At the end where Destiny awaits: Book 6 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 40: The dawn

I sit on the terrace overlooking the forest. I stare out into it as the sky above is still mostly black with little hints of white coming from the east. I pull my legs into my chest as a million thoughts race through my mind. I sigh softly as my tails coil around me, thinking of the battle that’s to come.

This isn’t like the other battles I’ve fought before. The past fights were either ambushes or simply happened. This time however? This is the first one that’s been building towards for months. I would laugh that it’s here again, that I’m preparing before a massive event in my life. Once again…history is being made and I’m a part of it.

This coming battle is the culmination of the past year, starting with Regulus' attempt on my life after he revealed my lineage. Yet I still wonder why he did it so soon. Perhaps it was to simply stun the world soon after yet again? Who knows?

The first major battle was in my very own driveway, where I fought off Lana, Mistral and Irina when they came knocking. I fought so hard in that fight, all because they all had an ax to grind with me. Next was the battle in the forest with Diana, then the one where I had to flee my home. I fought against covens, Diana again only to be blasted half way to the other side of the world.

Yet through it all the hardships, I still have to admit to the good that came of it. I finally was able to heal my emotional wounds, and confessed my heart to the boy I love. My journey into the past forged new memories and bonds I never would’ve thought possible.

I even found a family I never knew I had, finding a place I couldn’t have imagined I’d call my home. I learned and experienced so much, having made world shattering revelations that I know will shape my future to come.

Through all the pain and suffering I’ve endured, I actually wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s made me a far better and stronger girl than if I hadn’t.

I close my eyes, hugging my legs tightly to me, giving silent prayers for my family and those whom have all gathered for this battle. I pray so hard in my heart that someone could actually hear it.

I pray for my sisters. For Silvi, the incredible dragon who quickly made me her sister after our first meeting and someone who’s been amazing during that first year of my new life. For Marron, my first sister and one who we share a bond of family that goes beyond lifetimes.

I pray for my aunts. Yukari, a woman I love so much and took such pleasure in watching over me last spring. Asha, the ryujin who loves to spoil as much as to simply cuddle and impart pieces of wisdom when needed.

I pray for my wolves, firstly for Fenris my father and my constant companion through all my hardships and peace. To Athena, who became my second bonded and link to the past and new future. For the rest of my wolves, and they are mine. For Leto and Nelly, my “little” brother and sister, who braved the centuries just to come back to me. They’re all here to fight alongside me, and while I have faith in them, I will still worry.

For my knights and combat maids. They are some of the closest friends I have ever known and will gladly shed my blood alongside them.

Finally I say a prayer for my mother, the person who brought me into this world. I am hers, through blood and soul, born of her very heart. Even though we were separated from each other, we were still able to reunite. I am ever so grateful to her, for all she’s done for me.

I hold my hand over my heart, a heart I share with her. There’s one final thing I have to do when this is all over. One last promise to fulfill. I sigh softly, knowing it will happen, just have to get through today.

I feel arms wrapping around me, holding my tiny body close. I open my eyes and see Mom and Marron sitting with me. I smile, holding onto them and wrap my tails around them. They smile in return, squeezing me gently.

I turn and gaze back out onto the forest, watching as the sky slowly becomes lighter as the sun rises. My gaze seems distant, looking deeply in the direction of my home, knowing it’s waiting for me.

“Did either of you think we’d be just sitting here before a massive battle?” I ask.

“No, sweetheart,” Mom replies. “Neither did I ever desire for any of this for you. All I ever wished for you was to have a normal life.”

Marron chuckles softly, “Rachel, what has ever been normal about her life?”

Mom grins, stroking my hair, “True.”

I smile, clinging to them.

Shadows then begin to hover over us. I lean back, seeing Silvi along with Yukari and Asha. I smile to all of them, “My family sure has gotten big over the years.”

All three laugh as they look to me.

“Sure has, Little Wing,” says Silvi.

Yukari and Asha both kneel down and hold me, planting kisses on my forehead.

“You are our precious little niece, Aria-chan,” says Asha. “A girl I am still forever happy to have become a part of our lives.”

I grin as Yukari strokes my hair. “You are of us, forever bound to our hearts.”

I giggle, thinking of how entwined I’ve become in their lives. I’d never thought I’d ever be reborn into a world such as this, to have family whom aren’t even human. I have to agree with Titania in saying that I was meant to be in their world. It just took me a while to get here.

Silvi sits onto the bench next to Marron. “Velhemina is waiting for us to come home.”

I smile, nodding. “I miss her.”

She nods, gazing at me with her golden eyes. “I know. Yet as much as she would have loved nothing more than to come with us, in truth she really isn’t that much a fighter.”

I nod. Velhemina truly is powerful in her own right, but she really wouldn’t be able to do much aside from acting as a healer for after the battle. However, she did supply us with plethora of healing salves and potions to augment our healing magic. So in some ways she’s here helping us.

