Alpha Alexa

Chapter 21

Alexa’s POV

It was time to get ready and I needed to shower and figure out what to wear. He didn’t tell me where we were going so, I didn't know what to wear. It's not like I had dresses and heels. They weren't really my style but once in a while it was nice to get fancy like that.

I was combing through my closet when someone knocked on my door. I walked out hoping that it wasn't Julian that was at my door. He knew where I was going, and he didn't look very happy about it. I got to the door and unlocked it and opened it I was shocked when I saw Mac standing there holding two bags.

“Hey Luna Alexa, I thought you might need these. You don't seem much like the dress kind of girl and you guys are going to fancier restaurant tonight and we didn't want you to be underdressed, so I brought you these.” He said as he held up two bags.

“Thank you, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“I mean I have never had anyone buy clothes for me and especially someone who doesn't know me.”

“A simple thank you is all you need to say”

“Look, I am not used to people doing things for me and I don't do well with people telling me what to do and that includes what to wear.”

He ran his hands over his face and let out a big sigh. He had a look of frustration when he brought his hands down.

“I am sorry, thank you for the clothes.”

He turned to leave and mumbled “you and Colt are the perfect damn pair. You two will annoy the shit out of each other”

He shut my door on the way out. I walked to my bed and emptied the contents of the bags on my bed. It contained one blac dress that was form fitting and short. It had a strap that came across one shoulder and the other shoulder was bare. It also had a pair of black high heels in it. That was it, nothing else. I don't even know if I had a bra, I could wear with this, but he was right I didn't want to be underdressed.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly showered and stepped out to blow dry my hair and run the straightener over it. I applied make-up. Not something that I did very often either but growing up my mom made me learn how to do it myself, so she didn't have to help me with any functions. It was now that I was thankful that she at least did that for me. I dug through my closet, and I don't know where it came from, but I found a strapless bra in there.

I found a black lacey thong that at least matched my black bra I found. I put those on and walked to the bed where my dress was. I held it up and wasn't sure it was going to fit. It looked kind of small, but we would give it a try. I put the dress over my head and pulled it down. This fit me like a second skin. It was so tight but stretchy, so I am guessing that it was supposed to fit like that. I picked up the shoes and put them on. They also fit and gave me about four more inches in height. I walked ove to the mirror to see how I looked.

“Jade, what do you think?” I linked my wolf.

“Lex, were a smoke show and if we make it to dinner, we will be lucky”

“OH, were making it to dinner because I am hungry and also, I am not sleeping with him tonight.”

“Buzz kill"

“What the hell, Jade? Buzz kills? Really?”

“Yes, he is our mate, and we are supposed to mate. We need him. We want him. I bet you that he will have your panties wet before the end of the night”

“You need to stay out of my head tonight you horn dog”

“Shut up you are just as bad as me.”

I cut our link and put up a block so she could encourage anything tonight. I walked to my bag and realized I had no purse fo; tonight. I grabbed some money and shoved it in my bra. I shouldn't need my ID because I don't drink.

I left my room and headed for the stairs, but julian caught me before I made it.

“Wow, Alexa you look amazing”

“Thank you."

“So, you're really going out with him tonight?”

“Yes, I have to give him a chance, you know that."

“I know but I am not giving up just yet”

“Julian, please don't do this"

“Just remember that I am here for you no matter what. You are a part of my pack, and you will always have a place here. Eve: if you leave and need to come back”

“Thank you for that." I kissed his cheek and walked away.

I made it to the top of the stairs and saw that Colter was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs and holy shit Jade was right. My panties were wet just looking at him. He looked like a sex god. He had on dark blue jeans and black boots, but it was the white button-up shirt that did it for me. He had the first couple of buttons undone and it was tight. Not so tight that he couldn't move but tight enough that I could see his muscles. His hair had been styled so that it was out of his face. He had the same look on his face that I did on mine.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs without falling, which was a miracle in itself. Dumb heels.

“Alexa, you look, wow, I mean wow.” He said as he grabbed my hand and brought it up to his mouth kissing the back of it. I instantly felt the familiar sparks of the mate bond.

“You don't look so bad yourself, Alpha Colter”

“For you it is just Colter or Colt."

“In that case, please call me Lex."

