Alpha King’s Wolfless Mate by Scarlett Higgins

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 When I woke up I was pressed against Blake’s chest. He had his arms firmly around me and my cheek was stuck to his. My head ached as memories of the night before came flooding back. I felt my cheeks warm and I pulled away from Blake. He murmured something in his sleep and reached for me but he didn’t wake up. I roamed my eyes over his b*dy, taking in the arms that had held me so tightly last night, and his muscular chest as it rose and fell heavily with his breaths. 1 bit my lower l*p and took a moment longer to look him over. He was so handsome and strong. I’d given myself over to him completely last night. My cheeks burned hot and my stomach squirmed. I remembered everything but would he? We’d both drunk a lot. The last time he got that drunk and k*ssed me, he hadn’t remembered. Sighing, I dropped my head in my hands, the throbbing pain overtaking my fond memories from the night before. I rubbed my temples gently. If Blake woke up and didn’t remember anything, I could pretend I didn’t remember, too. Confusion settled in my stomach like a stone and I glanced at Blake one last time before getting out of his bed. I found a robe and sl*pped it on then gathered my dress and shoes before leaving his room. We’d just agreed to divorce. Blake and I had talked about how it was best to go our separate ways because we didn’t have the contract between us anymore. How had things gotten so out of hand? I showered and changed in my own room. While I brushed my wet hair, I looked at my reflection in my vanity mirror. Could I even face Blake about this? If he really didn’t remember anything would that hurt my feelings? I didn’t think I’d ever be able to look at him and not feel embarrassed, especially if he didn’t remember. I wasn’t sure my heart could take it. I swiveled in my chair and looked at my bedroom. I’d gotten comfortable there in the castle and had made a decent life for myself. I still didn’t have a lot of friends and everything that I owned had been given to me by Blake. I had none of my old clothes or belongings from Moonery. Even though I was comfortable, I still felt like a stranger here. There was nothing for me here. Blake and I were supposed to get a divorce. Last night wasn’t going to change that. We didn’t have a real relationship and just because we ended up in bed together, we weren’t going to become the loving, perfect, happily ever after couple. 1 sighed and stood up. I needed to get out of here. I needed to leave the territory before Blake woke up. I grabbed a backpack out of my closet, the same one I’d used to pack up my stuff from the Rogue Zone. It wasn’t big but I didn’t need to take much. I grabbed a few spare outfits and a second pair of shoes. It was early enough that there’d only be a few servan ts around the castle getting breakfast ready. I could easily sl*p away unnoticed. Walking through the halls, I kept my backpack slung over my shoulder and made sure to take careful steps. My ears were on high alert for the sound of voices or footsteps. I didn’t encounter anyone. Just as I got to the front door, I heard someone clear their throat, My hand froze on the doorknob. Slowly, I turned around, my whole b*dy stiff. “Mistress Nora, where are you off to at this hour?” a servan t asked. 1 recognized her. She was the one that usually brought me my breakfasts when I wanted to eat alone. I swallowed hard and gave her a strained smile. “I just wanted to go for a morning walk.” “All alone?” she asked, giving me a suspicious look. “I can take care of myself. Besides, I won’t go far. I’ll be back this afternoon,” I assured. She still looked at me suspiciously. I could tell she wasn’t sure whether or not to believe me. She pursed her l*ps. “What would you like me to tell King Blake?” she asked, arching an eyebrow. That I’m out for a walk and I’ll be back,” I said again. The servan t’s eyes darted to my backpack. “I packed myself some breakfast and a thermos for coffee. Is that a problem?” I glared at the servan t. She bowed her head. “Yes, Mistress Nora. I will let King Blake know,” she said. I headed out the front door and made my way down the large road that Blake, Charles, and I had once walked up together when we’d finally gotten out of the Rogue Zone. At the end of the road, just before it veered off toward other settlements, I turned back and glanced at the castle. For as luxurious and beautiful as the castle was, I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I saw how much smaller it was now that I was further away. I was leaving all behind. I thought I should be concerned about being on my own again. I was heading off without my wolf, without Blake’s protection, and without any means of supporting myself. It didn’t matter. I just needed to get away. I turned away from the castle and kept going. By the time Blake and the servan t realized I was really gone, I’d be far enough away that they couldn’t track me. The road I took brought me to a small village on the edge of Blake’s territory and Moonery. I couldn’t technically enter Moonery territory again, so I chose a place that was still in Blake’s territory but on the outskirts. Neither of them would think to look for me here. At least, not for a while. When I got into the village I was surprised by how chaotic it was. I caught whispers on the street as people rushed around, keeping their eyes down and avoiding any eye contact. “The war will start any minute.” “We’ve got to stay inside as much as possible.”

