Animal's Sanctum

Chapter 8

Two weeks have gone past, and I’m still working for the Clinic. Kyle wants me to work two more weeks, it’s been a nightmare. Working on the weekends at the sanctuary or my houses, I wasn’t on call last week, but I am this week!

Yay me. I rolled my eyes. I had just headed to the gas station to pick up more fuel for the tractors. I’ve been doing a lot of mowing. Which is great, the pastures needed it. And once I finish this I get to throw lime and seed, we are supposedly getting rain in the coming days.

This is a lot more work than I want to be dealing with by myself. I know I’ll need to start looking for a receptionist, maybe I can talk Missy into working for me. I know her boss has been aggravating her for some reason or another.

If not her then I can talk to Jade, Mac’s Wife. Maybe she is looking into going back to work. She left her job after she went on maternity leave. Their little girl is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m her aunt so maybe I’m just biased. I chuckle shaking my head.

Pushing my braids over my shoulder, I adjust my bra straps as I get out of my truck. I knew I was going to be sitting on the tractor all day, and opted for a cooler outfit. Jean shorts and a tank top.

I’ll probably regret it later, knowing my luck I’ll get a call for some kind of emergency. I learned a while ago to keep backup clothes in my truck. I roll my eyes, I don’t need to jinx myself or anyone else. Rounding the back of my truck I drop the tailgate getting ready to pull off the heavy gas cans.

The dang things aren’t even completely full. “You’re back! Do you mind taking a walk with me? I wanted to show you some of the new progress.” Hearing Ezekial’s voice behind me has me looking over my shoulder with a soft grin.

It’s been amazing getting to know him. The more I hang out with him, the more I crave his attention. I’m starting to sound like some wanton woman hunting after the star football player or something. My gut keeps telling me there is something special about him, something special for me.

“Sure! I’m making you put the fuel in the tractor though.” He chuckles giving me a grin, showing off his pearly white teeth.

“I think I can do that for a pretty girl like yourself.” I roll myself with a grin, secretly loving his compliments. Whenever he says things like that I always feel special.

I’ve never really had a man pay this much attention to me, it’s new. I always feel spoiled when it happens to me. He leads me into the lobby of the sanctuary, and I have to say that I have fallen in love with his work. The man can make a masterpiece out of anything.

The sketches he drew up for me were absolutely stunning, they caught a vision of the place that I never knew I had. He managed to capture my ideas completely and put them all into something that made sense and looks amazing.

The front door alone looks stunning. The reclaimed barn wood with a glass cut out had me shocked when I first saw it. I didn’t think something like that could be repurposed for a front door. Walking in, I’m transported to a place I never knew existed.

The light grey walls combined with the reclaimed wood flooring draws me into a place of warmth. One of the walls now features tablet screens of sorts, this is new to it all. “This is your waiting room entertainment and learning center.” Ezekial states proudly, making me walk over interested.

“What’s it do?” He laughs walking over with me and taping on the screens. Starting up a program, the screens sit at different heights making it accessible to anyone.

“This is a factoid spot. You have different programs loaded into the system. You have games, videos, and even fun facts about different animals. Right now it’s still pretty basic, but you can add more into the system as you go.” I’m shocked, staring at the facts that come up onto the screen, a pair of headphones hanging by each station on a little bird perch.

“This is awesome! Do I need to charge them or anything? How does it work?” I ask the question like I’ll be able to understand the technical mumbo jumbo, I’ve never been all that good with computers.

“You don’t need to worry about charging them, they are already hardwired into the front desk computer, you can work from there. You;ll be able to use the existing programs to create your own, or have someone else do it. Upload new facts or weekly newsletter. Things like that.” I laugh shaking my head with a smile plastered on my face.

“I’ll have to have someone else make the program and handle that part. I can get the facts, after that I’m useless.” That makes him laugh, shaking his head at me with a grin.

“Well there’s more to show you, follow me.” The grin won’t leave my face, that alone made my day. Seeing the sanctuary come together makes me so freaking happy, I know the break room is still in need of a lot of work.

A lot of the actual rooms still need work, but mainly the finishing touches. The front desk looks great, the standing desk with a rustic look really fits the kind of atmosphere I was going for.

“I don’t know what could be better than that.” I laugh shaking my head at him, I have no regret hiring him for this job. He just chuckles continuing to walk down the hallway. Heading straight for a familiar door, a room that holds so many memories.

