Alpha Alexa

Chapter 14

Alexa's POV

It was now five AM and I had to get up and go to the gym to get cardio and weights in. I was supposed to meet Julian down there in thirty minutes. I got up and put on a sports bra and some black leggings. I threw on my tennis shoes and ran a brus through my hair and brushed my teeth and was on my way out the door. I would be about five minutes early.

“Jade, wake up, where about to start our first training."

She lazily stretched in my head and curled back up.

“No, you're on your own. You don't need me for cardio and besides it's too early for me."

She cut our link and put up a block so I couldn't contact her anymore. I walked the rest of the way downstairs and into the gym and found Julian waiting for me already.

“Let's go, we don't have time to waste.’

“Iam not late, calm down.”

“Start on the treadmill and get your heart rate going”

I'stepped onto one of the treadmills and he got on the one beside me. I started at a fast walk and worked my way up to a run. He matched me at speed every time I turned it up. We had done about five miles and I defiantly had my heart rate up. “OK, enough of the treadmill, we are going to move onto something else” Julian said.

Ijumped off and followed him over to the opposite corner of the gym. He helped me into some straps that went around my, body and were connected to a long rope that had weights at the bottom.

“What is this?" I asked.

“You've never done this before?”


“You're going to run to the end of the gym pulling this weight and then back again about fifteen times."

Ijust nodded my head and took off running and when I hit the end of the rope it jerked me back a little and I had to dig deeper to make it move. It was much harder than I thought it would be. After we finished that he put me on a stair stepper and turned it up, so I was basically running up the stairs. I did that for five miles and thought I might die when he was done. was drenched in sweat and breathing hard.

“I thought you said you were in good shape?”

“Very funny!" I heaved out.

“This is the hardest routine we have. If you can complete you are in the best shape ever.”

“What else is there?" I asked, still breathing heavily.

“You're going to give me one hundred burpee’s and then you're going to ride five miles on a bike and do one hundred squat: and lunges.”

As much as I wanted to complain I didn't. I managed to get through the whole work out but felt like dying afterwards. When I finished my last lunge, I fell to the ground and sucked in as much air as I could get.

“Great job Alexa, that is our hardest workout and I've only seen a few people complete it. Don't worry we get to do it all over again tomorrow morning.”

“I can't wait, but I need some fuel for my first training class."

“Let's go get some breakfast, it is just being put out.”

We walked to the kitchen, but I took a quick detour to one of the public bathrooms to wash the sweat off my face. I walked it and was greeted by none other than Christina.

“Good morning, Christina.” I said to her as politely as I could.

“Ugh, isn't it bad enough that I have to see you at the dining hall and now I have to take your class and you're in here." “What is your problem with me?”

“I was Julians before you showed up here. I was supposed to be his chosen Luna and you are trying to take over. You will never be his. I am his."

“Whoa their sunshine. I didn't take anyone from anyone and from what I understood he was not attached to anyone so chill out”

She just stormed past me and knocked her shoulder into mine as she did.

“Iwill kill the bitch in training” Jade linked me.

“Jade, chill out. He isn't ours and we don't want a relationship. We don't do relationships. Remember?”

“Ya, I know but no one talks to us like that"

I cut our link and washed the sweat off my face and went back out and found some fruit and a few pieces of bacon. I had to eat light, or I would get sick. I planned on doing some training with my class. I would be hands on.

Iwent and sat down beside Julian and faced Luca. He got a big smile on his face as he looked at me.


“I heard you completed the workout this morning and about died.”

“Ya, I wanted to, but I go through it."

“It's a brutal workout but it does get easier”’

“I plan on using some of that in my class this morning. It was good”

“We plan on coming to help you. Julian said.

“No, I need to show these girls that I am capable and if you guys are there it makes it hard. Feel free to come at the end of training but please let me do this on my own."

They both just nodded their heads at me, and we continued to eat our breakfast. I finished and took care of my dishes and ran up to my I00m to grab my roster and then back out to the training field. It was early and the sun had just started to com, up. I had about twenty girls that were supposed to be in this class. Ages seventeen and up. These were both supposed to be the best trained females we had. They were all just standing around talking. It was now or never.

