Alpha Alexa

Chapter 22

Julian's POV

Colter's tech guy arrived, and he was your stereotypical computer nerd. Glasses and pants that were too short for him and scrawny.

“Hi, I am Leo, I work for Alpha Colter. He called and said there were some problems that needed to be address.”

“Yes, thank you for coming so quickly. I am Alpha Julian.” I told him as I led him into the house.

I motioned for him to follow me to my office. We made it there and before we went in, I wanted to explain what was going or I didn’t want to talk once in there because I didn’t know what that thing was capable of.

“Look I have found one bug in there and I don't know what all itis capable of, so I didn't want to talk once in there.”

“I understand. I have a machine that will tell us where any of them are located.”

Ijust nodded my head and opened my door for him to go in. He had a suitcase that he was dragging behind him that I hadn’ noticed before. He walked to the center of the room and opened the suitcase up and pulled out a little black machine and turned it on and started to walk around the room. As soon as he got to my desk it started beeping loudly.

He started searching my desk and I walked over and grabbed the bug that was under it. His face lit up as he looked at it. He made a motion with his head to go out of the room. We both walked out and shut the door.

“That bug will tap into your computer and transmit any data; it will also record any conversations that take place in your office and the person who planted it can upload it. This is a very sophisticated device”

“Shit, can we deactivate it. Can you tell who is at the other end and do we know how long it's been there!” I asked him.

“I can try. It depends on how smart the other person is. First let me check for any other ones. Hold this one and stay out her 50I don't pick it up with my machine.”

He went back into my office and shut the door. I could hear him walking around and then I could hear the machine start to beep again. It wasn't long before he opened the door and handed me another bug and shut the door again. He spent another five minutes or so in there. He came back and opened the door again and took both bugs and went and put them in my office and came back out.

“OK, I found two bugs. The one under your desk and one under your table."

Iwas so angry; I can't believe someone would do this. Let alone someone in my pack.

“Can you check the rest of the house. Including rooms."

“Of course, Alpha Julian. Please just point in the direction you want me to start in and if you could let your pack know that I am here and will be in their rooms. I don't want trouble.”

“Follow me."

Itook him up to my room and had him start there. He walked around with his machine, but it stayed quiet, which I was thankful for. I had him check all the rooms on that floor even though they weren't occupied. He came up with nothing. I took him down to the next floor, so he could check Luca's and Alexa's room. He was in Luca's room when Alexa stepped out of her room. She took my breath away. She looked absolutely stunning.

“Wow, Alexa you look amazing” I told her as I walked over to her.

“Thank you."

“So, you're really going out with him tonight?”

“Yes, I have to give him a chance, you know that.”

“I know but I am not giving up just yet”

“Julian, please don't do this."

“Just remember that I am here for you no matter what. You are a part of my pack, and you will always have a place here. Eve; if you leave and need to come back”

“Thank you for that.” She said as she walked away. I wasn't ready for this. I had to find a way to let her go but I couldn't. I stil had hope that she could be mine. It was a dangerous game, and I knew it.

Leo walked out of Luca's room and handed me two bugs and walked to the next room. This was bad. I am almost positive they would find them in Alexa's room as well.

“Luca, I need you to meet me outside your bedroom” I mind linked him.

I dropped those bugs with the others and headed back to Luca's room, where I found him waiting, looking confused. “What's up man? Why are we meeting here?” He asked me.

“Because Colter's tech guy found two bugs in your room.”

“And I found two in this other room.” He said walking out of Alexa’s room and handing them to me.

“What the hell? We knew there was one your office but my room and Alexa’s room.”

“Yes, and now he is going to look over Christina's room. Come on Leo follow us."

We headed downstairs to Christina's room. When we got to her room I knocked and there was no answer. So, I pulled out my master key and opened the door and allowed Leo to go back in.

“Luca please take these to my office and put them on my desk with the others." I said as I handed them over to him.

