Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Four


I woke up at three-thirty in the morning because of the wolves howling at the moon. I loved the sound. It makes my heart race and I get butterflies. They make me happy.

I got up and went and sat in my nook so I could sit there and look at the sky at night, or if I get lazy and don’t want to move I can sleep there.

Basically, it’s just another bed.

I opened up the window on the right side and climbed down the ladder that I put there. My dad doesn’t mind that I leave in the middle of the night, cause he knows I’ll come back.

I ran to the forest with some steak in a bag that I got from the store a few days ago.

Once I entered the forest, I saw the black wolf from before at the deer stand. And then I saw the brown one from the deer stand as well. They must like it here. It’s very calming and relaxing.

I wasn’t trying to sneak up on them, but I was trying to be cautious so I don’t scare them off.

When I stepped on a twig, I froze when they turned around and started growling. But when they saw me they stopped and walked over to me. I put the bag I was carrying down that had the food in it.

They sniffed the bag and looked at each other, like they knew they were getting some.

They then looked at me with hope in their eyes.

“Yes, you guys are getting some,” I said and they howled at the moon with joy.

But then I saw something huge lurking through the woods. It had yellow eyes and it was scaring me.

The other wolves turned around and saw it too, but they bowed their head in respect.

I should have known it was the Alpha I grew to love over a few hours.

He came out from behind the tree’s, and my heart started beating faster with joy. When our eyes met, he ran at full speed just to slow down and trample me lightly.

He laid on my stomach and started to lick my neck a bit. I felt the tingles forming again. I think he pushed me down a bit too hard.

But I didn’t really care, I was happy I got to see him again.

He then looked at the bag and started to sniff it. He looked at me with the puppy eyes and laid his head on my stomach. I knew what he wanted.

I started to scratch behind his ears and he started to relax immediately. I smiled down at him and used my nails to scratch the top of his head. He growled playfully and I giggled.

“Ok, you gave me the puppy eyes. You want me to make some steak for you too?” I said and he jumped off of me and waited next to the bag. I laughed and started to create a little stand so that I could cook the steak.

I took out the steak and started to cook it once I made the fire.

It took about ten minutes, but when I finished the wolves were drooling over it.

I cut it into different pieces and gave them each one.

But things turned bad when I missed the steak and cut my finger.

I hissed in pain and looked at how bad it was. It wasn’t terribly bad, but I was using a ceramic knife. Just kill me now!

“Ow!” I screamed when a piece of dirt got into the cut. The Alpha snapped his head to me and looked at the cut and whimpered. He started to lick at the cut. I hissed in pain and he stopped and put his head on my lap. I pet him with my good hand and it was starting to heal.

“Thank you.” I kissed his head and he nudged his nose against my cheek. I smiled and put out the fire with a water bottle that I had in my bag and then drank the rest. The Alpha then yawned, and the other wolves did the same.

I then yawned cause I saw the time.

It was four-twelve am.

“Ok guys, I have to go now. I’m really tired and I have to get up at nine-thirty today.” I said and they whimpered.

The Alpha growled and laid himself on my legs and stomach and I could tell he didn’t want me to leave. I chuckled at him and he started to fall asleep.

“I guess I could sleep here with you buddy,” I said and he snuggled his head into my neck. I sighed and kissed his nose. The other two wolves were leaving and I could tell they were tired. They were dragging themselves and they kept yawning. I’m surprised that they just didn’t pass out right then and there.

I started to cuddle up to the Alpha and his warm fur, but then I heard something. I heard twigs snapping viciously.

I saw a light from a flashlight as well, I just couldn’t tell who it was.

Until I saw him.

I saw my brother Sean running around calling my name.

“Dakota? Where are you?” He asked frantically as I whistled. He looked over to my direction and he saw the Alpha and I cuddling.

“Oh my god. There you are, you had me worried sick!” Sean said as he ran over to me and hugged me. He looked at the Alpha and he yawned. He put his head back down and shut his eyes. I shrugged and Sean rolled his eyes.

“Hey, buddy. It’s time to get off my sister now. My dad’s worried that she’s not in bed by now.” Sean said and the Alpha lifted his head, shook it no and laid back down.

“Dakota, help me out here, please? If not dad won’t let you go to the mall later today.” Sean said and I was immediately wide awake.

“Buddy please get off. I’ll see you later today ok? Please?” I asked in a soft whisper and he whimpered, but reluctantly got off of me.

“Thank you,” I said and kissed his head while he nudged his nose to my neck. I yawned and almost fell but Sean caught me.

“Alright, let’s take you home,” Sean said and I fell asleep in his arms, knowing he would put me upstairs in my room.


I felt movement and I groaned. What now.

“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” I heard a voice and it sounded a lot like Layla’s but I wasn’t sure.

“It’s mall time girl! Get your ass up!” I heard someone else yell and I knew it was Destiny. She was the one that always cursed.

I groaned again until I felt freezing cold water splash onto me.

At this point, I was wide awake.

“AH!” I said and fell off the bed with a thud.

I heard laughter and when I looked up, Destiny and Layla were laughing at me. I got up from the floor and looked pissed.

“Oh my god, Dakota you should have seen yo-” Destiny was saying something but I cut her off.

“You have three seconds to run,” I said in a harsh voice and they froze and looked at each other with scared expressions.

“Dakota, we didn’t mean it like that, we were trying to be funny,” Layla said.

“One,” I said and they started to back up.

“Dakota we’re sorry!” Destiny said and Layla ran for it, so I followed and Destiny was right on her tail. We ran all the way outside with me screaming.

“You are so dead!” I yelled at them and went into the forest. We saw a few wolves on the way in, but I was too pissed to stop running.

“What happened to two and three!” They both shouted as they ran.

I ran past the third in command and Destiny stopped to pet him. I almost trampled over her but I ran past her, trying to get Layla who actually dumped the water on me.

“Layla! Get your ass back here now!” I yelled and the wolves whimpered. I don’t know why, but they did.

We then saw the Beta and the Alpha at the lake and I was still chasing Layla. She started to run up a tree. Since she had a head start on one I climbed one next to it.

I climbed faster than her and when I reached the top she was breathing heavily. I wasn’t even breaking a sweat. I jumped to the other tree and landed on the branch, and sadly, she jumped backward.

“AHH!” Layla screamed as she started to fall. I was scared, so I grabbed her arm and flipped us around. She landed on the branch and I started to fall from thirty feet.

“Dakota!” Layla yelled as she tried to grab my hand but missed it. At this point, I was free-falling. I saw a branch and reached out for it.

I grabbed it with one hand and thankfully had my grip on it. I put my other hand on it and pulled myself up.

I laid there for a few moments to catch my breath. I looked down and I had about ten feet left. I sighed as Layla climbed down from the tree as the Beta ran to her. She hugged him tight and wouldn’t let go. They laid down on the ground and he protectively laid on her, and if she would get hurt.

I, on the other hand, was having a panic attack. I wouldn’t listen to anyone, and I didn’t even look down while the Alpha was scratching the bottom of the tree to get my attention.

By the time Destiny, the third in command, the Beta and Sean came to me I was full-on sobbing with Sean helping me down.

He held me in his arms as I sobbed onto his shirtless chest. The Alpha ran up to me, and nudged his head on my arm. I felt the tingles go through my arm, and when I looked at him, he whimpered and laid his head on my lap. I pet his head for a second, finding it calming.

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