Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
The wedding hour drew closer and excitement filled the air in the Moon Shadow's
pack territory. Sidonnie and Alpha Carlyle, though deeply in love, couldn't shake
off the nerves that accompanied such a momentous occasion. Amidst the
bustling energy, they prepared themselves for the day ahead, each lost in their
own thoughts.
Meanwhile, the maids worked tirelessly to ensure that everything was in perfect
order for the ceremony. They arranged the seats for the guests, directing them to
their designated spots with practiced efficiency.
“Make sure the chairs are aligned properly,” one maid instructed her fellow, her
tone brisk but authoritative. “We don’t want any mishaps during the ceremony. Ni
one wants to face the Alpha’s
Another maid nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed in concentration as she
meticulously adjusted the placement of each chair.
“And be sure to guide the guests to their seats,” she added. “We want everyone
to feel comfortable and welcome.”
As the guests began to arrive, the maids sprang into action, greeting them.with
warm smiles and helping them find their places. They ensured that each guest
was seated according to protocol, taking care to accommodate any special
requests or needs.
“Thanks for coming, the procession would start soon.” One maid told a guest as
she was directed to her seat.
Amidst the flurry of activity, the maids maintained a sense of calm
Soon, the wedding began. The venue was adorned with flowers and decorations
as the air buzzed with excitement as the couples about to get married marched
Sidonnie and Carlyle stood at the altar, dressed in their ceremonial attire,
surrounded by their guests. The officiator, Sidonnie’s parents, and the pack
elders were all gathered around, each sitting in their respective positions.
The officiator, who was one of the began the ceremony with a voice that
resonated through the gathered assembly.
“Dear friends and honored guests, today we witness the union of two souls
destined for one
Alpha Carlyle and Sidonnie exchange loving glances, their hearts brimming with
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“Alpha Carlyle, do you take Sidonnie to be your lawfully wedded mate, to cherish
and protect her for all eternity?”
“I do. With all that I am, I pledge my love and loyalty to Sidonnie, now and
forever.” He said with
Sidonnie’s eyes simmered with brimming tears of joy as she turned to face her
“And Sidonnie, do you take Alpha Carlyle to be your lawfully wedded mate, to
stand by his side through all the trials and triumphs that life may bring?”
“I do. With every beat of my heart, I vow to stand beside Alpha Carlyle, through
thick and thin, in joy and sorrow.” She vowed with conviction.
The exchange of vows was met with a hushed reverence from the gathered
guests. The officiator proceeded with the solemn declaration of commitment.
“Now, before proceed, we'll follow Moon Shadow procedures. First, you how to
each other signifying your respect for yourselves.”
Carlyle and Sidonnie did as told.
“Bow to your parents,” the officiator said next.
“And the last bow is to the elders”
The couples did all of these, returning to the position they were initially.
“By the power vested in me, under the watch of the moon Goddess, I now
pronounce you husband and wife.” The officiator concluded.
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Sidonnie and Alpha Carlyle
sealed their union with a tender kiss. They turned to face their guests, hands
entwined, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for each other.
Then they turned to face their guests, hand in hand, knowing that their love
would be for all eternity, bound by the sacred traditions of their pack and their
“Thank you all for joining us on this momentous occasion. With your love and
support, we embark on this journey together.” Carlyle said and the guests
clapped for them.
“Yes, thank you all. Our hearts are full as we begin this new chapter of our lives.”
Sidonnie was smiling radiantly as she observed the guests present.
Then, it occured to her that someone who she really wanted to be present wasn't
there. Athena!
She had sent the invite to her, the second day Carlyle told her that the wedding
date has been
Chapter 105
“What's wrong?” Carlyle asked the moment he noticed her uneasiness.
“I can't see Athena. She should be here by now.”
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“Don't worry too much about it. Maybe she got delayed by something. She
should be here, anytime soon.” Carlyle tried to dissipate her worry and she smile
at him.
Then, it was time for Sidonnie’s Luna crowning procession as that was the next
thing on the agenda since she has officially tied the knot with the Moon Shadow
With Sidonnie at the center of attention, adorned in regal attire befitting her new
role. The pack elders and members gather around expectantly.
“Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed Alpha’s and honourable guests, today marks a
momentous occasion as we witness the ascension of Sidonnie Xander, Alpha
Carlyle newly wedded wife, to the esteemed position of a Luna.” The officiator
began once again.
The crowd murmurs with excitement as Sidonnie steps forward, her presence
commanding respect and admiration.
“Sidonnie, do you accept the responsibilities and duties of a Luna, to guide and
protect our pack with wisdom and compassion?”
“Yes, I do. With the strength of my ancestors and the love of my mate, I vow to
serve our pack with
serve unwavering dedication.” Sidonnie replied.
“Being a Luna comes with so many responsibilities, do you accept the
responsibility of being the pack’s mother, shouldering all responsibilities fairly and
being just and considerate in all affairs, protecting the pack and upholding the
traditions and rites of Moon Shadow Pack?”
