Alpha King’s Wolfless Mate by Scarlett Higgins

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Jeremy groaned and clutched his side. I just kept staring at him, completely dumbfounded. How had Jeremy gotten here? Why was he alone without protection? Who had injured him? Questions raced through my mind and I couldn’t stop the flood. It was like a dam had broke; all I could do was stand there frozen as the water poured through. “Nora,” he said again, his voice strained and desperate. I took a half–step closer and stopped, setting my hands on my hips. Jeremy had betrayed me, ridiculed me, and exiled me. I didn’t owe him anything. He’d gotten himself into this situation, why should I care? Why should I stop and help? “You don’t look very well,” I said snappily. Jeremy raised his eyes to mine. They were full of pain and confusion. He looked like a lost puppy. My heart skipped a few beats and my arms relaxed. As much as he’d hurt me, I could tell he was in a lot of pain. I chewed the inside of my cheek and looked around. In seconds, Moonery pack members would probably swarm in and protect Jeremy and take him to a healer. If I was still here, they’d probably find some reason to arrest me. Part of my exile was not to have contact with Moonery at all. Before, it had been under Blake’s supervision. Now, I didn’t have his protection anymore. I looked back out the alley and considered leaving before Jeremy’s allies came to help him. “Nora. don’t go,” Jeremy groaned. Thump. I turned around and saw him slumped against the nearest alley wall. His clothes were soaked with blood and he was getting pale. Sighing, I knelt in front of him. I couldn’t leave him alone like this, even if it meant getting arrested. He was seriously wounded. “What happened? Where are your soldiers?” I asked. I kept my voice cold and detached. “They’re… gone. No… one… is… coming…” he muttered, gasping between each word. Jeremy moaned and his eyes rolled back. He was in serious trouble and if I didn’t help him, he’d die. I put his arm around my shoulders and got him to his feet. He murmured incoherently. I wasn’t sure he was completely conscious anymore. Slowly, I dragged Jeremy back to the hotel I was staying at. My legs shook with each step, his weight nearly crushing me. He was stumbling along like he was drunk. I got him on the bed in the hotel room and found a first aid kit in the bathroom. It wasn’t much, but it would help. While I was cutting Jeremy’s blood–soaked shirt off, he gasped and opened his eyes. “Where am I?” he asked. In My Avexy kept my eyes up what I was doing. This was nothing more than a professional interaction, wheeling myself This young of me. Nora?” he asked softly. Fink you do not doing this for free, either. I’m expecting to be richly compensated.” I glanced at isty Herred bi pow I don’t understand” ravis H pack mcmben. We’re not mates. We’re not even friends anymore. You’ve made that clear. So, I’m not doing this many You’re going to pay me for my services, alright?” I insisted. Oh he said dosing his eyes again. I removed his shirt and started cleaning his wound, blood still oozing from it. I needed to get a bandage on it quickly. I grabbed some gauze and placed it over the injury, then pressed down hard, keeping the pressure on. Thave to stop the bleeding before I can do anything else. Otherwise, you’ll die,” I pointed out. “You really want me to pay you?” he asked, eyes still closed. I sighed and added gauze to the first layer that had already bled through. I put pressure on it again. “As I said, we’re not friends. I need some money to support myself and you have plenty of wealth. If you’d prefer, I could let you die in the alley! I glanced at Jeremy’s face. He had one eye open and was watching me. The bleeding finally Mopped and I added more gauze to the pile I’d made and started taping it in place. “I suppose I thought you’d help me as a friend,” he admitted. I shrugged, “You’re the one that exiled me and accused me of causing the death of another friend. It doesn’t seem like you consider us friends at all.” Jeremy sighed and didn’t respond. Once he was handayed, I cleaned up the bloody mess and let him rest. I ordered some food for when he woke up. It only took a couple of hours for the color to return to his cheeks. He woke up ravenous and I gave him the food. “Are you going to tell me what happened?” I asked when he finished eating. I cleared the food tray away. He was will too weak to stand, but I propped up some pillows behind him so he could sit up. “Ever since Blake declared war, there have been clashes with smaller packs. He might not be making any moves, but others are desperate to prove their loyalty to the Lycan King” Jeremy explained. I kept myself bany deaning up the room. I didn’t want this to turn into a friendly conversation. Jeremy and I weren’t friends, 1 was only doing this for the money, “We got into a skirmish. The guards I had with me were taken out and I was badly injured. I made my way here before collapsing but have been unable to contact anyone for help.” Jeremy sighed. My hands froze on the shirt I’d been folding and unfolding repeatedly. If I hadn’t come across Jeremy, he really would have died. He had been right when he said that no one was coming for him.

