Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Thirty-One: Dakota

I couldn’t move, and I couldn’t see, but I definitely could hear.

And what I was hearing, pissed me off to my very core.

I have heard every single thing Jax, Mary, and my father have been discussing. Hearing about all of the fighting that’s been going on. Especially from my sister! How she refuses to visit me because Jax is here! And how she has the fucking nerve to say that she wants me to reject Jax! I heard that from Logan and Destiny. They came into my room a few minutes ago. They quickly told Jax, Mary, and my father of what Layla had the nerve to say. I felt Logan’s anger and I grew confused. A few days ago, I wasn’t able to feel aura’s. I wasn’t strong enough.

‘Hey, Butter?’


‘If I can feel their aura’s, can I expel mine so they can feel mine?’ Buttercup thought for a moment before replying.

‘You can try?’ She seemed unsure and I sighed.

‘I’ll try in a minute. This wore me out a little bit.’ Butter cut me off and I let out a dry chuckle. She desperately wants me to wake up and honestly, I agree. I want to be able to hold Jax and confirm with him that all of this was truly not his fault. I heard the door slam open and I could feel Jacob’s pure rage.

“Jacob!” I heard Jax run over to his friend and I heard Jacob huff in reply.

“I know what Layla said, Jacob.” I could feel Jacob’s fear.

“I told her. I told her not to say dumb shit. I told her it could get both of us killed for disrespecting you. I left her at the packhouse because I was tired of her forcing us to stay away from Dakota and you. And I still love her, but I couldn’t handle the bullshit coming from her mouth.” I heard Jacob start to cry and I heard Jax hug him.

“It’s alright. She’s just angry her sister got hurt. We all are. But she does need to listen and understand I couldn’t legally do anything.” Jax sighed and sat back in his seat next to my bed. God, I would do anything to just hold him again. Jax grabbed my hand and took in a sharp intake of breath.

“Jax? Everything alright?” Destiny questioned and Jax started to cry and laugh.

“I can feel the sparks. I think she might actually wake up soon.” Jax laughed and kissed my hand several times. I felt the happiness and sparks flow through me and Jax sobbed.

“I haven’t been able to feel the bond that much. She was so weak that I couldn’t feel anything. I knew she was alive, and that’s why I haven’t died yet.” Jax ran his fingers over my hair and I hummed. I haven’t been able to feel anything lately either until now.

“Are you able to mind link her?” Mary spoke up and I felt Jax perk up.

‘Dakota? Love? Can you hear me?’ I broke out in a sob and spoke.

‘Yes, I can!’ Jax started to sob while moving.

“She can talk to me again!” Jax refused to let go of my arm and I felt something wet on my cheeks.

“She’s crying,” My father spoke and I felt Jax wipe away my tears.

“Someone, get a nurse!” Jax spoke in his Alpha tone and I felt Logan’s presence leave the room and come back in a few seconds later. A nurse came up to me and started taking my vitals. Jax still had a hold on my hand and I decided I would try and move.

I tried as hard as I could to try and move my finger. I felt a spark touch my fingertip when I successfully touched my mate.

“She touched me,” Jax was quick to sit up and tell everyone.

“She moved?” I heard the nurse speak and I felt Jax’s body move from furiously nodding?

“Yes, I swear she did.” Jax was sounding desperate and I felt my heart swell from the happiness I felt from almost being able to wake up. I moved some of my fingers again and I heard a gasp come from Destiny.

“She’s moving!” Everyone cheered and I smiled. I continued to shed happy tears as I tried moving other parts of my body.

“Wait, she’s moving? Is she waking up?” I heard Sean run in and I could smell Riley was right behind him.

“Yeah, she’s regained a lot of strength and is trying to wake herself up!”

“She’s trying to smile!” Mary piped in and I was glad I was surrounded by people I love. Minus one. I felt an angry presence and could only assume it was my sister.

“What the fuck is going on? I thought you guys said she was awake?” I heard the door slam and I heard the lock turn.

“What the fuck? What is going on?” I felt the anger rolling off of everyone, and I think they could all feel my anger rolling off me in waves.

“Dakota is waking up. But you need to sit down and listen because your head is so far up your ass, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about anymore.” My father spoke up and I heard Layla growl and try to speak.