“Hello, everyone”

They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

“Alright ladies, I am Gamma Alexa, and I am taking over training for all females. We are going to start with a quick warm up and then we will move on to hand to hand combat and then we will hit the gym for weights three times a week and two times a week we will work in wolf form. Does anyone have any questions.”

“Yes, I do." Christina said as she stepped forward.

“Go on" I said.

“What makes you so qualified to do this? I could take you pathetic a*s in a fight.” She said.

“Is that a challenge Christina?”

“Yes, itis”

“Well for a challenge we have to get Alpha Julian here. Let me send him a mind link”

“Julian, Christina has challenged me. We are going to be fighting soon please come down and make sure I don't kill her" “Now to answer your other question, I am a trained warrior, I was also accepted into the Elite Academy. I have been training since I was ten years old. I am more qualified than any of you realize.”

I could see Christina's eyes go wide when I told them all of my experience. She knew she had messed up and I wasn't letting her out of it. It didn't take Julian long to be here as he stormed over to where we were standing.

“I understand that there is a problem out here Christina?” He asked.

“I um, I didn't know if she was qualified to teach us was all"

“Do you think I would just put someone in charge of training and not know their capabilities.”

“I didn't think sir”

“Well, too late now you have challenged her and so let's get this going. You two will fight until one of you concedes or loses consciousness.”

Everyone circled around us, and we took our positions. I wasn't stupid enough to think I would have this won hands down, I would have to work but I would not back down, and it was a little bit of practice.

She lunged at me, and I easily dodged her attack and turned so I didn't have my back towards her. She came at me again an; I cocked my fist back as she came at me, and I let her face have it. She tumbled to the ground and rolled around for a secon: before I jumped on her. I let her face have it a few more times and may have broken her nose. You could hear it break with a crack.

“Stop, I quit” She screamed out.

Ijumped off her and dusted myself off. She laid on the ground holding her face and crying. This was easier than I thought it would be. I didn’t even break a sweat.

I went and stood over her and said, “Do you have any more questions in my abilities?”

“No! she said.

“Good, now go get your face taken care of, no boys want to see that. I will see you in class tomorrow."

I'turned and looked at Julian who had a big smile on his face. He just turned and walked off the field.

“Ok, ladies let get started with a mile warm up.’

We all took off jogging around the field. I could quickly tell who was in good shape and who wasn't. I had some work cut out for me, but I was determined to make this class great.

By the time class wrapped up the girls were drenched in sweat and wore out. After my fight with Christina, nobody questioned me on anything. I think they all learned something today. I saw Julian and Luca walking over to us.

“Hey ladies, how did class go today?" asked Luca.

Someone in the back spoke up. “It was great, no offence Beta Luca but I think I learned more from her today than I did in an of your classes. We weren't intimidated or distracted by any of the males."

“Iam glad to hear that” Julian said.

“Alright ladies, that is all for today. I will see you tomorrow.” I told them all.

They left and I had an hour's break before I had my next group of girls. It would be a much bigger class as the age group was ten to sixteen and they don't have a regular job and aren't chosen to be any type of warrior until they are eighteen.

I'turned and left the boys standing there talking and went to the kitchen to grab another snack. With the number of calories Iam burning between classes and training I am going to have to eat more. I made a sandwich and grabbed an apple. I started back towards the training field to be there before anyone showed up. I just laid down in the grass and ate and relaxed.

“Hey baby, you ready to do this again?” Julian asked me.

“I think this go around I will skip the workout with them and just watch. I am worn out already and I still have more training after this!

“Thats probably a good idea.”

We just laid there relaxing and waiting for all the girls to show up. They slowly started trickling in about ten minutes before class started.

I'stood up and started the same speech that I gave last time but this time no one questioned me.

“Alright ladies, I want you to start with a mile run. If you can't do a mile just do what you can and over time, we will work up toit”

They all took off running and I turned to Julian.

“You can leave I think these girls will be easier than the last bunch and I handled them just fine.’

“OK, come see when your done and before you meet Luca.” he said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek before he walked away. I could feel Jade sway a little when he did that.

“Knock it off Jade.”

“Couldn't you at least give him a chance. He is different than most.”

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