Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Chapter 298

CHAPTER 298 Save the Baby Ann and Adam stood on the front steps of the Enclave, eagerly waiting for the return of both of their Beta's. Adam chuckled as Ann fidgeted with her hands and struggled to stand still, her gaze fixed on the curve of the driveway.

"They'll be here soon, don't worry." He soothed, wrapping his arm around her as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

"What if something happened though?" She worried as she rubbed her little bump in an act of self soothing.

Adam's eyes glazed over slightly as he linked with Allen and then grinned down at his anxious wife.

-y CY WiZWwe "Allen said stop worrying, it's not good for the baby. They'll be here in seconds." a REBUY As promised, the front end of the transport pulled around the corner of the driveway and Ann let out a sigh of relief.

"See, my Queen? Nothing to worry about." Adam chuckled as he watched them pull to a stop in front of them.

As soon as the door opened and Lexi's head emerged, Ann broke away from Adam and bolted down the steps towards her.

"Ann! Slow down! What if you fall!" He yelled after her with panic clutching his heart as he followed behind her.

Lexi barely had time to move away from the car door, before she found Ann's arms flung around her neck, hugging her tightly.

"Fucking hell Queenie, I can't breathe!" she squeaked in laughter as she hugged her back, "Shut up!" Ann sobbed, "I was so worried about you all while you were gone!" she said as she released Lexi and stepped back sniffling loudly.

Lexi's face softened as she looked at the emotional face of her best friend and felt her heart lurch in relief too.

"Those little smut puppies you're growing inside there have really hijacked your emotions, haven't they?"

She chuckled softly, her eyes shining with mischief as she prodded her belly lightly. a Ann planted her hands on her hips and scowled at her.

"I'll have you know that I would still be deliriously happy that you came back relatively unharmed with or without my pregnancy you cowbag." She chided as Lexi laughed at the sight of her.

"I'mean, I did bring you a present back Queenie," She grinned as she turned back into the car and reached down to lift the sleeping baby from the seat.

Ann gasped loudly at the sight of the tiny little face that peeked out of the grubby sheet that had been wrapped around it.

"I have so many qdestionss T's 50 tiny!" she squeaked before reaching for it and Lexi handed it over gingerly, "Where did you get it?!" she continued, her eyes focused intently on the tiny little child cradled in her arms.

"Don't worry, I haven't suddenly begun to engage in shifter trafficking or anything sordid like that," Lexi snorted before a complicated expression settled over her face, "It's a long story though Ann. Perhaps we should go inside." Ann looked up at her with a frown and nodded.

It wasn't like Lexi not to be forthright about things, but with the amount of people here now seeing to the others that had arrived in additional transport vans, she could understand.

I After she had greeted Allen and Greyson and apologized for being so focused on Lexi, the five of them made their way inside and up to the private office that Ann and Adam had finally had set up close to their bedrooms.

""'ve been busy in the few days we've been gone!" Lexi snorted as she took in the comfortable exterior.

It wasn't quite as homey as Bartholomew's office, but the reds and golds and warm woods of the furniture still held a warmth to it that seemed to put you at ease. Lexi had to admit though, she missed the smell of books here that Bartholomew's office smelled richly of.

"We had people working on it from the first few days that we arrived here. I've

only just started using it though because honestly...the chairs are much comfier here than the ones inour bedroom." Ann smirked as she carefully sat in one of the overlarge chairs that seemed to welcome her in the cushioning's loving embrace.

An chuckled at LExi's face as she sank into the chair next to her with a groan of pleasure.

"You're right. These are heavenly. I want my own now." She said with a pointed look at both Allen and Greyson, "I'm sure you two can rustle up a couple of chairs for us all." Ann chuckled as she glanced from the baby in her arms to LExi's face.

"I'm pleased you three seem to be getting along better anyway." she said softly as LExi smiled back at her, "So,

tell me about this cutie." Lexi shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she seemed to avoid Ann's eyes.

"I'don't want you to be upset with me." she murmured as Ann snorted.

"Why on earth would I ever be upset with you Lexi? For rescuing a child?! You're insane." She scoffed.

"Even if it was Ada's child?" Lexi said quietly, watching Ann's face for any reaction.

Ann stiffened slightly as a complex emotion flickered in her eyes as she gazed down at the helpless little bundle in front of her.

Was this Ada's and Brad's child? Her stomach rolled uncomfortably as she gazed down at the child that

reminded her of the betrayal, but thankfully, her own burgeoning motherly instincts seemed to call louder to her soul than any other fleeting remnant of emotion that had once wounded her so deeply.

Ann lifted her head to meet Lexi's eyes.

It saddened her to see that they seemed to be filled with guilt, and she reached across to clasp Lexi's hand tightly.

"Whatever they did together Lexi, is not this child's fault. You did the right I thing." She smiled as she squeezed her hand, "I can't imagine that Ada gave the child willingly though." "Actually... it seems that she had a change of heart. She didn't want any part of what was happening but couldn't find a way out." Lexi smiled sadly back at her, "She helped us and

met her end at Narcissa's hands. She begged me to save the baby... so...that's what I did," Sham Ann blinked at Lexi, not knowing what to say or why her heart pulled so damn painfully in her chest.

In her last moments Ada had actually turned away from the life that she had been born into and asked for help? Was it possible that she had made the wrong choice in sending her with her mother? She hadn't for a minute thought that Narcissa would actually kill her and the child.

Suddenly Ann felt disgustingly responsible for Ada's fate and she felt a solitary tear drift slowly down her cheek.

"I feel like I've robbed this child of its mother." Ann said softly as she stared

down at its peaceful little face.

"Don't, Ann." Lexi said as she felt her own emotions bubbling uncontrollably inside, "If anything, all of this madness with the Coven and the kidnappings disguised to look like murders...the blame lies at my feet." Ann's head shot up to stare at Lexi with a frown of confusion.

"What are you talking about? How is any of this your fault?!" She exclaimed.

"Like I said, it's a bit of a long story." Lexi sighed "Well, none of us are going anywhere.

We have all the time in the world." Ann answered as she sat back and listened intently to Lexi's explanation.

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