Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 104

Chapter 104
I stood before Delilah, the legendary witch known for her ancient wisdom and
mystical powers. Her gaze bore into mine, assessing me with an intensity that
made me squirm slightly under her scrutiny. But I was determined more than she
could think of.
“I'm ready,” I declared, my voice steady despite the nervous fluttering in my
stomach. “Whatever you have in store for me, I'm prepared to confront it head-
Delilah nodded with an inscrutable expression on her face as she heaved a sigh.
“Before we proceed, I need to hear the story between you and your rival,” she
requested, her tone grave.
Taking a deep breath, I launched into the tale of my encounters with Sidonnie
and she listened with rapt attention. I recounted the tension between us,
Sidonnie’s manners towards my Carlyle and the unsettling revelation of her claim
to be his mate. Delilah listened intently, her wise eyes never leaving my face as I
As I finished recounting my story, Delilah’s demeanor shifted, her brow furrowing
in concern.
“And what is her name, child?” she inquired with furrowed brows.
“Sidonnie,” I replied, feeling a shiver run down my spine at the gravity of the
moment. “Her name is Sidonnie Xander,”
At the sound of her name, Delilah's expression darkened. Without a word, she
began chanting in a language foreign to my ears, her movements fluid and
purposeful. I watched in awe and trepidation as she performed her mysterious
ritual while my heart pounded faster in my chest.
“What's happening?” I asked, unable to contain my anxiety any longer as
Delilah's chanting grew more fervent.
Delilah's chanting ceased abruptly, and she turned to me with a somber
“Your rival is not someone to be trifled with,” she warned, her voice filled with a
Chapter 104
sense of foreboding. “She possesses powers beyond your understanding, and
she cannot be easily defeated”
I felt a chill run down my spine at her words, the weight of the revelation sinking
“What do you mean by she can't be trifled with? Is she a goddess or the goddess
relative? Why can’t she be trifled with?” I asked.
Delilah's expression remained stoic despite the barrage of insults hurled her way.
She held herself with a quiet dignity, her eyes fixed on me with a mixture of
concern and resolve.
“Are you sure you know what you're saying? Are you sure your powers aren't
wearing out with your age? Wait...are you even Delilah?” I rushed these insulting
questions at her but she didn’t say a word still.
When I finally calmed down, she spoke up.
“I understand your frustration, Raina,” Delilah began. “But you must understand
the gravity of the situation. Your rival possesses powers that surpass mortal
understanding. She is not merely a mere mortal but someone with connections to
forces beyond our comprehension.”
I listened intently, her words sinking in as I struggled to understand the threat
Sidonnie posed to me if I tried doing what I planned against her.
“She may not be a goddess herself, but she holds sway over powers that rival
even the divine,” Delilah continued with all seriousness in her tone. “Attempting
to confront her without proper preparation would be like walking into the jaws of a
lion unarmed.”
Her words sent a shiver down my spine, the magnitude of the danger becoming
increasingly clear with each passing moment.
Delilah's warning seemed to appraise Sidonnie even more and this only made
my anger increase drastically and I lashed out at her. But Delilah remained
unruffled, her composure unshaken.
“I have warned you as best I can, Raina,” Delilah said firmly. “Whether or not you
choose to heed my advice is ultimately up to you. But know this: the path you
tread is fraught with peril, and the consequences of your actions may be dire.”
Chapter 104
With that, Delilah turned away, leaving me to ponder her words in the shadow of
impending danger.
“Are you even competent? Do you have what it takes to be as legendary as the
book says? No, I doubt it! You're nothing but a witch who doesn’t know what to
do in situations inke this!” I paused, staring at her back.
“Or should I say you're just a dumbass who gets scared because of little
“Young woman! You had better watch it!” Delilah warned me with a yell, scaring
me a bit. But my wants and obsession overshadowed all other feelings I felt.
“If you want me to respect you, then do what I want.” I yelled at her.
This time, she turned to face me. Yes! Exactly what I wanted.
“Since you're bent on seeing it through, let's deal. What do you want from me?”
She asked stenly, sitting on her spot which I guess was where she prepared
whatever magical substances or dues she wanted to create or perform.
“Now, that's what I'm talking about.”
“Go straight to the point, Raina.”
“She'll be having her wedding soon, Delilah. I want something that'll destroy her
wedding.” I paused, taking a moment to think it through.
“No, better still, I want you to take her out of the way for me. If she’s gone, I'll
have Carlyle all to myself.”
Delilah's stern demeanor softened slightly as she listened to my demands, her
expression betraying a hint of resignation.
“I want you to choose one, Raina.”
“Kill her, then. That's the best option.”
Delilah understood the depth of my desperation and the lengths I was willing to
go to rid myself of Sidonnie’s looming presence.
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With a heavy sigh, Delilah instructed
me to wait as she began to.chaph
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ingret ients together. The air crackled
with energy as she worked. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
After what felt like an eternity, Delilah finally handed me two small bottles, each
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Chapter 104
containing a mysterious concoction.
“The first bottle,” she explained, her voice low and solemn, “contains a potent
poison that will bring about Sidonnie’s demise. Use it wisely, for once
administered, there is no turning back.”
I held the bottle in my hand, feeling a surge of power coursing through me at the
mere thought of wielding such destructive force.
“And the second bottle?” I prompted, eager to hear Delilah’s instructions.
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The second bottle,” she continued,
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her gaze piercing, “contains an m
antidote. ShoulgypiiHale & Range
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you've caused, this will neutralize the
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effects of the poison.” The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Visit to read full content.
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I nodded, absorbing Delilah’s words
with a mixture of RAGHeAL
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dbeision ung heavy in the air as I
contemplated the path ahead. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Thank you, Delilah,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. “I will not
forget your assistance.”
With that, I tucked the bottles safely away, steeling myself for the moment when I
would finally confront my nemesis and set my plan into motion.
“You should know that...” She wanted to say something but I was too happy that I
didn’t wait for her words.
“Thanks, Delilah. You can keep the rest of the lectures for yourself” I said,
scurrying out of the forest.

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