An Asnean Odyssey: Sabine

Chapter Chapter Three

The pair entered the Valkyrie to find themselves on the top floor of a multi level establishment. There were four floors in total, the first three having a hole in the middle that revealed a dance floor at the bottom. Neon bands ran around the walls of each floor, giving ever-changing light to the murky bar. Loud music blasted over the chatter of the crowd as they made their way down to the bottom floor.

“Hold on a sec,” Wolfgang shouted. “I know this song. This is…this is me! I made this!”

“You make music? It’s not bad.”

“Yeah, can’t stand the shit these other artists churn out, so I make my own. How the fuck did it end up in here? I didn’t think anyone listened to it.”

“Do you play it on your show?”

“Of course!”

“I feel like you just answered your own question.”

“Wait, what’s that?!” Wolfgang exclaimed as he pointed towards a row of masks on a bar. “They’ve got inhalers here? That’s some hard shit!”

Wolfgang ran over and pressed the mask to his face, then took a deep breath.

“Was it everything you expected it to be?” Sabine laughed.

“The fuck…It’s just…air,” Wolfgang pressed the mask up to his face and took another breath. “But it’s like, cool and crisp. It’s clean. I didn’t know air could smell like that.”

“Careful, breath too much and it’ll make you sick. Treat it like alcohol,” Sabine continued heading down to the bottom. Her mind wandered back to earlier that morning. “No, wait, don’t. Just…be careful with it.”

“So all these people are pilots? How come I’ve never seen some of them before?”

“Being a pilot doesn’t mean competing. A lot of these people are mercs.”

“Isn’t that illegal?”

“Depends on the jobs they take. Now that I think about it, I suppose some of these people aren’t pilots. Wingmen are allowed as well.”

“What’s a wingman do?”

“Provide support for the pilot, whether it’s on foot or in the pit.”

“Hold up, you’re telling me these people have the balls to leave the city without a mugen?”

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” Sabine smiled widely as she sat at the bar on the bottom floor. “You remember why we’re here?”

“I don’t think you told me.”

“Scouting talent. You look for someone to pilot recon.”

“And you?”

“Someone to suit our needs,” Sabine patted Wolfgang on the shoulder before disappearing into the crowd. Wolfgang leaned back and put his elbows on the bar while he scanned the rambunctious horde of people.

“Looking for someone in particular?” the bartender asked.

“No, not really. Dunno what I’m looking for, actually.”

“You want a drink?”

“Y’know, I really shouldn’t,” Wolf turned to face the bartender. “Maybe a shot of Data Leak, you won’t tell Sabby, will you?”

“Nah, none of my business,” the bartender replied as she poured the shot. The fluid trickled from the bottle in a distorted blur. When it sat in the glass it seemed to vibrate softly. She slid the shot to Wolf, who downed it instantly. “Name’s Molly.”

“Nice, thanks Mol. Sabby’s going to be paying for that one,” Wolfgang slid the glass back to Molly as he ran into the crowd. “I think I’ve found who I’m looking for, catch ya later.”

Wolf made his way to the far corner of the bar to a single booth where a small girl was sitting alone. She had a dark blue, almost black, bob cut with large cat ears on the top of her head. Her eyes were bright yellow, with slits for pupils. Her skin was almost as pale as Sabine’s. She was wearing a dark green turtleneck sweater with a bowtie around her neck. A bracelet that looked like a small collar with a bell on it was fastened to her wrist. Her legs were adorned with a black, frilly skirt with leggings underneath.

“Nice augs,” Wolf shouted as he reached over and rubbed one of her large cat ears.

“They’re n-“ the girl’s face scrunched up as her cheeks turned red. “Nya…”

“Whoa!” Wolfgang pulled his hand back and sat down in the booth across from her. “Sorry, I didn’t realize…”

“It’s fine,” the woman replied as she rubbed her ear. Her voice was shrill. “I should be used to it by now, but I’m not.”

“Name’s Wolfgang.”

“Did you want something?”

“Oh, no introduction? Well, alright. I’m looking for a pilot. Recon.”

“What for?”

“To become a fuckin’ superstar! What else?!”

“I…don’t understand…”

“Mugen pro circuit. It’s going to be teams of four now, as far as I understand.”

“So the rumors were true…Who else would be on the squad?”

“Actually, the uh, technical term is crash.”

“That doesn’t answer my question…”

“Me, Sabine, and someone else. We’re looking for some filler.”

The Sabine?”

“Sabine Randgris? Yup, that’s the one.”

“I do happen to specialize in recon, and yes, I would be interested. My name is Nina. What’s the pay look like?”

“Dunno, Ni, you’ll have to ask Sabby.”

