Alpha Code

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

[Ra’ne’s POV]

I felt so strange as I felt myself surfacing to consciousness. I was awake but not awake. I could feel my body so that was a good thing and I could hear people around me another good thing. Then I heard the best sound in the world to me, Skie’s voice.

‘Hey pup.’ Skies voice sounded in my head clear as day. A voice I never thought I would hear again.

‘Skie!!’ I shouted happily, wanting to actually hug my Wolf.

Skie chuckled at me, ’I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t mean to leave you like that. I was actually scared beyond reason by the thought of Grissa coming for us and it just kinda happened.’ Skie apologized to me he meant it too and I immediately forgave him. I kinda knew he hadn’t really left me but I had panicked without him.

He was after all the best part of me. ‘It’s ok I understand now. Besides we got to take a month-long nap and it healed us.’ I said thinking of being able to actually be with Kin and Julius more now that maybe we could move better. I could feel how well my body felt and I knew that Kin would be more opt to take us places now that we were better.

It helped that I had heard Arion when he was explaining to me what had happened and what was going on. Now all I had to do was wake up. All I wanted was to see my Mate and to be with him again. I didn’t have enough time with him and I felt robbed. I wanted to know Kin better and let him know the real me better. All those things I hid from everyone else I could now let out and let shine. I wanted to spend nights with Kin and Julius just talking about nonsense and falling asleep wrapped in their arms with a feeling of safety around me.

I wanted a normal life now that I had a good Mate, and my freedom.

Skie whimpered in agreement as I opened my eyes. I saw Arion but not Kin. I wonder where he is? I was sad not to sense him even slightly close to me but I knew he wasn’t too far.

I sat up a curious look on my face as I looked at Arion. He smiled at me “Kin is in the hall at the moment, Callum went to fetch him. Would you like anything?” he asked as he helped me to sit comfortably. “You woke up all on your own, or you would have seen Kin had you waited another moment.”

I smiled at him, “I felt impatient to see him. I guess I couldn’t help myself and a glass of milk would be heavenly” I said almost immediately giggling shyly knowing my face was slightly red.

Arion chuckled a little. “Of course, I will be right back.” He said as he stood and headed for the kitchen.

“Thank you, Arion, for everything you have done for me.” I said before he could leave. I had yet to really thank him myself and I felt guilty about that.

Arion turned to look at me, a different smile on his face. This one kind and caring. “Kin is like a son to me. I will do what is right to make him happy. I have seen him struggle for a long time and since you came, he has been a far better man. Then there is the fact that I am a Healer. It is in my nature to always do what is right.” He said his smile still kind and more than welcoming.

“Not all Healers are like you I’m afraid. Some put others before those in real need.” I said sadly. Thinking of the Healers in Ironclaw and how they were very greedy.

“Then they do not deserve their gift.” Arion said seriously before leaving the room. A smile still on his face. His response shocked me a little but it settled my inner unease around him.

‘He is a good man.’ Skie thought, a happy tone to his voice as he stretched in my mind. He was right.

‘I agree. I like being around him and Callum. They make it not so scary of a place and why Kin is so positive of his Pack.’ I said in reply. There was so much I felt like they could all teach me but for now I needed to focus on getting Skie out to run. I was taking a sip of the milk when Kin came running into the bedroom like his tail was on fire.

The look on his face was one of relief when he saw me awake, was something I could not really explain fully because he rushed over to me. He knelt at my bed side and nuzzled his way into my lap getting me to giggle at his antics. I could tell he had missed me.

“Kin,” I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. I was so happy to see him. It brought me a peace of mind that not only was he there but I could also hear Skie too.

“Ra’ne” he whispered into my lap happily getting another giggle from me. He was adorable when he was like this. My big strong Alpha like a little puppy when it came to me. He loved me so much and it showed in every movement he made around me. It made me love him even more than before.

“I love you.” I said to him, getting him to look up at me with a bit of shock in his eyes.

“I love you too, my little ember.” He replied, kissing my hand and holding it to his face so he could inhale my scent.

