
Chapter Miracle

“Until death do us part,” he said softly.

“I can’t believe that it is actually happening. I am getting married tomorrow.” I smiled as I turned away from him and rubbed my hand over the rough bark of the almond tree.

The rehearsals had been finished and the two of us had come down to the valley behind my house. It was the first time in days that we’d been able to spend time alone. Between dress fittings, caterers and decorations, we were pretty much swamped. Before the final decorations were up, we’d sneaked down here in the valley. It was about six thirty in the evening and the sun was very low in the sky.

“Cold feet?” he asked standing behind me.

“Yeah, a little. But that has been happening a lot lately.” I smiled and turned back to him.

His face tilted impishly into a smile. “How about now?” he said as he sprayed a few tongues of fire at my feet.

“Rain!” I yelled. He laughed loudly. “I wasn’t speaking literally. I was referring to my new found bending abilities.” I said still a bit surprised.

“Yes, I know.” he choked. “So I bet your feet are toasty warm right now.”

“I am going to make you pay for that.” I smiled as I lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. As he fell, he held on to my waist and pulled me down with him. I giggled as I landed softly against his chest. My smile faded slowly as I looked directly into his eyes dusky eyes. “What about you, wedding jitters?”

“Honestly, I cannot wait to finally start our life together as man and wife. We will not only be one by an oath, but in mind, body, power, and spirit, now and centuries ahead of us.” he smiled as he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

“I am especially looking forward to the body part.” I whispered, but didn’t wait for him to respond before I crushed my lips against his. He slowly rolled unto his side and slipped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I smiled sheepishly as I extricated my lips from his. He smiled at me and shook his head. “What am I going to do with you.” he said, not reproachfully but in a tone of extreme admiration.

“I could think of a few things.” I said cocking my eyebrow up as I bit my lower lip.

“I bet you could.” he said with a soft chuckle. I returned a guilty smile and hid my face in his chest.

Never in a million years would I have thought it possible to love anyone as much as I loved Thorn. Every time I thought that my heart was full and was about to explode, it seemed to magically expand holding all the love that I felt.

I was blessed beyond measure to find someone as strong, sincere, honest and beautiful both inside and out to call my own. This was nothing short of a miracle, my miracle.

“What are you thinking about?” I said staring up at him, as he wore a faraway look.

“I was just thinking, what our children would be like with a Corona for a mother and a Lune for a dad.” he answered softly as he looked down at my face as my head rested on his lap. He stroked my hair backwards.

“Children?” I said taken a little off guard.

“You don’t want kids?” he eyes furrowed.

“Yes, I do, eventually. It’s just that I wasn’t thinking of that right now.” I stammered.

“I thought you would, considering all the things that you want me to do to you.” he said playfully. “Children usually do come from such unions you know.” he continued.

“I know,” I returned playfully as I tapped him lightly on the leg.

My mind wandered to a place where I saw my flat stomach, rounded by pregnancy. I rubbed my belly thoughtful as I thought of having a life inside me, that was part Thorn and part me. My lips tilted slightly at the thought. “I wonder if our boys will have russet coloured skin like mine and shoot fire or if they will have your eyes and will spray water. Or will their eyes be mixed like mine was in the human form, but this time it will be a greyish-green mix. But I do hope they turn out grey. It is such a pretty colour. I can bet if they look anything like you, they will be nothing less than beautiful.” I said thoughtfully.

“Boys?” he said surprised and had stopped stroking my hair.

“Yeah, our twins.” I said nonchalantly as I looked up at him briefly and then back at a distant tree. “It will be curious to see if their abilities will be merged like ours have.” I babbled on.

“Twins. Why twins?” he said still looking curiously at me.

“I don’t know? It sort of popped up to me. Having two children at one birthing seems easier than getting pregnant twice, which would mean double the labour pains.”

“Seems like you have given it some thought. I thought you said that it wasn’t on your mind.” he joked.

“It wasn’t. I guess it is just the maternal, nurturing side of me that had started kicking in on the mention of having a child.” His child.

