Alpha Blake

Chapter Hidden Agendas

Harou kneels down next to Blake. They hide behind a huge bush next to a few rocks piled together on top of a hill leading down to the old military barracks where Damian is hiding out, training his warriors.

" Alarick, are you sure this is what you want to do? Maybe we can just walk in there and talk to him. He has to reason with us over this matter. You two have to stop fighting this senseless battle. He has to know the truth about what happened."

Blake closes his eyes, sighing deeply before turning before turning his body towards Harou.

"For the last time Harou, my name is no longer Alarick, it's Blake. And what makes you think he will care to listen to us? If all the things you said are true, than why would he listen to us now? It's been centuries since this battle started, do you really think he's going to suddenly decide to stop and listen to us?"

He slowly turns his body and his eyes widen as he sees Selene from afar running past a building and into what seems an underground refuge. He figures it's probably the dungeons. But he cringes as he sees Tasha running close behind Selene. He knows there is a great chance that Tasha has allied with Selene to help free Hector.

"Damn it, Selene. What the hell are you doing?" He looks towards the direction she runs into. Harou sighing, nodding his head.

"We have to get her out quickly, before any one else sees her." He says in low voice looking at Harou, turning to the sides and making sure that they ae still hidden and undetected by any one around them.

"Wait, Selene went in there for a reason. Give her a minute. I trust she is not in any danger, I would sense it. Give her a chance to exit the building before we run in there to aid her.

"How would you know? She's my wife. I would know that myself don't you think?"

"Calm down. You will not make proper decisions when angered."

"Screw this! I'm going in there." Blake begins to stand, Harou pulls him back down quickly to his side. "Alarick, please. If you run in there, both of you can be badly hurt. Just give her a few minutes."

Though he hates to admit, he knows the possibility of Harou's words are true. he leans back down slowly, and waits impatiently hidden behind those boulders.

Minutes pass, and she still has not emerge out of the building. He knows quite well she is capable of taking care of herself, but the longer she's in there, the less his patience run low.

"Enough waiting. I'm going in there and I'm getting her out. I don't care any more. I have to go. I have to get her out of there." He narrows his eyebrows and grunts loud with frustration.

"Alar-, I mean, Blake, we have to be precise about what we are going to do next. We have to try and get her out of there quietly, without being detected by them. You know quite well what he is capable of. Please, let's think for a second what we're-"

Blake gives him no time to finish. The sun has already set. The night is here, and he knows quite well that this only means one thing, the vampires are going to begin to exit their dorms, and he fears that if there are too many of them out, they will surely see Selene and Tasha.

He stands as he sees a group of vampires walking out from one of the dorms, unaware they are being watched by Blake and Harou.

"That's it, no more waiting. I have to get in there and get my wife out of there. If something happens to her, or someone so much dares to lay a hand on her, they will pay with their own lives. And honestly? I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

Harou knows there is no more stopping him, it doesn't matter how much he tries to hold him back or stall him, he knows there is not much more to do when it comes to him making up his mind. He gets up slowly, following behind Blake as they slowly make their way down.

Feet steady, slowly making their way down the hill, hiding between the small bushes and trees along the way. He stops just before he is spotted by a few vampires guarding along the way in a near by building. His fury ignites, to the faint smell of his wife and the sounds of her struggling with a few men she battles with inside.

Quickly, before he is able to think any further, he shifts to his wolf and attacks three vampires nearing them. Though unaware of their presence, and having no time to act to aid themselves against Xander's attack, a few more vampires spot them, sending the alert to Damian of intruders in their premises along the way as they scurry towards them and ready themselves to attack.

A siren is turned on, alerting all the vampires in Damian's territory to go into combat. Harou finds himself having no other choice but to fight in his human form, unable to shift because of the enchantment the goddess Selene had bestowed upon his lineage.

Vampire after vampire charges Alexander, some attacking from behind, and others head on. He quickens his pace, biting vampires on their torsos, ripping heads off their body, and making sure that Harou suffers no harm in between all the battle.

The siren alerts Damian, making him smile with joy. His witty smile making Jazmin grimace in fury; she knows exactly what is to come. She stands before him and is ready to walk away towards Selene's room and pay her a little visit.

"Don't bother going to see your friend. She's not there any more." He says calmly, he undoes the buttons of his shirt sleeves and rolls them up calmly. He stares out his window as he sees Harou and Xander fighting against many of his good warriors. he sighs and grips the glass with whiskey on his desk and gulps the whole thing in one go, smaking his lips together and sighing deeply.

"What do you mean she's not there? Did you kill her without me already? I told you I wanted to be the one to end her. You promised me that I could kill her myself. Why did you break your promise?" She narrows her eyebrows raising her voice before him.

He quickly stands before her, gripping her by her neck and pinning her against the wall. Her hands grasp around his hand, and she fidgets trying to get away from his tight grip. He hisses loud near her ear, his eyes red and fangs exposed. The blue of his veins exposed visibly on his neck and face.

"I stopped keeping promises a long time ago sweetheart. I will be the one to kill Selene, with my bare hands, and no one else. Got that clear?" he whispers in her ear, she coughs and winces to catch her air.

he lets go of her, dropping her to the ground as she coughs profusely on the ground and she stares at him with hateful glare in her eyes.

She stands, head held high and readies herself to grip her katana and charge against Damian. She grips the strap holding her katana, clenching her teeth and her eyes turning dark.

"I suggest you keep that sword right where it is. If, you don't want me to take you down myself as well. I can be quite patient with stupid creatures like you, but don't you dare try to go against me." he glares at her, with his eyes still red and fangs still exposed. "You will lose before you can even begin." He walks away slowly, his head tilt to the side as he stares at Jazmin through the side of his face.

She growls as he leaves, and quickly grips her phone dialing an old friend standing by near her.

"Hey," she answers as the person on the other line answers the call.

"Blake is here, he's begun to attack. Yeah, Selene is here." she listens to directions and an evil grin forms in her face.

"Of course! I will make sure to save some fun for you. I don't care what you do with them. As long as you let me be the one to take her down. I'm tired of being inside this stupid body. Hurry up, I can't wait to kill her. I can finally be free of this stupid body and return to my real realm, where I can laugh in my sister's face in victory for the death of her stupid daughter."

the voice in the other line laughs along with her. "I need you to find her brother, if he stays alive, his blood and Rebeccah's is the only thing that can bring her back again. Make sure Tyler is dead first."

She laughs and looks at herself in a mirror hanging on the wall, fixing her shirt and running her hands through her hair.

"It's time Elena. It's time I take you and Dylan down for good. And this time, I will make sure I do it right, so that you will never be able to reencarnate again." She smiles as she stares at her reflection, taking out a special pendant she holds on a necklace around her neck.

A beautiful shinny white crystal is placed inside a gold rose-like pendant that embraces the crystal in place. The crystal glistens, giving it a resemblance of white, blue, and pink shimmering colors inside.

"It's now or never Carrie! This is our time. First, take down Damian and Blake, second, make sure Joseph kills Tyler, and last, kill Selene."

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