An Asnean Odyssey: Sabine

Chapter Chapter Four

“I just plug it in like this, right?” Wolfgang asked as he slid the needle into his shoulder. Red fluid immediately filled the tube, causing a soft humming to emit from the console.

“Yeah, just like that,” Sabine responded from inside Bastien. She had already started up her mugen and was wandering around the arena. “Look for a green button on the console, flip the switch beside it, wait a few seconds, then press the button. The switch primes the engine, button starts it up.”

Wolfgang quickly located the button and flipped the switch, a loud whirring noise filled the cockpit, followed by the sound of gears grinding together. He pressed the green button and the panels on the front of the cockpit began to light up one by one, revealing the area that could be scanned by the sensory inputs of the mugen.

“You know I’ve read the manual, right?” Wolfgang replied as he began to move the control levers, causing Uragiru to lurch forward awkwardly.

“A reminder never hurts.”

“We gonna fight each other?”

“Not today. Just some holograms. Think you can handle it?”

“Piece of cake.”

“Just remember, don’t fight them head on. Uragiru is designed to pick off isolated targets. I’ll draw their attention, you flank.”

“Got it, Sabby. I keep forgetting this is a first for you, too.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve never fought with a partner before.”

“You’re right, I’m going to have to babysit you,” Sabine joked as she took a deep breath before fiddling with the holoscreen. “I hope you’re ready, we’re starting now.”

“Been ready this whole time!” Four Steiner Industries stock model mugen holograms fizzled into existence around the area along with buildings, rocks, and hills. “Yo, this is pretty cool, Sabby.”

“Yeah, SI’s training programs are top of the line.”

“How do I know where they are with all these buildings in the way?”

“That’s why we have a recon unit. If Nina were here, she’d be piloting a drone and providing information on our opponents.”

“Why didn’t you bring her along, then?”

“No point until you get a handle on your controls and a feel for your mugen.”

“Tch, you underestimate me!” Wolfgang yelled as he began to charge awkwardly through the simulated city, bumping into buildings and tripping over vehicles. He caught sight of one of the holograms and lunged at it, falling face first into the ground. “Fuck…Where’s the…”

“Do you need a hand?” Sabine giggled as she watched from afar.

“No! How do I extend my damned blades…” Wolfgang picked himself up and began to flip switches and press buttons. After about a minute of flailing about, he eventually found the switch that extended Uragiru’s arm blades. “Now we’re talking, hahaha!”

Sabine flipped some more switches and closed her eyes. “All right, I’m going to let them walk around now. See if you can take one down.”

“They aren’t moving…? How did it get so far away from me…?”

“You were kind of just hitting buttons…”

“Yeah, yeah, I know!” Wolfgang shouted as he awkwardly rushed the hologram that was casually walking towards him. He grabbed the lever that controlled Uragiru’s arms and rotated it, causing Uragiru to slash at the hologram. The blade connected with the hologram’s torso, bouncing off.

“Go for the joints,” Sabine calmly instructed, her eyes were closed and she was performing breathing exercises. “Immobilize, then disable. It’ll be tough to pierce the torso with raw power. You’ve got a light shield that can absorb a burst of damage, but sustained fire will shred it. There’s a low caliber cannon in each arm that can be used to knock a mugen off balance as well, and remember, you’ll be much more agile than the majority of your opponents.”

“It’s not…working…” Wolfgang was panting and sweating, as he was rapidly trying to swing at the hologram, but either missed or his attacks were deflected by its armor. “I don’t…feel too hot Sabby…”

“Calm down, control your heart rate. You’re forcing blood into the mugen. That will increase its capabilities, but it drains your body. It can allow for some clutch plays, but remaining calm is the most important part of being a pilot.”

“Sab, I think…” Wolfgang was cut off as Uragiru collapsed.

“Wolf? Wolf?!” Sabine shouted as she slammed her hand on a large red button that caused the holograms to disappear. She rushed over to his side and launched herself from Bastien, landing on top of Uragiru’s cockpit. She lifted the latch to find Wolf had passed out. “You idiot…”

Sabine pulled the needle out of his shoulder and placed it into its case. The receptacle emitted a bright green light as it sanitized the syringe. She picked him up out of the cockpit and flung him over her shoulder before pulling out a small cylindrical tool. She twisted it, causing it to open up into a flat surface, then pressed a few buttons and waited.