His lips tightened, as he seemed to be considering what I’d just said. “But suppose you don’t get twins and one child is a girl?” he said wearing a look I didn’t understand.

“Am I missing something here?” I said creasing my forehead. “Do you know something that I don’t?”

“No, it is just that I have this niggling feeling about the children we’ll have about a century or two from now.” he smiled.

“A niggling feeling huh,” I knew that it meant he had some sort of premonition or whatever it was that gave the Grand Lune or Corona their sense of insight. “Well if it is meant to be that way, I will love my daughter and son regardless.”

“Try sons.” he smiled.

“Three! Oh my. My poor body . . .” I said clutching my stomach.

“Will be just as beautiful as it is now.” he smiled as he finished my statement and he kissed me on my hand.

“I can promise you that I will, even after three kids, try to not to become an ugly, pudgy housewife and I solemnly swear never to wear flannel nightgowns to bed, strictly those embarrassing lacy nightgown thingies.” I giggled.

“Aurora you will never be ugly to me.” he said soberly. “Besides I don’t know what the big deal is about flannel nightgowns. They are light, see through and I can bet they’re probably easier to take off than some of the lacy things.” his lips tilted into a slight one-sided smile.

“I’d never thought of it that way.” I mused. Leave it to Thorn to put an interesting twist on flannels. “So what, no French lingerie?”

“I didn’t say that. I was only making a point about flannels being acceptable sometimes. Simplicity is nice, but I wouldn’t mind seeing and removing complicated nightwear. In fact, the gesture will be greatly appreciated.” he said with his smile widening.

I shot him a wide grin. “I will see what I can do, as I aim to please.” I said sitting up. I brushed my nose slightly against his, until I could feel the his warm breath against my upper lip. I then pulled away slowly. “We should probably go back to the house before they come searching for us.” I said starting to get up.

“Not yet,” he said as he pulled me back down to him and kissed me ardently. I willingly obliged to his rebelliousness.

I smiled softly as he unlocked his lips from mine “We should probably get going.” I repeated softly as I gazed into his eyes. I could see the reluctance in them as much as I was sure it was in mine.

“You’re right.” he said looking at the western sky. The sun had gone down completely and small stars had started peaking from behind the clouds. “I will have to be leaving soon.” I was a little disappointed that we didn’t give in to our sensibilities. He got up from the ground before helping me to my feet and we started for the house.

“Want to race me up the hill?” I asked daringly.

“I’ll give you the head start.”

“Oh you are such a gentleman. Catch me if you can.” I said breaking into a quick run.

It was a pleasant feeling, running. It was one of the few times that I could really let go, not with holding any of my power. I was free to be what I was, or at least what I was at the moment. And right now, I was a shifter moving at the speed of sound. The power that surged to my limbs brought an unimaginable thrill as I watched the earth disappear beneath my feet. Leaving everything else behind me.

My hair billowed around my head as the fluidity of my run was broken at certain stony areas, as I had to move in huge bounds from one rocky crevice to the next.

I heard the sound of back lashing bushes behind me and I turned slightly to see him gaining on me. I moved faster, but he also quickened his pace and was soon running beside me. “Seems like you’ve been caught.” he said still managing to put on a devastatingly beautiful smile despite us running this hard.

“Not quite yet,” I said as I grabbed hold of a small limb, swinging myself up in the tree. I planted my soles deeply into the main trunk with enough force to propel me into the yard. “I win,” I said smiling as he came to a stop in front of me only a few milliseconds after I landed.

“So you did. The next time, you won’t be getting a head start.” he said smiling at me.

“And I will still beat you then.” I replied. He let out a loud guffaw in response.

“Maybe,” he said with a slight one sided smile as he put one arm around my waist.

I wordlessly leaned on his shoulder as I stared at a single star in the sky. There was nothing special about that star, but for some reason it had caught my attention. I walked with him like that, for how long I didn’t know, but soon the star had disappeared and I was staring into nothingness.

“Your mother and sister pout when they are thinking, but you always seem like you want to chew your lower lip off.” said Thorn lightly.