“Then perhaps we should go find her.”

“Good idea, except…I’m not sure where we were supposed to meet,” Wolf rubbed the back of his head, then stood up and grabbed Nina’s hand, pulling her with him. “Come on, let’s wait at the bar.”

“I see you’ve returned with Nina. If I had known, I could have pointed you in her direction,” Mol stated.

“Oh, do you know where Sabine is?”


“I guess we’ll just have to kill time somehow. Maybe a drink or two? It’s on me…er… Sabine. I’ll have a…uh, Reverse Protocol.”


“Surprised you got something that strong.”

“I’m no lightweight,” Nina responded as Molly finished making the drinks.

“I see, I see. So where are you from? Those are some interesting features you’ve got.”

“Senija. It’s overseas.”

“Never heard of it. But then again, I don’t really know much beyond these walls.”

“I take it you grew up here?”

Wolfgang sipped his drink while he spoke. “Yeah, born and raised, never knew my parents, grew up in the gutter. Sabby’s been the only thing keeping me together, really. Know you didn’t ask, but a little background info never hurt. Everyone loves a sob story, yeah?”

“What’s your take on the city?”

“You first. I don’t want to muddy your opinion. But…you’re in the upper district, so you’re probably doing well for yourself.”

“Quite the contrary. I’ve been here for two weeks, looking for work the entire time with no luck. My funds have run dry, I have enough money for one more night, after that…”

“You’re a pilot, aren’t you? Work should be easy.”

“Recon doesn’t kill gargaths. Anything I’ve been offered is kill this, kill that, save my son, et cetera. Recon doesn’t get me anything alone. Nyan! I was so stupid to come here by myself.”

“Couldn’t you team up with someone?”

“Why split the pot when they can do it alone? Anyone I asked laughed in my face.”

“Now I see why you chose such a strong drink,” Wolfgang laughed heartily. “City’s shit. If you aren’t rich or famous, you’re little more than a bloodbag.”

“Interesting point of view,” Nina responded as she finished her drink. She pushed her glass away and rested her head on her hand. “Why me?”


“Why’d you speak to me?”

“A cute girl sitting alone in the corner of a bar? Definitely my first choice,” Wolfgang smirked. “I guess it was just luck you happened to specialize in recon.”

“Slacking off, I should’ve known,” Sabine commented as she put her arm on Wolfgang’s shoulder. Behind her stood a tall grizzled old man, his face was soft, yet stern and lined with stubble. His eyes were missing, in their place was a glowing, red visor. His arms were covered in countless reddened holes where needles had pricked his skin. “This is Nyx. Is she our final member?”

“Yeah, I mean, if you think Nina’s good.”

“I trust your judgement. The tournament doesn’t start until the summer. We’ll start practicing two months before. Until then you’re free to do as you will.”

“I- uh…” Nina stuttered as Nyx disappeared into the crowd.

“Sabby, can we talk?”

“Sure,” Sabine sat down at the bar.

“Er, no like…come with me,” Wolfgang grabbed Sabine and pulled her into the crowd.

“You didn’t buy her a drink, did you?”

“Yeah, why?”

“There’s no way she’s old enough to drink.”

“She’s in here, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, but-“

“That’s not the point,” Wolf interrupted. “We’ve been talking and she’s in a tight spot. No money, nowhere to stay. No one wants to hire her. You see where I’m going with this?”

“Yeah. She can stay with you, split your wage.”

“Whoa, I’m getting paid?” Wolfgang’s face lit up. “Fuckin’ vintage.”

“Of course. I don’t know how you’re making a living now but it’s obviously not much. You’re technically an employee of Steiner Industries now.”

“I didn’t sign anything th-“ Wolf stopped, his brain finally processing the first half of Sabine’s statement. “What do you mean stay with me?”

“You’ll get a flat similar to mine. Plenty of room for the two of you.”

“Huh…I’ve never lived with anyone before.”

“Shall we break the news? She looks kind of… sad,” Sabine pointed out as they returned to the bar. Nina had her head in her arms on the counter. “How tall are you?”

“Five feet,” Nina’s muffled replied could barely be heard as she left her head buried in her arms.

“You sure you’re old enough to be here?”

“I’m twenty.”

“I talked to Sabby, she said you can stay with me and split my wage.”

Nina’s ears perked up and her head rose. “I-“

“You don’t need to say anything. I’ve been in your shoes my whole damned life. Now I have a chance to step into some better ones…I can’t just let someone else take my place.”

Tears began to well up in Nina’s eyes as she lunged at Wolf, embracing him in a vicelike hug.

“Careful or you’ll fry my circs,” Wolf reached up and began to pat her head.

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