Alpha Alexa

Chapter 16

Colter's POV

The second I got out of the car at Julian's pack I could smell her. I didn't know where she was, but I could follow her scent and find her, but I would give Julian the respect and talk to him first.

There was an Omega that greeted us at the door and led us to his office and said he would be here in just a few minutes anc left us.

“What do you think?” Mac asked me.

“I can smell her everywhere but that's it so far”

Julian walked in at that moment, and we got our pleasantries out of the way but when I hugged him, I could smell her on him. It was everything I could do not to growl at him. He had to sleep with her if I could smell her on him after a shower. His hair was wet still he had to have just gotten out of the shower.

When I asked where she was, he led me over to his big windows and there she was. Training with another male. Grey was losing it in my mind. He didn’t want another male touching her.

She was beautiful. She had long toned legs and perky tits. Her blonde hair was pulled up and her body looked tight and toned. I wanted to March down there and claim her right now. I could feel my pants getting tight with how hard I was, but it had to wait.

We all just stood there for a while watching her. By the time Julian spoke again I was so hard it was painful, but he had Omegas here to show us to our room.

tried to adjust myself as best as I could, but it was no use. Everyone would see it. I grabbed my bag and followed the Omeg out who led us around a hallway to two empty doors. She opened Macs and showed him in and the other one led me to my room.

I didnt care about anything in the room but the shower right now. I need an ice-cold shower to cool myself down.

I turned the water on cold and stepped in. It bit at my skin for a minute until I adjusted to it, but it did nothing for this ragin erection I had going on.

I reached down and started stroking myself. I closed my eyes and thought of Alexa and her tight-looking body and how it would feel to have myself shoved up inside her and the faces she would make when she came. I thought about her lips wrapped around my cock and taking it until it the back of her throat.

My orgasm ripped through me like never before. I let out a loud roar as I shot my load all over the shower wall. I had never cm so hard in my life I can only imagine what it would be like to have the real thing. I leaned against the wall trying to catct my breath from that when I got a mind link from Mac.

“Come on man, stop jerking off and come back to the office we're waiting on you."

“Fuck off, Il be there in a minute." I told him back.

I got dressed again and dried my hair as much as I could and headed to Julian's office. I didn't make it there as they were headed my way. They both started laughing at my expense as soon as they saw me.

“Both of you can go to hellt” I yelled at them and stormed off towards the training field. They were still laughing but hot on my tail.

I got out to the field and finally was able to take in her scent coming off her and my wolf took control screaming mate in my head.

“Claim her now. Mate needs claimed now!” He yelled in my head and then took control. I was useless to stop him.

He stormed the field, and she stopped sparring, and I could tell she had scented me and when she turned to look at me her whole face became blank. She just stood there not moving or talking. I didn't know what Grey was going to do and when he did it, I was powerless to stop him.

We marched right up to her and both of us rumbled “Mate” at the same time. Grey was fully in control no matter how hard I tried to take control he wasn't letting me. We were still standing there just looking at one another and that's when she turned to run but we were quicker and grabbed her arm and brought her against us.

I could hear her screaming at me, but it sounded muffled. I could feel Grey extend his canines and go to her neck. The look ¢ fear that crossed her face slowed Grey down enough that she was able to run her claws down my face. We dropped her and she ran away.

“What the f**k Grey? You can’t mark her without consent.”

“Sorry she needs our mark. She belongs to us.’

“No, you screwed this up big time.”

He finally gave me back control and when I looked up and saw the horrified looks on everyone's face around me, I knew it was much worse than I realized.

“I am s0 sorry Grey..."

That's all I got out because Mac hit me so damn hard that I fell to the ground with blackness taking over.

I woke up some time later lying on the ground right where I fell. My face was throbbing. I could feel the blood had dried and my face was swollen from where Mac hit me.

I sat up and saw Mac sitting there playing on his phone.

“What the fuck man!” I yelled at him.

“I should be asking you that. I don't care what the situation is, you can't forcefully mark someone without consent. You know this. I was just doing what you would have done.”

“Where did she go?” I asked.

“Don’t know. Been sitting here waiting for your dumb a*s to wake up.”

“How long have I been out?”

“About an hour”

“I'm going to shower and clean up and I'm going to try this again.”

He just laughed and walked off. He knows something and I don't like it. I got up and walked to my room. I kept getting stares from anyone I passed on my way. I finally made it to my room and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and I looked like shit. I had claw marks down my face and the other side was swollen and turning black. I knew I would be healed by morning but in the meantime, I looked like shit. I turned the shower on and took my clothes off and let the water wash away the blood.

“Grey, why man?" I linked my wolf.

“I am sorry, I couldn't help it. I don’t want another male touching what is ours. He was touching her, and I was going to make sure everyone knew she belonged to us."

“No man, she doesn't, and we will be lucky if we can grovel our way out of this. First I tried to buy her and was going to make her my personal Omega and then you try to mark her without consent.”

