Animal's Sanctum

Chapter 9

Getting back to the sanctuary after the emergency call, my heart feels heavy. After a few hours of struggling to attempt to salvage the mare, I left only to receive another call. I had just pulled back into the sanctuary to hear that the horse had started to colic.

I knew then that it wasn’t going to be ending well. I had to drive back and have a discussion with the owner’s parents. The ten year old girl begging for me to try and save her precious mare. I felt shitty, I still feel shitty.

I remember being called out when the mare’s mother was in the process of giving birth. I helped deliver the mare. Have to explain that even with colic surgery the horse wasn’t likely to make it to the clinic without doing more harm. Felt like I was tearing that little girl’s world away from her.

Hearing her cries of pain as I gave the mare euthanasia was heart breaking. Days like today make me want to quit. I hate not being able to save a beloved animal. Having to tell their owner that there isn’t anything I can do breaks me little by little.

Parking my truck I sit there, still wearing the blood stained scrubs. Letting a heavy sigh fall from my lips I finally shut off my truck getting out to get out of the scrubs. Grabbing a bio-hazard bag, I know I’ll need to have them cleaned.

“I’m guessing you got a call?” I lift my head looking over my shoulder, surprised the Ezekial’s still here. Swallowing hard I nod, looking away. I have to clear my throat before I can answer.

“Yeah, I just got back. What are you doing here still?” Peeling the scrub top over my head, I drop it into the bag, shimming out of my scrub bottoms. He ignores my question leaning against the side of my truck.

“I’m guessing it didn’t go well?” I give a sad smile shaking my head, picking up the bag I use it as a distraction. Dropping my tailgate to jump up and drop the bag into the waste bin. I don’t think I’m going to bother saving this set of scrubs anyways.

“Nope, the horse got run through a fence of some sort. Put her back together as best as I could, told the owners that I didn’t think she’d be able to compete or even ride. They’d be lucky if that ever happened.” I shrug, moving towards the tailgate and taking a seat. I lay down not being able to hold any sort of eye contact.

“I noticed you came back for a minute or two.” I nod, closing my eyes swallowing hard again. I hate days like today, there isn’t anything good about listening to a little girl cry, over an animal you couldn’t save. What hurts the most is knowing that you were literally the one that put them down.

“The mare started colicing. I had to go back and discuss the options of surgery or euthanasia. She wouldn’t have made it through transport without other complications arising, not to mention the price or the low chance of survival. After a certain point, there just isn’t anything good to do.” I hear my voice tighten, raising my arms I cross them over my eyes. I’m too soft for my jobs some days, and today it showed. I have a weakness for any animal and any child, put them both together in a situation loaded with a crappy outcome?

Yeah that’s just the perfect cocktail for a real shitty day. A large hand drops onto my knee rubbing my leg in comfort, soft tingles dance across my skin. “What happened?” His strong voice sounds like a soothing lullaby. Something that is welcomed more than ever right now.

“The little girl who owned her was pushing for the surgery, wanting me to save her first horse. I’ve been with this horse since she was born, I helped with her birth.” I chuckle sadly, how crappy is that? I was with the horse when she came into this world and when she left it. “The parents had to decide that the surgery wasn’t worth it. We took her out back and sedated her, after she laid down I had to give her euthanasia. It never gets easier hearing a little girl heart broken crying over her best friend as she goes to sleep the last time.”

I remember being that little girl. My first horse, was up there in age, got kicked in the hind leg. There wasn’t anything reasonable to do to save my baby boy Nadie, a large tri color paint.

He was the sweetest boy. He was the reason I wanted to become a veterinarian. “I’m sorry honey, I know you did everything you could.” I nod slowly, finally sitting up, there isn’t anything I can do now. What’s done is done.

“What are you still doing here?” Swallowing harshly I look over the pasture, needing the peace of the scenery.

“I have a surprise for you.” I look over at him stunned, raising an eyebrow at him.

“I thought you showed me everything before I left?” I feel a smile starting to work it’s way onto my face. It’s pretty hard to be stuck in a glum mood with him around me, there’s something calming about him. I just can’t explain it.

He chuckles giving me a grin, grabbing my hand he pulls me off my tailgate walking towards the building. I stare at our hands as he intertwines them, it feels so natural, so good. “Well I came up with this one after our last talk. Besides I’ve been wanting to get to know you more.”

He throws the comment over his shoulder making me blush. I don’t know why he’d want to get to know me more. I’m not nearly as interesting as he is. Ezekial has told me loads of stories about all sorts of adventures he’s been on.