“Did I fucking stutter?” My father bellowed and even I grew a little scared. I heard Layla huff as she sat in a chair. While they were distracted by Layla, I was trying to wake myself up.

“Now, listen up Layla. I don’t know where in your right fucking mind you thought that you could say all of those things. Let alone what made you fucking think those things. You need to understand that Dakota made her decision to fight Jackson. You need to understand that Jax LEGALLY could not do shit. And if he did, it would have gotten both of them killed. The laws of Werewolves are sacred, Layla. And you need to fucking respect them.” My father was lecturing her and I could feel her anger rolling off her in waves.

“No! You’re wrong! Jax is a horrible mate to Dakota, and I want her to reject him. Because unlike werewolves, we can’t die if we lose our mate.” I could hear the cockiness in her voice and Sean laughed.

“You dumb fucking bitch!” Layla gasped in shock.

“What did you just say?” Sean had stopped laughing and I heard his voice become stone cold.

“You dumb fucking bitch. We are exactly like werewolves. We WILL die if we reject and or lose our mates, we don’t get new ones unless the goddess deems us worthy of a new one, and you must be so idiotic to think Dakota would leave Jax!”

Damn right on that one.

“He is the Alpha and she is the Luna. The pack would not survive without either of them. And even though Jax has siblings, as well as his mother, the siblings wouldn’t be ready to take over if Mary decides not to. So, get your fucking head out of your ass and accept the fact that Jax didn’t do shit wrong, and that it was a fair fucking fight!” I heard a slap resonate throughout the room and I heard Sean growl. I felt anger myself and let Butter come to the surface. She let out her own growl, and I actually heard it bounce off the walls. I felt eyes all over me and Jax chuckled.

“Congratulations, Layla! I hope you are happy. Butter has taken over and will forcefully wake Dakota up whether she is ready to or not. You really want to feel the wrath of Dakota and her cat?“I heard Layla shift from one foot to the other. I felt Buttercup forcefully moving my fingers and I heard her snarling.

She was out for blood, and even if it’s family’s blood, she was going to have it.

‘She’s going to try and teach Layla a lesson.’ I reached out to Jax and he started laughing.

“You fucked up, Layla. Butter wants to teach you a lesson.” Layla scoffed.

“You don’t know that! She could be trying to come out to hurt you for not helping her!” That was all it took Butter to come out.

“Learn your fucking place!” Butter roared at Layla and I could finally see. I saw red through Butter’s eyes. I felt my wounds immediately heal from my newfound strength. Layla looked scared shitless.

“No! If anyone needs to learn their place it’s Jax! He didn’t do anything to help you! You need to leave him!” Layla stood her ground and Butter ended up shifting on the bed. She roared as loud and as deep as she could at Layla and it had everyone but my father bowing their heads.

‘We will NEVER leave Jax! He has loved me this entire time since we’ve been asleep! Who was the one keeping our family away from us? It was YOU! You have shown that you don’t love us and that you want us to suffer. You don’t want us to be happy, and you haven’t shown that you love us and wanted us to be happy. I will not tolerate you disrespecting me and my mate!’ Butter and I screamed at Layla through the mind link and she started to tear up.

“It’s his fault...” Layla muttered sadly. Butter growled at her again.

‘No, it’s not. Don’t ever think that again. He has been nothing but loving towards us and taking care of us. He has marked us about twice a day to speed up the healing process, and it finally worked. What did you do? Nothing. You kept our family away from us, people who actually cared about our wellbeing, while you just bitched because you don’t like the fact that Jax legally couldn’t do anything to help us. We didn’t want him to help us, so I suggest you fuck off and rethink your fucking life and your fucking idiotic ideas. You can come back to us when you aren’t acting fucking stupid.’ Layla had burst into a full sob fest and ran out of the room. Butter gave me back control and I started to sway.

I guess I wasn’t as strong as I thought I was.

“Dakota? Are you okay?” Jax asked as he was at my side in a split second. I had started to shift back and Jax immediately took off his shirt and put it over my body after I shifted back. I felt my body go limp and I groaned.

“Dakota? What’s going on?” Jax was worried and I could feel my eyes drooping.

“Butter and Dakota used all of their strength combined to wake up, as well as stand up to Layla. She’s now weak and will probably pass out.” Sean said and as soon as he did, I did indeed pass out.

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