Yukari strokes my hair as she presses her head to mine. “We are all here to fight for your freedom, my little niece. For though the storm is coming, a golden dawn lies beyond it.”

I smile as she continues to stroke me. “Fret nothing that is to come. Merely allow it to wash over you as it does.”

I nod. As the old saying goes, let the future worry about itself, merely focus on the present. It’s the present I wish would last forever, yet I still have to face what’s to come.

Asha smiles to me, “I know for a fact the shirohebi are offering prayers for us as we speak. I heard from the head priest how the entire village has been to the shrine many times giving prayers.”

I blush softly, thinking how I have so many people worried for us across the world. I still could have called Savero for aid, knowing he’d be here in a heartbeat for me with an entire army in tow. Yet I have to have faith in those gathered, faith in my family here now. I will see him and the gossip again when this is all over, a promise made between a girl and her big brother.

I feel noses pressing into my shins I look forward to see my wolf parents sitting in front of me. I lean forward and reach for them, stroking their fur. They are the other side of who I am. It’s not just because I’m of Shyair and the kinship is so incredibly strong with them.

No, it’s deeper than that. They each came in to my life when I needed them most even though I didn’t know it at the time they did. I never would have thought of having parents who weren’t human, yet here they are.

Athena smiles and starts to nuzzle my face. “Your family will grow even more soon, little Aria.

I look to her, cocking my head in confusion as I stare at her. Her eyes seem to glisten even more, her face seems softer as if…if she’s glowing!

She smiles gently to me, nodding softly.

My eyes grow wide as I know what this is, having seen it dozens of times over the years.

“You’re….you’re pregnant!” I exclaim.

She grins, licking my face. “I look forward to giving you several little brothers and sisters.

I blush softly as I stare at her. This is incredible, as I look to Fenris who stands up straighter and puffs his chest looking even prouder. I can’t believe he’s going to have children of his own, well, me being his first actually but still.

Everyone around us begins to cheer and congratulate her. Mom begins to make plans for where the pups will be born and housed, no doubt close to the Manor. Both Silvi and Marron ask if they could be aunts for them. Athena beams, nodding happily. Although I suspect Silvi is looking forward to having more sparring partners in the future. Yukari and Asha are ablaze with ideas, wondering how the village will react to the news.

I however stare at her with worry. “Aren’t worried about going to battle now that you’ve announced this?”

Pregnancy, no matter the race or species, is a delicate condition. Stress of any kind can have dire repercussions not only for her but also the babies.

She smiles, looking into my eyes, giving me a comforting face. “Expecting mother wolves would still hunt and fight up until the fifth month.

That might be true, but that still isn’t enough for me to stop worrying over her. She’s someone incredibly special and important not only to me but also to Fenris. I don’t think I could see myself losing her ever.

She smiles, nuzzling my face once more. “All shall be well, my daughter.

I blush softly, clinging to her. She is my mother, mate to my father. Yet with this, how can I not worry? Part of my wishes for this day didn’t have to come, that this was over a year ago and I was still blissfully ignorant to all of this. However, the truth is that reality is a bitch and I’m here now.

I pan over to see Kenji standing alongside Arcturus, my knights and the rest of the pack. Kerrigan leans against the banister, smiling to me as Andriy comes into view. I have such incredible friends and allies here with us; I just don’t know how to thank them when this is all over.

I nod, sighing softly as the night continues to surrender to the dawn. I look up, now seeing lighter skies with few clouds in them, something that will change very soon.

I still just wish this moment would last forever.

We have movement at the border,” I hear a voice squawking over the radio. “It’s confirmed to be Regulus. His forces are amassing yet appear not ready to enter.”

Well…looks like reality once more rears its ugly head.

Mom leans over and kisses my forehead. “It’s time, my love.”

I nod, still holding onto everyone for a moment. I then stand along with everyone and start of the manor.

As I do, I walk over to Kenji as the others continue on. We take each other’s hands, holding them tightly.

“I promise to make it through this, Ariko,” he tells me softly.

I nod, “I do as well. Just be safe, alright? Our future is waiting for us.”

He smiles, leaning over and pressing his head into mine, bringing our hands up to our chests. He then cups my chin and raises it, kissing me gently yet deeply. I smile through the kiss and transform back into a human. I feel my cheeks warm as the sun crests over the house.

We end the kiss, simply staying there for a moment. I breathe softly as we stare into each other’s eyes, not wanting to leave this spot. Yet we have to.

I peer over seeing Mom standing with Arcturus along with my wolf parents as they watch us. I smile to them, grateful to have them for a multitude of reasons.

I look back to Kenji, “We need to get ready.”

He nods as we turn and head inside, still grasping the other’s hand.

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