Alpha Alexa

Chapter 18

Julian's POV

After Alexa left my office and said she needed time alone I thought I would give her the night alone and not go to her room. know that she is hurting and confused right now, and I want to give her time before I give her my offer.

“Zion, are you sure that you want to do this? If we take a chosen mate and if we find a second chance mate it is going to be hard, we will have to reject them” I linked my wolf.

“I know but I want this. I want her and her wolf”

“OK, I will talk to her tomorrow about it"

I cut the link with my wolf and started to do some paperwork that was needed. I had been neglecting it since Alexa arrived. I did a lot of work in timber since we lived in the mountains, and I also had several construction companies. I didn't have to do much but paperwork and make sure that the money is order and that we are getting jobs lined up. I had most of my pack working in my businesses. This is how most packs work.

I had just about caught up with paperwork when I noticed how late it was and how much my eyes were burning. It was close to midnight, and I had to be up at five am to be at training with Alexa. I put everything away and that is when I noticed that the flyer, I had printed from Alexa's dad was missing. I had placed it in the top of my drawer, and it was no longer there. I am going to have to look for it tomorrow. I know it was there earlier but maybe Luca did something with it.

I walked up to my room and went straight to my bed and passed out. I didn't even get the covers pulled back. My alarm goin off at four forty-five is the next thing I remember. I was still dressed when I woke. I must have been more tired than I realized. I got out of bed and grabbed a quick shower before going downstairs.

When I made it to the gym, I found Colter waiting for me outside of it. He looked as tired as I felt last night.

“Hey man, I was hoping you could help me out and get Alexa to talk to me” Colter said.

“You can go in there with me and see if she will, but I will tell you right now I won't force her” told him.

He followed me and we found that Alexa was here and had already started on the treadmill. She must have been in deep thought because I had said good morning a few times and she didn’t acknowledge us. I finally yelled good morning and she jumped and lost her footing and went flying off the treadmill, but Colter caught her.

“Alexa, can we please talk?" Colter asked.

“Yes, we can talk because I have something to say to you, a+" Alexa said.

She turned to get back on the treadmill and you could see the look of disappointment on Colter's face. He thought she was going to stop and talk to him. He has a lot to learn about her.

“I thought you said we could talk” Colter said.

“We can but you're not going to interrupt my training. We can talk later” She told him.

She jumped back on the treadmill and turned it up and got back to her running. I stepped on the one beside her and startec my run. She had a great workout, one of the best she has had. We were both dripping in sweat when we were done. We headed out and Colter stayed and watched the whole workout and followed us to the dining hall. We fixed our plates, and I went to sit at a different table so that they could talk.

Luca came and sat down beside me and started to shovel food into his mouth in his usual disgusting fashion.

“Hey man, did you get in my desk and take the flyers of Alexa that her dad had sent out” I asked him.

“No man, you put them in your desk the last time I saw them.”

“That's what I thought too but they are gone. I was putting my paperwork away last night and they were gone.”

He looked up at me and the look on his face was what I was thinking. If someone took those it could cause our pack problems. If they told Alexa's dad or someone that was looking for her, they could lead them right here.

“We need to find out who took it” he said.

“I have no way of doing that. People come in and out of there dropping stuff off and picking up stuff” I said.

“What about the most obvious choice?” He said.

“Who?” I asked him.

“Really, I have to tell you this”

“Crap, Christina." I said as it hit me.

“Winner winner chicken dinner. She would do anything to get rid of her and she is a sneaky bitch.” Luca said.

“She threatened her and said she would get her back”

“Why didn't you get rid of her a long time ago”

“She hasn't ever given me a reason to.”

“She has, you just chose to ignore it."

just glared at him and finished eating my breakfast. I was going to have to play her in order to get the information I wanted She was stupid and would fall for it.

“I have a plan but need some assistance from you and I want to let Alexa know the plan. Meet me in my room when you're done”

He gave me a strange look but nodded his head as his mouth was too full of food.

I grabbed my plate and threw what was left in the garbage and went up to my office. I wanted to make sure nothing else was missing and that she didn't plant any bugs. I wouldn't put it past her.

I had searched my office and didn't find anything missing but I found a little chip thing that was placed under my desk. I wasn't sure what it was, but I was pretty sure that it was a bug of some type. I snapped a picture of it and put it back where i was and left my office and went to find Colter and his Beta, so they were aware that we had a spy among us. I found him sulking in the dining room. I am guessing that his talk with Alexa didn't go as planned.