“What’s there to learn about me? You know just about everything.” I laugh shaking my head as he leads me down to my special room. It’s almost strange that we both gravitate towards that room, I at least know why my heart is drawn here. I can’t get that large wolf out of my freaking head.

My heart hurt at the thought of him, ever since I’ve met Ezekial the pain of the wolf’s disappearance has lessened. Which speaks levels, I really don’t want to be known as the crazy animal lady when I’m old and grey.

“There will always be something to learn about you. Believe it or not, you’re rather interesting, your heritage, the way you are. Everything about you is exciting in my eyes.” His words light an unknown fire within.

I know it’s strange but whenever he talks to me, I feel like I’m the only girl in the world, the only one that matters. A blush stains my cheeks as he pushes the door open with a grin. I shake my head feeling a giggle work it’s way past my lips. A sound I never thought I could freaking make.

“You are too sweet.” I shake my head as I lift my gaze, finally taking in the room. My mouth drops opened shocked. Ok, this room just keeps getting better and better.

The lights have been dimmed and there’s a picnic blanket laying on the floor, a basket sitting next to it. Plates, silverware and glasses lined along the edge. “What is this?” He chuckles drawing me into the room fully, shutting the door.

“It’s dinner, and a date.” He shrugs looking around with almost a sheepish expression on his face. “Now you can’t refuse my offer.” He gives an unsure laugh once more earning a giggle and a blush from me.

“I wouldn’t have refused if you had asked me anyways.” The grin that lights his face is worth any embarrassment I could ever suffer from. Ezekial guides me over to a spot, letting me sit down before himself. It’s kind of amusing to see such a large man fold himself up onto a blanket. I shake my head at the imagery.

“I wasn’t sure what you liked so I kinda got a bit of everything.” He pulls open the basket, setting aside drinks. Before pulling out food, fruit salad, two subs, their fixings, and some small bags of chips. “I can’t cook all that well. So I opted with something that wouldn’t make you sick.” I laugh, shaking my head at his words. I doubt that, I think if he put his mind to it he could make a five star meal with ease.

“This is perfect. I can’t thank you enough for this.” He gives me a grin and we start making our own plates laughing as we go.

“This is an unoriginal idea I stole from a friend. He finally kicked my ass into gear to spend time with you not on the job.” The lopsided grin on his faces makes my heart flutter to life. This man is really too sweet for his own good.

“Well this unoriginal idea is amazing in my eyes. I don’t need fancy, I love the thought of it all. It makes it more special.” I shrug feeling my cheeks heat, it’s true. I just want the gesture to be meaningful. I don’t need a fancy dinner or to be smothered in gifts. He shakes his head, with a grin.

“Don’t tell my friend he was right, I’d never hear the end of it.” I laugh while taking a bite of my sandwich. I think we all have at least one of those friends. Let’s be honest, we’d be lost without them at some point.

“How’d you manage to pull this off?” Ezekial gives me a grin, shrugging his shoulders.

“A magician never exposes his tricks.” Laughing I can’t help myself as I roll my eyes, I really do enjoy spending time with this man. Probably more than I should, I don’t care what others might think. I’m sure my parents would believe it’s too soon to know when you are meant to be with someone. I know it’s a bold feeling, I trust my gut, when it says something feels right, it always is.

“So you’re a magician as well?” He chuckles giving me a shrug as he takes a sip of his drink, making me smile at him.

“We all have our own magic.” I can only shake my head at the cheesy answer. I think hearing that from anyone else I would’ve rolled my eyes and scoffed at them.

“And your magic is renovating?” He gives me another grin, a secret hidden in the depths of his eyes.

“Among many other things, I know you have a talent with animals. You work amazing with them, taming them, healing.” He shrugs making me raise an eyebrow, there seems to be more behind his statement. The butterflies in my belly swarm to life, the heat in his gaze doing wonders for my soul.

“You make it sound unnatural.” I attempt to laugh off my blush, I love to think that this is the job meant for me.

“No, it’s completely natural. I think it’s more than that. I think you have a gift for your work.” His words only manage to stain my cheeks more, good lord I’m gonna die of too many compliments.

“Oh stop it! Now you’re just trying to sweet talk me.” I shake my head, taking another bite of my food. He chuckles shaking his head at me.

“No, I’m talking the truth! I don’t think you hear it enough, you are doing great things with your talent. It’s really amazing.” Hearing this my heart melts, that is possibly the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I don’t think this man could make me feel more like a teenager if he tried. I feel like I’m sitting with my first crush, not having a clue with how to handle it.

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