Alpha Code

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

[Kin’s POV]

The next morning

When I woke up, there was a light weight on my chest causing me to open one eye. I saw Ra’ne was still asleep on top of me. We had never woken back up to get cleaned up from our night’s activities.

BEST NIGHT EVER!!!!!!! Period no questions asked.

I know it probably wasn’t the best thing to do right after waking up after a month’s magically induced sleeping coma but he wanted it and I had been needing it. I had been fighting with my inner Alpha against just straight claiming Ra’ne for days because he had been so weak and then so mentally not ready. When he had linked me and said he wanted me to Mark him I was not going to deny him or myself anymore. I had only been teasing him, he had been serious. I was not passing that up.

I knew he was going to be very sore this morning so I didn’t bother to wake him up. I rolled him onto the bed, slowly pulling out of him, before going to the bathroom and running the bath water, making sure it was warm enough to help. I added salts to make it better before going back to the bedroom to wake my little Mate. Wondering if he would greet me with a warm smile or a lustful one.

When I went back though he was not in the bed. I quickly looked around in a panic, I was literally gone for like three minutes, where in the hell could he have gone?!?!?! Nothing could get into my rooms unless it was a Shadow and Sol didn't say anything about if his men were staying outside.

“Ra’ne!” I called out in panic, hearing a small panicked squeak from the closet. I ran for my closet and yanked the door open to see my Mate curled into a small ball on the floor, tears in his eyes. “Oh baby, come here.” I said gathering him into my arms and pulling him from the closet. “Why did you go in there, my ember?” I asked worried I had done something wrong. Wondering what could have caused him to hide like that.

“I-I d-din’t s-see y-you a-and I-I p-panicked.” He stuttered out, shaking a little. He was scared but he was calming down in my arms.

“Oh, my little ember. You never have to worry about things like that. I will never be too far from you and all you will ever have to do is call out for me and I will be right there by your side.” I said, hoping to calm him down at least to ease his shaking, a little more. It was getting better but it was was still there.

Ra’ne looked up at me a little confused, he must not understand that. “Ra’ne, listen to me carefully my love. I am your Mate, meaning the Moon Goddess creator of Werewolf kind made you for me and me for you. We are the one half of the same whole and we are stronger together. I will never be far from you because you not only complete me but you are what makes me better. I need you Ra’ne.” I said holding him close to me but making sure he knew I was telling him nothing but the honest truth. He needed to feel my love and soul deep emotions now more than ever so that he would never question them again. I needed him as much if not more than I needed air to breathe.

“I don’t want to ever disappoint you.” He whispered softly, his eyes growing sad. “I don’t know how to be a normal Wolf. I have been an Omega all of my life.” He added sadly.

“You will never disappoint me my little ember and as for being a regular Wolf, that is something I will be more than happy to teach you. I will spend as much time with you helping you with anything you want to learn.” I said running my fingers through his hair, loving that he was not only opening up to me but letting my touch calm his nerves.

“You mean it Kin? You will really help me with learning how to be like you?” he asked excitedly.

I smiled at him and carried him into the bathroom where the water had still been running. I quickly shut off the water and sat him on the fluffy rug in front of the double sink. “Love, I can only teach you how to be one with yourself. You cannot really be like anyone else. I love you for the wonderful happy person that you are on the inside. Let me see more of that.” I said kissing his head and going over to the tub. I wanted to make sure it was still warm enough for him.

Nodding in approval I went back to where my little Mate was waiting for me and lifted him from the floor to carry him to the bathtub. His eyes got very wide and he started to fight me a little but when I stepped into the water and sat down with him still in my arms he settled. That was not a reaction I was expecting from him and it made me curious.

“Ra’ne what’s wrong?” I asked him as I leaned us back against the wall of the tub.

I could feel his hesitation, our newly established Mate bond allowed me to better feel what was going on with his emotions. “I-I’m afraid of the tub.” He admitted softly trying to hide himself but he was to afraid to leave my arms.

