Alpha's Cursed Luna

Chapter 2


The sun felt warm and soothing on my skin in the morning. I leaned on the railing of the balcony of my room, lighting a cigarette on my hand before taking a long whiff for the addictive taste to get into my throat and lungs. I don't know why but I couldn't get enough of this in my system. Besides, I can enjoy it without taking any risks. In other words, I won't die. One of the perks of being a werewolf. I thought to myself.

After I was done, I put off my cigarette and hopped in the shower. I changed into neat casual clothes then exited my bedroom. All the werewolves I passed by lowered their heads and greeted me as a sign of respect, while I kept my head held high with pride and dignity as the current Alpha of Red Silverwood Pack.

"Alex!" A young female voice called out to me from a distance.

Sighing, I turn my head to the side before forming a fake smile.

"Hi, Vera." The girl's name is Veronyka, but she specifically told me to call her with her nickname "so that it doesn't sound too formal between us". Her words, not mine. Vera was a petite young girl, about 5 flat, with light golden locks that reached only up to her small shoulders. She had sparkling emerald green eyes and plump lips. Her skin was tanned and hydrated with lotion and moisturizer every night, probably more as she was literally glowing in all angles. In short, she's cute.

I watched as she flung her boobs when she jumped just one meter away from me. Surely, I didn't miss how she just did that on purpose as an attempt to shake any lust from me, which won't be happening in a million years. Vera is like a sister to me.

"I missed you." She said, batting her pretty eyelashes at me.

"But we were all together just yesterday. You, me, and Elijah" I raised my finger to make a point. Yesterday we did squeeze some time in our scedules so that we could spend some time together, just the three of us. We ate in a fancy diner downtown and dropped Vera by her house before Elijah and I went for a run to stretch our legs. After all, we've been working every single day nonstop. We deserve a break. Fortunately, everything was fine in the pack.

Elijah West is currently my beta and second in command whilst Veronyka Blade was the only daughter of our current gamma.

She inserted her arm to lock with mine and pushed her bouncy breasts a bit closer against me. "Not like that. I mean I miss you, when it's just me and you" Her cheeks flushed red as she looked up at me who towered over her. I give her a gentle smile and patted her head.

"When was it ever just you and me and without Elijah? We're a trio Vera." I said pretending not to grasp the meaning behind her words. She didn't really put in much effort to hide her feelings after all, since I became the Alpha. Vera pouted, rolling her eyes.

"Elijah is such a bore. He's always...a killjoy whenever I want to do something fun” Vera crossed her arms looking away, practically huffing out her anger as her face became gloomy the moment Elijah’s name was mentioned. I giggle and mess up her hair.

"That's because he is just being protective of you. You're our little sister, Vera" I tell her but she scowls.

"When did I ever need his protection?" Vera grunted, probably squeezing Elijah's neck in her imagination. I couldn't contain my laugh while feeling the devil's glare right behind our backs. "He's bossy and annoying and way too overbearing. Argh! I just can’t stand someone like him." Either Vera was telling me or herself that on purpose or she just hasn't noticed Elijah walking towards us.

"Literally every single time? And I'm not bossy Vera. You are.” Elijah pointed at Vera and she spun around, her face shocked. Vera didn't put up that shocked expression for long as she quickly replaced it with an annoyed one.

"Shut up." Vera rolled her eyes at him and faced me instead. Her eyes twinkled as she stood on her tiptoes with her hands on her back, smiling at me.

"Alex, I'm turning 18 next month." Apparently, you haven't found your mate yet. Don't lose hope! Maybe your mate is closer to you than you think.

" She gave me a meaningful look and winked at me. I didn't know what to say so I just gave her a nod before smiling. Elijah burst out laughing as if he was really out to mock Vera after hearing her words. My wolf found it funny too that Vera would think she was my mate. I'm 22 years old, and Vera has been around me for a long time. If we really were mates, I would have known or felt a connection between us when I turned 18 myself.

"In your dreams! You? Alex's mate? Impossible” Elijah waved his hand at her as if she was being ridiculous. Vera turned to him, frowning and shooting glares at him. She pushed him with all she got but she barely made Elijah move with her tiny hands.

"And how are you supposed to know that? It's not like you're my mate." Vera rolled her eyes at him, making Elijah stop. He suddenly averted his eyes from her and tsked. I watched them in my spot, finding their argument slightly entertaining.

"What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be at school? I have an important matter to discuss with my Alpha. Now shoo.” Elijah pushed past her gently, rolling his eyes. I sighed at the lover's quarrel. It made me think they were real mates. Only that, they're not. Elijah too hasn't found his mate yet. Being 20 years old. If he did knew he found his mate he would have told me. Right? "Bye Alex! Screw you Elijah” Vera turned on her heel and walked away. Elijah snorted. He waited until she was out of sight before facing me. He handed me a small blue envelope and cleared his throat.

