Alpha of Nightmares

Chapter 3 - Crista

"We're locked in.” I groaned. “Whoa...” Persephone gasped, tugging at my elbow. I turned, and my eyes widened as I looked around us. This was beautiful. We have a library at the packhouse back home, but it's not like this. While it's probably the same size, the whole feel of the room is vastly different.

The ceiling featured a stunning Fresco painting that depicted the lunar cycle. Instead of showing the cycle as the moon itself, it was shown against a wolf's face. Built-in shelves lined the walls except for the window seat and the wall with the door. The shelves were filled with books of many genres. Many looked very old and well-read based on the wear and tear on the binding. I wanted to touch them. I want to read them all. Has the Alpha read all of them?

I stepped further into the space, in the direction of a dark cherry desk with a black leather chair and a pair of black club chairs. I closed my eyes as my senses were overloaded by the delicious scent of rose petals and blood oranges but with a slight ashy undertone. It was like smelling a glass of Fattorie Romeo del Castello Vigo Etna Rosso, which by far is my favorite wine I've tasted.

“Do you smell that?” I asked, sniffing the air trying to follow the scent. My sisters both frowned, looking at me shaking their heads. I didn't see any bottles of wine or wine glasses left out. Why do I smell that? Where could it be coming from? I had started walking to the black office chair on the other side of the desk, where the scent was most pronounced. A thought crossing my mind stopped me cold. What if this scent is my mate? Could my mate be in the Incubi Pack? I shuddered at the very idea.

Emilia whined in my head. “l don't care what pack he’s from. I want my mate.’ she pouted. "Yeah, well outside of André, none of the males have given a good impression, and he’s not the source of this scent.’ I countered. Plus, if the scent is in this room, it must be someone who spends time in here, possibly a ranked member of the pack.

Before I could ponder this much further, the doors were flung open. My head turned sharply as the scent was now in full force in that direction. My eyes widened. My mouth was probably hanging open as I looked at the imposing man standing in the doorway. Dark near-black hair with just a touch of grey at the temples was neatly combed to the side. His face held similarities to André but with a stronger jawline and fairer complexion dressed in all black. Black dress shoes, slacks, and a black dress shirt with the top four buttons left undone, revealing just a hint of the muscular chest the fabric stretched across.

This was obviously the Alpha. Not only does André resemble him, but he is radiating power. A soft gasp escaped my lips as his gaze settled sharply on me. It was not the eyes of a man I looked at it; it was a beast. His wolf's vivid yellow eyes had honed in on me like a predator who's found its prey. “Mate...." Emilia whimpered as I gulped. No. Oh, Goddess, no. The mad Alpha of the Incubi pack is my mate!? This can’t be happening. My mind flashing back to seeing that woman leaving here as we entered. Only moments ago, my mate had been having a sexual encounter with that whore. I clenched my jaw as I felt an irrational rush of jealousy and anger.

For a half-second, so quickly I thought I imagined it, his eye flashed a breathtaking sapphire. I blinked, brow furrowed, trying to think if that really happened. If this was really happening. “It's happening. And I'm scared.’ Emilia whimpered. Great, she's been keyed up about finding our mate since my first shift. She has always been sure our mate would be kind and loving.

'So sue me. I was wrong, okay. But I still don’t think our mate would hurt us.’ she frowned. “Then why are you sacred?’ I countered. “He's..well, he's scary.’ she admitted. His lips parted, and for a moment, I thought he'd speak. Maybe claim me as his. Something other than just staring at me with such intensity I'm sure he saw straight through to my very soul. His eyes slowly moved down my body, and I felt myself shiver under his harsh gaze. I know I look like shit right now.

I probably have dirt, twigs, and leaves in my hair. I know I have dirt on my body, and I'm wearing ill- fitting men’s athletic clothes as I stand here barefoot in his clean and beautiful library. Not the best look when meeting your mate for the first time. As terrifying as the thought of him being my mate is, I'd at least rather he'd have seen me earlier, back at my pack during the party when I was dressed to impress and felt confident and beautiful.

He still says nothing when his gaze connects with mine. I opened my mouth, wanting to break the silence, but before I even got the first syllable out, he was gone, and the doors were slammed shut. I frowned, clenching my jaw as I heard the click of the lock. That bastard. He doesn’t say a word and locks us in here AGAIN.

My sisters were both glancing at me with confusion, concern, and terror. I'm sure the confusion and concern are because of how I'm acting. And well, the terror is obvious. That man... no, that beast's very presence elicits fear. I find myself moving closer to the door as I hear muffled voices. Leaning against the door, I just make out the tail end of the conversation.

