Anjulina Cornacchia: Attack of the Banshees

Chapter 3: Paradise Seas

We said our goodbyes to Sabrina and headed out to Paradise Seas. We all agreed it was way too early to even be out of bed! At a good ole 5 am, we were off to the next territory.

“Guys I completely forgot about the drink Sabrina gave us!” I told them as I took it out of the bag Sabrina gave me. Marah, Taylor and I all took a sip. Brooke sniffed it first then threw it at me.

“THAT SMELLS DISGUSTING!!” She exclaimed. “It smells like horse crap mixed with dog’s breath and B.O.!”

“Just plug your nose and drink it. You need to tap in to your powers.” She took a swig of it then immediately washed it down with a flask of alcohol.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Marah exclaimed. “You don’t know how that will affect the drink!”

“Well it sure made it taste a lot better!” she told us.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Let’s keep walking.” We walked for maybe another 20 minutes before we stopped for a short rest.

“How much longer is it until we get there?” Taylor groaned.

“We should be there any time.” I replied.

“How long does it take for the drink to kick in?” Marah asked.

I had to think back to what she said to me. She fit in so much in such a short time! “Sabrina told me anywhere from an hour to 5 hours.”

“I’m going to try it out!” Marah looked around for a minute then walked over to a frog.

“Hello there. Would you happen to know how much longer it is until we reach Paradise Seas?”

“Oh, not long at all. Maybe 150 hops in that direction.” The frog answered her.

“Guys! My power! I have my power!” We ran over to her. “Thank you kind frog. I hope to see you again soon!”

“Don’t mention it.” He said as he hopped back in to the river.

“Marah?” Taylor began.

“What is it?”

“Now, you are an animal talker, correct?”


“I am not, correct?”

“Right…” Marah slowly replied.

“Then how the hell could I understand him too?!”

I began to laugh. “Marah, you do realize we are still in the Mystic Forest. Animals can talk here.” Her face turned red and she lowered it.

“Oh, I forgot.” I could see she was disappointed. “Well anyway, he said it was about 150 hops that way. That’s probably around 75 steps. We aren’t far.”

We walked another minute or two. As we approached the territory, Taylor started getting pains.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“I’m so thirsty! My sDesmondach…my legs….my everything is in pain!”

I had to get a hold of Sabrina! ‘Okay, okay, now how did Sabrina say to get a hold of her? Oh!’ I cleared my head of everything. I pictured Sabrina standing right in front of me.

Sabrina; it’s Anjulina. Taylor is getting these gut wrenching pains. She can barely move. What is going on?

I was getting no response. Was it like a text? Did I have to say ‘send’ after that? I was about to say it again when finally I received a reply.

You are close to the Seas. When a mermaid gets too close to salt water, she begins the change. She can change with fresh water but only if she sits in it for a minute. Salt water, even the smell of it can trigger the transition. Once a mermaid, she can breathe under water. When it is time to leave, you may have to help her for a few minutes until she turns back in to a human. The further away from the water you are, the quicker she will change back.

But I am part mermaid and I feel no different.

That is because you are not just mermaid. You have other heritages to keep that one from being over powered. Although you may get some pains once you are directly in the water. Only the first couple of times you change are when you get the sharp pains. After that it becomes easier.

Thank you so much Sabrina! That clears things up a lot!

Oh, one thing… once she is mermaid, if she stays in salt water for more than 2 hours, then she will remain a mermaid forever.

We did not anticipate this at all. I told Taylor what Sabrina said…minus the permanent mermaid thing. I figured that would freak her out a little bit.

Luckily Taylor doesn’t weigh much. We took turns carrying her to the Sea. We got maybe 5 feet away when she jumped out of our arms and in to the water. A good five minutes passed and there was no sign of her.

“Do you think she drowned?” Marah asked.

“No, mermaids are supposed to be able to breathe under water…aren’t they?” I questioned.

“Look!” Brooke pointed at the water. There were bubbles and ripples surfacing from beneath. Before we knew it Taylor jumped out of the water in her completed transformation!

“Guys look what I can do!” She yelled to us and started doing flips in the air. The scales on her tail were shining greenish blue. But we were running out of time and needed to get on with our mission!

“Taylor! We need to find Karen! I am taking it she lives in the water so maybe you could look for her.”

“How about you come in too? You are part mermaid aren’t you?” She asked me. I thought about it, but I needed to focus on our goal. There would be time to ‘play’ after.

“Maybe after everything is said and done, then I will.” I told her.

“Alright, suit yourself.” Taylor said as she dove under the water.

“I think I am going to walk around a little bit.” Marah said.

“Well I’m not moving from this rock until we get what we came for so we can leave!” Bee snorted.

While I was waiting for Taylor to reappear, I watched as Marah walked down this stone path in the water.