“I am sorry,” I said snapping out of my reverie, “what did you say about me eating my lip?” I said turning to him.

“I was wondering what you were thinking about.” he said softly.

“Nothing really,” I said softly. He raised one eyebrow and looked at me quizzically. “Maybe not nothing totally.” I said. He still held the quizzical look on his face. “I was just wondering what are you guys going to do tonight?” I asked gingerly. “You don’t have to tell me as I don’t know if there is some guy code about not discussing what happens at a bachelor party with your wife-to-be . . . but I was just curious.”

The hardness around his lips softened and was replaced by a slight smile. “I really don’t know what Caleb has planned, but it I think it has to do with trying to have me see what I’ll be missing when I lose my bachelorhood tomorrow.” I frowned. “Don’t worry love as I can assure you that I will be utterly bored the whole time.” he said pulling me closer. “Besides, you are the only woman I can think of in that way.” he said placing a slight kiss on my cheek.

I was a largely appeased but still somehow nervous and only managed to put on a slight smile. “What about you ladies?” he said distracting me from my thoughts of scantily clad strippers sauntering around him.

“A hen party. I get gifts and when mom and a few others will sing songs attempting to embarrass me to death about my wedding night. I swear I will be scarred mentally by the end of the night.” I giggled nervously. I was already getting anxious just thinking about tonight’s events.

“That doesn’t sound too bad.” he said as we broke through the tree line and unto the lawn.

“I will have to listen to a bunch of grown women talking about me losing my virginity for the whole night.” I said raising my eyebrows.

“You’re right, that will be embarrassing.” he smiled. “But you will get over it after a couple hundred years.”

“A couple hundred is correct. I don’t think I will be able to look at my mom and sister without blushing after tomorrow.”

“It will be okay, unless you’d rather we did nothing but watch television the whole night.”

“We will do no such thing.” I said sitting down on one of the lace covered chairs under the reception canopy. I had borne months of Thorn shooting down my advances when he thought we were going too far, all in the name of holy matrimony. Holy matrimony was a day away so he no longer had an excuse.

Mom and Alex had a field day decorating the house and the grounds. The theme of the event was centred on Thorn and me. Two beings as different as night and day coming together as one. It would be a late afternoon event. With the actual wedding taking place in the banquet hall where I had the engagement ceremony and the reception would be outside under the night sky.

The huge tent of pale blue lace covered most of the yard. Garlands of scented flowers lined the entire room. They even had a makeshift hardwood floor spanning the entire area. Tall unlit silver-plated torches circled the room. At the fore was a huge table set out for the bridal party and behind it was a miniature waterfall. The ice carvings wouldn’t be set up until tomorrow.

“Your mother and sister did quite a job with the decorations.” he commented at the set up.

“Yes it is beautiful in here. They really went all out.” I said taking another look around the room. “Although, I could get married in nothing but cocoa leaves and cardboard shoes and would still be happy as long you were there.” I smiled thoughtfully.

“I feel the same way.” he said pulling his chair around to mine. I closed my eyes as he gently stroked the planes of my face with the back of his hand.

“There you are.” said Caleb. “Thorn we need to go. The others are waiting for us in the car.”

“Caleb go away.” I said softly without opening my eyes.

“Summer please, you have the whole of tomorrow to get all intimate and stuff, but right now, we have a bachelor party to attend.” he said coming beside me.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. “You know that you can be such a thorn in the side.”

“Really, because I thought that he was the Thorn at yours.” he said laughing at his quip.

“Clever,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Isn’t it,” he grinned. I rolled my eyes again.

“You can go ahead Caleb. I’ll be out in a minute.” said Thorn.

“Don’t be long.” he said walking outside.

“You really have to go, don’t you?” I moaned.

“Yes, I do. But I will be waiting for you at the altar tomorrow.” he said as he kissed me passionately.

“Thorn, let’s go.” I heard Caleb calling from the outside.

He hesitantly pulled his lips from mine and rested his forehead on mine. “Tomorrow love.” he said getting up.

“Tomorrow and then forever,” I said softly as my hand slowly slipped from his.