I was taking deep breaths to keep my anger at bay and not have Zion take over and rip someone's head off. I heard someone coming down the hallway and looked up to see Christina headed this way. She had a fake smile plastered on her face as she approached me.

“Alpha Julian, if you wanted to see me, you could have sent me a mind link I would have come to you” She said as she came up to me.

I didn't reply as I wanted to know what Leo found before I did anything. It didn't take him long to come out of her room. He had four in his hand.

“Who the hell are you and why are you in my room?” She shouted as he came out of her room.

“Alpha Julian, here is what I found in here.” He said as he handed them to me, but the look on his face told me that there wa something else.

I turned to Christina with so much anger radiating off me that you could feel it. She had bared her neck in submission but was fighting the urge to drop to her knees.

“Mind telling me what the fuck these are?” I growled at her.

“I don't know what you're talking about”

Luca came up at that time and saw that I was holding four more.

“Luca, take her to the dungeon.”

“What? You can’t do that to me. I haven't done anything. It's all that stupid bitch Alexa. We didn’t have any problems until she showed up”

I didn't reply because if I did, I would likely kill her. I had to figure this out quickly. Noah grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her away. She started screaming at us, but I just ignored her and turned to Leo.

“You gave me a look that said you had more to say.”

“Yes, there is more in her room, but I heard you talking to someone, and I didn't want to give anything away."

We walked into her room, and he walked over to her computer and started typing things into it. It took him a few minutes when he finally turned to me and pointed to the monitor. I walked closer to take a look and it was a bunch of emails between her and Robert. She had been working with him for a while.

“What else do you have for me in here?”

“She has other equipment used to spy. Little cameras and other type of bugs."

I ran my hands over my face in frustration. I can't believe she would do this. We took her in a few years ago and we helped her. Something is off here.

I started to go through everything in her room to see if I could find anything else. I threw drawers on the ground and pulled everything off the shelves. I was really making more of a mess than anything.

“Alpha Julian, I think I have found everything in her room. Are there any other rooms you want me to go through?”

“No, can you take this all to the conference room and set it up so we can go through itz” I asked him.

“Yes, can you show me where it is?”

“Yes, follow me."

I led him to the conference room and had a guard come down and watch over Leo, giving instructions that only Leo, Luca an Iare allowed in there. I had to get out of here for a while. I had to let Zion out to run or he was going to take over and kill someone.

I headed out back and to the forest to shift. I took my clothes off and called Zion forward. He took over immediately and took off running. He was as angry as I was. He ran as hard as he could before we got a mind link from patrol that they had smelt something off on the Northern border. We turned back around and headed that way. It took us a good fifteen minutes to get there.

“What is going on?” I mink linked all of them that were there.

“We got a scent of a few different rouges but couldn't find them. I am not sure if they were just passing through or if they were here for a reason?”

“Where did you pick up their scent?”

“About a mile south of here” One of them said.

“I will go check it out.” I said as I took off.

Zion had his nose up in the air trying to smell what they did, and we found it right where they said they could smell it. We followed it for a while, but it kept going in directions that didn't make sense. It was like they were leading us in circles. We took back off towards the group of guards.

“You guys were right it didn't make sense; it was like it led us in a circle and then disappeared. I am going to send a tracker out and let me know if you find anything else.”

I headed back to the pack house to see if I could find a tracker and send them out. I got back to my clothes and shifted back “Sorry Zion, I know that wasn't the run you wanted but I have to handle this.”

He just huffed and laid back down in my head. I got dressed and went to the pack house and started looking for a tracker and thought to myself why am I searching and just sent a mind link out to all of them.

“I can go Alpha” Amy said.

“Thanks, let me know what you find” I linked her back.

I went to the conference room and found that Leo had everything he found lying on the table and was working on Christina's computer.

“Alpha Julian, I have everything ready for you"

“Perfect, now tell me what I am looking at”

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