“We’ll be on the front line. We’ll get attacked first and we have no defenses.” “The king hasn’t sent any reinforcements yet.” “They’ll be here. He won’t leave us vulnerable.” I approached a small group of women. “Excuse me….” They all stopped talking when they saw me and rushed away. “Wait……… I just need…” I sighed as they ran off. I just needed directions to a hotel where I could stay a few nights and figure my life out. Blake had always been generous and I had managed to stash away some cash and nice jewelry which I had brought with me to pay my way for a little while. I wandered through the streets a little longer until I found a place to stay. It was a small motel, a huge step down from the castle, but it was exactly what I needed to keep a low profile. I paid for the room for three days in advance. That’s how long I had to figure out my next move. To help keep Blake’s wolves off my scent, I showered with the generic motel shampoo and soap and I changed again. I headed back out into the village where most of the stores had “closed” signs on them. They were really terrified about this war. I didn’t think Blake would follow through with it, seeing as I’d told him not to, but apparently, Moonery had been gathering their forces just on the other side of the territory line. I understood why such a small place felt threatened. Deciding to get some food, I found a coffee shop that was open. “Can I get a regular coffee and a bagel with cream cheese?” I asked the woman at the register. “You’re not from around here,” she commented, pushing buttons to put my order in. “I’m just passing through,” I said, smiling warmly. “Can I get a name from your order?” she asked. I chewed the inside of my cheek. I couldn’t just hand out my name. It would be too easy to track. “My name is Helen,” I said. I swallowed, speaking Helen’s name aloud. It wasn’t like I used her name because of any feelings I had toward her. I just hoped that Blake and his trackers would think Helen’s name was the last alias I would use. Just another attempt to throw them off. I knew Blake well enough to know that he’d come after me. He’d send his army after me if he thought it would help. “It’ll be about five minutes,” the barista said. I moved aside to let another customer place their order. For an early morning, it was a slow day at a coffee shop. Glancing out the picture windows, I saw a few people duck in and out of a convenience store and grocery store. They all had bags bulging with goods. Panic buying. They were stocking up, thinking they’d have to stay locked in their homes for weeks if a war broke out. “Helen.” I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly looked around, expecting to see Helen appear out of thin air and sneer at me. It sighed and shook my head when I remembered I had used her name. I collected my order and headed out of the coffee shop. Munching on my bagel, I headed back to the motel. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay in this little village for long. They’d be too suspicious of an outsider, especially with their current fears. I’d have to find a way to support myself, get a job and make some money. There was no way I could do that here.  I smiled at people on the street as I walked back to the motel. Most of them just looked away and pretended they didn’t see me. This was like the Rogue Zone, only worse. At least, in the Rogue Zone, people saw me. They were attacking me, but they saw me. Here, I was invisible; I was something to avoid. It rumbled uncomfortably in my stomach. Passing by a darkened alley, I heard something shuffle inside. I froze, swallowing the bite of bagel I had in my mouth. I washed it down with coffee and peered into the alley. I couldn’t see much, just a lump of something on the ground. “Nora?” a raspy, but familiar, voice wheezed. “1- I think you’ve made a mistake,” I said. I took a step back. “Nora! Please!” My blood ran cold. “Jeremy.” I headed into the alley, finding the lump. It was Jeremy. He was hunched over in a pool of his own blood, clutching his side. His breathing was labored. “Nora, help me,” Jeremy pleaded. He looked up at me with big, scared, eyes. I stared at him in disbelief.

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