“Yes and forever.” he said smiling softly. I watched as he moved away from me and disappeared through the thin wall of the tent.

I sighed heavily and got up. I carefully replaced the chair. It was only one night without him. After tomorrow, he’d be with me forever. I smiled at the thought as I walked out of the tent and towards the house.

Thorn had asked Caleb to be his best man, after Nick had left the island a few days ago. He’d told Thorn that he didn’t think he would be able to stand at the altar beside him in good faith, knowing that he was still in love with me and yet he had to watch me given away to his brother forever.

I’d asked Thorn if he’d seen Nick with anybody else in the future, but he’d said he didn’t. He said probably meant that the person hadn’t been born as yet, so he would have to wait for whoever she was. For his sake I hope that it wouldn’t be a long wait.

I was sad that he wouldn’t be there, as he was my friend no matter what the situation may have been. He was my only friend who would have been able to attend my wedding, as I couldn’t invite my human friends. Parts of the ceremony itself would require Thorn and I using our powers, in addition to the fact there would be too much shifters gathered in one place, and small accidents that wouldn’t go unnoticed by them could happen.

Also unlike our engagement ceremony were there were mostly Coronas in attendance, a few of the higher ranked members of the Guard and their mates would be present. Although mom, Seidon, Alex and Thorn hadn’t seen any possible problems, things although calm, weren’t fully settled and we had to be ready for anything.

“I was about to send out a search party for you and Thorn, as the two of you suddenly disappeared. I was starting to think that the two of you went off and had eloped.” said my mother looking down from the second floor.

I shook my head. “No such luck.” I muttered. “We just went to get some alone time, as we’d been kept very busy these few days.”

“So where is your bridegroom-to-be now?” she asked.

“He went with Caleb and the others to go to his bachelor party.” I miffed.

“They left early, must have a long night ahead of them. Well, come up the other ladies are waiting for you in your room.” she said nonchalantly and turned from the brazen rails.

“A long night a head of them?” I muttered as I climbed the stairs slowly. I knew that Thorn would never do anything willingly, that would hurt me or break my trust, but then again Caleb was in the mix, and frankly, it was my opinion that his sanity comes and goes sometimes.

I wonder if there would be strippers? If they were, I hoped they were all ugly. Dad and Seidon would be there, so things couldn’t get too bad, could it? Mom didn’t sound worried, so why should I? I sighed heavily.

I turned the doorknob and pushed open the door. “Aurora, you are finally here, now we can get the party started.” said Alex from across the room.

My room was filled with wavy haired women, scattered all over my room. Some I’d recognised from my engagement ceremony and others I didn’t know any at all. I was greeted by congratulations, hugs and kisses as I was passed from hand to hand in the room.

I heard a champagne glass being clicked and I turned my attention to Alex who was standing in the middle of my bed. “Everyone if I could get your attention please. Yeah turn down the music, a little.” she trilled. “Can everyone raise their glasses. Could someone give Aurora one, please. Okay. Good.” she said as someone handed me a glass filled with the bubbly liquid. “As maid-of-honour, I would like to make a toast to my sister. Tomorrow will be the day your life changes forever, as you are joined to the one whom you love, and who loves you with all of his heart. Et cetera, et cetera. You will hear the rest of that speech at the reception tomorrow.” the crowd let out a small laugh.

“But tonight little sister, it is all about you and your transformation from girlhood into womanhood. So let us raise our glasses to my sister, who will tomorrow night, forever lose her innocence. Cheers.” she raised her glass and took a sip.

“Cheers!” replied the rest of the women.

“Oh frick, here we go.” I moaned as I tilted the glass to my mouth and finished the drink with two full gulps. I grimaced at the taste that the champagne left in my mouth. How did people drink this stuff, it tasted awful.

“More,” said someone coming beside me with an open bottle about to pour it into my glass.

“No, thank you. I think I’d had enough for the night.”

“Okay,” she smiled. “But somehow I think that you may change your mind as the night progresses.” she said before walking off.

“Okay, this one is from me.” said my mother handing me a small gift-wrapped box.