Anjulina, because of our witch blood, we are able to transfer our eyes and ears elsewhere. Practice this by concentrating on Marah. Focus on seeing and hearing what she does.

I tried doing as Sabrina said. Focus, I told myself. I had to really clear my mind. It was kind of weird, almost like having two sets of eyes. I tried focusing on my hearing, which wasn’t coming in as easy as my sight.

Marah could see something in the water. It looked like it was hurt.

“Are you okay?” Marah asked.

In an old raspy voice, he said “I need help. My fin is wrapped in seaweed. Could you please help me, I have been here for days.”

“Oh you poor thing, hold on one second.” Marah jumped from rock to rock trying to get closer. As she approached him, she could see it was a turtle. Marah reached out to grab him.

“Under the water, that is where I am tangled.” He told her.

Marah was about to reach under the water when a sea dragon type of creature jutted out of the water, splashing Marah.

“Go bother someone else you old fool!” her gentle voice told the old turtle. He desperately swam away.

“He needed my help. He was tangled!” Marah yelled.

“No my dear, he was tricking you. That was no ordinary turtle. That creature is called a Kappa. It lures humans and animals in to the water to ‘help’ him. All you are helping him with is his hunger.” I couldn’t believe my eyes! Well, I couldn’t believe Marah’s eyes! I had heard of Kappas but I never thought they were real! “Let me help you get back to your friend.” She offered. “My name is Sharon. I help out Mermaid Karen every now and then to keep the danger to a minimal in these waters. Unfortunately some things are out of my control.”

“My name is Marah. We are from a whole different world.” Marah told her as she was climbing on to her back.

“Yes, I know who all of you are.” Sharon said as she started toward me. I took my sight and hearing back. Wow, Sabrina must be looking out for me! I’ll have to remember that trick next time.

“I found Karen and her daughter. They will be up to the surface shortly.” Taylor informed me. I looked at my watch to make sure she still had time. She had been in the water for about an hour and 10 minutes. I hoped Karen wouldn’t take too long to get here.

A minute later Karen reached the surface with her daughter. Karen had beautiful long Auburn hair and chestnut brown eyes. Her daughter looked just like her except with gorgeous long dark brown hair with eyes to match. The mermaids you would see on TV didn’t do them justice. They’re skin was lightly golden from the reflection of the sun on the water.

“Hello Karen, I was told we needed to talk to you. I’m…” Before I could tell her, she finished my sentence.

“Anjulina. It is so good to finally meet you! You may not know this but I am your Aunt. I am your father’s sister! “All I could think was ‘HOW MANY FAMILY MEMBERS DO I HAVE HERE?!’ I figured I might as well ask it.

“Exactly how much of my family do I…we have here?”

“Our family basically owns this world. Every ruler from each territory is related to us in some way or form; whether it is blood related or through friend relations.”

“That is amazing! How do you like being a mermaid? I didn’t know my father’s side had the mermaid blood.”

“Well your father is, if I’m not mistaken, an animal talker?” She asked.

“That is right.”

“You see, our parents, your Nana and Papa, were from different decedents. Nana has pure Mermaid blood while your Papa has pure Animal Talking blood. I am not quite sure how, but I ended up with only Mermaid blood. Your father has only Animal Talking blood. We are one of the only families that have had this happen. It is very rare for a person with two different magical parents to only receive one magical blood line. Your uncle on the other hand, received both.”

“Uncle Terry?” I asked.

“Yes. He comes and visits every now and then.”

“I wonder why he didn’t tell me about it.” He and I are so close, we tell each other everything.

“He wanted to respect your parent’s wishes. They didn’t want this life for you. But it was inevitable for you to find out about it.”

“I guess.” I said, she swam up and gave me a hug.

Her daughter swam up to me. “My name is Danielle. It is so nice to finally meet you! I have heard so much from Sabrina and Taya about you! My brother and father don’t live here at the Seas. They live in the Mystic Forest.”

“What origin are they?” I asked.

“They are able to shift in to any animal or object they want. Once in a great while they’ll shift in to a mermaid but not too often.” Danielle said laughing.

“Listen up…” Karen interrupted. “This may not apply as much to you girls as it does to Anjulina. Whatever power you choose to use the most, is the one that becomes dominant. The percentages of ‘what you are’ just tell you which powers come easier to you. If you favor a power, then that power will become dominant. That is all the advice I can give to you. Next you will be going to the Topsy Turvy Trench. Keep each other close and continue practicing your magic! “

She turned away to leave when I stopped her. “But Sabrina already told us that.”

“Oh, sorry about that.” Karen apologized. “Well then, just keep each other close and be careful!”