The way he did that made me sad, it was like I was in the beginning and still am. Like this is all a dream and that one of us is going to wake up and be alone. I don’t want this to be a dream and I don’t want either of us to feel that way anymore.

I felt bad for freaking out the way I did on him, “I’m sorry.” I said hanging my head in shame, my tears building in my eyes. I felt Skie come to the front of my mind to comfort me.

I felt him pull my face up to look him in the eyes before he asks me “What could you possibly be sorry for my angel?”

Seriously?! I freaked out and lost my mind making him endure a month without me, and this is how he reacts. Goddess I love this man. “I thought Skie had abandoned me. That I was no longer a Wolf and that you would leave me. That’s why I lost my mind a little.” I admitted softly. I was more than ashamed of myself for freaking out the way I did because I had no idea what was going on with Skie.

I could hear him sigh before his soft voice sounded closer to my ears. “Baby, please look at me. I need you to know that I am not lying to you.” He said his voice so close to me soul it was beyond words that I didn’t have much of a choice but to look at him. “You are more important to me than anything. Why would I leave you? I would love you even if you were Human, Ra’ne. I love you for the wonderful person that you are and I will never leave you.” He said placing a quick kiss on my lips getting a deep blush from me.

He always knew how to make me feel like a regular person. He turned to Arion and started to talk to him while I thought about what was going to happen now that I was fully healed and able to move around better. I hoped he would take me outside now. I heard him talking about his friends and how they were going to cause him a headache so I tried to pay attention but that we would only see one of his friends had me very curious.

“Why only one?” I asked curiously, getting a warm smile from him.

“It’s a little hard to explain my little ember.” He said a thoughtful look coming to his face after a minute.

That was not what I was expecting from him. He usually explained things to me but with this I guess he couldn’t really find the words. Skie was trying to comfort me again because I was confused but I just shrugged it all off. Kin would explain things to me when he felt I could handle it.

‘He will explain when he thinks we can handle it, Skie. We were not taught a lot of things and this might be one of those things that we might not be able to handle right now.’ I thought silently to Skie trying to keep him from just asking what was up with Kin outright.

‘How do you know that?’ Skie questioned, almost demanding of me.

‘The look on his face. He doesn’t know how to answer me and since Julius isn’t piping up neither does, he. You have to pay more attention to Kin’s face, it’s an open book.’ I said almost laughing at my Wolf a little.

‘His face is not as appealing to me as it is to you. I enjoy watching him, yes, but not as much as you do.’ Skie said chuckling a little as he settled down and watched Kin more closely.

“What has you smiling so brightly my sweet ember?” Kin’s voice called, pulling me back to my surroundings.

“Skie and I were having a friendly debate.” I said giggling a little.

“Oh?” he asked his eyebrow raised curiously. “Anything interesting?” he asked

I just giggled again, shaking my head at him. “No, just curious about your friends. That’s all.” I said as I buried my head into his chest.

“I will have Solon explain. He could probably do it better than I ever could any way. I don’t want to confuse you and there is no reason to get everyone in panic mode right this moment.” Kin said with a sigh that was filled with a heaviness I could not feel but hear.

“Will you take me outside?” I asked, wanting to take his mind off this dismal subject.

Kin looked at me, “Of course, I will take you outside. After we eat.” He said getting me to groan in impatience and him to chuckle.

‘He’s right we need to eat.’ Skie said to me, urging me to follow our Mate to the kitchen. I was going to fight them both until my stomach growled. That’s when I had no argument left to give either one of them.

I followed Kin, Arion and Callum out of our bedroom and down the hallway to the very quaint little kitchen that was just Kin’s and mine. It was nice to have it just us again, even with Arion and Callum around it was still cozy in the kitchen. I squeaked in surprise when Kin scooped me into his arms the moment, we entered the kitchen, he walked me right to the table sitting me down in a seat before going to the fridge to pull out the milk for me.

“Fruit only boys!” Arion warned quickly, when Kin reached for the meats in the fridge. He knew I was going to want to at least pick at everything in there. “You can have proteins’ tomorrow. You just woke up after a month long magically induced coma and you need to make sure that your body is working correctly before you put something too harsh inside it.” He added logically. He was being very stern but kind with his words and it still made me pout.

