Arith : The Undiscovered Planet

Chapter CHAPTER 12

Derek was in the hospital sitting by Tessy’s bed . There was no improvement yet . Tessy was unconscious , still breathing with the help of ventilators . It hurt Derek to see a strong woman in this state . She looked so broken and small . Looking at Tessy , she seemed dead , but thanks to the rise and fall of her chest. He held out his hand to touch her hand and felt her warmth.

“She’s definitely alive” he said to himself.

The doctor had said that she would scale through . He still hoped for her recovery.

I can’t lose you too , he thought.

I would definitely throw a party for Tessy when she leaves this place , he thought again.

He sat silently looking around the hospital . Then his phone rang and he checked to see it was Lincoln calling. He picked up.

“Derek where are you”? Lincoln asked

“I’m at the hospital with Tessy . You sound so urgent Lincoln, what’s up”?

“What I will tell you is going to be so shocking”.

Derek’s eyes popped out. Did Lincoln just say shocking?

“Can you drive to Loreen woods? You will meet me there”.

But why are we meeting in the woods? can’t Lincoln just say whatever he wanted over the phone, Derek wondered but he didn’t voice it out to Lincoln.

Derek was so hot with excitement. So Lincoln finally had an answer. It was just ten minutes drive from the hospital to the woods.

“Thanks Lincoln, on my way”. He hung up and turned to Tessy.

“I will see you Tessy” he said to her. “I shall make sure I bring down those who did this to you” . She just slept on . If only she could hear him, Derek wished. So he bent and kissed her forehead that was heavily bandaged . As he stood up to leave , he stopped short . Zach and the man he recognized from the picture Lincoln had sent to him , passed by . Either they didn’t see him or pretended not to.

Derek watched them , wondering what they were up to. Zach had always been his top suspect. Derek couldn’t wait to get to Lincoln in order to put Zach and everyone involved, behind bars for life.

“Well, I have got this” he said to himself.

He got into his car and drove off to meet Lincoln. He drove at top speed and managed to avoid collision with other vehicles. Ten minutes later, he got to Loreen woods . When he got out of his car, the woods was so serene, the landscape was so natural and amazing . He looked around hoping to see Lincoln. When Lincoln didn’t surface, he decided to call him. It rang and rang. Lincoln wasn’t picking up . Derek grew impatient. What was Lincoln playing at ? He told him to come over to this lonely place and kept him waiting ? This is what happens when you are apprehensive for information, he thought angrily.

He didn’t have time for this. So Derek called out Lincoln’s name several times . There was no response.He decided to search for him. The woods was so large , where would he start searching from? As he was contemplating, a shout was heard and three gunshots ! Derek forgot about everything and moved quickly but quietly to the source of the noise. At this point, he didn’t care if he was heard or not. All he thought was of Lincoln. Hope he is okay , he thought as he moved . He heard footsteps and was so happy.

“Lincoln is coming to me” he said to himself .

But the footsteps became farther as he moved closer. Then it dawned on him that whosoever it was, was definitely running away from him. Could it be Lincoln or the shooter? Please let it be it is Lincoln running away , he hoped.

Derek came to an abrupt halt when he came to a large clearing and found Lincoln motionless and bleeding.

“Aaahh!” He exclaimed and fell to the ground on his knees, he crawled and held Lincoln’s head on his laps. He wept profusely. He knew he wasn’t supposed to panic. Although, his hands were shaking greatly , he managed to put himself together . He checked for signs of life. Lincoln was breathing so faintly.

So Derek dialed 911 . The call went through and a female voice said :

“Hello , may I help you”?

Derek managed to relay the situation and location and put the phone into his pocket. He wasn’t sure if he hung up or not.

“GOD please help him!” Derek cried out , praying. He hadn’t prayed in a long time.

Seconds passed and he felt it was already hours. Where was the help he called for? What were they still doing? Why aren’t they here already? He mused. All these while, he wept and waited.

This was the most agonizing wait of his life!


Derek sat tensively in the hospital lounge. His shirt was soaked with Lincoln’s blood. This didn’t bother him. His only focus was on Lincoln, who was at this point, in surgery. The medical personnels were doing all they could, to save Lincoln’s life. This happened all because of him. Lincoln wouldn’t be in this state if Derek hadn’t gotten him mixed up in this.

He sat thinking. What would be of Lincoln after this , that is if he survived. Lincoln should survive this please, he kept praying. If not, Derek would never forgive himself. What did Lincoln want to talk to him about? Derek was sure, Lincoln had the right answer.

Oh! Derek recalled seeing Zach and the other fellow in the hospital. Had they overhead his conversation with Lincoln and acted fast? But how did they know he was talking to him? Maybe he called Lincoln by his name during the phone call.

The sounds of footsteps woke him from his thoughts. The doctor was out from the theater. So he practically ran to meet the doctor.

“How was it? Is he okay? Where is he right now? Can I meet him? Is he…”?

The doctor patted his shoulders and that halted the questions.

“The surgery was successful, he is very okay. We had to sedate him”. The doctor said reassuringly.

Derek sighed with relief.

“The bullets didn’t touch his vital organs. He is a very lucky man. The robbers who did this to him shall be caught”. The doctor said.

That was the only thing that popped into Lincoln’s head, when he was asked the cause of the bullet's wounds.

“I’m so grateful doc. So … can I at least …see him”?

“Sure , let’s go … but do not disturb him”.

“Sure doc, I promise”.

And off, they went to Lincoln’s bed. Lincoln’s shoulders were heavily bandaged. He slept so peacefully . Derek just watched the rise and fall of his chest. He was so glad.

“Don’t worry, your friend is doing well, okay”? The doctor said looking at Derek.

“Thanks doc”.

“Call me Dante”.

“I’m so glad Dante, I have my friend back”.

And Derek had never been more glad.

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