Alpha Blake

Chapter We're Almost There!

Selene lays on her side on the bed shackled by her left foot to the bed on a long silver chain.

She sighs and runs her hands through her face as she sits straight against the head board.

Knock knock

The door creaks opens, Tasha slowly pokes her head in and smiles making Selene scrunch her face in disgust.

"What do you want? Traitor!" She questions as Tasha slowly comes in and sets a tray of food and a glass of water on the table by the door.

"I thought maybe you were getting hungry. You've been here for more than half a day. I know Damian likes to starve people, but I don't, ok!? so, I brought you a bite to eat, just in case you were hungry." She stares at Selene for a few seconds in silence before turning. She grasps the door knob and turns it before holding it slightly ajar to leave.

"Wait!" Selene calls out to her as she stands with her right foot still on top of the bed.

She turns closing the door behind her, resting against the door with her hands in the back. Her face hung low, unwilling to glance back at Selene.

"Look. I know you hate me. You have every reason to; But believe me if I had any other choice to have met you under different circumstances, I would of. I never-"

"Save it. I don't need you're pathetic excuse for an apology. What you and my husband did behind my back while I was gone is out of my jurisdiction. After all, I was technically not married to him then. Even if he was my mate." She hangs her head, trying to hide her anger and frustration from Tasha as she crosses her hands over her chest.

"I just want to know why?" She squints her eyes and looks sternly at Tasha, making Tasha's gaze turn in surprise.

Tasha looks at her with melancholy in her eyes. "What?" She asks softly. Her eyebrows lined and eyes glistened with tears.

Selene stands and walks as far as the chain allows her, stopping just inches away from Tasha.

"Don't you fucking 'what' me! Why did you betray your own pack? Why did you work against them? Why? Why would you scoop so low, you'd rather work with them? With Jazmin. With Damian. Why would you work with them to harm your own pack? Weren't you satisfied with finding your mate? Did the bond between them mean nothing, that you'd betray the pack he and you belonged to? For what? Do you really think you’ll gain anything from all this?"

Tasha's eyes water at the mentioning of Hector, her mate. At night she sneaks away to see him. Trembling and covering her mouth to muffle her cries each time she sees the vampires torturing him in a constant manner that keeps him from fully healing.

"Don't you think I would of chosen differently if I had the choice? You have no idea all the shit I've gone through Selene. You have no idea what Damian is capable. And you obviously have no idea what is really happening to me, do you?"

Selene's eyes widen, her finger nails exposed as Hazel threatens to merge.

"Spare me the sympathy and your stupid lies. Because I don't believe your stupid tears." Selene sneers at her, composing herself and making Hazel return inside of her.

Tasha chuckles in disbelief. She walks to the right side of the room and sits on a golden and light brown chair near by. Running her hands through her hair and exhaling deeply. Her head tilting towards the heavens with her eyes closed.

"I would do anything for my pack Selene. And I'd do anything, and I mean anything for my mate. You should know. That's why you're here. To save your mate, isn't it?" Selene looks at her. Her hands crossed over her chest, but still, unwilling to fully believe Tasha's words.

"Don't compare what I'm doing to what you're doing. It's completely different. You know why?" Selene looks at her sternly, standing to her feet and turning towards the window out looking the old barracks where the military base used to be, and is now being used as Damian's hide out.

"Because I'm not betraying my pack like you are!" She says sternly at Tasha without staring at her.

Tasha sighs, closing her eyes and standing to her feet, turning her body away from Selene to avoid letting Selene see the tears running down her cheeks.

"Believe me that if things were different, I would have never betrayed my pack. But I had no choice Selene. And if you were in my shoes, you'd have no choice but to do the same to save your mate."

Selene narrows her eyebrows, turning her body towards her and grasping her hand slowly as she sees Tasha walking away.

"Tasha wait. What do you mean you had no other choice? How is all this relevant to saving your mate?" Selene looks at her, realizing the sincere melancholy in her eyes.

"Damian captured my mate and obliged me to partake on his ugly deeds in exchange to keeping my mate alive, ok? Is that what you wanted to hear? There! Now you know. I had to do everything he and Jazmin told me to do in order for my mate to stay alive. I had no cho-"

"What do you mean Him and Jazmin? Are you saying that Jazmin has been working with Damian all along?" Selene's eyes narrow on her. Selene's blood suddenly boiling with much greater anger. If she felt she had begun to hate Jazmin before, she suddenly felt a great loath towards her.

The two set their anger towards each other aside for once while they sat to talk.

The more that she sat there listening to Tasha, the more she angered; the more she furiously wanted to strangle her perpetrators and end this battle for good. Now, the only thing was, how to get out of her prison and put her next plan into action.


Tasha opens the door to Selene's dorm. She glances carefully walks back inside and leans down towards Selene's shackled ankle.

She reaches in to her hair and brings two hair pins placing one in her mouth while extending the other one completely open and placing it inside the ley whole to the brace holding Selene's ankle.

She glances at Selene nervously. "You don't have to help me. I can try on my own while you escape. I will get to James and Caleb and get your mate out. I promise." Selene looks at her and smiles.

