
Chapter Harmony

“So how was your night?” I whispered into the blue gem.

He paused as if searching for a word. Eventful. his voice rang clearly in my head.

“What did you guys do?” I asked anxiously.

Don’t worry no strippers were involved. he chuckled. I breathed a sigh of relief. We went to a club in Ocho Rios. The others danced, drank lots of liquor and loudly discussed my so-called coming of age and transition into manliness. I must say that I wasn’t the only uncomfortable one in the group, as your dad remained mainly quiet.

“Poor dad.” I smiled.

Well, how was your night? Was it as bad as you’d thought? he smiled.

“It was worse. I still have a headache from all the champagne I drank last night. I felt like crawling under a rock when I opened my mother’s gift, only to find out that it was a very scanty negligee. I burned even redder if she asked me outright if I was still a virgin. After managing to say yes, I got very detailed descriptions on what I should expect during my first time. The popping of hymens, a little pain, blood, ecstasy. Every fricking detail.”

I was told that there would be discomfort for women their first time, but blood and actual pain, that I didn’t know about. he said reflectively.

“The painful truth usually is hidden or maybe they were just exaggerating. If it was that unpleasant, the world would be under-populated and our species would be on the brink of extinction.” I heard my room door being pushed open and I turned to face my mother.

“Summer who are you speaking to?”

“No one,” I said dropping the stone and folding my hand under my head.

“It is Thorn, isn’t it?” I didn’t answer. She came over to my bed and in a swift movement removed the stone from around my neck.

“Hey,” I cried in protest.

“Now young man,” she said ignoring me and looking into the stone. “This is your wedding day and you are not allowed to see the bride until you are at the altar. It is bad luck and God knows we don’t need any more of that. So I don’t want you using your stone to be peeking in on Summer during the day. Can you promise me that? Good. Now goodbye Rain, we will see you later at the altar.” the faint blue glow coming from the stone faded slowly.

“Mom, why did you do that?” I moaned.

“Now you listen to me young lady, we are going to do this wedding today and we are going to do it right. That includes not seeing Thorn until you are at the altar. Here.” she said as she was about to throw the stone back to me. “You know what, I think I am going to keep this until after the wedding,” she said pulling her hand back.

“That is not necessary mother. I will not speak to Thorn and you made him promise not to see me.” I said outstretching my hand.

“I know that you will not honey, but this is just a safeguard.” she smiled. “It is still a little early to start getting ready, but Alex and I will swing by around noon to help you.”

“Noon, I don’t need six hours to get dressed.”

“Trust me dear you will. This isn’t a school dance. It is your wedding day and we are going to need all six hours to get you perfect. So I will see you later dear.” she said as she cantered towards the door.

“Do you need any help finishing up down there?”

“Min and I have everything in hand,” she said stepping out of the room and closing the door.

I shrugged my shoulders and fell backwards unto my mattress.

“Ouch!” I yelled. “Can you be gentler, I would still love my follicles to be embedded in my scalp after you are done.” I complained.

“Your hair is thick and I have to get out all of these knots for it to be perfect,” said Alex sounding strained as she tugged at my hair.

“You know Thorn doesn’t expect me to be perfect. He once told me that a real girl isn’t perfect and that a perfect girl isn’t real.” I miffed.

“He would be right about that usually, but it is your wedding day, you are expected to be nothing less than perfect.” said my mother as she held up my dress and smoothed it down.

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I just sat silently, cringing as Alex kept tugging at my hair. I did want to look perfect for Thorn, as I wanted it to be a day that he would never forget. He’d always accepted the simple me, no makeup or fancy clothes, but today I wanted to be more for him, as he truly deserved it.

“It is almost time,” said my mother squeezing through my door.

“Hmm hmmm,” I answered and continued staring at image in the gold-framed mirror. She was right about needing the time to get ready. By the time she and Alex had finished polishing, priming and powdering me, the six hours were gone.

“Nervous?” she said coming to stand behind me.

“I feel like my organs are doing summersaults. I know that I have nothing to be worried about, Thorn loves me and I love him too. But I’m still so anxious.” I said turning to face her. “Do you think he will like the dress? What about my hair? You know centuries with one person is a long time. Suppose he gets tired of me by then. What if . . .” I gushed.

“What if your nose hole was a post hole,” she said mockingly.

“Mom . . . Wait. What? That doesn’t make any sense.” I said repeating the words in my head.

“So does the silly talk about Thorn getting tired of you. He loves you honey.”

“I know, but what if . . .”

“Summer, Summer, Aurora calm down.” she said shaking me. “Honey it is normal to feel nervous, this one of the biggest days of your life. It is okay for you to feel nervous, but it will all work out. That is a guarantee.” she said soothingly.