“Yes, I do.” She repeated, defiantly.
The eldest female pack elder stepped forward, bearing the ceremonial crown
adorned with precious gems and symbols of authority. With reverence, she
placed the crown upon Sidonnie’s head, signaling her official induction as Luna.
“By the power vested in me, we crown you, Sidonnie, as our Luna starting from
today in this auspicious hour. May your reign be filled with prosperity, harmony,
and boundless love.” The female elder pronounced. Then she bowed, in front of
Sidonnie. By rites, the crowd followed her
“Hail thee, Queen Sidonnie! Hail thee, Queen Sidonnie!”
Sidonnie stood tall and proud, her eyes shining with determination and grace.
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“Thank you all for entrusting me with this honor.” She began addressing the
crowd. “I, Sidonnie Xander, pledge to protect the werewolves of Moon Shadow
and other supernatural beings within my reach, their health, wealth, and dignity
by the principles of our ancestors and the bonds of our pack. As the Luna of
Moon Shadow Pack under the reign of it's supreme Alpha, Carlyle Duveric, I take
this oath of allegiance with the heavenly moon goddess as witness.” She
concluded and the cheers were unlimited.
Carlyle winked at her in admiration, “You did well, my Luna”
Sidonnie’s face turned red at the compliment as she looked down shyly.
The celebration continued and the merriment began.
Carlyle and Sidonnie descended hand in hand, their faces radiant with joy and
gratitude. The first Alpha guest to greet them was Carlyle arch rival, Alpha Rex.
“Congratulations, Alpha Carlyle. May your union bring prosperity and happiness
to our pack.” Rex approached the couple with a warm smile, with Raina by his
“Thank you, Rex. Your blessings mean a lot to us.” Carlyle replied. At least, for
that day, they didn’t show any sign of hostility to each other.
Sidonnie nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the crowd until they settle on
Raina, who stood a few feet away behind her brother, with a tense demeanour.
“Congratulations, Alpha Carlyle, Sidonnie. I wish you both well.” Raina forced a
Despite her attempt at being neutral, there was an underlying tension in her voice
that doesn't unnoticed by the Sidonnie.
“Thank you, Raina.” Sidonnie replied in all her grace, smiling widely. As they
wanted to proceed to other guests, she flashed Raina a warning and mocking
Alpha Carlyle exchanged a knowing glance with Sidonnie, silently acknowledging
the complexity of their relationship with Raina.
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We're grateful for your presence
here today. Your wisdom and m0
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guidance have peenrfluable to us.
Carlyle Nido some other Alphas
and supernatural elders who
congratulated him. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“It's our duty to support our Alpha and Luna. We wish you both a long and
prosperous reign.”
Donald and Amelia approached the newlyweds, their faces beaming with
happiness and excitement.
“Congratulations, Alpha Carlyle, Sidonnie. Wishing you both a lifetime of love and
happiness.” Donald extended his hand to his buddy.
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Chapter 105
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Carlyle and Sidonnie exchanged warm greetings with their friends, grateful for
their presence on this special day.
“And who might this be?” Carlyle asked, glancing at Amelia who stood beside
“Could it be the mysterious mate we've heard so much about?” Sidonnie chipped
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Yes, I'm Amelia. It's a pleasure to
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finally meet you both.” She smiled
nervously as she bowed het kad.
Becausblofher fdentity, she was a bit
scared of her surrounding. It took
everything in her to attend the
ceremony in the first place. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
There was a moment of recognition in Carlyle’s eyes as he looked at Amelia.
“You're as lovely as Donald described, Amelia.” He commented.
“Indeed, you have a captivating presence, Amelia. Welcome to our pack.”
Sidonnie admired, joining the conversation.
Amelia blushed at the compliments, feeling a mixture of excitement and
nervousness in the presence of the Alpha couple.
“She does have a beautiful smile, doesn’t she?” Carlyle said again and Sidonnie
glared him a warning.
“Don’t worry, your smile is beautiful too. It's the most beautiful.” He kissed her
cheek to dissipate her feigned anger.
Donald nodded proudly, his gaze never leaving Amelia's face as he chuckled at
the little scene the newlyweds acted out.
“Thank you, Carlyle, Sidonnie. I'm grateful for your kind words. It took a lot to
have her here.” He whispered the last statement and Carlyle offered a reassuring
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We're happy to have you both here.
Unfortunately, we have ma ny 9g yests
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to greet, pi let splah feet again
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sboh! Amelia. There's much we have
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to discuss.” He said. The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Amelia nodded eagerly, feeling a sense of belonging in the presence of her mate
and the Alpha couple.
Just when the couples were about to go separate ways, Sidonnie beamed with
“Athena is here,” she pointed in Athena's direction and the other three looked the
same way.
Amelia's eyes widened as she looked at Athena and quickly took her gaze away.
“Canthra Minerva?” She murmured to herself, shielding herself with Donald's

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