Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Fourteen


“Girls! You will be coming home with me now! I forbid you from seeing these disgusting pieces of shit ever again! Sean, get them now and meet me by the car.” As Mr. Kennedy finished saying this, one of my pack members came out to investigate. It was my cousin, Riley. When Sean looked over towards the door, they both made eye contact and gasped.

You’re shitting me, right? These guys too?

“Mate!” They both yelled as their eyes turned black. They ran up to one another and embraced each other. She then took a deep whiff of his sent then backed up.

“You’re a cat.” She said bluntly, sounding angry because of the fact.

“Yes. I am. Is that a bad thing?” He asked, looking quite hurt by the expression she was giving him.

“I do not know. I don’t know what to think about this.” She said, as she looked away and rubbed her arm. She didn’t look like she wanted to be his mate.

“Oh,” Sean said, the sadness clear in his voice. She flinched a little from the sound and looked down at her shoes. It was awkward silence for a moment before Mr. Kennedy spoke up.

“I will not allow my children to be mated to werewolves. You will become mates with either a human or another werecat.” He said angrily.

“But dad, we’re rare! Who knows where another werecat is. Besides, we can’t not accept our mates. Obviously it’s going to take time because they tried to kidnap us, but my cat has already accepted his wolf. We can’t just leave them and start a life with someone that isn’t meant for us.” Dakota said and he stumbled on his words for a second.

“I do not care. You girls are leaving, end of discussion. You girls will never see them again. Including you Destiny. Unless you want me to tell your mother about all of this and get you grounded and that boy in jail. I can tell by the way he is looking at you that you both are mates.”

“Sir, you can’t just not allow the alpha to see his mate. It will drive him crazy to the point where he will do anything to get to his mate.” Logan spoke up.

“Plus, I’m the beta and the man next to Destiny is the third in command. Their mates are the most important part of a pack. Surely you must know this sir.” Jacob said in a polite manner and Mr. Kennedy just looked at him. The despair in his eyes was clearly seen by all of us, and we all knew he was still mourning the death of his mate to this day. Riley then looked up in a rush. We all looked towards her to see what she wanted to say.

“I do not want a mate right now.” She said bluntly. However, I could see the pain she was fighting from showing. She didn’t want to say that. We then looked at Sean and he stumbled backward and fell to the ground holding his chest. Dakota gasped and then stood up.


“How dare you!” She screamed in rage.

“Stay out of this. I have no need to talk to a bunch of felines.” She growled and started to walk away.


‘Luna? What’s that?’

’It’s the highest female rank in a pack, also known as the alphas mate. Let me at her!

Before I could do anything, Butter came to the surface and I was watching from afar. Does she always view things like this?

“How dare you disrespect your Luna!” Butter screamed at her and Riley turned around, she looked terrified.

“You can’t possibly be my Luna.” She said in an opposing tone. All of a sudden I shifted and roared. It held so much power. I could feel her wolf was trying to obey and bow, but Riley was stubborn and wasn’t allowing it. I kept roaring at her until she shifted and bowed. Then I would know that she has made it known that I am the one in charge here. She finally shifted after about two more minutes and she bowed, her ears tucked to her head. I growled at her, which made her cower more. She then stood up slowly and walked over to me, tail tucked and all. She bent her head down so the back of her neck was shown to Butter. Butter growled towards her and nipped her neck in anger and dominance. After that, Riley laid down in submission. I saw my brother sadly walk over to me, with a pair of clothes. They smelled just like Jax so I knew they were his.

I grabbed them with my mouth and walked behind a tree to shift. I shifted and put on his clothes and walked over to Riley, holding up the clothing since it was so baggy on my small frame. I grabbed her by the ear and she yelped.

“If you reject your alpha mate, you will regret it. You will be missing out on probably the best person on this earth. And if you ever disrespect your luna, female beta and female third in command, you will regret that even more. Do I make myself clear!” It was me towards the beginning, but Butter came out for the last part. She only whined and whimpered in submission and I took that as a sign that she understood kind of thing. I pinched her ear hard before letting it go, watching her run off in fear. I scoffed at her actions and turned around to see a lot of people. I’m assuming they’re all in Jax’s pack and they just witnessed their luna have a childish wolf submit to a cat.

“Way to go Luna!” Logan yelled out and I nodded and smiled. I then looked at my brother Sean and my father. There was so much pride in my father's eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“What in the hell is going on out here? Why isn’t anyone doing something with their lives you worthless pieces of shit!” I heard an older male talking and I got scared. Jax got up and kissed my forehead. He put me behind him and Logan and Jake did the same thing with Layla and Destiny. Then an older version of Jax came out, and I knew right then and there that it was his father. Then a small woman came out as well, and she had the same eyes as Jax, so assumed that was Jax’s mother. She was very beautiful but terribly bruised. I gasped a small bit, and that made Jax’s father turn towards us.

“Why the hell are those pathetic felines on my property!” He roared in anger and I felt Butter get infuriated. She came to the surface and I couldn’t stop her.

“How dare you! We aren’t pathetic, and quite frankly, I am Jax’s mate.” I grabbed his hand and he smiled at me for not letting anyone talk poorly about my family.

“I don’t think so. You’re too weak to be a Luna. You will never be strong enough to be anything in life.” After he said that I growled and shifted into my large cat. Everyone gasped and backed up. I stood tall and was filled with determination and pride. I would show him who’s weak. I roared at him and he growled and shifted into a black wolf that had a blue tint to it. He tried to stand taller, but my cat was slightly bigger than his wolf. I smirked at him and let Butter have full control. I watched it from afar. This was either going to go very good or end very badly.

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