Alpha of Nightmares

Chapter 4 - Crista

“But... why would he? The darkroom is invite-only. And I'm really guessing she disagreed with being invited.” she frowned. André shrugged. “It's out of my hands. It was an Alpha command. And well she’s...” he then leans and whispers too softly for me to hear in her ear. Judging by how gobsmacked she looks, he told her I was their father's mate.

"0000. That's even worse. I'm calling Zia Izzy. She'll put him in his place.” Katrina scoffed, digging her phone out. “No. Don't. If you call her all hell with break loose. I think Crista can handle him. She's probably the only one that can.” André said, grabbing his sister's phone and holding it up too high for her to reach. She pouted, folding her arms.

“Stupid twin brother. Stupid tall bastard.” she grumbled. “Then why did you call me if it wasn't to get Izzy? Not that you couldn't just link her.” Katrina raised an eyebrow. “Well, papa only told me what to do with Crista. He wasn't specific about her sisters. Sooo...” André grinned. Katrina sighed, nodding.

"I see where this is going. Little ones, you can come with me. I'll get you set up in one of the rooms upstairs. I should have some night clothes that can fit you. You can take a shower, and I'll bring you up something from the kitchen. Because well, you look like you've had a rough night.” Katrina smiled warmly at my sisters.

My sisters both hesitated, gripping me tighter. “It will be okay. I promise. Go with her. You'll both feel better after a shower and some food in your bellies. I'll be okay.” I assured, giving them the best smile I could muster. I was scared of this darkroom and dealing with this Alpha, but I didn't want them to know that.

They slowly nodded, hugging my arms. “Okay... just be safe.” Persephone whispered before reluctantly stepping away. Delilah’s eyes welled with tears. “I'll be okay. Go ahead. I'll join you as soon as I can. So don't eat everything.” I smiled, hugging my baby sister and kissing the top of her head. She sniffled as she took Persephone’s hand and went to Katrina.

“I'll take good care of them.” Katrina bowed her head to me. “Come on, girls.” she smiled as she guided my sisters out. I followed, just wanting to be sure they would be okay. I watched as she led them up a spiral staircase. “My sister will take care of them, Luna. Your sisters are our family.” André gave me an encouraging smile.

“Don't call me that.” The words came out harsher than I intended, and I felt terrible as for a moment he looked hurt. “I'm sorry. It's just.” I sighed. “You don't want to be his mate.” André frowned. “If he wasn't your father, would you? Would you want a mate like him?” I asked. “Papa... he's complicated. And like an onion. There are so many layers, and it's not easy to get through them.” he sighed. “Chesed... his wolf is scary. But if anyone can get to his core. If anyone can get Alec to the surface, it's going to be you. The moon goddess wouldn't have sent you, wouldn't have chosen you as his mate if you couldn't. I mean, your last name is Fayte. How kismet is that?" he smiled. “Now come on. I have to deliver you to the darkroom. Please just... try. Give papa a chance.” he sighed, whispering the last part almost like a prayer.

I don't really know if I can be what André needs. What his father needs. How am I supposed to reach his human half? Especially when Alec has been pushed down by his wolf for so long? “We're his mate. We can. I will do my best to handle Chesed if you do your best to reach Alec.’ Emilia offered. "Yeah, if you don't change your tune when we go into this darkroom." I countered.

That at least shut her up as I slowly shuffled along behind André. I seriously felt out of place in this house. Not that I'm not accustomed to a grand home. Our Beta house is charming, as is the packhouse our Alpha lives in. But I'm barefoot, wearing random athletic clothes from their pack, and I'm dirty from running through the forest carrying my sisters in wolf form.

What I need is a shower and a change of clothes. Maybe then I'd feel less out of place walking across the marble floor. This home was beautiful. If I wasn't being led to what felt like my doom, I'd be more inclined to gawk and take in the architecture, and the paintings hung on the wall. Alpha Chesed or Alec, whatever his name, certainly has a fine collection of art.

“Please just try.” André whispered as he opened a door at the end of a short hallway. “I can't promise anything.” I sighed, taking a cautious step into the room. I blinked, confused at what I saw in the room. I turned to ask André, but the door was shut, and I heard it lock. God damn it.

I huffed and looked around and sighed in some relief as I found the light switch. “What the fuck!" I exclaimed as the lights came out, and I got a good look around. The space was dark, alright. Dark hardwood floors complemented the black wood boiserie paneling gently decorated with black damask and refined gold carvings. A rather beautiful gold chandelier hung at the center of the room in the ceiling panels.

But it isn't the walls, floor, or ceiling that make this room dark. No, the reason this place is called the darkroom is the furnishing. I gulped as I looked at one wall of whips and riding crops. I don't even know what to think of this room or that the Alpha sent me here. “It's a sex dungeon! Our mate is kinky!" Emilia exclaimed as she looked through my eyes.

She's not wrong about that. Whips, riding crops, ropes, chains, dildos... yep, that's a tray of dildos over there. I frowned, taking in the larger furniture pieces in the space. The bed was big and looked comfortable but terrifying as there were chains and handcuffs attached to it. I narrowed my eyes at the bed, seeing the wrinkled bedding picking up the distinct scent of that she-wolf who fled the house as we arrived. Emilia growled, knowing that the skank had been in here with our mate not that long ago.

I looked away from the bed, not wanting to let myself imagine him on it with her. It turned my stomach even if I knew I had no right to be jealous. He didn’t know about me, nor did I know about him till he walked into the library. And I mean, he’s obviously much older than me as he has kids. I'm pretty sure Katrina and André are older than me.

I continued to wander around the room looking at the different toys, or I guess that's what you'd call them. To me, they looked a lot like torture devices. Who has a room like this in their house? “Our very kinky mate.’ Emilia snickered. I rolled my eyes at my wolf. “And you want him to tie us up and use this shit on us?’ I questioned. “Maybe. Not like right now. But he’s our mate. We should trust him with our body. Never know, we might like it." she shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. Stupid wolf. 'HEY!" she shouted. “What? We are locked in a sex dungeon. On orders of a man who hasn't even said a word to us. A man who is known for being ruthless. A man who not that long ago was in here fucking that bimbo." I countered. I smirked as she growled in my head, knowing my point was made.

I sighed as I went to the black curtains pulling them back. A patio door! I could escape and maybe find a way to my sisters before he arrives. I tried the handle, but of course, they are locked. I could try to break one of the glass panels. “Yeah, real smart. Cut your hand up, then probably step on glass in bare feet." Emilia rolled her eyes.

I frowned, wrapping my knuckles against the panels. “Wouldn't matter anyway. It's not glass." I sighed, leaning my forehead against the glass. They have a beautiful garden. From what I could see, the doors would open up to a patio, and I could just glimpse a pool just out of view on the left. Delilah loves swimming.

What am I thinking? I shouldn“t be daydreaming about how much my sisters would enjoy living in this house. I need to find a way out of this room. I pulled the curtains closed and started to walk around again. I frowned, looking at a weird structure with ropes and leather hanging down.

“What the hell is that for?” I wrinkled my nose walking closer, reaching out to touch the leather bindings. My back straightened as I picked up a fresh, strong whiff of his scent. “To suspend you from while I tease every inch of you till you are so overloaded with pleasure you are begging for my cock.” the rough, throaty voice of my mate explained, his hot breath fanning against my neck. I gulped, clenching my thighs. I simultaneously want to run away and throw myself at him. The hell is wrong with me?

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