Alpha Alexa

Chapter 19

Alexa’s POV

“tay here and by my Luna." Julian said.

My whole body froze. I didn't know what to say or do. I couldn't do that. He wasn't my mate. I didn't know if I would accept Colter, but I couldn't be Julian's Luna either. I knew we were both feeling things that went beyond our friends with benefits and if Colter hadn't shown up, I probably would have accepted it but now I don't know. The stupid mate bond had me feelin; things I didnt want to, but I can't stop it. That is what the mate bond is supposed to do.

I got off his lap and stood up and looked at him. I took him all in. I had to end whatever we had. I can't do this to him. “Julian, I can't do that. I have to figure this out with Colter, and I have my dad's pack to deal with and now Christina is trying to get rid of me. Plus, what happens if you find a second chance mate?”

The look of disappointment on his face broke my heart. I knew he was feeling things for me, and I was too, but I won't let hir ruin his chances of finding the person that completes him.

“Baby, just think about it. Zion and I have both decided that we would rather have you than a second chance mate.”

“Julian, you deserve so much better than me. Your other half is out there, and I am sure that you will find her very soon." “So, you won't even think about it?”

“No, I have to give Colter a chance to prove himself to me. If I am telling you to wait for your second chance mate, I have to give mine a chance as well”

“Fine, just go back to class." He said sounding disappointed.

I walked out of his room feeling like crap. I didn't want to do that, but he didn't leave me a choice. I wouldn't let him throw away his chance at getting his other half. I just hoped that we could remain friends.

“Jade, why would he do that?" I linked my wolf.

“Because he fell for you, and he fell hard. But you were right in telling him no."

“I still don't know that I can accept Colter either”

“You need to give him a chance. Please do it for me. He is our other half. just like you explained to julian. Don't throw this away without really trying”

“He has done some awful things to us”

“I know but he is trying, can you please try too?”

“Fine but only for you!”

I cut my link with her because I was out on the training field and found that both Luca and Mac were out there training with the girls. The girls however were doing more drooling than training. I jumped right in and started walking around correcting the girls in their stance.

We wrapped up training and I went to the kitchen to get a snack before I started my training. Luca and Mac had both followed behind me.

“You guys can come closer. I don't bite. I know that you're supposed to be with me at all times so instead of being the weird creepers that you are right now, why don’t you come join me?”

They both laughed at the fact that I caught them and called them out on it and grabbed some food as well and we went and sat down. We all focused on eating and not talking. I was feeling really weird around both of them. I knew things that they didn't, but I am sure that Luca would find out soon. I almost wondered if I should go somewhere else, so it wasn't so awkward around Julian.

“Mac, you should join us for training today. I could use a new fighting partner. I have learned most of Luca's moves already.” told him.

“You want me to fight you?”

“Ya is that a problem?”

“I don't have a death wish from my Alpha.’

“I will deal with him."

He just laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. I got up and threw my food away and set out to find Colter to let him know about Mac and that he would do nothing about it. I had searched everywhere and couldn't find him. I finally gave up and went to his room. He was in there; I could smell his pine scent. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. He finally opened the door and I think my mouth hit the floor. He was standing there in a towel that was wrapped around his waist and had water dripping off his body. His dark hair was hanging down and clinging to his face. I could see every muscle on his chest and abs and the deep V cut that led even lower. His arms were huge, and he had tattoos covering his chest and arms. I could feel the wetness pooling in my panties from just looking at him and I was fighting Jade for control. She wants t jump him right now.

“Can I help you with something or do you want stare at my body all day? I am ok with the latter” He said with a cocky smirk on his face.

I'shook my head to get the dirty thoughts out of my head and finally said “I am going to be training soon with Mac is going t be training with me. He said he didn't have a death wish by doing that. I just wanted to let you know so you don’t go Alpha over us.”

He took a step towards me so that we were about six inches apart and in a low sexy tone said “Do you want me to go all Alpha because I can if you want to come in"

I had to step back and gain some control of these raging hormones he was causing. I knew he could smell me because his eyes had started to change to black and back to normal color. He was also fighting his wolf for control.

“No, I just wanted you to know, and you better not cause a scene.”

“Go out with me tonight and I promise I won't cause a scene.” He said.

“And if I don't?”

“Mac might have a death wish."

“Are you blackmailing me?”


“Fine, but only because I need to change up my training, so don't get any ideas”

His entire face lit up with happiness, as I walked away from him.

“Be ready by six. I will meet you at the bottom of the stairs,” he yelled out as I continued to walk away.

Jade was extremely happy in my head. Once she wiped the drool from her mouth, she laid down and started purring.