“It is, isn’t it?” I said starting to tear up.

“Yes, honey, don’t cry. You’re going to spoil your makeup, and Alex and I spent hours getting it perfect. You look beautiful. I can assure you that Thorn will be dazzled when he sees you.” she said turning me back to the mirror.

“I’m sorry,” I said carefully wiping away the tears that brimmed at my eyelids. “I do look beautiful, don’t I?”

“Yes you do.” she smiled.

I looked at the powdered green-eyed beauty who stared back at me. It was still hard to believe that it was me. The same features, but I seemed to have adapted a new grace, an elegance that I didn’t possess before.

Alex had to be commended for what she did with my hair. It was nothing short of a miracle. The multiplicity of curls, held in place by a silver tiara, were smoothed out at the roots and was piled high on my head, with small tendrils hanging down my neck and face.

I smoothed my hand over the silky material of the dress. The cut made to the front in this one were just as frightening as the one I had on my engagement ceremony, but at least this time my back was full covered. I swayed slightly to the side and allowed the hem to sweep the floor.

“Now I want you to keep still so I can put this on.” said my mother coming behind me.

“What is it?”

“A necklace,” she said bringing her hand in front of me and then behind my neck. “It is my wedding gift to you. I had it made especially for this occasion. As it represents your unique union with Thorn.”

“It is beautiful. Thank you.” I said bringing my hands thoughtfully up to my throat and touching the beaten silver choker, which had a matching spiralling sun pendant hanging from it. I turned and hugged her.

“I can’t believe my baby is getting married.” she whispered.

“Mom now you need to calm down everything will be fine.” I said letting her go. “Now help me put on my veil,” I said walking over to my bed and taking up the lace veil from the bed and handing it to her. “I still don’t know why you insisted that I wore a fifteen yard veil. I just hope I don’t trip going down the stairs or even worse, down the aisle.”

“It is just an old family tradition. Everyone in my family for three generations wore this on their wedding day.”

“Yeah tradition.” I rolled my eyes. I guess I was going to have to get used to the word tradition being flung around this house. Not using the word tradition, was itself breaking a tradition. She finally attached the veil to my tiara and then over placed the shorter side over my face.

“All ready?” she said stepping back and looking at me.

“I am,” I said taking up the delicate Calla lily bouquet from my bed. I walked out ahead of her as she arranged the yards of Chantilly lace as it trailed behind me.

“I was beginning to think that you’d runaway.” said Alex meeting us behind the door of the banquet hall with Caleb in tow.

“I’m hardly the drama queen you are.” I said rolling my eyes. “By the way you look beautiful.” I said as I admired her in the pale blue maid-of-honour dress.

“Don’t I always.” she gloated.

“I must say that you don’t look too bad yourself,” said Caleb. “Makeup sure works wonders.” he grinned.

“Oh shut it Caleb, you can’t even see my face.” I smiled.

“But seriously though, you look good. I wish mom was here to see you,” he added more sombrely.

“Yeah me too,” I said remorsefully. My aunt was the one responsible for me and Thorn ending up at the same school. A risk our parents were sceptical about, but it worked out to be perfect in the end, as we’d found and had fallen for each other. It was sad that I never really got the chance to thank her for it in person, but I did visit her grave this morning to tell her thanks. I knew she wasn’t here physically, but I could feel her there and I knew that she heard.

“There you are.” said my dad. “You look beautiful Aurora. I still cannot believe you are getting married. I was just changing diapers a few years ago.” he said nostalgically.

“Well I am all grown up now.” I said looking down at my feet.

“Yes you are.” he smiled and held out his arm and I slipped my hand through.

“The music has started. That is my cue.” said mother. Before the door opened, I stepped out of the way and allowed her to pass.

After she was half-way down the aisle, Caleb and Alex marched off. All the unease I felt earlier had started to return. I heard the cue in the song being played, signalling that it was time for me to go out.

“Dad, catch me if I faint away halfway down the aisle.” I said softly.

“I will dear.” he smiled. “It will be okay, just take one step at a time.” he said as he wove his arm through mine and patted me on the hand.

“One step at a time.” I said shaking my head and gripped the white lily bouquet tightly with both hands. “One step at a time.” I repeated as we stepped in front of the opening. The crowd stood as they saw my appearance.

I dropped my eyes to the floor, and then I slowly lifted my head looking ahead. There he was, waiting for me. Suddenly all the anxiety I felt melted away and was replaced by absolute joy.

It was said that it was a brazen bride who smiled on her wedding day, but screw whoever made that up. I was happier than I’d ever been before, and nothing or no one could spoil this day. I was not afraid to show this, no matter how barefaced it caused me to appear.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the gentle waft of the intoxicating scent of citrus blossoms, freesia and rose floating towards me. The soft breeze rustled the clouds of white decorations hanging over me, and played at the hems of my dress, as I walked in step with the echoes of the organ being played.