Then you’re lucky I happened along.” I muttered under my breath. TI get in touch with Moonery when I’m stronger. I need a little time to heal. Besides, I don’t want them to see me like das” I glanced over my shoulder, watching Jeremy wince as he tried to adjust his position. I rushed to the side of the bed and grabbed his arm, supporting him as he shifted positions You want to stay here with me until you’re stronger?” Jeremy smiled at me and I looked away quickly. “Well, I don’t think it would be a good idea to move me now. You went through so much trouble to get me here,” he teased. The mood between us lightened but I stepped away from him. “Fine. But that’s going to be extra. I’m not paying for a second guest in my room and all the food and medical supplies it will require to heal you,” I insisted, crossing my arms. “Sure, sure. Just send me a bill,” Jeremy said. He sighed again and I could tell he was getting tired already. “You should rest more. It’ll take a while to get your strength back.” I started moving the pillows so Jeremy could lay flat.  “Thank you, Nora. You’re always so kind and caring.” I sniffed, ignoring his compliment, and went back to my busy work. “What are you doing out here?” he asked. “Oh… I’m just…” I shrugged. I hadn’t thought about what I’d say if anyone recognized me and asked. Honestly, I didn’t think anyone would recognize me. “I just needed to get some space, and clear my head,” I said. It was a lame excuse.” My eyes darted to Jeremy. He had his head tilted to the side and an eyebrow raised. “Uh–huh,” he said, smirking. “Get some rest.” Jeremy closed his eyes. I hadn’t planned on the company, so I’d gotten a room with only one bed. I had to get comfortable in the only cushioned chair in the room and try to get some rest. I curled my knees to my chest and hugged myself. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could think of was Blake’s fingers and tongue on my skin. The way he’d held me and… I jolted awake, gasping and panting. “Nora?” Jeremy asked through the darkness. “Is everything okay?” “I’m fine. I was just… dreaming,” I muttered. “Sounds like a good dream,” Jeremy teased. Indicat mures in the darkmea “More like a nightmare? I up and checked jeremy’s bandage Anything to keep my mind off Blake The wound was heated smugh that could properly clean it this time. I peeled the bandage back and wiped away the crusty khand and wed an antiacepute in keep him from getting an infection. Have you treated a lot of woundar 1 scoffed. You’ll be surprised Id cared for a few of Blake’s wounds since meeting him. After redressing Jeremy’s wound, I noticed he looked a lot better. He was even able to prop himself up on his elbows without experiencing a lot of pain “Why do you need money, Nora?” he asked. “Because I’m out here on my own,” I said with a shrug. “Aren’t you Lycan King Blake’s wife? Doesn’t he provide for you?” I snorted and shook my head. “We were practically strangers when we got married. Now, we’re getting a divorce and I don’t want anything to do with him.” My heart clenched in my chest and I turned away from Jeremy to hide my face. I coerced my heart with a hand and took a few deep breaths.  I could lie to Jeremy but I couldn’t lie to myself. “Wow, that’s…” Jeremy trailed off. I composed myself and turned to him. His face was soft and compassionate. “That’s too bad,” he finished. “It is for the best.” I nodded. “Hey, I’m getting hungry. Would it be too much to ask for a nice, hot meal?” Jeremy asked, giving me a puppy–dog look. I sighed and tilted my head back. “I suppose I can do that. Remember, this is going to cost you. I charge more than average healer.” your “When did you become so resourceful?” he asked. “I’ll admit, I’m impressed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this.” “A lot can happen when a girl has to fend for herself in the Rogue Zone.” I looked down at my feet. “So, I’ve learned to survive, even if that means squeezing money from a soon–to–be Alpha.” “Fine. I’ll pay whatever you need,” Jeremy said. My hand paused as I went to leave. His kindness and willingness to help almost reminded me of the friend and mate I’d

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