“Hey Dave, can you swing by with a few workers and bring some mugen back to the hangar? Thanks.”

An unfamiliar feeling enveloped Wolf’s body as his eyes fluttered open. “What happened…?”

“You’re finally awake,” Sabine stated. She was sitting on a metal stool at the foot of the bed. “Don’t worry, I took the liberty of analyzing your blood. Well, Steiner did…”

“You passed out,” Nina’s voice was soft and warm in his ear. She had her arms and legs wrapped around Wolf’s body.

“Ni…” Wolf spoke softly. “Are you naked?”

“So are you,” Sabine pointed out.

“Physical contact can be soothing. This is something we do in Senija.”

“Senija huh…You’ll have to take me there someday…”

“Did you have any pleasant dreams?” Sabine asked as she handed him a small flask filled with water and a bottle of pills.

“I don’t dream any more, Sab.”

“Is this the part where you say ‘Augments, baby’?” Sabine joked.

“Yeah, pretty much…” Wolfgang still felt lightheaded, but he sat up, downed one of the pills and chugged the water. “What’re these for?”

“Iron supplements. You’re anemic. Probably from your implants, drug use, or a combination of the two.”

“Damn,” Wolfgang cracked a smile. “Even as a bloodbag I’m worthless.”

“You need to practice controlling your heart rate. I can show you some breathing exercises. Or perhaps you could install a regulator of some sort.”

“It’s the manual controls. If I could just sync Uragiru with my neural implant I bet I could take on even you. Look, I proved I can control it manually, right?”

“I’d hardly call that controlling it, but…it was more than I expected.”

“Glad that’s settled,” Wolfgang started to get up, then remembered he was naked. “Can you guys give me a sec to get dressed?”

“I’m leaving, I just wanted to be here when you woke up,” Sabine explained as she stood up to leave. “Make sure you take those supplements and let me know if you run out, I’ll grab you some more.”

Nina rose from the bed baring her body before the world as she left.

“What’s up with her…” Wolf said to himself as he stood by the wall. Upon approaching, its surface became shiny and reflective, allowing Wolf to examine himself. He had dark circles under his eyes and what little of his organic skin remained was dry and ashy. A bit of dry blood remained around the jack in his shoulder. The room was similar to the living room with a neon band around the top of the plain, white walls. There was one door leading out to the living room and another to the bathroom. A slot was positioned beside the bed similar to the fridge.

“Fuckin’ thirsty…” Wolfgang approached the slot and another flask of water dropped down which he quickly slammed back. He placed it back onto the platform and it was sucked up into the tube. The wall opened up and he grabbed a set of clothes that he tossed into the bathroom that he then entered. A porcelain sink protruded from the wall across from an elevated set of tiles in the floor where the steam shower was placed. Wolf stepped onto the platform and put his hands against the wall. He looked at his mechanical hands and flexed his fingers as jets of steam shot out of the ceiling and walls, cleaning his body.

“I’m glad this shit is waterproof,” Wolf spoke to himself. “I’d hate to have to take them off to bathe…Kind of annoying to put them back on again.”

A thick glob of sanitizing foam flopped down, coating Wolf in sticky white goop, then more jets of steam washed away the cleaning agents. Once the steam stopped, jets of warm air dried him off. Wolf quickly dressed, then took a quick look in the mirror. He combed his fingers through his hair and brushed it to the side. “Fuckin’ vintage, bruv.”

Wolfgang left the bathroom and headed straight for the living room. Nina was sitting on the couch eating eggs and rice while watching reruns of Sabine’s mugen battles.

“You a virgin?” Wolfgang asked as he flung himself over the back of the couch to sit beside her.


“Why don’t you get any implants? You paranoid like Sabine, too?”

“Oh, I have implants. I’ve never heard it phrased like that,” Nina laughed and smiled.

“Oh…I didn’t see any earlier,” Wolfgang rubbed his head awkwardly, then brandished his arm to display his augs. “Do you hide them? Most of the people around here like to show off.”

I’ve got a neural interface, like everyone else,’ Nina grabbed Wolf’s chin and twisted his head to look into her eyes. “Ocular modifications help with recon as well.”

“So your eyes didn’t look like that before?”

“They did. Augmentation isn’t as fashionable in Senija as it is here.”

“Nothing else, huh?” Wolf gently twisted his arm and removed it from its socket. “Got all my limbs replaced, a neural implant, synthetic eardrums, sinuses, all that good stuff. This eye was actually a gift from Sabby.”

