Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Two: Jax

I was patiently waiting for Dakota to wake back up. I wasn’t nearly as worried as I had been for the past week since I knew she was okay. Even if she did pass out from exhaustion. Everyone had mainly gone home except for Sean. They all agreed they would come by bright and early tomorrow morning to visit us again. I was happy that things were going back to normal. I was also glad to hear that Jacob and Logan didn’t hate me, but it devastated me to hear that they were being forced by Layla to stay away. I hope what we all said gets through her thick skull and she learns that I’m not going anywhere. I sigh as I lean back in my chair. Sean looks like he’s been deep in thought for a while now.

“Everything alright, Sean?” Sean looked up at me and sighed.

“This whole situation man. It was just, so much bullshit that didn’t need to happen. I don’t even know why it happened.” Sean sighed and rubbed his face. I frowned slightly.

“Yeah, I agree. I don’t even know why Layla had thought what she did. Even then, she didn’t have to get so hostile. If she was concerned, she could have come up to me and asked me questions like a regular person. She seemed okay with the fact that weeks ago she challenged my father to a fight. She didn’t say a single thing on the topic. Does she always lash out like that?” Sean groaned slightly.

“No, she is never like this, which is why I am so confused. She has never acted like this before in her life, and I don’t know what made her act like this.” Sean moved around in his seat and leaned against the arm of the chair. I sighed and tried to think of things to talk about with Sean, as we weren’t that close.

“So, how are you and Riley?” Sean smiled and perked up. I gave him a small smirk and let out a chuckle. Sean smiled and shook his head.

“We’re great. I’m glad she changed her mind and decided to be with me. I love her with everything in me and she loves me in return. We work well together.” Sean smiled and I gave him a small smile in return.

“I’m glad you two were able to work things out. You two deserve one another.”

“Thank you, Jax. I appreciate that coming from you.” Sean groaned and stood up to stretch. After a moment he walked over to Dakota’s bed and kissed her head. He wiped some of her hair back and sighed.

“Okay, well, I’m going to go home now. Will you let me know when she wakes up?”

“Yeah, of course. I’ll let everyone know when she wakes up.” Sean smiled.

“Thanks, man. I’ll see you later Jax.” Sean waved and I gave a short wave back and leaned back in my chair. I heard my stomach rumble and I groaned. I pressed the call nurse button and the nurse from earlier came in.

“Yes, Alpha?”

“I was wondering if I could get some food since I haven’t eaten in a week.” The nurse’s eyes went wide and nodded furiously and ran away. I let out a dry chuckle and sighed. After a few more moments, the nurse came back with a tray of food.

“Here you go, Alpha. Let me know if you need anything else.” She bowed and I nodded my head. I slowly ate my food and drank the water they gave me. They had given me chicken, two biscuits, some vegetables and a pitcher of water along with a cup. I watched Dakota intently to see if she would do anything. I know I should be less worried since I know she is going to wake up again, but I can’t help but feel paranoid.

I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen to Dakota. I know it’s mostly just paranoia, and that nothing will happen, but I can’t help but worry about her. Butter forcefully woke her up, and we don’t know if she was ready to wake up on her own just yet. She doesn’t feel like she will be going into another coma, so I know I don’t have to worry about that. I sighed as I leaned back in my seat after finishing my food. I laid my head on the back of the chair when I heard my stomach rumble again. I groaned as I realized I was still hungry. I had pressed the call nurse button once again and the same nurse came in.

“Yes, Alpha?”

“I’m still hungry, so I’m going to go and get more food myself. Do you mind watching over Dakota while I’m gone?” The nurse gave a small smile and bowed.

“Of course, Alpha. Take all the time you need.” I gave a curt nod and walked out of the room. I haven’t walked outside of this room for a week. I let the scent of the food guide me to the cafeteria. When I got there I grabbed a tray and started walking through the line. I grabbed more chicken, a loaf of bread, some pulled pork, and a small salad. I had also grabbed two bottles of water. I walked over to the cashier and the man sat up immediately. I waved him down and shook my head.

“There’s no need for that Cameron. I’m just getting some food.” I smiled at him and he gave me one in return.

“So, I heard the good news about Luna Dakota! I’m glad she’s okay.” Cameron started ringing me up and I gave him a wide smile.

“Yeah. Her cat forced her to wake though, so she passed out from exhaustion. She’ll be fine though.”

“That’s good, Alpha. Kiera and I can’t wait to meet her at the Luna Ceremony.” I chuckled and smiled as I paid for my food.

“I will make sure you guys meet her. And bring Micah with you.” Cameron smiled and laughed as Micah, his five-year-old son, ran up to him with his backpack on.

“We will, Alpha. Have a good day!” Cameron laughed as he picked up his son. I chuckled and took my tray to a table. I planned on eating quickly so that I could get back to Dakota. I watched as nurses started running towards the front door. Someone was being brought in on a gurney. I watched in concern to see who it was. I didn’t recognize this pack member but would make sure to check up on them later.

“Code Blue!” Nurses and doctors bomb-rushed the pack member and I started to get a little worried. I hope they end up okay. I start to drink my water but spit it back out when I see the nurse that was supposed to be watching Dakota. I let out a growl that was loud enough for her to hear. She turned pale and started to sweat.

“Alpha, please. This is my job. Your mate is fine!” She yelled as she ran away with the gurney. I growled again and left the tray behind. As I walked into the hall, I felt a sharp pain land on my head. I groaned in pain and held my head. Another nurse ran up to me.

“Alpha, what’s wrong?” I let out a roar as I realized it wasn’t my pain.


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