“B-b-but…….” I began to whine, I wanted to eat something more than just fruit.

“It’s only for today, Ra’ne. I promise you.” Arion said trying not to cave to my puppy eyes that were now in full effect. I could tell he was fighting a losing battle.

“Ra’ne, baby, don’t be mean to him. He is doing what is best for us both so stop. One more day of being forced to eat fruit won’t kill you my little ember.” Kin said, tugging me into his lap from my seat. A large bowl of fruit sat in front of him but not just that there was also a glass of milk just for me.

I smiled and leaned back to kiss Kin on his cheek before taking a sip of the milk happily. Skie and I sighed together happily, as I leaned into Kin’s chest and began to pick at the bowl of fruit in front of me.

“I think that was by far the cutest temper tantrum I have ever seen.” Callum said looking at Kin and I but mostly Kin. His words had me frozen in my spot on Kin’s lap

“From who me or Ra’ne?” Kin questioned curiously chuckling a little, his grip around my waist slightly tightening. I knew he could feel my tense body but he had no idea what had caused me to freeze like that.

“Most definitely from that adorable Mate you have there. There is nothing about you Kin that I find cute or adorable. If my Mate is half as adorable as yours is, I think I may die of an overload.” Callum said getting me to blush. I was trying not to panic at his words but flashes of the past were far too close to my mind.

“You have no idea how many times Ra’ne has stopped my heart by something small.” Kin added as he kissed my neck adding more color to my face. Kin’s touch chased away all my fears giving me a bit of confidence, something I usually borrowed from Skie.

“Alright the both of you can stop right now. Please.” I said a shiver running down my spine. Kin was still kissing my neck and I melted against him.

“Don’t worry, my little ember. Callum would never put his hands on you like that.” Kin said somehow knowing where my thoughts were going.

“Goddess no. Little one, you are not only my best friends Mate but you are my future Luna. I could never look at you more than an adorable little brother.” Callum said, holding his hands up in surrender, his head bowed to me. A show of surrender I had not been prepared for. A Beta was basically submitting to me and it was very odd to me, because it was with respect not because he had to. Callum, the next ruling Beta of the Pack, was showing me respect, and I was not expecting that.

I felt Skie actually nod in agreement with Callum’s statement so I had no choice but to agree with them all. I relaxed; I didn’t realize I had been so tense but Callum’s words had me scared. I had never really thought anyone in this Pack could really be like those in Ironclaw but I was still scared around others. It was something I was going to have to get over soon if I was to become the Luna of this mighty Pack. Callum was now the second person to call me Luna and I was going to be different from the ones I had known of.

I had been beaten and raped my entire life by almost every male in Ironclaw. For me to let some of those nightmares go was going to take some time but being free was the right step in that direction. Having Kin was another good step to have, he was far more than just my Balance. He was my very grasp on this Earth.

I couldn’t be here without him and I knew that more than anything. It was surreal and I couldn’t really do much about it. Skie had explained the whole Mate thing to me but what Kin and I had, went so far beyond all of that. Kin and I were connected on a much deeper level for some reason and there was nothing I wanted more than to just be with him always. The need to feel him close to me was almost to the point of insanity.

I was not one to really question much and the fact that I had a Mate was one of those things I did not really want to question. Years of being tortured because of being labeled as an Omega had me broken mentally, but this time I felt different. I woke up feeling much stronger, far more alert and I could see far better than I have ever been able to before. Thanks to Skie actually becoming a part of me. We had been separated for so long it felt good to be whole again.

I sat deep in thought for a while before I was interrupted by Kin’s huge hands on my face pulling my eyes to his. “Ra’ne,” he said his voice soft but filled with worry.

I blinked and smiled at him, putting my own hand on his face. “I’m sorry, I was thinking.” I said knowing a slight blush was filling my cheeks at my words. I was nervous around him but at the same time I knew I could tell Kin anything.

“You looked deep in a debate with someone. Are you alright?” Kin asked as he let me lean against him again.