“I didn’t need anything else, so I didn’t get it.”

“Makes sense. What are you going to do while you wait for us to start practicing?”

“Continue looking for work,” Nina replied as she finished her food. She rose and brought her bowl to the kitchen, then returned to the couch. “I don’t like the idea of taking part of your wage without contributing anything.”

“See, I was talking to Sabby about that. Well, not that specifically, but we were talking and I think you should join us while I train to become a pilot.”

“You’re…not a pilot?”

“Oh yeah, I’m totally a pilot!” Wolfgang put on a toothy grin. “Been one for like, two days now.”

“You think a few months of training is enough to win a championship?”

“Relax, I’m a prodigy. Read the manuals, downloaded the drivers, blah blah blah. I could pilot Uragiru with my eyes closed,” Wolf rested his head on his hand. “That reminds me…I need your help making some modifications to my mugen.”

“Modifications…?” Nina looked confused.

“I just want to make sure I’m not cutting the wrong wires, y’know?”

“I might not be the best person to help you with that.”

“You’ll do fine, come on!” Wolf smiled as he pulled Nina off the couch and out of the flat.

“Do you remember the breathing exercises I taught you?” Sabine inquired as she lifted the latch to open Uragiru’s cockpit. “This time’s the real deal. The holograms aren’t just going to be walking around.”

“You saw me last time, right? I did fine.”

“Yeah, but-“ Sabine paused when she looked inside the cockpit. “What the fuck is this?”

“Just made some modifications, no big deal. Just like home, helps me relax,” Wolfgang grinned as he climbed into the cockpit. Large monitors were suspended from the top of the cockpit that displayed the sensory input of the mugen. The levers and buttons had been replaced with multiple plastic trays covered in buttons, and a cupholder had been installed in the seat. “Fuckin’ vintage, ’innit?”

“Those panels…”

“They’re keyboards. I can’t get enough of old tech.”

“Did you do this recently?”

“Nah, I switched it up after I passed out last month.”

“I…Suppose Uragiru belongs to you…” Sabine sighed as she climbed into Bastien. “As long as it doesn’t affect your performance, I can’t complain.”

“Right on! These holograms are going to wish they’d never…uh…” Wolf thought for a second. “Fuck it, it doesn’t matter.”

“Good luck,” Sabine smiled as Bastien rose to his feet. “And remember, stay calm.”

“Yeah, yeah, you worry too much,” Wolf waved his hand in the air as the simulation started.

Sabine wandered through the buildings just behind Wolf as they began to search for the holograms. “Two hundred meters to the west, sending a visual to your feed.”

“Whoa, Ni. I forgot you were here. You’ve been quiet,” Wolfgang laughed as an aerial view popped up on his monitor.

“I had no reason to speak.”

“You could learn from her, Wolf,” Sabine jested.

Wolf leaned back and put his feet up as he piloted Uragiru with his neural connection. Uragiru’s movements were smooth and precise. He hastily approached the hologram, which launched a small missile at him. Uragiru’s shield flicked on, absorbing the blast as he slid behind the hologram and swept his arm, severing its leg. He quickly placed his hand over the hologram’s hull and extended the blade, causing it to dissipate into pixels.

“You see that? I call that one the piledriver!”

“Pretty good, just be careful. Your shield needs time to recharge. Can you see the number counting down on your display?” Sabine inquired as she followed behind him. Wolf’s eyes darted over to the side of his screen. “If you try to use it before then, you’ll draw more blood than normal.”

“That’s…” Wolf paused and looked down at dark red tube that was protruding from his shoulder. He could feel it slowly sucking his life force. “I think I want to avoid that…”

“Shall we move on? Nina, direct us to the next target.”

“Two hostiles five hundred meters East.”

“You think we can take them, Sabby?”

“Nina, do you have the location of the third target?”

“Negative…scanning now…” Nina paused for a moment, then gasped. “Nine hundred meters North of my position, closing fast. It will reach me in approximately twenty seconds.”

“Can you head towards us?” Wolf asked.

“Recon units are basically immobile compared to other mugen. She can’t outrun anything.”

“Don’t worry, I’m coming Ni!” Wolf shouted as he slid to a stop, then sprinted in the opposite direction towards Nina. “Think I’ll make it?”