“I know but mate belongs to us. We will make sure everyone knows it”

“No man, that is the thinking that got us in trouble. Either you chill out or I will drug us so we can be in control when we get to meet her again.”

“OK, I will be on my best behavior”

“Good, because I am going to get dressed and go back down there and see if I can salvage this situation.”

I cut my link with him, still angry at him for this. I got out of the shower and got dressed in some clean clothes and went back to take a look at my face. The claw marks were closing up, but the other side was still really swollen and starting to form a bruise. This is not the impression I wanted to make on my mate. I always thought that when I met her that I would be this gentleman that swept her off her feet.

“Mac, where are you?” I mind linked him.

“I am in Julians office.” He said back.

I headed out of my room and headed to his office. I got there and knocked on the door and just went in. I didn't wait for him to tell me to come in, I wasn't in the mood for pleasantries.

“Well come in mister I do whatever the fuck I want without thinking of the consequences” julian said.

“Listen, my wolf took over and I couldn't stop him. He saw her with Luca and lost his mind. He wanted everyone to know whe she belonged to right now. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to.”

" There's no excuse for it. You can't forcibly mark someone,” Julian said.

“I know that. She stopped me before it could happen. Trust me when I say that my wolf and I are not on speaking terms righ now.”

“still, people have been killed for that, just so you know." Julian said.

“I know and can you please let me know where I can find her so I can apologize to her”

“Let me see if she is willing to talk to you right now and if you can't respect that you can leave my pack”

“ understand and I will”

I could tell he was mind linking her with the glazed overlook on his face. After a few minutes he started laughing.

“What did she say?" I asked.

“Well, she said that you can take your small dick and shove it up your a*s and go f**k yourself with it"

As soon as he said that the whole room started laughing once again at my expense. I stormed out of his office. I needed to work out some of this frustration right now or I would lose it on the next person who pissed me off. I was supposed to come here to get this under control but it's getting worse. I made my way to the gym and slammed the doors open. I had spent enough time here when Julian lost his mate that I knew where everything was.

I walked over to the punching bag and started hitting it with everything I had. I was taking turns with both hands, one after the other. It didn't take long, and my hands were bloody from the force I was using. I heard the door open, and I saw a she wolf walk in, but I didn't care I turned back to hitting the bag.

“Excuse me, you're going to break your hands if you keep hitting that like that.” Said someone behind me.

Iturned around and found the same she wolf that had entered before standing directly behind me. She was really pretty. Sh had long dark chocolate brown hair and eyes that matched with pink lips that were a little pouty and was a very curvy woman.

“Iam fine, I need to burn some energy” told her.

I could hear her walk away and I started to put my all back into in. It was about five seconds later when I heard her clear her throat behind me. I turned around and gave her a nasty glare.

“Let me clean and dress your wounds or they could get infected. You need to stop hitting the bag like and have your hands wrapped.”

She grabbed my arm and led me over to the chairs that were sitting against the wall. I went and sat down and let her start cleaning my hands. Whatever she was putting on it stung a little.

“I am Christina by the way."

“l am Alpha Colter”

“Oh, I thought maybe you were a new member of the pack, so I am guessing that you are just visiting us for a while”

“Yes, but I don't know how long I will be here.”

“Well, I wouldn't mind if you stayed forever”

I blushed a little bit at this but my heartbeat for Alexa and only for her. I just had to find a way to have an actual conversation with her. The mate bond was strong, and it had me ready to do anything for her and I haven't even spoken to her.

“OK, all done with your hands, let me take a look at your face.”

She applied the same ointment to my face as she did my hands and when she was done, she leaned over and kissed my swollen cheek and slowly moved her lips to mine and tried to push her tongue into my mouth. I was pulling my hands up to push her away when I heard the door open and that's when Christina took me by surprise and pulled me closer by throwing her hands around my neck. I finally broke free and turned to see who had walked in and that's when my heart fell out of my chest. It was Alexa and I could see the tears filling her eyes. Before I could say anything, she took off running.

“Alexa, wait please don't go. It's not what you think” I yelled out to her as I tried to get to her.

She stopped but didn't turn around and look at me. She just stood there.

“Please can we talk alone” I asked her.

“Alpha Colter, I thought you and I were going to take this back to my room.” Christina said as she came up behind me and grabbed my hand. I quickly pulled my hand away and stepped away from her, but it was too late, Alexa was gone.

She had slipped out in those few moments that Christina had distracted me. I turned back to her with a murderous look. “What do you want with her? She thinks she is amazing, but she isn't. She is a slutty she wolf in the pack.” Christina said.

I was ready to rip her throat out, but I wanted to know more of what she had to say.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“She is sleeping with Alpha Julian and tried to sleep with Beta Luca. I was supposed to be the next Luna, but she stole it fron me. Before she showed up, I was with Alpha Julian and he dumped me so fast, when he brought her home.”

I didn't say anymore, I just walked away. Was she really going to be the chosen Luna for julian? I had to find out right now. I stormed off to his office and before I could knock or just barge in like I planned I could hear her in there crying and Julian

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