Arith : The Undiscovered Planet

Chapter CHAPTER 13

Eric felt at home in Arith. He loved the people so much. He appreciated the comfort they gave him. He and Jesse grew closer and started seeing each other. Arith wasn’t like Earth in terms of population, diversity and size. It was smaller and thus, had fewer number of people . The people of Arith had only ten states. The states were : Lafata State, Lithu State, Fahil State, Fowel State, Prafil State, Gontu State, Rondi State , Emerus State , Torki State and Forshe State . Each state had a specific language. But the whole ten states communicated together in a common language , English.

John belonged to the Lafata State. Each State had a leader, so John was the leader of the Lafata State. Eric smiled as he remembered what John said about how he came to live in Arith . His father was the first person to travel to space from Earth. So John was from Earth.

John’s father and his crew had an accident and five of them were the only lucky ones. At that time, space travel was not advanced in technology as now. They were saved by the people of Arith. The people had welcomed them and each of the crew members, chose to belong to a state. The crew members got married in Arith , taught the people to speak English. John was born and bred in Arith. But then, his dad had always told him about Earth.

His dad had died some years back. Hence, he lived with his mum, wife and children. The Lafata State was already acquainted with John’s dad . So in honour of his late dad, made John their leader .

Eric’s smile faltered when thoughts of his dad came. His dad would be so downcast. How was he coping? Eric’s hope was lost on seeing his dad again . There was no way he would see his dad again . John had said that the development of a spacecraft was under due process, as Arith was not advanced in technology. There was still much left. Well, that meant he would still be here, while his dad was out there , thinking he was dead . Well he had to depend on fate.

Eric sighed and thought it wise to call Jesse, for their date as it was already 17:00, so that she would start getting ready. It was one hour to their date. When Jesse picked up, she sounded so excited.

“Awwnnn, you can’t get enough of me “ she teased.

“Says the lady that called me two hours ago to say she can’t wait to see me when we sat together two hours earlier” Eric teased right back.

“Uh-huh, I feel shy now”.

It felt awkward, hence Eric decided to lighten the mood.

“Baby, I miss you so much dear, can’t wait to be with you”.

“Me too Eric. I love you, always know that”.

“Sure love, I love you more”.

“I’m getting prepared for our date”

“That’s beautiful love. How’s your dad”?

“He’s okay, just said hi”.

“Oh really, send him mine”.

He heard Jesse and someone talking in the background. That’s John, Eric thought.

“Okay love, when you’re done, text me and I will come pick you up”.

“Nice Eric, bye for now”.

“Yes baby”.

They hung up.

He heard steps in the courtyard and knew his uncle and Bryan were back from work. Eric had already started working in a construction company. But today, he chose to stay at home. His day off, so he called it and his uncle had teased him by saying he was lazy.

Eric heard Kelvin and Bryan teasing each other and smiled at how close they were.

“So there are actually friends that love you” he said to himself. He hissed as he remembered his 'best friend' Zach, and how he had betrayed him. Well , that’s that, he thought. He joined his uncle’s and Bryan’s banter. Their bantering was very hilarious to listen to.


Eric and Jesse were in the cinema watching movies. Like Earth , people came to watch movies with their different dates . Eric and Jesse were eating their popcorns as they watched the movies. His uncle and Bryann had been pleased when Eric told them about his date with Jesse. Eric was glad. So now in the cinema, Jesse whispered to Eric :

“Don’t look now , Logan has been staring at us”.

Eric laughed quietly when she said this . Logan was Jesse’s boyfriend before Eric came. They had broken up over Logan’s weird fetish. He was so controlling and loved kinky things in bed. Their sex life had been great like normal people, that was until Logan started behaving strangely. He wanted more and Jesse felt she should give him what he wanted to make him happy. She didn’t have any idea of what she agreed to.

She had nearly died when Logan squeezed her neck ( well according to Logan, he wanted to feel like he was the dominant, to feel in charge) from their play. That ended their relationship. Well since , Logan was staring at them, he was jealous obviously , Eric decided to fuel jealousy. He brought down his lips to meet Jesse's with the intention of just pecking her. But that intention turned needy when he felt her soft lips. At this point, all thoughts of Logan was gone. He desired to consume the whole of her, and he did just that. He expertly ravished her lips as Jesse held on to him tightly. His kisses were hungry. He sucked her top lip and moved on to her bottom lip. He caressed her mouth and teeth with his tongue begging for entrance.

Jesse eagerly complied, Eric wasted no time and dived in with all the want he felt. He tangled his tongue with hers. Their tongues moved in sync. Jesse moaned and that encouraged him further. They kissed, explored and ravaged each other’s lips. They didn’t think of anything else. They swallowed each other’s moans.

The kisses continued and well, … it wouldn’t have stopped, if not that Jesse’s phone interrupted their moment. At first, the lovers ignored the calls and kept eating at each other’s lips. When the call persisted, Eric gently disengaged from the kisses by giving Jesse one last peck.

“Honey, don’t worry, I’m here with you, just answer the phone”. He whispered, kissing her cheeks, eyes and lastly on top of her nose. Jesse still tried to reach for him, but he took her phone from her bag and handed it to her. She pouted cutely and Eric kissed the pout.

So she reluctantly answered the phone.


“Jesse”. Oh it was John her dad, she hadn’t checked to see the caller.

“ Oh Daddy , how are you doing”?

“Very well dear, is Eric still there with you? Because, I tried reaching him but it wasn’t going through” John said.

“Eric must have left his phone at home. He’s here with me dad” Jesse answered.

“Can you give him the phone”?

“Sure dad” and she handed the phone to Eric who was busy caressing her hair.

“Hello John” Eric greeted. John had asked Eric and Kelvin to address him by his name. Eric felt it was rude to address a man older than his dad, by his name. But they had to flow with that, since John insisted.

“Hi Eric, sorry to interrupt your time with Jesse”.

“It’s alright John . I know you have something mind-blowing to tell me”.

“Sure, this would blow your mind. A space ship landed just thirty minutes ago , in the Forshe State. And Eric, it’s the C. S. R, your opponent group from Earth”.

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