Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Five


Before I leaped out of my brother’s arms and to the Alpha, I started crying into his fur and he didn’t seem to mind. He put his head above mine and he stayed there with me until I was calmed down.

My breathing was ragged and I had silent tears.

About five minutes later, I calmed down fully and just laid there in the Alpha’s fur. He had this calming aura to him that I just couldn’t resist.

“Dakota, hun talk to me,” Destiny said for probably the tenth time and I finally looked up.

I looked up at Destiny, Layla, and Sean. They were worried about me because I have never done that before. I’ve never made someone fall, and that was the first time I saved my little sister. She was so young and I was a senior in high school, she deserved to live longer.

As I looked at Layla, she laid next to me and I held her and pulled her next to me. She started shedding silent tears onto my tank top.

The beta came over and laid next to her, whimpering.

Then my dad came running into the forest.

When he saw Layla and I crying, he ran to us.

“Dakota, Layla. What’s wrong? What happened? I heard screams and I... I got so scared.” My dad started to tear up.

Our mom was once reckless like us as well, but one day she was climbing something tall, and she misplaced her footing and fell forty-five feet to her death.

It tore my dad apart. And he never felt happy ever again. It happened a few weeks after Layla was born as well. We never spoke of her ever again, but every now and then I hear my dad’s sobs in the night.

“I was jumping from one tree to the other cause they woke me up with water, and when Layla jumped she fell off a branch. And when she fell, I grabbed her and switched places. A-And then I started to fall, but I grabbed a branch on the way d-down.” I stuttered and my dad held me and my sister close to him.

The Beta and The Alpha tried to comfort us as well by licking our arms.

“New rule; never climb trees for the last resort. Even if your being attacked by rogue wolves. Never. I can’t lose you girls too. You three are the best things in the world to me.” He said and Sean knelt down and hugged all three of us. Destiny knelt down too and hugged us too.

We all stayed like this until Sean’s watch beeped to sign it was ten am.

We all looked at him and he looked down in shame.

“Sorry..” Sean said and we all laughed at our weirdness.

“Layla, Dakota. Don’t ever scare me like that again. I can’t lose both of you.” My dad said and we both nodded. By this point, the wolves were leaving to go deeper into the forest. They said their goodbyes and I was kind of lonely now. My dad and Sean left us and we started to get up.

We then walked to the house where I made breakfast. And then I took a shower and got ready for the mall.

I was ready an hour later and we made our way to the mall.

“Ok girls! Where to first?” Destiny asked and we shrugged and went to the store Lids. We looked for hats and got hit on by hot guys. We blushed, got our hats and then left.

We then made our way to our favorite frozen yogurt place; Frozo Yogo.

When we walked in we saw our favorite cashier.

“Dave!” We yelled as he turned around and smiled at us.

“Destiny, Dakota, Layla! What a great surprise,” David paused then gave us a smirk.

“Actually, no it’s not. Go on, stack up!” David yelled and we cheered! We all ran to the ice cream where we stacked up.

I got a tall cup with the chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream, with cookie dough bits, chocolate chips, gummy worms and bears, and chocolate syrup with whipped cream.

Destiny got the wide cup, with orange cream ice cream, gummy bears, and some whipped cream.

And Layla got a tall cup with vanilla ice cream, strawberries, kiwi, and some whipped cream with a light chocolate sauce.

In all, it was $22.97

We thanked Dave and we all took selfies with our ice cream. We walked out of Frozo Yogo and we started walking towards a bench.

“Oh my god! This is so good!” Destiny says and starts to eat her ice cream again. Layla and I laugh at how she was acting and ate ours.

“I know! I love you ice cream. You’re my best friend.” Layla said and ate hers while Destiny and I laughed this time.

When we threw away our cups, we bumped into three really hot guys.

The one I bumped into had short black hair and beautiful dark green eyes. He was really tan and had a muscular build. His features were stunning as he wore jeans, boots, and a shirt that hugged his arms and chest nicely.

I heard him chuckle and it was deep and so sexy.

“You like what you see love?” He said and I blushed.

I looked down at the ground and mumbled a sorry. I heard giggles and looked toward Layla and Destiny to see them walking away and talking with the other two boys.

I personally didn’t care. Their loss for leaving me.

I looked back up and saw his beautiful green eyes looking down into my green ones.