“Colter, we need to talk, and you need to bring your Beta. My room five minutes” I told him.

“Is everything ok?” Colter asked.

“No, but we will talk about that in my room.”

“Your room and not your office?”

“Yes, this will make more sense when I explain things."

I walked off and headed to my room. I walked into my room and quickly picked up my dirty clothes from yesterday and mad my bed and went to sit on my couch and wait for them. It didn't take Luca long as he was here about the time I sat down on the couch. He just let himself in.

“Hey man, what do you have in mind?"

“Well, we have bigger problems than that, we will discuss it when Colter and Mac get here.”

“Shit, it's bad enough that we need to include them”

“Ya, this is going to end badly for whoever did this." I told him as I showed him a picture of the bug.

“Holy fuck, someone has a death wish."

There was a knock on my door, and I got up to answer it and Colter and Mac were on the other side.

“Thanks for meeting us here. I have a big problem within my pack, and I am afraid that it involves Alexa.”

I led them in and motioned for them to sit on the couch. We all sat down and got comfy before I began.

“I was doing some paperwork yesterday and when I went to put it away, I found that the flyers of Alexa were missing. I thought maybe I missed placed them, so I asked Luca this morning and he was positive that they were put away and he didn't take them. So, I went back after breakfast and searched my office to make sure that nothing else was missing and came across this.”

I unlocked my phone and showed them the picture that I took. They both examined it before turning to look at me.

“Who did this?” growled Colter.

“I am pretty sure that it is Christina. She threatened Alexa awhile back. She is jealous of her. I am just not sure how to prove it" I said.

“I have a tech guy I can have come here and help us with this” Colter said.

“Good get him here now. I need to bring Alexa in and tell her what is going on. Luca do you mind getting her and taking over her class”

“Let me go with you so I can walk her back her safely” Mac said.

They both got up and walked out of the room and left me there with Colter.

“Look, it will better if you are not here. She is still not happy with you, and I don't want a fight."

“I know I just want to see her. I've got it bad man and I need to find a way for her to forgive me.”

“I don't know what to tell you she is a tough girl who is going to make it hard for you."

“I know, I am going to see if she will go on an actual date with me. Maybe get to know each other a little bit"

“Good luck man, you're going to need it

I don't know how I am going to compete with him, her second chance mate, but I will find a way. Mac and Alexa showed up and she was laughing at something he said. You could see Colter light up hearing her laugh. It almost made me feel guilty fo what I was going to say to her.

“Alexa, can I ask you a question” Colter asked.

“You can ask but that doesn’t mean I have to answer.” Alexa told him.

“I was hoping that maybe you wanted to get dinner with me tonight, away from here, just the two of us” Colter said with a big smile on his face.

She sat there and shot daggers at him as she looked his body up and down. I could see her eyes changing color and her wol trying to come forward.

“I don’t know Colter; I don't trust you.” Alexa said.

“What if Luca and Mac joined us at a few tables away?” Colter asked.

“I will think about it and let you know later” Alexa said.

He smiled even bigger, taking her maybe as a yes. He walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

“Alexa, we need to talk. I recently found out that someone has broken into my office and stole from me.”

“It wasn't me!” She shot back before I could explain further.

“I know that. Someone stole the flyers that I had from your father about you missing and they also bugged my office.”

“So, someone in your pack is working with my father to get me back”

“I believe so."

“My guess is that it is Christina”

“Mine too, but we have to prove it. Colter has a tech guy coming to check things out. In the meantime, I don’t want you alone Either Luca, Mac, Colter or myself will be with you at all times and that includes in your room." I told her.

“That is overboard. I can protect myself”

“Il am not saying you can't, I just want to be extra careful”

“Fine. Is there anything else? I need to get back to class.”

It was now or never. I had to tell her what I was thinking. She had to know her options. I got up and walked over to her, takin her hand and placing a kiss on the back of it.

“Baby, there is something else I want to talk to you about.”

You could see her relax and smile when I called her that. I led her over to my couch and sat down and pulled her down on my lap and pulled her as close to me as I possibly could.

“As much as I would love to get naked on this couch with you right now, I won't do that until I make up my mind about Colter.” She said.

“I know and I would not expect that, but I do want you to know that you have another option.”

“What is that, stay here and be your Gamma?”

“Stay here and be my Luna." I said.

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