"It's a letter from Alpha Victor of Blue Mountains Pack. The messenger told me it's an invitation letter for a peace talk between our packs.” He explained. I opened the blue envelope to read its contents.

Dear Alpha Alexander,

My name is Victor Raven, Alpha of Blue Mountains Pack. I would like to be the first to extend a hand and invite you to come for a visit to our pack. For years our packs remained in conflict with one another, and I think it is time for us to change that. Your parents might have not seen the possibility of peace for our packs, but maybe you can help me make my dream come true. I would like to negotiate together with you to clear the tension and unite both our packs. Together, I feel we could bring peace and stop many future wars, so that we would finally live in harmony after all these years. Looking forward for you to accept this peace invitation, Alpha.


Alpha Victor Raven

Blue Mountains Pack

I stared at the letter for a long moment before handing it back to Elijah. I let him read it after I did and his eyes widened in an instant. It made me think he didn't really believe at what the messenger had told him when he said it was a peae invitation.

"Well, that was unexpected. I didn't think that old geezer had it in him." I nodded in agreement. I thought so too. Suddenly receiving a peace invitation from him was enough to raise my suspicions. Clenching my fist, I inhaled a deep breath, thinking about what my dad would do if he was in this situation. His advice always seemed to help. Though I have to face it, my parents are long dead. "Ten years ago when he basically started a war, peace and unity were never in his vocabulary.” I said. Elijah furrowed his brows.

"You think this might be some kind of trap?” He crossed his arm over the other, still holding the letter in his hand and I stare at it.

I nod slightly, closing my eyes as my memories from that bloody war resurfaced in my mind. The war that took my parents away and tore me asunder in just one, bloody, merciless night.


"Dad? Dad wake up! Please, Dad!" I tried shaking his nightshade black wolf, running my fingers through his fur that was covered in blood in a bid to feel if he was still breathing. If my Dad was still alive. His skin was ice cold. I noticed he wasn't even breathing anymore as I frantically circled around him to check. Tears ran down my cheeks instantly when the gray, lifeless color of his eyes confirmed that Dad was already dead. My knees gave up on me and my ass landed on the ground. I could feel my heart being stabbed a million times over as I stared at my Dad's wolf. He was huge, bigger than all the wolves in our pack. Despite that, he died. He died protecting the pack. Most of all, he died protecting me when an enemy wolf suddenly attacked me jumping out from the bushes. The gray wolf bared his fangs at me and almost got close enough to rip my head clean off. But Dad stopped him while he was still battling three wolves at the same time. After he saved me from my attacker, the three other enemy wolves he was just battling came together to throw him off. My Dad fought them fearlessly like a true Alpha warrior. No not like, but he was undoubtedly one. I fell silent, taking in the fact I just lost my Dad, and the pack just lost their Alpha. At that moment I realized just how useless I have beeen. How I was too weak to even handle one wolf that led to my father's death when I was only 12 years old.

The war was already over then. We won. Our pack won because my parents were the ones leading our pack to victory. Clenching my fists, I punched the ground wih them continuously, not caring for the blood that came as I did.

"Alex STOP!" yelled Colton, Elijah’s father and the beta at the time.

I didn't stop. I just punched the ground closing my mind off from everybody when suddenly, I heard Mom call to me from a distance

I glanced up from my spot. My mother was spitting blood on his chest and mouth as her sad blue eyes gazed on me. I immediately ran towards her. She had managed to shift back and Colton removed his top and covered my mom with his oversized shirt that had been stained with so much blood.

I reach out to grab her hand, placing it on my cheek as I looked at my mother with teary eyes. She was barely breathing. Her lips turned dark red because of the blood she was spitting.

I forced a smile, though it was weak.

"Mom, I'm here. Don't leave me, please" I whispered into her ear. Mom softly pinched my cheek, smiling despite the blood sprinkled all over her face.

"I'll always be with you, Al. Your father and I will always..." I could barely hear her words with how softly she spoke. I saw her eyes suddenly close. Her final breath faded away like the rustling wind. Before I even got to give her a reply, her face dropped to her neck. I was speechless for a short second, but the next, I screamed loud from the very top of my lungs. I still held Mom's hand so tenderly, nott wanting to let her go. No, I wasn't ready.

"Don't go.." I sobbed, choking in my own tears.

After that tragic day, I was forced to train more vigorously until I came if age, taking the title my father left behind. The Alpha of Red Silverwood Pack.


"Tell him we're headed there today, and that I accept.”

"Are you sure about this, Alex?" Elijah’s eyes were filled with worry. I nod before turning on my heel, grabbing my car keys in my room.

'Mom and Dad would have wanted me to agree. They would have wanted me to make peace with other packs so all werewolves can finally live in harmony and stop war from destroying countless lives’

My wolf, Loki, agreed.

'But we're not afraid of war." He added.

“Still. we need to keep our eyes open for traps. You never really know what's coming for you until it happens...all too sudden’ I tell my wolf, reminiscing once again the day my parents died. Something I didn't want to go through one more fucking time.

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