Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Fifteen


Shit. I have to do something about this. I can’t let my mate die because of my father. He will rip her to shreds. Plus, Dakota hasn’t had any training whatsoever. She could very much die because of this. I ran in between them and put my hands out.

“Stop! I’m not letting you two fight. Dad, Dakota is my mate. Yes, she is a werecat, but I want my mate and we can’t change that the moon goddess has chosen her for me. She is a great girl, and I’d do anything to protect her. Even if it was from myself or you. And Dakota, you can’t fight my dad. You have zero training, and because of that, it would be an unfair fight. There is one rule to fighting, and that is the people have to have the same amount and discipline in training. Since you are both of alpha/luna rank, you need to be as trained as he is. Therefore, neither of you can fight one another.” Heh, take that dad. Didn’t think I was paying attention during that class now did you? I smirked at my dad, and he growled and walked back inside. I then looked back at Dakota, and she was taking deep breaths to calm herself down. I stroked her head and she licked my hand. We then heard my father’s thunderous footsteps and we turned around.

“She will train. She will fight me. If she loses, she can’t be your mate and you will be with a werewolf. If she wins, which won’t happen, she will become the new Luna of the pack and you Alpha. And I will retire, as will my wife.” He sounded really cocky. Like he knew he was going to win.

“And what if she does not desire to fight you, dear father?” I asked him.

“Then she will die.” He walked away before I could come after him. I growled angrily and saw that Dakota had come back in human form.

In another man’s clothes.

“Whose. The fucks clothes. Are. Those.” I growled in anger.

“My brothers.” As soon as she said that I turned eight different shades of red. I looked over and saw that his shirt was gone, and I could tell that he gave his boxers to his sister. That was kind of him.

“Thanks.” I gave him a nod of thanks and held Dakota close to me.

“I do not care. You three are werewolves... And I-I can’t lose my children like I lost my m-mate.” Mr. Kennedy was already tearing up.

“Dad... You aren’t going to lose us. They will be able to protect us. You have done such a good job, but you need a break from the protection, and just be here to support us in case one of them messes up. Which, you know, will definitely happen.” Layla said but giggled when her mate gave her a flat look. Mr. Kennedy chuckled and wiped his tears.

“I suppose you’re right Layla. I just can’t lose you like I lost your mother. I couldn’t protect her from-” He stopped himself and Dakota looked up.

“From what dad? You couldn’t help she fell to her death...” She trailed off, but the tone in her voice knew her dad had messed up.

“Kids... Your mother didn’t fall to her death...” He was starting to cry, remembering the memory of what had happened to her was painful. I didn’t even wanna think about it.

“Then what the hell happened to her? You told us for years that she fell to her death! Why would you lie to us?” Dakota got up, and Layla also walked over. Sean moved back.

“You know what happened to mom?” Dakota accused him. He looked guilty.

“I saw it happen... You really think I’d want to talk about how our mother was mercilessly murdered by none other than your mate’s father?” Sean got pissed. Dakota took a step back and looked at me.


“How long have you known?” Now she was pissed with me. Great.

“That’s what Sean showed me earlier. That’s why I was crying. I felt the pain of your father losing his mate... I don’t want to feel that ever again...” I looked down at my lap and sighed.

This was gonna be one hell of a talk.

“Jax’s father... Murdered my mother..? Our mother?” Dakota was crying now. I ran over to her and held her close.

“No! Don’t touch me! For all I know, you could be just like your dad! You did try to kidnap me. Why wouldn’t you kill me?” Dakota was sobbing.

“I would never kill the person I love,” I said flatly. She looked up and she looked astonished.

“You love me?” She questioned. I heard her heart flutter just a bit.

“Of course I do. I’ve never felt anything like this, and I’ve never really had a proper girlfriend. That’s why I had the stupid idea of kidnapping you. I know now that that was wrong, and I won’t ever let it happen to you again. But I am not going to kill my mate. I only kill people if they deserve it.” I held my arms open for her. After a moment of giving me a questioning look, she walked into my arms and continued to cry.

“My father will pay for what he has done. I promise.” I kissed the top of her head and stroked her back.

“I didn’t even get a chance to meet her...” Layla whispered quietly. Silent tears rolling down her face. Jacob held her close and kissed the top of her head.

“Our fathers were involved as well... We will make sure they pay for this.” Jacob said and that only made Layla cry harder. I looked up and saw that Sean was standing next to his father. Crying silently, but somehow continuing to look strong for everyone else’s sake.

“Jax, Logan, and Jacob,” Mr. Kennedy starts. We all listen.

“I don’t like any of you. Even if Destiny is not my daughter, she is part of my family. I do not want my children getting hurt. If I see one tear come from them because of you, I will kill you myself unless they are happy tears. I lost my mate, and I can never get her back, but I can’t keep you three from my children. No matter the rank. I don’t know what Riley is going to do about Sean and vice versa, but she better accept my son. What I’m trying to say is, do not hurt my babies. I will find out. And don’t let them get hurt either. I can’t lose them as well.” We all nodded once in respect towards Mr. Kennedy.

“Yes, sir.” We all said in unison. We all started walking towards where Mr. Kennedy’s car was parked. I hugged Dakota tight and she hugged me tighter. I felt my heart race and I know she heard me.

“When can we see you all again? You know, without having to kidnap us?” Dakota said jokingly and we all laughed. Except for Mr. Kennedy and Sean.

“How about later tonight? In the woods?” I questioned and she nodded softly. I grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. I saw her face become red with embarrassment and smiled.

“I will see you later, my beautiful mate.” They all entered the car and the rest of us walked back into the house.

Later, my beautiful mate is when I will truly be able to know you.

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