"So she's it.” André’s voice is a mix of worry, teasing, and hope. “Take the girl to the darkroom.” a rough, throaty voice responds. I close my eyes and, on impulse, clench my thighs at the very sound of my mate's voice. Is this normal? Should your mate's very voice have that effect? I'd ask my mother, but... I don’t want to think about that right now. If I do, I might break.

“What's the darkroom? Why would he send us to a room for developing photographs? Emilia questioned. I was confused by that term as well. It was weird and, for some reason, left me unsettled. “And the little ones?” André questioned. “I don't care. Do whatever you like with them.” was my mate's toneless reply. I choked back my growl. Those are my sisters he's talking about.

“Yes, Alpha.” André curtly answered before I heard the sound of footsteps walking away on the marble floor. The strong scent of my mate lessened, so I knew it was he who had left. He's left his son to deal with us. I don't know what the darkroom is, but I know that I'm going to give that son of a bitch a piece of my mind.

As for André, if he even thinks to harm my sister's, we'll see how well a full wolf born of Beta blood does against a halfbreed wolf born of an Alpha and human. I moved away from the door and took a protective stance keeping my sisters behind me. “I take it you were eavesdropping.” André sighs as he opens the door.

"What the hell is the darkroom? And what are you planning to do to my sisters?” I growled. My sisters both gripped my arms. They probably realized that they were going to try to separate us. “I don't plan on doing anything with them. Least of all, anything bad like you might imagine.” André sighed, rolling his eyes to the ceiling.

“That doesn't answer my question.” I narrowed my eyes at him, ready to fight if I needed to. I don't know what the darkroom is, and I don't want to find out. Mate or not, I don't trust that Alpha as far as I could throw him. And I will not be separated from my sisters. I can't trust anyone with their safety.

André held a finger up as he took out a cell phone. I furrowed my brow as he quickly typed one- handed. André’s a werewolf, so why is he using a cell phone? He could just link a pack member to help him try and deal with us. He nodded and pocketed his phone. “Calling for backup? Don't you think you could take me on?” I questioned. “Us. Take us on. I may not shift, but I'll be damned if I let anyone take us away.” Persephone spoke up.

“You girls are just full of piss and vinegar.” André chuckled. “I don't intend to fight anyone. Well, I guess I'll have a fight on my hands since Alpha has commanded I take you to the darkroom. It isn't that I want to. But you should know how the command works. Even if I'm of his blood, I must obey.” he shrugged, frowning.

“That's why he called me.” a woman announced, stepping up next to him. Her dark hair having red streaks as opposed to his blue. They had the same complexion and eyes tl furrowed my brow in confusion. Who is she? I sniffed and knew she was human. That would explain the use of his cell; he was texting this human.

"And you are?" I questioned, suspicious of everyone at this point. “Oh yes. Formalities. This is my twin sister, Katrina D'Amore.” André introduced, gesturing his hand to the girl. That made sense, at least. “And yes, I know I'm human.” Katrina commented. “Yes, it seemed the moon goddess felt only I would need a wolf spirit.” André shrugged.

“She knew he would need the Duilio so he could fight off the immature, ignorant jerks that taunt him because they secretly want him to fuck them and not the rando townies he picks up at the gay bar in the city.” Katrina chuckled. André growled playfully before grinning. “Like I would give any of those homophobes the time of day. I certainly won't be helping any out of the closet unless one ends up being my mate. But I know my mate isn't in our pack.” he scoffs.

André chuckled. “Oh, sweet darlings, you didn't figure it out yet? Do I seriously not come off as too fabulous to be straight?” he laughed. I'm sure my eyebrows are at my hairline, and a glance at my sisters tells me they have the same reaction."That's why I've been saying I wouldn't do anything with your sisters. I mean, maybe if they were brothers. I do dig blonde boys.” he winked.

Persephone snickered. Surprisingly Delilah laughed, softly before quickly hiding her face against my back. “So who are they, and what's going on? I was trying to sleep.” Katrina yawned. “Oh right. So the feisty one is Crista. Papa has ordered I take her to the darkroom.” André frowned.

Katrina gasped and looked from her brother to me with more empathy than a stranger should be giving me. “This is not making me feel better about where our mate wants us to go.’ Emilia frowned. "Yeah, I don't think he plans to show us some photograph tricks. I don't want to go to that room, and I'm going to fight to not.’ I agreed.

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