I smiled softly as Thorn stood a little above me, his grey eyes focused intensely on my veiled face. He’d cut his hair in a blunt a little above the neck. He looked so handsome in the tailored white tux. It was like I was being drawn into him, as no one else seemed to exist at that moment. It wasn’t until the preacher stepped forward that I took my eyes from him.

“Who gives this woman to this man?” he asked.

“I do,” replied my father and he turned to me and lifted the veil, placing a soft kiss on my cheek, before covering my face again. Thorn stepped down towards us and dad placed my hands in his, before walking to the empty seat between mom and Seidon.

My heart leapt at his touch, as he gently lead me up to the altar. This was it, my forever starts now. I smiled.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” smiled the priest. I bowed slightly allowing him to lift the veil from my face completely.

I smiled softly at the look of awe that was etched into his face.

“What is it?” I asked softly.

“It is just that you look, so . . .” he swallowed.

“You can tell me about how I look later. Right now, I’m waiting for my kiss.” I said stepping closer to him.

“Right,” he smiled and he slowly placed one hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I lifted one hand and roped it around his neck pulling his face down to mine. I tilted my head to one side and closed my eyes as his lips touched mine.

His hold on me at first, was like he was holding a porcelain doll that he didn’t want to break, but as soon as we touched all signs of his former restraint melted slowly away. I could hear the thunderous applause and felt the flashes of camera lights as they went off in our faces, but again, we were shut off from the world and had entered one of our own.

“Ladies and gentlemen I present to you His Royal Majesty Grand Lune, Rain Esor North and Queen Consort Aurora Esor North.” said the priest, effectively causing us to break our embrace and turn to the crowd.

My mother was the first one up there to greet us. “Congratulations,” she said tightly squeezing me to herself.

“Rain, welcome to the family.” said my dad to Thorn.

“Thank you, but I felt like I’d been a part of this family for years,” he replied.

“Well, this is the official welcome.” smiled my father.

“Aurora,” said Seidon coming up to me. “Now I can finally call you my daughter, officially as Nafad put it.” he said as I’d wormed my way out of my mother’s hold and into his. My mother had worked her way over to Thorn.

Thorn and I were then passed from one family member to the other until we finally made our way back to each other.

“So are you ready to rush off into the unknown Mrs North?” he said smiling and wrapping both arms loosely around my waist.

Goose pimples rippled up my arms at the sound of my new name. Aurora Summer Laeyx Esor North. It was quite a mouthful but it was wonderful. “Most definitely.” I smiled and tipped so that I could meet his lips.

“Oh come on. You’ll have enough time for that later. Right now we have a reception to attend.” said Caleb putting a hand on each of our shoulders.

Thorn and I broke our kiss and looked at each other and smiled. “Go away Caleb,” we said in unison.

“I was just saying,” he said holding up both hands in surrender. “I was just saying,” he repeated as he moved away from us.

“He is right though, we have to go. We are the main attraction,” said Thorn as he rested his forehead on mine.

“Yeah, I guess we so.” I smiled as I reluctantly pulled away from his hold.

He outstretched his hand and I gripped it firmly, as we walked hand in hand to the festivities outside.

“Now we can get started, as our bride and groom have finally appeared.” said my mother from the centre of the floor. “I apologize for the darkness, but we have our own version of a candle lighting ceremony to be performed by our bride and groom. Their first official duty as man and wife. Aurora, Rain.” she said inviting us to the centre of the floor.

We walked slowly to the centre of the room, hands still tightly entwined. I closed my eyes briefly as I pulled on the cool energy from my feet.

“Ready?” I smiled impishly at him.

“When you are.” he returned the same devilish smile. “After two. One. Two.”

Together we released the energy that had built up in our bodies, and channelled it towards the twelve torches that stood around the room. There were sounds of oohs and ahhs coming from the crowd, followed by applause as we were now surrounded by six torches with flickering blue flames and another six with glowing orange ice.

Thorn had discovered that he couldn’t create fire-water as I could, but instead could produce ice that burned just like fire. Dad said that it was probably a case of our strongest element prevailing over the more recently acquired one.

“Ready for the grand finale?” I smiled.

“Definitely,” he replied as we simultaneously raised our hands above our heads, releasing the rest of the built-up energy. We dropped our hands but our eyes remained focused on the flaming masterpiece set above our heads.

From the ceiling hung icy orange spikes, resembling a flickering fire. From the base burned a scintillating blue flame. The applause grew louder as both elements remained unchanged, the ice not melting and the fire not being put out. They, like Thorn and I, were in perfect harmony

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