“What is it?” I said shaking it. I’d received, bath oils, jewellery and stuff like that so far. I wondered what my mother had bought.

I quickly pulled off the pink wrapping paper. I carefully lifted the cover off and placed on beside me on the bed removed all the crepe paper. I noticed a thin folded cloth in the midst of it. I took it up carefully, and turned it around to hold it by the straps.

“Mother!” I said holding up the light flimsy piece of lingerie. I turned it around and looked at her in shock. The other women made a gurgling sound.

“Something I thought you might need tomorrow night. I think that it will be much appreciated by Thorn. It is made of silk, easy to slip on or off. Although it doesn’t leave much covered anyhow.”

“Mother!” I gapped again. I dropped the scanty article of clothing back into the box and covered it. My face had turned a burning red. I had expected that I might receive a gift like this from Alex, but my mom. I thought that I couldn’t be more embarrassed than the time I was twelve and had my first period and I had to ask my mom for sanitary napkins and she made a big hurrah out of it. But it seems that I was wrong.

“What, don’t you like it?” she asked.

“Well yes, I mean no. I mean, I just wasn’t expecting. . .” I stammered as it was still hard for me to piece together a proper sentence. “Lin-ge-rie.”

“You weren’t expecting lingerie, it is a bachelorette party hun.”

“I know but, I was expecting this from Alex. You just caught me off guard.” I stammered.

“Don’t worry, the ones I gave you are already packed in your drawers, just in case this one happen to be destroyed.” quipped Alex and wore a sly half smile. It annoyed me that she was having so much fun at my expense.

“Well dear, let me let you on a little secret.” she said coming to sit beside me. “I know more about this than your sister.”

“She sure does.” said Alex. I was about to tell her to shut up, she was only making this more embarrassing, but thought better of it. It was only tradition. Oh frick, now I was saying it.

“I’ve taught you everything about everything when you were growing up, and this is no different. It is my duty to teach you everything that a girl needs to know and what to expect when she is going to have sex for the first time.” I cringed. The word sex coming from your mother’s mouth creeps you out, no matter how old you were. “I’m only fulfilling my motherly role. That is if you are still a virgin. Are you?” she looked at me curiously.

My mouth dropped open. “Yes, mother. I am.” I managed to get out.

“I had to ask, because with the two of you, I am continuously guessing. Well I am happy that you had the restraint to wait until now.” she trilled.

“Who said that I was the one who wanted to wait. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t be a virgin right now.” I said gingerly. “What can I say, I am pretty hot-blooded.” It was my mother’s time to be shocked. Another round of laughter spread through the room.

“In that light, mom do you remember the song you sang to me on the night before my wedding?” said Alex mercurially.

“Yeah, yes.” she said as she’d finally recovered from my last comment. I’m going to need a little help with this.” she said addressing the other women.

“This song I sing for my daughter, a maiden fair.

Still fresh, untouched, saved for the one she loves so dear.

She’ll savour each kiss and moan with each touch,

As heights of pleasure, she’d never felt so much.

Her mind swells and spirit floats to the sky,

As the deep fire inside burns hot and high.

Her body trembles and quakes.

As the peak of ecstasy slowly awakes.

Her garden is watered, and soil no longer dry,

She smiles blissfully as her innocence is gone, none existent, is far from nigh.

This song I sing for my daughter, a maiden no more,

Has given it all to her beloved, bring them much closer together than ever before.

“It is going to be that good.” I said musingly as I reflected on the words of the song.

“Much more beautiful than you can imagine.” she said softly.

“I wasn’t talking about that song. The other crude one you sang to me.” interrupted Alex.

“Crude, I don’t think I want to hear that one.” I said crossing my legs tightly together.

“Well you have to. It’s a rite of passage young lady.” said one of the older women. “It just wouldn’t be right if we only described the good parts. That means that you wouldn’t have been fully educated.”

“You mean that there might be pain?” I said wincing.

“And maybe a little blood.” she continued.

“Crosses.” I mouthed silently.

“Don’t worry dear. We will tell you all about it.” smiled my mother.

“Can I get more champagne?”

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