“I’m sorry, I’m Jax. What’s your name beautiful?” I heard Jax say; damn it, he has a sexy name as well!

“I’m Dakota...” I said and blushed when he smiled his perfect smile.

“That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” Jax said and I blushed even more.

He chuckled again and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I got this tingly feeling but pushed it aside.

“So, tell me about yourself beautiful.” I blushed again and he smiled at what he had done.

“Well I’m a senior in high school, I have an older brother and younger sister, my favorite animal is a wolf,” I said and he smiled down at me with an emotion in his eyes. I didn’t know what, but it’s something.

“My mom hasn’t been around since my sister Layla was born, and I think that’s it,” I said and he nodded, looking deep in thought for a minute before speaking up.

“If I may ask, what was so bad that your mom left you guys when you were younger? You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to. I would never pressure you into doing something you didn’t want to do.” Jax said and I couldn’t help but smile and lean into his touch when he said that.

“No, it’s okay. It was when I was younger. Keep in mind, my brother Sean was four, I was two, and Layla was just born two weeks before. My mom was climbing something high cause something scared her. And when she was about forty-five feet up, she misplaced her footing and fell. She died instantly when she hit the ground. It tore my dad apart when he found out...” I said and Jax stayed silent. I started to tear up because of it. Just thinking about someone I love dying hurts me.

“Oh my god, I-I’m so sorry Dakota,” Jax said in a sincere, apologetic tone and I blinked away the tears. I didn’t ever want him to see me cry.

“It’s ok. There was nothing we could do because no one was fast enough to save her.” My voice cracked a bit at the end of the sentence and Jax pulled us into a little alleyway outside the mall and pulled me closer to him. I felt all of these tingles go through me as I cried into Jax’s shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I shivered at the feeling of wildfire-like tingles spreading through me. It felt nice and comforting, yet I was just craving more and more of his touch.

“I’m sorry, Dakota...” Jax said this before he pulled out a white cloth. I could tell something was up. But when he tried to grab me I knew there was chloroform on it. So I did what anyone would do.

I grabbed his little friend down south and he looked shocked but pleased at the same time.

But I’m evil, so I squeezed really hard and he dropped to his knees. I ran back into the mall and tried to find a place to hide. I stopped outside of Victoria’s Secret.

I took the advantage and called Destiny and Layla. Destiny answered on the first ring.

“Dakota! Where are you?!” Destiny asked.

“I’m at Victoria’s Secret where are you?” I asked and she scrambled while holding her phone and running at the same time.

“I’ll meet you there, I’m outside of Starbucks and the urge is just so real!” Destiny whined and I felt her pain. Like seriously, who doesn’t like Starbucks?

“Ok, I’ll call Layla.” After that, I hung up the phone and started to call Layla.

But not before I heard him say my name.

“Dakota,” I turned around and fully took in his built figure. He was wearing this tight shirt that made his six-pack noticeable, and his jeans were a bit tight and he looked so sexy with his hair all messed up. He smirked at me and then winked because he knew I was eye raping him.

He started to walk closer and I started to walk backward and he smirked when I hit a wall. He was still walking forward, and when he pushed his body against mine, I couldn’t help but just stare into his eyes.

He stared right back which made my breath hitch.

“You shouldn’t have done that sweetheart.” When he said that, his voice was full of power and I found it so sexy.

He was leaning in for a kiss and it took all of my power to resist. Plus he was getting the cloth out again and I did something similar.

I kneed him in the stomach and kicked him in the balls, so he was gasping for air. I run back to Victoria’s Secret to find Destiny there, looking terrified. She was looking everywhere for me, and when she spotted me, she looked relieved for a minute and ran to me.

“Did he try to kidnap you too?!” Destiny asked in a fearful voice. I wouldn’t blame her, I’m scared too. But then I got even more terrified when I remember I didn’t call Layla.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. She answered on the third ring.

“H-Hello?” She asked while laughing her ass off. I was just relieved she wasn’t hurt.

“Layla? Where are you?” I asked in a frantic voice.

“I’m at the food court with Jacob, why? Is something wrong?” Layla asked with concern in her voice.

“Yes, Jax and Logan are trying to kidnap us. Get out of there before Jacob does!” I said and she went silent. She told Jacob she had to go, but then I heard him get up and she started running.

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