Alpha's Cursed Luna

Chapter 1


It was on the night of my 13th birthday, when my whole world, and my perfect life as the Alpha’s daughter unpredictably turned upside down.

I staggered on my way inside my room. Groaning, I let my body flop down on my king-sized bed, shuddering in extreme, sudden pain.

From the corner of my eye, I saw that there was a full blood moon tonight. Suddenly, I felt unexpectedly cold and breathless. It felt as if my mind and body didn’t want me to get anywhere other than the comfort of my soft, fluffy pillow and my bed in this long busy night.

Sighing, I shut my eyes trying to get some sleep. All of a sudden, I felt the most excruciating jolt of pain shock me as if I've been struck by a bolt of lightning, making me groan out in the sudden pain. It's like something within me has awakened, relentless and desperate for release. Whatever it is, it was telling me to get up and ditch the covers of my bed. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple while performing small circles on both sides. My head was pounding so bad. I continued rubbing my temple with my fingers wishing it would make me feel any better. After a few seconds the aching stopped, but the pain had now gone to my body, sending jolts of pain to each bloody part of me.

I gritted my teeth in a bid to divert my attention when the corners of my eyes caught the red moonlight, distracting me. It just so happens that my room was huge and had a large window overlooking the view of the sky and the forest below, allowing some of the moonlight pass through the window panes to the walls and floor in my room. Despite my refusal to follow the demands of that something inside me, I reluctantly got up and landed my feet on the cold floor. I stared at the huge window. My body was shaking violently amidst the frigid air. Strange.

Goosebumps covered me all over my body. I knew I was shivering, but I also noticed it wasn't the cold that caused this. I wasn't sure but I walked towards my window with bare feet. I then lifted my head, staring up at the blood moon high above me. It's the first full blood moon after a hundred years.

My breathing suddenly quickened, changing its pace the longer I stared. I let out a shaky breath, panting. The uncomfortable feeling that has been getting to me since a while back intensified the moment the red moonlight shone upon me. Suddenly, something snapped deep within.

Claws descended from my nails as I gripped the window ledge tighter. They scraped on the wall, ruining the white paint. Blood was flowing out from my finger tips when a sudden jolt of pain flashed, dragging me down to my knees before I gripped my hair in a bid to ease my suffering. I could feel my head throbbing, my body shaking uncontrollably.


"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" I screamed from the top of my lungs "til it left me trembling and panting in my position.

I hear the door to my bedroom abruptly slam open, my Mum and Dad marching their way towards me hurriedly. The lights flicked open, blinding me momentarily as I gathered my bearings.

Just then, the loud, disturbing sound of bones snapping and cracking filled the room instantly. "What in Goddess’ name is happening?" From the soft, feminine voice, I could tell it was my mom. "Eleanor!" Dad called.

I groaned. The pain building up inside me was getting stronger and stronger the longer I kneeled on the solid, icy floor.

"Don't come near me!" I exclaimed, growling which surprised me more than it did them.

I could hear them gasp when my body forced my hands to drop so that I was touching the floor with both hands and knees. The next moment, my vision becomes darker, sharper, clearer than it ever did before.

I can sense their eyes widening while they stood there, gawking at me.

The sound of my clothes shredding as the shifting process began startled them. Their watchful eyes never left my body, and they stared hard and cold at me, which I didn't understand why.

I felt as if my head was one square inch away from exploding, like a ticking bomb counting down until it beeps loudly to say, "it's the end of the world". My world.

Closing my eyes, I surrender myself to the bone-crushing process of my first turn.

At this point, I knew my wolf was coming at the mere age of 13. All werewolves from the Alpha bloodline did, whereas other werewolves of beta to omega blood typically shift much later or just after their 18th birthday.

My mother suddenly screamed just when the pain finally subsided inside me. I opened my eyes, seeing only my mother's chest and father's too. I was standing in all fours now. The pain that was making my head spin crazily two minutes ago unexpectedly stopped, as though it never happened or existed at all. But also like everything moved in slow motion as time froze.

"Victor! Our daughter---"

"I know Sandra!" My father snapped. A low fierce growl filled the room and that was the first time I heard my dad yell at her for years. The power exuding from him seeped in through the walls and floor boards, spreading throughout the entire place. I could feel his intense fury burning through his amber eyes, yet no matter how I look at him, I couldn't tell exactly what was inside his heart.

I blinked at them, staring at me in a state of anger and shock. My eyebrows furrowed at the disgusted look my parents’ faces were throwing at me.

I tilted my head a little, wondering if I had doe something wrong to irk them.

They don't look happy at all when I turned. But isn't that normal for werewolves from the Alpha bloodline? Something tells me there's more to it than that.

From the corner of my eye, I caught my reflection in the big mirror. I turn my head and glanced at it, wanting to see my wolf.

My eyes widened just the same as my Mum and Dad did the first time they set their eyes on me. My jaw dropped before I felt my body freeze, shocked, speechless.

My eyes are a pair of bright gold, with a touch of orange resembling the beautiful scenery of the setting sun.


Werewolves are supposed to have the same color of eyes as their wolf's. Mine are originally blood- red. But on the good side, I had big and strong paws. Long claws. Soft, bouncy fur that wrapped my body completely. I was bigger and taller than the other she-wolves I've seen in this pack. But, one thing that really puts me off, the only thing that looks and feels wrong about my wolf is its fur. Blood red. I hurriedly peered over my shoulder, gazing down my spine which confirmed my whole body was covered with blood red fur.

No, no, no, no, NO!

It can't be. My wolf.

It's the same blood-red wolf from the legend!

"Eleanor." I heard my father call out to me but I was too busy staring at myself in the mirror. "Eleanor!" This time I darted my eyes to my father, clenching his fists firmly by his sides. His face seemed really disgusted, annoyed. Most of all, I felt his utter disappointment. It broke my heart to a thousand pieces.

After I turned my father stepped away from the room, turning to the guests and declared that his only daughter was wolf-less, crowning me the freak of the pack.

I was basically a human, shamefully weak. He would rather tell them that than the truth. That I turned out to be the cursed blood wolf just like the legend.

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