Ironclaw must have done something to him to make him afraid. I needed to change that. There was no reason for this. He was going to need to face a lot of his fears and I had no idea how to make him see this simple truth. Not without sending him into a panic.

“I am right here and I will not let you get hurt. I was a little too rough with you last night and I know you have to be in pain. The warm water will help with that if you just relax against me.” I said trying to make him forget about where he was.

“I didn’t think you were rough with me at all my Mate.” Ra’ne said as he snuggled against me.

I chuckled and let him lean into me as I began to clean us up. I washed us and let Ra’ne relax in the warm water for as long as possible. I had let the Alpha in me take over and I could see the bruises I had put on him. I was angry with myself for that, I needed to stay in control better when it came to him. Ra’ne was the most important thing in my life and I would hate myself forever if anything were to happen to him because of my carelessness.

It didn’t matter he didn’t feel them yet or didn’t realize they were there or bothered with them. Ra’ne was my Mate and I swore to myself ten years ago when I didn’t have one on my 18th birthday that when the day came that I did have a Mate, I would not let my Alpha side hurt them in any way. I broke that last night with Ra’ne and I will not forgive myself for a long time.

“Mate? What is wrong? I can feel your restlessness.” Ra’ne whispered against me in the water, he was oddly allowing me to wash him fully and it was comforting that he trusted me like this.

“It is nothing my little ember I promise you.” I said as I hugged him closer to me a little.

That’s when he shocked me, he turned around in my lap, his eyes open and angry as he could possibly look (it was cute as FUCK) his wet hair flopping in his face a little. “Don’t lie to me.” he snapped at me.

I sighed, guess I couldn’t hide my feelings from him anymore, “I hurt you and I hate that I did.” I said seriously.

He looked at me like I had grown another head, “Hurt me? Kin what are you talking about?” he asked me in total shock.

“Ra’ne, baby look at your hips, your body is pretty much covered in bruises. I put those there last night.” I said a little angrily. It was like he didn’t even care and it was pissing me off a little.

He looked at himself as I had instructed and started to giggle. HE WAS LAUGHING!!!

“Kin, Alpha Mate of mine, you didn’t go out of control. Most of these are hickeys.” Ra’ne says to me as he holds his arms out to me with a smile.

I twist my face up in confusion, Hickeys? Those look like bruises to me, “Ra’ne …” I began only to be cut off by little fingers covering my mouth.

“No, you are not going to ruin my blissed-out morning. I am more than fine. Sore as hell but that is to be expected and you are taking care of me. You are doing things for me no one ever has Kin and these marks on my body are marks of love and passion and you are not going to ruin the feelings I have for them. I pray that in the future you leave more of them!!” he snapped at me before leaping out of the tub and grabbing a towel, leaving the bathroom all in one fluid motion.

Great, now I had pissed him off!!! How had I done that?!?!!

I went from self-loathing to having a pissed off Mate. I really needed to work on my people skills apparently. I sighed at myself and unplugged the bathtub before I got out myself and wrapped my lower half in a towel. I went into the bedroom to see a very unwelcomed sight.

Ra’ne was backed into a corner shaking in fear as Solon stood at the other end with his hands up in the air in surrender. Both were silent and only Solon was dead still as they waited for me.

When Ra’ne saw me, he ran to me instantly, hiding behind me in fear. I turned to pick him up and cradle him against me like a child. “It’s all right my little ember. This is the friend I was telling you was coming to see us today. Solon, come here slowly.” I commanded.

Solon did as instructed and made his way to me and Ra’ne at a very slow pace, his neck mostly bared in a show of submission. He was making sure Ra’ne knew he wasn’t a threat to us. “I am truly sorry for scaring you little one. I didn’t know you would be in this room.” He said apologetically.

“You came into the wrong room again didn’t you brother?” I asked him as I smiled slyly at Solon.

“Your rooms confuse me sometimes Kin. I have said that a million times.” Solon replied getting me to laugh at him.

“Its all right, but you really need to study the map I gave you. The hall is on the other side of the door.” I said pointing to the bedroom door sarcastically, getting Ra’ne to giggle at us.

