Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Chapter 297

CHAPTER 297 Because of His Obsession ~ Lexi knew that she was still conscious, but the pressure that engulfed her head, and the rigidity of her body teamed with the almost distant voices of protest from Allen and Greyson let her know that she had no control over what was happening right now.

The initial black curtain that had descended was suddenly filled with hundreds upon hundreds of memories from her childhood, all played out in glorious technicolor and accompanied by sounds and smells that made her heart ache with familiarity and her breath catch in her chest.

There was no way that she could catch each and every memory at once, but

she could see it clearly. The bond that both she and Eromaug had shared at an early stage was filled with love and an intensity that she had known only with Allen and Greyson.

By the time the images had begun to fade in her mind's eye and her vision returned, she was overwhelmed with emotions. As she sat there trembling, clasping her hands together tightly so that she wouldn't cry with the feeling of loss and grief that threatened to overwhelm her, her fathers hand was placed gently on her shoulder.

She looked up at him and as their eyes met she could see the genuine remorse that he held in his eyes and a deep concern for her that radiated nothing but love. Soon, she felt Allen and Greyson's arms around her too, as they stood at her back, each holding one

side of her and the mere contact with them helped to ease the feelings of despair that her traitorous heart filled her with.

"I'm truly sorry that I took these from you Lexi, but at the time, I really had no other choice." Lord Brarthroroz said softly, "He was becoming dangerous and I refused to allow our pride and joy to be sucked into his madness." Lexi nodded softly.

"I know Papa." she whispered, her voice breaking slightly as she reached for his hand, "I understand. I don't blame you for anything that has happened." "If anything, he saved you from corruption Lexi," Greyson growled, We will never let him hurt you...

ever." "Then... all of this is because of me though?" She asked, more to confirm it than really wanting to know the real answer.

Lord Brarthroroz shook his head fiercely.

"No. Not because of you, Lexi. Because of his obsession. Tell me, what rational person would kidnap the mother of the one they proclaim to love and stage her murder? Or send someone to unknowingly stage the murder of a friend, only for it to turn out that she too, is probably alive somewhere?" "That's not even counting the invasion of this realm with Dark Witches bound to him in their Coven so that he can claim and control the throne of Werewolves..." Allen spat furiously.

"But without me..." "Stop it Lexi." Greyson said firmly as she turned to look at him, ""None of this is your fault, exactly as your father said. The blame lies with Eromaug.

What we need to do now is focus on getting the injured and that baby to safety and finding whatever pockets of the Coven that are left." "Greyson is right," Allen added, "Once that is done, we can focus on seeking out where Eromaug may have gone and either preventing his return to the realm if that's even possible, or destroying him once and for all." "Both of you are right, however, you cannot stop Eromaug from entering here." Lord Brarthroroz said grimly, "The way forward lies with an alliance

with one, or many, of the Daemon Lords to help protect from further incursions into this kingdom." All three of them turned their gaze to Lord Brarthroroz's thoughtful expression as he mulled over the options.

"Are you able to offer that alliance?" Allen asked carefully.

10f course." He shrugged as if it was no big deal, "But it will rest heavily on your Queen's diplomatic prowess as to how well the inhabitants of this country take our presence." "If anyone can swing this, Ann and I can," Lexi answered, "But perhaps not any of those massive Cambion's and their handlers, hmm?" she smiled weakly as Lord Brarthroroz chuckled.

"No. Not those Cambion's Lexi. They are only suited for serious conflicts where eradication is the goal." The half hearted smile on his face faded as his eyes filled with concern once more, "There is one thing, though Lexi..." Lord Brarthroroz sighed deeply as he looked between Lexi and her mates.

with the release of these memories, you may begin to have nightmares as the memories begin to surface. Now, more than ever, you will need both of your mates support." He cautioned as an unreadable look passed between Allen and Greyson.

we will do everything that we can, sir." Greyson nodded.

11 will also caution you both," Lord rN

Brarthroroz smiled humorlessly as his eyes flicked to Allen, but soon focused solely on Greyson, "Lexi is not a prize to be won and if you wish to possess her only for yourself... you will find yourself not liking the outcome. I want to take this opportunity to remind you that my daughter's anger is quick to rise and mine... even more so. She has been generous in her... understanding of your nature thus far Greyson, but I doubt that her patience will last much longer." Greyson's eyes widened slightly before his jaw clenched tightly as he instantly understood Lord Brarthroroz's meaning.

"papa!" Lexi exclaimed as her cheeks flushed lightly, "I can look after myself I you know?"

"I am fully aware of that Lexi. My hope is that now that they have both seen what you are capable of, they will realize just how powerful you are and that if you wanted to, you could probably end their lives in the blink of an eye." He shrugged nonchalantly as he sat back in his chair.

A moment of tense silence passed between them, as Lord Brarthroroz's eyes seemed to bore into Greyson's soul, until finally, Greyson inclined his head.

11 understand, sir." He ground out, trying his best to sound sincere, "I promise that I will try to do I better." Excellent!" Lord Brarthroroz grinned suddenly as Lexi groaned quietly and shook her head in embarrassment,

"Now, I don't really want Lexi hanging around here too much longer. There is still a risk that Eromaug may suddenly decide in his madness to reappear and attempt to snatch her." "That will never happen while we are here!" Greyson growled protectively as Lord Brarthroroz chuckled.

"'] admire your spirit, but against my brother? I have little doubt as to who would emerge the victor whilst we are in this state." He said matter of factly ignoring the look of injured pride that flashed across Greyson's face, "I have more reinforcements on the way to ensure that the village and the containment facility is secured and I would prefer it if you both personally escorted my daughter and the baby back to the relative safety of the Enclave." won

"Is it really much safer there than anywhere else though Papa?" Lexi grimaced as he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

"You would be surprised, my daughter.

The shifters’ natural suspicion and rejection of magick has actually left Eromaug with little to no access through his normal means to their important cities. It is safer than most places by my assessment." Lexi nodded and looked up at both Allen and Greyson.

"Looks like you two will have to tolerate each other and a screaming baby all the way back to the Enclave then." She grinned, 11 doubt I'll notice the difference between you three though."

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