“I don't know I kind of like Alexa. It's sexy.”

just smiled and turned a little red at that.

He grabbed my hand and led me out to his car. He walked me to my door and opened it for me and on my seat was the mos beautiful bouquet of white flowers.

“The flowers are for you. I wasn't sure what you like"

“Thank you, it doesn't matter all girls like any flowers. They are beautiful”

“Just like you” he said as he walked around the car to his side.

We both got inside the car, and he took off. It was a little awkward and I had some questions. I was going to rip the band aid off.

“I know we got off to a rocky start but before I can decide anything I have some question for you, and I need honesty with your answers.”

“You can ask me anything” he said.

“Why did you try to buy me with the alliance with my father?”

“What I am about to tell you has to stay between you and I.” He said to me.

“OK, if it has to do with my parents, you do know that I don't love them, and I plan on challenging my brother for the pack.” “I know that. My parents died when I was fifteen. My mom was kidnapped, and my dad went after her. It was a trap, and they were both killed."

“I am so sorry. That is horrible. Do you know who did it?”

“Not for sure, but I believe that your dad was the one behind it”

I didn’t know what to say. I knew that my parents were horrible people, but did they actually kill his parents.

“So, you were going to buy me to punish my parents and do what with me?”

We had arrived at the restaurant but were sitting outside in the car.

“My original plan was to take you and make you my chosen mate and make your life miserable. That was before I knew anything. Most people love their kids and want the best for them and when they thought you were miserable, I would be able to get information about my parents. I quickly changed my mind and was going to make you my personal Omega.”

“So, you were going to force me into mating and marking with you?”

“I would never force that on anyone, I wanted your father to believe that I would. You may have been my chosen mate, but I would never force mating or marking on you."

I didn’t know what to think. He was going to make me an Omega. Not that I had a problem with that, it's how people think they can dictate my life.

“Let's go inside and eat, I am hungry."

We got out of the car, and he came around to my side and held my hand. I instantly felt the sparks. They were a nice feeling. It was comforting. We walked inside and were immediately led to a back room where the lights were dim and there were candles lit on the center of the table and two red roses in a vase.

“Did you arrange all of this?" I asked him.

“I did, I wanted tonight to be special.”

“This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me.”

He came around and pulled my chair out for me. The waitress came over and brought warm bread and a bottle of wine whic she poured into our glasses for us.

“I would like to continue to talk about things that have happened. I really want to understand everything and maybe we can move on from it."

“I will answer anything you want Princess.”

“I am trying to understand how you think by taking me my father would give you any information?”

“Well, most people don't treat your kids like you have been treated. I am sorry but I am trying to be honest with you, but you were a means to an end. Most Alpha daughters are spoiled brats who I cannot stand.”

I had to laugh about this because he is right, but I didn't have the same upbringing as most Alphas daughters. He truly was being honest, and I appreciated it.

“Do you know what your little alliance cost me?”

“do and I am sorry about that. When this is all over with, and we take care of your father and his pack you can go to the academy. I know some people there I am sure that I can get you back in."

“Thanks, but that part of my life is over”

“Don’t say that you have a dream, and you should follow through with it”

“I have a new dream. I want to take my dad down.”

“That is something that you and I can agree on.”

“Can we please just start over and put the past behind us. You have been honest with me, and I would like to give this an honest try. I will warn you that I don't take orders from anyone, so if you think you can boss me around, I won't take kindly t it. You may be an Alpha but so am I" I told him.

He just smiled at me and pulled out his phone and typed something in and then some music started to play.

“Alexa, will you have this dance with me?” He asked me and stood up and held out his hand to me.

I accepted it and he led me to an empty space in the room. He pulled me as close to him as I could be and placed an arm around my waist and held onto my other hand. I placed one around his neck and let the sparks fly between us. I could hear Jade purring in my head. She was so happy to be this close to our mate. I just basked in the sparks and his intoxicating pine scent. I heard the song come to a stop and I pulled away from him, but his hand came up behind my head and he looked at me with his eyes turning black.

“Alexa you are the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on” He said in a low tone that was doing something to lower half.

He brought his face to mine and lightly brushed his lips against mine before pulling back with a smile on his face and walking me to the table again.

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