my mentor ruthlessly hacks and slashes about, ripping into a few and feeding on them. If this were a year ago I might be horrified at this. But not now, not after everything I’ve been through.

A whoosh of fetid darkness washes over the battlefield as I pan over to see Regulus and Selene finally make their appearance. They easily and mercilessly cleave through Le’nia and Viktor’s forces, scorching them in felfire and blade. Both are emotionless as the bodies begin to pile up.

A pair of dragons soon land in front of them, halting their advance. Both snarl and gather flames within their mouths. Diana appears on top of Orobas and scorches them with hellish felfire.

The dragons easily brush off the flames only to be pierced by several beams, similar the ones I saw both attacking Silvi and while here. So now I know they came from Dewloura, with Selene having stashed the designs for future use.

The dragons fall to the ground as Diana grins darkly, possibly attempting to corrupt them as she did to the trees in the forest. That would be really bad for everyone, not just us. I let out a whistle as wolves soon envelope the fallen dragons and drag them down and to safety.

I pan downwards to see large cannons charging another salvo. I look up and whistle to Norick and Marie. They nod and begin to unleash into them, severely damaging the cannons. Several red and green dragons soon fly down and strafe the remains, destroying them completely.

I look to Regulus and Selene, seeing them seethe with anger. While they still outnumber us three to one, we managed to remove one of their more valuable assets. I watch as the battle shifts not only off of the steps but onto the second tier with some reaching the third. Several buildings are being destroyed as dragons crash into them. A few more explode as spells and people slam into them as well.

I pan around, seeing more of our allies lying on the ground, some dead with more still alive. As with the fallen dragons, wolves soon arrive and whisk them away. I really hope I’m not overstressing the youngsters. I did tell them to rotate duties if given the chance, but plans don’t always go as they should.

I nod only to be knocked back by a spell. I roll heavily on the steps to then flip back onto my feet. I crouch low, twirling my tails behind me, summoning flame and ice, and leap back into the fray. I scorch and freeze, slash and glide gracefully through the air as tails grab and pull at my targets. I slide under more as they get close, slashing at them with sword and magic.

I land some distance away, watching Kerrigan and Andriy assaulting another group. The ground then shakes as I watch dragons land and charge at me. I feel a hand gripping my waist as I’m whisked away by Kenji.

We flip and twirl over and under each other, firing blasting of foxfire and incinerating foes. I can't help but keep smiling at how naturally we move as one. We then lock tails, combining our magic and hurl huge streams of foxfire at our enemies. We smile to each other at how well we fight together.

I peer up, seeing Marron continuing her fight as her darts pierce more and more targets, forming the familiar web. She streaks her fingers across the threads, either igniting them as firing streams of lightning along the threads. She begins to be pushed back, fending off more and more opponents only to have Piotr leap and blast them back.

I smile softly as they, like Kenji and me, seem to fight well with each other. As they spin and dance on the battlefield, I watch as they give passing smiles to the other. Oh yea, I was right about them.

Kenji and I continue our assault, with me leaping back some distance. He looks to me as I begin to summon a torrent of fire and ice. The opposing elements swirl and coalesce as I start to compress them into a single ball, even throwing in the magic I use for my Orbs and even simpler magicks to help amplify it.

Once done, I see a Isolde landing on the ground with a pair of smaller adults in her claws. She’s utterly gigantic, probably eighty to ninety feet in length, yet I know her father easily towers over her. I peer up, seeing an opportunity to further strike at our enemies as I Rush over to her.

I leap onto her and run along her spine. She peers back to me, smiling as she lowers her tail. I grin and run towards the tip to which she launches me into the air while Rushing the moment it reaches its peak.

I fly higher and higher into the air, and then hover for a moment, keeping myself aloft. I peer down, seeing how the battle tides continue to ebb and flow with each side making and losing progress. I close my eyes feeling out my targets only open them, watching as my own forces begin to disperse. I smirk, watching as Marron and Fenris orders them to fall back.

I bring both hands together, unleashing the compressed torrent down, which rockets to the ground. It then begins to break up into thousands of smaller bullets which all rain down on our enemies.

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