Solon looked shocked at the sound, like he had never heard another sound like it before. It was the same look Callum and Arion had worn when they had heard Ra’ne’s giggles but to me they were just the sound of sweet laughter. They had been unable to explain it to me how his laughter sounded to them because it really was unlike anything they had ever heard before.

“I am Solon Wind of the Shadows it is a true honor to meet you.” Solon said bowing to Ra’ne shocking the hell out of me. He had not given his full name to just anyone in a long ass time.

Ra’ne looked up at me and I nodded encouragingly, “I am Ra’ne, Kin’s Mate.” He said a slight blush coming to his face as he said the last part.

“Little one you are so much more than just Kin’s Mate.” Solon said getting me to growl deeply at him. Solon threw his hands up in surrender, “Calm down Alpha boy, I’m just stating the obvious.” He said rolling his eyes at me.

“Solon I swear, you are such a damn headache. How many are here and where are they?” I asked getting straight to the point with him.

Solon sighed and leaned against a wall. “So, mistrusting little brother.” He said.

“No, I trust you to give me a headache.” I replied seriously.

Solon sighed, “I brought only my squad with me. They know to keep out of their brother’s hair.” He said seriously.

I sighed to myself. His squad meant that Telani was here. That meant that she was going to want to get in my business. Again. She was the only one out of his entire squad I ever had issues with. She had an infatuation with me that I detested.

“What did you tell Lani?” I asked curiously.

“I told her that she wasn’t allowed anywhere within the compound.” Solon replied thoughtfully.

“That’s not my question Solon.” I said seriously.

Solon looked at me with guilt in his eyes. I knew he hadn’t really told her why they were there. She wouldn’t have come if he had. Telani was that shallow of a Wolf. I sighed I was going to have to have a one on one talk with a female Wolf I didn’t care for in the least.

I was going to have to tell her that I had found my Mate and that she was not it. Ra’ne was my everything and she was not going to ruin the only good thing in my life.

“Bring her to me, Solon.” I said seriously.

“Kin,” Solon began only to deadpan at my expression. “Yes, Alpha.” He answered immediately, before he backed away from us and into a shadow to disappear instantly from sight.

Ra’ne melted into my side out of fear, it was almost tangible in the air. I looked at him and held him closer to me. “Don’t worry my ember, it’s a little trick Solon can do. He will never harm you in any way. He came to help me protect you.” I said as I set him on the bed and went back to get clothes for us.

“W-why a-are you s-so a-angry” Ra’ne squeaked out as I heard a rustle of fabric behind me. I assumed that he had crawled under the blankets to keep warm while I got him something to wear.

“Solon, is like a brother to me, my ember and sometimes he does not think things through all the way. We have spent many years together. I left when I found out that my Mate was not in my own Pack. I was devastated in many ways and I needed to find my own way. I met Solon on one of the darkest days in my life and he pulled me up out of it. We had been together for a long time before I decided to come home a few months ago. He had to stay with his people and I came home.” I explained, as I got the both of us something to wear to deal with the enormous headache heading our way.

“Then who is this other Wolf coming and why are you so upset?” he asked his voice soft as he asked his question.

I turned around to hand him his clothes to see that he had buried himself in our bed and had made himself an igloo-like mountain out of the blankets so he could see and talk to me still. I smiled at him and put his clothes on the bed for him to get dressed.

“Her name is Telani, and she has had a thing for me ever since I was given permission to come and go with Solon among them. They are very different from normal Wolves my little ember, not even like you or me. Solon and his people have special abilities and can do things most cannot. However, they are more my blood than my actual blood is to me. I would trust them with my own life and yours.” I said very seriously.

“Then why the agitation? Because this She-Wolf likes you and you don’t like her?” Ra’ne asked curiously as he grabbed his clothes, pulling them into his little ‘igloo’.

I smiled at him as I got dressed myself, “Something like that,” I said chuckling a little at the thought. “Telani is a different type of She-Wolf my ember. You will see what I mean when she gets here.” I said seconds before the door to the bedroom burst open.