As soon as Karen and Danielle swam away, I looked down at my watch. We had been talking with them for 50 minutes! Was it too late for Taylor to change back? I didn’t know whether to tell her about it or just contact Sabrina.

Sabrina; what do I do? Taylor has been in the water over two hours!

There isn’t anything you can…well…I suppose there is something. How many minutes over two hours has she been in the water?

Oh I don’t know, less than 5?

Okay, well first you have got to tell Taylor! Second, you will need to collect some ingredients. I will have Dan the Toucan deliver the list to you.

Great, we are running out of time as it is; now I have to go on a scavenger hunt for ingredients! That bird better get here soon! While we were waiting I figured I better tell Taylor what was going on. I look over and Taylor is splashing around, doing flips and showing off her mermaid form.

“Tay, can you swim up here for a sec?” Once she was near me I let out a sigh.

“What’s wrong?”

“I should’ve told you sooner.”

“Told me what?”

“You can’t stay in mermaid form in salt water for more than a couple of hours or…”

“Or… what Anj?”

“Or… you can’t change back…” Her eyes got big, she looked like she was about to cry. Then she yelled something I wasn’t really expecting.

“YES!!!!!” she screamed and started doing flips.

“Wait, you aren’t upset?” I asked.

“Upset? This is like a dream come true! This is so awesome!” She started going on and on about how much fun living life as a mermaid would be.

“Taylor there is just one problem…” Marah said.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“It’s going to take all of us to defeat the Banshees.” It was like a bomb was dropped on her dreams.

“Oh…I forgot…” she lowered her head.

“Well hey, just think. After this is all over, you can be a ‘full-time mermaid’!” I said trying to lift her spirits.

“I guess.” She was still upset. “So how am I going to turn back?”

“Sabrina sent Dan the Toucan here to give me a list of ingredients. I think you have to drink a potion of some sort.” I told her.

Dan flew in about 10 minutes after I had told Taylor what was going on.

“Anjulina; here is the list from your sister. She said everything you need to do is written on here. Sorry I can’t stay, but I will see you when you are ready to go to Topsy Turvy Trench. Oh and here is a complete map of Dypim Trefad.” Before I could thank him, he was gone.

I opened the list. “You have got to be kidding me!” I yelled. Marah, Brooke and Taylor read over my shoulder as I read myself.

Anjulina and Friends,

Do not read this letter or list aloud. A couple of the things on here may be tricky to get but I have faith that you will do just fine.


Sea Water

Spit of a mermaid

A Kappa’s scale

Human Toe Nail

A Yellow and Purple Water Lily (for flavor, decoration, and stirring purposes)

I know it may sound gross but it will do the job. What you need to find to mix these in is a Sea Shell. You have to get one of those medium size ones. I would say big but around here, they can be the size of small cars, haha. Anyways, here are your instructions:

Find the ingredients.

Add the spit of mermaid first, you don’t need much. Just maybe 1 tablespoon…Note that it can NOT be from Taylor or yourself. It has got to be from a third party.

Pour about a cup of seawater, gently mixing in with the spit. Use the stem of the water Lilly to stir.

Wrap the Kappa’s scale and Human toe nail in the seaweed and add it to the mixture.

Use a fire spell to lightly heat it.

Taylor must drink all of it in 30 seconds or less. Let me know if you need help with anything at all.

With Love,


“That sounds delicious!” Marah laughed.

“Oh yea; sounds like a real treat, can’t wait.” Taylor said sarcastically.

“Well we better start collecting these ingredients before we run out of time!” Bee rushed us. She was right; we only had a couple of days to get everything done.

“Well let’s see, what are the things that are easy to get?” I asked. “We have sea weed, water, toe nails…” I began listing off the things that were easy to get.

“Oh, I know where we can get a sea shell! I saw it when I was swimming; it’s at the botDesmond of the Sea.” Taylor mentioned before she dived under the water.

“I wonder whose toe nails she wants to drink.” Marah couldn’t stop laughing. Though, that comment did make us all start laughing. We stopped abruptly when Taylor reached the surface. She threw the shell on to the sand. Ok let’s look at the list now.

Sea Shell

Sea Water


“Oh, we were wondering whose toe nail you wanted to drink.” I asked.

She gave me an “Are you being serious right now” kind of look. “It doesn’t quite matter now does it? I guess who ever has the cleanest feet.” She looked at all of our feet. “Marah’s feet are hands down the cleanest.”

“Okay so that brings us to…” I rechecked the list.

Kappa scale

Mermaid Spit

Yellow and purple water Lily

“I saw some water lilies over there.” Brooke pointed to the brush. I took a look.

“Yeah but those aren’t yellow and purple.” I told her.

“What’s the big deal? A water lily is a water lily, right?” Brooke asked.

“I don’t want to risk it. If we alter the mixture then it could have a different effect.” Taylor said.