“I’m fine. I was just thinking about some stuff, that’s all.” I said, smiling as I picked at the last of the fruit bowl. Kin’s arm snaked its way around my waist to hug me closer to his warm body. It felt very nice to be so close to him.

I smiled and snuggled closer to him, wiggling in his lap, “You keep doing that my little ember and I will Mark you.” Kin whispered huskily in my ear. I knew what that would mean. He would want to actually Mate with me, Knot me then Mark me as his.

His words sent shivers down my spine but they weren’t the bad kind. Oh, no these shivers were the ones that had even Skie purring like a damn house cat!! Kin’s arousal was like Wolf nip to me. Being my Mate was an instant turn on for me and Skie and his arousal was making it very hard for me to sit still. Thankfully Skie helped me link mentally to our Mate. I don’t think I could’ve held myself back otherwise.

’I want you to Mark me, Kin.’ I thought, my mind filled with my own need for his touch. My own lust for his body.

Kin literally wasted no time, he stood quickly with me in his arms, “We will see the two of sometime tomorrow.” He said before he flashed us with lightning speed to our bedroom. Not even waiting for a response from Arion or Callum.

It made me giggle when he tossed me on the bed to lock the bedroom door and face me with a shocked expression. I sat up to hold my arms out to him, making grabby hands at him. Very slowly Kin came to my side, still aroused but holding it back. For me. He wanted to make sure this was what I wanted. He was even trying to make himself smaller so that he didn’t frighten me. Kin’s actions melted my heart and I fell even deeper in love with the man that the Goddess has given me. I may not have known everything most Wolves did but I knew the Goddess gave all gifts.

Kin was the greatest gift I could have ever asked for and then gotten. He was everything to me and so much more. “I love you more than anything, Kin. I know more than anything that you will never hurt me.” I said making sure he could hear me as I moved to pull him over me. I wanted Kin’s dominance over me. I wanted his Alpha nature to come through to claim me.

I had never really submitted to anyone so willingly but I loved Kin more than anyone, more than anything and I would do anything for him. The thought of being loved by him this way wasn’t disgusting to me. It was just that, being loved. I wanted the world to know I was Kin’s Mate. I wanted him to Mark me and make me only his. I felt his hesitation and worried that I was behaving too desperately for him when he might not want me that way. However, when I looked at him I knew he only hesitated for fear of scaring me. I smiled at him with love.

I actually pulled his head down to kiss him, not knowing how to relay my own thoughts to him any other way. I wanted him to know all of these feelings of love building inside of me for him. I wanted him to feel them, for him to know how I felt. I felt him gasp against my mouth before he began to kiss me back only much more passionately than before, this time, his feelings being returned to me in the exchange. Our feelings flowing freely between us.

I felt his hands roam my body as mine did the same to his. His body was all finely toned muscle and power, flexing under my fingertips. His body heat driving me absolutely insane as he kissed down my own scared body. Kin was cherishing every inch of my much smaller, thinner body and I would never understand how he could see beauty in such a shrimpy person. If it wasn’t for his touch that was driving me wild, I would have wanted to pull away from him, but I couldn’t get enough of his kisses and little nips. He was a starving man and I was his only meal.

“Kin …” I moaned as he started playing with my wet entrance. I hadn’t realized I had even begun to produce slick near there until Kin had begun to play with me.

I hadn’t felt so needy for someone in my entire life. Kin was someone who was a different being all together. At least to me he was. His scent, his touch his body. I wanted them all. I wanted everything. All from only him. It would never be right if it wasn’t from my Mate Kin. It had to be from Kin. Anyone else was wrong.

It was like Kin could feel my need for him and suddenly my own hard member disappeared into his mouth and a scream of absolute bliss escaped my lips. The sensations on his hot wet mouth moving on me was intense and it didn’t take long before a building sensation began to settle in the bottom of my balls where I knew I was about to explode. I needed to warn him before he got a surprise but I could barely breathe from the euphoric sensations coursing through my body.