“Telani! I told you to wait for me and at least knock on the door!!” Solon shouted angrily.

“But you said Kin called for me! I want to see him and he wants to see me!” Telani squealed happily as she turned around to face me. Telani stopped in her tracks with a squeak, a sad look coming to her face. “Kin…” she began only to stop when I glared at her and walked over to my bed to pull Ra’ne out of his little hiding spot.

“Telani, I called you here for a reason. It is to tell you that I have found my Mate. While you may have think it would have been you it is not.” I said, holding Ra’ne close to me, making a show to Telani to let her know Ra’ne was mine. I knew she could see my Mark on Ra’ne’s neck. It was clear as day to her the way I was holding him against me.

Telani turned on Solon, an angry growl in her throat. She glared at him before turning back to me with tears in her eyes. “I am happy for you Alpha Kin. I will pray to the Goddess for many good years for you and your Lunos. I truly mean it; I bear no ill will toward you nor your family. You have my word to keep your Mate safe for as long as I am here to guard him.” she said before bowing to me and Ra’ne and disappearing right on the spot.

“You better tell the others to stay clear of her for a little while.” I said seriously to Solon.

“Already did.” He replied breathing for the first time since he and Telani stepped into my rooms. “I thought she was going to hurt Ra’ne.” he breathed as he sank to the floor boards, touching his forehead to the floor itself.

“She never would have gotten close enough. That’s why I picked him up.” I said as I set Ra’ne on the bed for him to rush back into his hiding spot among the blankets.

“You are right about her never getting close to him, I would have taken her out if you didn’t.” Solon said seriously.

“You would have had to been able to breathe first brother.” I said smirking at him.

“Shut up.” He snapped rolling his eyes at me. “I was breathing just fine thank you.”

“No, you weren’t you were holding your breath the entire time.” I retorted chuckling at him.

“Stop lying, I was so breathing. I had to have breathing.” Solon countered.

That’s when my beautiful Mate popped his beautiful little head out of his little hideaway and said “Solon, you were holding your breath for approximately two minutes.” He squeaked out before hiding again.

I burst into full laughter as Solon turned bright red and glared at me. “You heard my little Mate. You were holding your breath the entire time she was in here. Telani was in here for a total of two minutes because I was counting the seconds.” I said over my laughter.

Ra’ne came out again, “Not true, Telani was in this room for a total of three minutes and five seconds. Solon began to hold his breath the moment she caught wind of me. Two minutes and four seconds into her being into this room.” He said a thoughtful look on his face as both Solon and I turned to look at him with curiosity. Ra’ne’s face turned bright red and he disappeared into his little ‘igloo’ again with a squeak.

“Well aren’t you a smart little Wolf.” Solon said with an appreciation in his voice I’m sure Ra’ne has never heard before.

“Yes, my little ember I am impressed. Even I couldn’t figure it out down to that much detail so quickly.” I said, trying to coax him back out. Hell, he had even been hiding in the beginning so he hadn’t even see it from the start. I was more than impressed.

There was the sounds of mumbling coming from the blankets and then some laughter and some movement then some more mumbling and movement. Solon and I looked at each other curiously before Ra’ne came out from under the bed.


Solon ran to the bed and ripped back the blankets and looked at the bed where Ra’ne had just been. It was solid mattress. Then how in the HELL did my little ember just come from under the bed?

“Baby, what did you just do?” I asked as he came to me with a smile on his face.

“I climbed out to come be with you.” Ra’ne replied with a smiled, as if it was an easy answer.

“My little ember you should have come from the side of the bed not from under the bed.” I said, trying to keep my voice composed and even.

Ra’ne looked up at me curiously. “I thought I did.” He said curiously, before shrugging and burying his face into my chest as if he didn’t care either way.

I looked up at Solon and we both wore the same very shocked look. Now I think I understood why Grissa had beaten him so much. Ra’ne had no control over his ability at all. Not even a little bit.

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