"No. I told you I'd help, and I'm keeping my word. Just, promise me, that even if I don't make it out alive, you will get Hector out of here safe and sound. Please?" She looks at her, looking eye sighted with her and gives her a melancholic smile.

"I promise. But believe me, you both will get out ok. I guarantee it. You and him will be ok." Selene holds her hand grasping it tight in her palm. Tasha's eyes water, and tears run down freely on her cheeks as she sees her eyes.

She quickly gets to work. Despite the burning sensation on both, Selene's ankle and Tasha's hand from the silver, she tries desperately to unlock it, and after a few tries, the lock is broken, the shackle falling carelessly to the ground.

Both Selene and Tasha stare at each other amazed that it actually worked.

She stands quickly and waits for Selene to stand as the wound around her ankle quickly heals. "Ok. You ready?" She asks Selene, the nerves turning in a big turmoil inside of her. Selene nods her head in agreement.

"Now, remember, James and Caleb are in the dungeons next to my husband. There are a total of seven guards down there. But we have to be really careful. Damian has guards running stealthily around every corner of this premises." She walks once more towards the door, she quickly closes it softly as she sees three vampires walking past the end of the corridor where they stand.

She waits for a few seconds and opens the door again and gestures towards Selene when the coast looks clear.

"We have to be careful and quick. We can't afford to mess up, or one of them or us will get killed."

"Relax Tasha, I know what to do. Just point the way and I'll handle everything." Selene looks at her as she exits the room and walks with care past her. Walking as her body is slowly prompted against the wall.

"One more thing." Tasha stops her and Selene turns looking at her. The suspense eating at her as she's eager to get their plan done and over with.

"What?" She asks and Tasha pulls her the opposite way she had told her.

"Your swords and gear. I know where they are." She tells her as she walks slowly towards a small corridor.

They walk slowly past a few hallways and out to a small abandoned shed. Slowly, Tasha looks every way and gestures towards Selene when the coast is clear.

Selene slowly opens the door and quickly retrieves the weapons they had brought in. She leaves the heavier stuff behind, taking the most important things with her. Her katana, and other weapons of choice she knows will be more than essentially useful to them.

She follows Tasha slowly, stopping and avoiding every guard around to her and staying out of their sight from being caught.

It takes them a few minutes to run past a few buildings and sheds until they come to the biggest building and go past, undetected by a few guards and walk towards the dungeons.

One by one, Selene silently takes down each guard, a few with a bit of a struggle, but avoiding to be heard by the rest, until she is finally deep inside the dungeons where they are keeping James, Caleb and Tasha's mate, Hector.

Each one kept inside a poorly constructed and maintained space. The place reeking with human waste and filth.

She scrunched her face towards the smell and pinches her nose with disgust.

She sees the last three guards close to Caleb's cell. Quickly, she turns, placing her finger across her lips, gesturing Tasha to stay quiet and to stay low.

She grips her katana tight on her palm and slowly approaches the first guard, quickly pulling him away from the other two guards. Before they can process what has happen, she finishes the guard, gliding her katana across his torso and splitting him in two.

The blood gushes across her face and body. Tasha's eyes widen in surprise and disgust, covering her mouth to muffle the urge to cry out as she notices the blood on her own body.

"Stay low." Selene warns her through their mind link. Tasha still in shock, unable to respond, looks at Selene and nods her head hesitantly.

"Come on. Stay behind me. Whatever you do, don't leave my side." Selene warns her again.

The guards, unaware their partner missing, but alert by the sudden intrusion of her wolf smell, turn towards each other as they sniff the air, but Selene acts quicker.

Coming towards the vampire guard towards the left. Making the other vampire hiss as he sees Selene behind his partner. Before he can act, and allow the other vampire to turn, she allows her energy to surge through her katana, making the sword give a fiery glow as she raises it up and cuts across the guards head.

The head igniting giving it an appearance of a burning ball as it falls to the ground, matching the ignited body left before her.

The other vampire exposing his fangs and letting out a loud shriek, eerily filling her ears as she squints her eyes in annoyance.

Quickly, she moves her sword from her knees all the way upwards and across in a criss cross movement over the third vampire. He leaps back, his eyes wide in terror as he sees the fire in his body.

The eerie shrieking alerting the other guards across the fields. Selene's eyes widen in suspense. "Time to move!" She calls out to Caleb and James as they nervously grasp the bars of the cells where they were being held.

She turns and pierces through the body of the vampire who's body slowly burns. The piercing making his cry muffle until it completely fades.

Tasha quickly scavenged around the burned bodies until she quickly finds the keys and allows them to get out. She quickly runs to the third cell where her mate is being held captive.

James and Caleb greet Selene as she quickly gives them their weapons and run to aid Tasha and Hector as they see his body weak and unable to walk.

James holds his hand over his shoulder to steady him to help him walk out the dungeons. Quickly, they run across the massive hallway leading them out, they quickly turn the last set of stairs, but soon are stopped.

A siren is heard across alerting everyone of an intrusion. Selene's eyes widen. Her heart dropping, knowing exactly what this means. Blake is here!

Her biggest fear, has now become reality. Now, she must chose. Get her team and keep her promise to Tasha, by getting them out safe, or going after Damian, and keeping Blake safe.

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