He pushes it open making my jaw almost hit the floor. First off the flooring isn’t screwed up anymore. The room where the wolf had been forced to stay has been fully refurbished. It looks stunning, to put it simply.

The cage has been changed around, the fake decor in it having been removed and replaced with bedding that is safe for any animal. The door leading out to the large fenced area has been changed. Probably to help with opening and closing.

The newest features are the water and feeding bins built into the wall for safe access. Soft lighting to make sure the animals aren’t going to be stressing out too much with speakers and other high tech gadgets. “Holy crap!” I step into the room looking around fully enthralled.

Ezekial leans against the door jamb with a smile on his face. “I think this was one of my favorite rooms to work on. I made sure that it was safe to use, the animals would be able to be kept calm and not stressed out. If you’d like at some point we can work outside on the enclosure, make sure it’s completely secure. Don’t want to have anything escaping.” His statement gives me pause making me turn to look at him. I smile at him shaking my head as I look around, stunned still this place looks great, he’s thought of everything.

“I think you’ve been doing your research.” I shake my head, feeling my heart warm at all that he’s taken into consideration.

“I listen when you answer my questions, I know you know what you are talking about. Besides this is for a good cause, you can only have the best.” He grins at me, making me blush and shake my head. I don’t know why it seems like there’s more behind his comments.

“Thank you, I really can’t say that enough. You guys are making this place look so much better than I ever could.” I laugh, shake my head, it’s true.

I wouldn’t have been able to come up with half of the ideas that he presented with me. It would’ve looked clean and probably boring, this is just amazing, more than I could’ve dreamed really.

“I’m glad you like it. We haven’t done a job like this, we really want you to be pleased with it.” I shake my head with a grin. I was pleased with it when they fixed the issues of the flooring and other safety hazards.

“You guys have gone above and beyond trust me.” He grins shaking his head, we leave the room heading back outside. As much as I’m enjoying this break indoors in the air conditioning, I really need to get my butt in gear and finish mowing. At least get some more of it done.

“It’s starting to look good out here. Do you ever take time off?” Hearing his question I snort, shaking my head. I don’t even know what those words mean anymore.

“I haven’t taken a day off since I started college. Especially with all that’s going on right now. Between getting my current house ready for my brother and his fiance, this place, my job at the clinic and the new house. Right now I’m lucky to have time to eat.” Ezekial grabs the gas cans, letting me shut my tailgate as we head out to the tractor.

“I’m sorry to say this honey, but that’s not healthy. You’ve earned a day to pamper yourself.” I blush at the nickname, still not used to it. I love it, don’t get me wrong, I’m just not used to someone calling me that. Hearing the concern for me in his voice makes my heart stutter and the butterflies in my belly to kick up a storm.

“I know it’s not healthy, but I don’t really have a choice right now. If I want this to work I have to make some sacrifices.” I shrug, I can’t wait till I get to a point where I don’t have to choose between sleeping or eating.

I can’t wait to be able to have a day off and not have to worry about being called in or something equally annoying. Ezekial pours the fuel into the gas tank, letting me climb up onto the tractor. I know I could probably have done this by myself, but why? I have the help, plus it let’s me spend extra time with the man I’m slowly falling for.

“I’ll be inside if you need me.” I nod with a smile, telling him thanks. Hearing that he’s near always comforts me, and I’m not really sure why. There is just something about him that soothes me, maybe I’ve just finally lost it. I roll my eyes at the thought, cranking the old tractor and getting it started.

I sigh, I was able to get this tractor from one of my loyal clients for a great deal. It isn’t the newest, or the best ride, but it gets the job done great. I can’t complain too much especially for what I paid for it. Starting the mower deck up I start the mind numbing process of driving in circles.

Well mowing, the task is just numbing in my opinion. I know it’s something that needs to be done, I just wish it could be more exciting than seeing the same thing over and over again. Maybe it’s the ride of the tractor that makes me cringe when I think about mowing it.

The tractor doesn’t offer a smooth or comfortable ride. It makes me want to go see my chiropractor. I don’t know how long I’m mowing before I feel my phone vibrate, making me shut off the mower and tractor.

Pulling out my phone I see the number and heave a sigh as I answer the call listening to the owner of a horse who has just gotten herself into some very serious trouble. And look at that, my emergency call of the day. Jumping from the tractor I make quick work of getting back to my truck and pulling on my scrubs no doubt getting some funny looks from the crew inside. I can’t wait till I’m done working on emergency detail for the clinic.

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