“K-kin … I-I’m g-gunna … uhh” I moaned out before releasing cum into Kin’s mouth because he was not stopping for anything until he got what he wanted. And in that moment he wanted to cause me to unravel under him. He didn’t even hesitate, swallowing me down completely, cum and all. It was hot. My big strong Alpha with his head on my cock, cum leaking from his mouth as he sits up with a sex filled haze in his flashing eyes. I wanted this for the rest of my life. I wanted Kin for the rest of my life.

Somehow Kin felt my own need only grow for his touch as he reached up to slowly kissed up my body again, and slowly slide a finger inside my entrance getting another moan of bliss from me that he captured with his mouth. I was more than shocked at the sensation and the moan was half pain filled and half pleasure induced. For some reason his penetration actually hurt a little, stinging like it was my first time. I knew that was wrong because I had been raped in Ironclaw so I wanted Skie to answer me. NOW. I was starting to panic and the Skie answered.

“Arion healed us pup. When we are healed properly, we are truly healed. We are virgin again.” He answered me truthfully. Pictures of what he meant quickly flashing through my mind.

I was more than relieved with those words but a little upset that Arion had just done whatever. However, I was not going to let that overshadow the absolute joy I felt. It made me happy as I let Kin take me the right way. The way of our people, between Mates. ONLY. The way it was always meant to be.

Feeling my body relax more Kin slipped in another finger slowly, still kissing my neck, licking where he was going to Mark me soon. It was a comforting and very arousing feeling, especially with him working his magic in my ass. I was a panting mess under him by the time he felt I was ready to line his massive cock up to my entrance and slowly push inside.

The burning feeling was intense to say the least but then when he was fully in, he just stopped and let me adjust. Kissing me the entire time all over, my lips, my neck, my chest. He wanted to touch every inch of my skin and his lips and hands were doing just that.

“Ra’ne …” he moaned out as he began to slowly move inside of me making us both moan in bliss.

“M-more ….” I begged trying to make him go faster, digging my nails into his back, making him go faster and harder. He hit a bundle of nerves deep inside of me and I exploded all over our chests. “OH KIN!!!!” I screamed out gripping his arms as hard as I could.

All my antics were doing were getting him even more riled up and eventually his Alpha side came out and he lifted me up and began to pound inside of me, growling deeply, telling me how much he loves me and how I am only his. No one else is allowed to touch me. No one will ever touch me ever again. I will always be only his. He had practically growled those words out with every thrust he made.

It went on like that for a while, the both of us moaning and groaning, me screaming out and me cumming all over the both of us like a bitch in heat. Then I felt something building against my entrance and I knew it would end what was the best night of my entire life. Kin was about to knot me, then Mark me. Afterwards, we were never going to be separated ever again. I had been expecting this for so long and I hadn’t even realized it that when it actually was here, that I was beyond happy. My Mate had accepted me and he was about to Mark me as his.

Kin, slowed his pace, looking at me, “I will always need you Ra’ne. I love you beyond any words I can ever think of. Never think otherwise.” He said before latching onto my neck his canines had already grown, biting me, Marking me as his, while at the same time he pushed his knot all the way inside as I felt him cumming inside of me. The hot liquid pouring into me by what felt like the gallon. The feeling sent me freefalling over the edge of everything and all I could do was cry out in extasy as I too came all over us again. I was spent after that. I had no energy. I had lost whatever energy I may have had to do just about anything but breathe. Kin, collapsed on top of me for a moment before rolling us over, where I was laying on his chest fully. We were locked together by his knot as he continued to pour cum inside of me.

We were going to be stuck together for a little while and I was just fine with that. I had no complaints whatsoever with my situation. “I love you Kin.” I whispered snuggling my head into his chest. I was beyond happy with my life now.

“As I love you Ra’ne.” he said back to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Rest for a little while, we will be stuck like this for a little while, my ember.” He said running a hand along my back comfortingly. I closed my eyes with a smile.

“Not complaining.” I mumbled, getting an amused chuckle from him.

“Me either.” He replied as he squeezed me a little and nodded off. I quickly followed him and fell asleep right there. Locked on him, laying on top of my Mate, newly Marked and Mated and now I was going to sleep. I was finally happy.

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