“Uragiru has very high mobility. If you need an extra boost, you can use the hand cannons to propel yourself forward or make quick turns. Don’t forget to breath.”

“Yeah, got it. Thanks,” Wolf replied as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Even though his eyes were closed, the neural uplink allowed him to see Uragiru’s feeds. “I see the hostile.”

The hologram turned to face Uragiru, unleashing a volley of missiles. Most of them peppered the buildings around Wolf, while one hit Uragiru’s leg, causing the mugen to tumble to the ground.

“Ah fuck!” Wolfgang cried out. “You never told me I’d feel it! My fucking leg!”

“I didn’t realize you would,” Sabine cried out as she rushed to his side. “Must be the neural uplink. Relax, you’re in no physical danger. It’s just a simulation.”

“The two hostiles have mobilized. They’re heading your way,” Nina interjected. “I’ll scramble their systems; it’ll make it harder for them to locate you.”

“Wolf, I’ll stall them. Can you handle this one?”

“Fuck…Yeah, I got it,” Wolf replied through clenched teeth. Uragiru staggered to his feet as he set his sights on the lone hologram. As it walked steadily towards Wolf, its hull opened and a large missile launched from its chest. “I can’t take a hit like that…”

Wolf leapt into the air and pointed his hands at the ground, then discharged Uragiru’s hand cannons, causing him to corkscrew through the air towards the hologram. Once he had gotten close enough, he extended the arm blades and sliced through the hologram, which dissipated, scattering pixels into the air.

“Yo! That was fuckin’ vintage! I’m defin-“ Wolf stopped and quickly removed the syringe from his shoulder, then opened the hatch to his cockpit and leaned out, emptying his bowels. “Ugh…That’s going in my montage…”

“Wolf, are you alright?”

“Just a little motion sickness, no big deal…” Wolf spat on the ground and returned to his cockpit.

“I’ll take care of these two and we can call it a day.”

“Do you really need the practice?” Wolf asked.

“I’m not going to let you have all of the fun,” Sabine smiled. Within moments she had dispatched the holograms and returned to Wolfgang, who was casually sitting on the edge of the cockpit with his legs hanging over the edge.

“Fuck, Sabby, I haven’t felt pain like that in a few years.”

“Yeah, you got your augments as soon as you turned eighteen, didn’t you?”

“And not a day later.”

“Was my performance adequate?” Nina asked from inside her mugen.

“Perfect,” Sabine replied. “Did you say montage? Are you recording all of this?”

“Of course,” Wolf grinned. “Everyone’s going to want to see the newest star’s rise to fame.”


“Yo Ni, I haven’t seen your mugen yet, where you at?”

“Oh, let me shut down the program,” Sabine laughed as she reached around in the cockpit of her mugen. The buildings disintegrated, revealing Nina’s mugen. It was a quadrupedal contraption a little bit smaller than Uragiru which resembled a feline.

“Whoa, that’s so cute!” Wolf exclaimed.

“It’s the Nyanko model, Mk. IV. Senija’s specialty.”

“Alright, what’s inside the pit?” Wolf asked. Nina sent an image to Wolf’s neural interface. The cockpit was filled with plush animals of all shapes and sizes. “Looks comfy…Sabby, you’re next.”

“I haven’t modified my cockpit…” Wolfgang jumped over and peeked inside.

“What’s that hanging from the ceiling?” Wolf asked as he pointed to a small silver locket.

“It’s a mirrored locket. Family heirloom, good luck charm.”


“That should do it for today, shall we head back and get something to eat?” Sabine asked. “I’m starving.”

“On a scale of one to ten, how’d I do?” Wolfgang grew an enormous smile.

“Well…” Sabine thought for a moment. “You threw up, so it can’t be higher than a six, right?”

“Come on,” Wolfgang laughed as he gently pushed Sabine and jumped back to his Mugen.

“Alright, seven, but I’m being generous, and Nina gets a ten.”


“She did exactly what she needed to, couldn’t ask for more.”

“Thank you,” Nina’s face turned red as a smile peeled across her face.

Sabine’s voice grew stern. “I’m glad you’re taking this seriously, Wolf. I was afraid you’d screw around.”

“Come on, Sabby. I’m not going to become a superstar if I fuck around, am I?”

“No,” Sabine laughed and returned to her mugen. “Let’s go get some food. I’m thinking steaks.”

“Fuck yeah.”

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