“Jade, really get control of yourself”

“Did you see him? He is all hard and full of muscles. I want him now.”

“Well, you're going to have to wait"

“Lex, come on it's been a few days and we could use a good lay and I promise you won't ever stop once you start with him.” “I know and that's the problem.”

I cut my link with her because if she kept going, I would go back to his room and have my way with him. I walked to the training field and saw that Mac and Luca were standing there waiting for me.

“Hey guys you ready?” I asked them.

“Yes, start with some sparring with Mac and then you two will fight”

Ijust nodded my head and got into position. Two hours later I was breathing hard and was angry because I couldn't take hin down. He was beating my a*s with everything I tried. I think I got too comfortable with Luca and learned his moves, so this was a great idea. I knew my brother wouldn't fight the same, so I was learning new things, but it was frustrating me.

“Alexa, come on you can do this” Luca said as I got ready again.

I was going to go at Mac and spin and try to catch him off guard and get him in the back. I ran at him like I was going for his face and spun at the last minute. I don't know what happened because his elbow made contact with the side of my face, anc I went down hard. I was seeing stars around me, and I could hear them yelling at me, but it was so muffled and sounded so far away and the stars were turning to black spots that quickly took over my whole vision.

I woke up to the most pleasurable sparks covering most of my body. I snapped my eyes open to find that Colter was carrying me.

“Put me down, I can walk” I snapped at him.

“No!” He growled at me.

“Put me down now. I don’t need you to carry me.”

He stopped walking and finally placed me on my feet, and I was instantly dizzy, and my legs were wobbling. I was about to g down when his arm came and swooped me back up.

“This is why I didn’t want to put you down. Did you know that you about the most stubborn women I've ever met."

“Nope, didn’t know that”

He just laughed and I smiled but it hurt my face. He was headed to my room but needed some directions. I guided him there and when we got there, he put me down but held on to me while I got my key out. I opened it and started to walk in, but he wasn't going to let that happen. He picked me up and walked me over to my bed.

“I will bring dinner to you tonight” he said as he walked to my door.

“No, I want to get out. I will be fine by then”

“If, you're sure.”

“lam, I will see you at six pm."

He walked out of my room, and I laid down.

I hadn't been in my room long before I heard a soft knock on the door and then it opened. Julian walked in and had a soft smile on his face.

“How do you feel?"

“I'm fine

“Are you sure? Your face says another story.”

“I will be fine. I just need to rest and let my wolf heal me."

“OK, you rest. I just wanted to check on you.”

I closed my eyes to try and sleep but I didn’t hear him leave but I didn’t want to check I just wanted to sleep. I don't know how long I slept but I woke up wrapped up with someone else. I jumped up and found Julian sound asleep with me.

“Jade, why would he do this? I thought we had told him no."

“We did but I think he loves you."

“He can't, he needs to find his second chance mate. I have to give Colter a chance. If I hadn't met Colter, I could have told hir yes. I know I had feelings for him, and it is making it hard.”

“I know, I felt the same way until we met Colter, but you're right”

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom and looked in the bathroom. The swelling in my face was still there and I defiantly had a bright blue bruise on my face. I was going to have to put on some makeup on to cover this. I turned the shower on and took off my clothes and stepped into the hot water. I let it run over my body and wash away all the dirt from training. I washed my hair and shaved and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out to my room and foun that Julian was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't ready to face him again and tell him he had to move on.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on and had about ten texts from Sloane asking me to call her ASAP. I sent her a text to se if she was alone and the phone started ringing immediately.

“Sloane, what is going on?”

“What are you talking about, you hung up on me the other night and I wasn't done, and you shut your phone off”

“It's fine, I decided to give him a chance, but it has gotten worse. My new Alpha, offered to take me as his chosen mate and his Luna.”

“WHAT? Why would he do that?”

“Well, we may have been sleeping together before Colter showed up.”

“Of course, you were."

“What is that supposed to mean.”

“Just that you have slept with a lot of guys since your mate died.”

“Ya, well I had needs! Enough of this, have you found out what my parents have done with the pack's money.”

“A little bit. Your dad made some really bad business decisions and lost a ton of money. Also, your mom likes to spend money. A lot of money. There are some other things going on but we're not sure what.

“OK, keep looking. I have to go I have a date in about an hour”

“Who are you going on a date with?"


“Call me after and don't sleep with him"

“Were done here. Talk later”

I hung up the phone laughing at her because she was right, I did sleep my way through a lot of my old pack, but at that time in my life it didn’t matter. I needed to feel something.

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