“She’s right you know.” I said. Brooke just rolled her eyes and agreed. “Alright let’s come back to the lily. We still need mermaid spit, and a Kappa’s scale. Taylor, go get Karen and tell her we need her.”

“This is going to be SO awkward asking her for her spit!” Taylor commented, and then she once again, dove under the water.

“Marah, go talk with that Kappa, maybe make a distraction and I will get one of his scales.” I told her. “Brooke, look around for that water lily.”

“Okay.” Brooke started walking away.

“Remember!” I called after her. “Yellow and purple!” She just waved her hand as if to say ‘ya ya I got this.’

While Marah was walking down that rock path, I had no choice but to turn in to a mermaid. I took a deep breath and jumped in to the water. It felt like a thousand knives were jabbing in to my sDesmondach. I could feel my legs being sewn together; my toes forming a web between them. It felt like someone taking knives and slowly slicing my throat while my gills were forming. Thank goodness I didn’t have to go through this every time!

I practiced my swimming a little before continuing with the plan. I could hear Marah calling for him.

“Mr. Kappa! I want to talk please come over here.” A few short moments later, the Kappa appeared from beneath the sea.

“Yes, what is it?” He sounded a bit grumpy.

“I don’t think that dragon was right about you. You seem too nice to be evil.”

His voice went from grumpy to sweet in 2.2 seconds! “That’s because I am. She doesn’t know what she is talking about. I don’t get much visitors so do you mind if I show you where I live?”

“But I can’t breathe underwater.”

“Oh, it isn’t under water. It is just over there in that brush. Jump on my shell and I will bring you there.” He turned his back on her so she could jump on his shell.

I found a sharp piece of shell laying on the Sea floor. I took it and started toward the Kappa. Sabrina didn’t tell me where to take the scale from so I assumed it didn’t quite matter. I used the shell to scrape off some scales on his skin.

“Something is underneath me! I’ll be right back!” the Kappa told Marah.

“No wait!” Marah tried stopping him.

He lowered himself in to the water. When he saw me his eyes lit up. “Hello Anjulina. I am friends with your family. Sabrina told me to give you this gem when you came here. Follow me.”

I knew he was evil, but I couldn’t stop myself from following him. I felt like I had to, like my mind and body were out of my control.

“Guys!” Taylor yelled. “They gave me their spit! They were quite understanding too, they said…”

“Taylor! Anjulina is following the Kappa! She’s in some sort of trance! You are the only one who can follow them!”

“...No they didn’t say that?” Taylor said confused.

Marah was growing impatient. “No! The Kappa! Follow it and get Anjulina!”

“Oh you’re welcome Marah for getting the spit…no I am fine it was no trouble at all.” Taylor muttered as she followed after them.

We swam in to this cave that lay on the Sea Floor. It was weird, not all of it was filled with water. Half way up the water ended.

“So, where is this gem? What does it do?” I asked.

“Oh, um, it helps you control each power. All you have to do is hold it.”

I hesitated. My gut feeling was telling me not to trust him. But my heart wanted to master all of my magic as quick as possible. I held my hand out to him.

The Kappa picked up the apple sized gem and placed it in my hands. It was a beautiful green emerald color. Within seconds of holding it, the gem started turning pink. I was getting a weird feeling in my fingers so I tried dropping it but I couldn’t move!

“What’s going on? What’s happening?!” I yelled.

“That just means it is working.” He replied in laughter.

I felt a strange tingling running from my fingers to my arms. It traveled from my arms to my heart, then up to my head.

“Soon it will be complete.” He said turning away from me.

“What will be complete?” It took so much energy just to talk. I couldn’t understand what was happening.

“Oh, the transfer of your power in to me of course.”


He began laughing. “In a few minutes, all of your power will be drained out of you. Once it does, I will take the gem and all of your magic will go in to me!”

“Why are you doing this? Why are you so mean?” I pleaded.

“The banshees are the rightful rulers of this land. Once you are gone, there will be no one to defeat them!”

I could feel myself getting weak. My gills were slowly disappearing and I began sinking from the surface. I was gasping for air as I sunk deeper and deeper toward the sea floor. I could see something swimming at me. Before I could get a good visual of it, I passed out.

When I awoke, I was on sand and out of the water. My friends were standing around me watching and waiting for me to wake up.

“What happened?” I managed to ask before starting to cough.

“That happened.” Taylor pointed to the gem lying in the sand. “It was draining your power before I disconnected it from your hand. When I did that, the power that was taken from you was returned.”

“How can you tell?” I wanted reassurance.

“Because your gills began forming immediately after I disconnected it.”

“Wow! I don’t know how to thank you Tay. You saved my life! Is there anything I can do for you?” I offered.

“Well, there is one thing.” She smiled.

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