All it Takes is Love

Chapter 5

Two days have gone by since Byron had found Lynn on the Moonscape Pack borders. She smiled as she thought of all that had happened. The biggest thing was she had finally shifted into a beautiful golden wolf.

Then there was the fact that she and Byron were practically attached at the hip. They had marked each other but had yet to mate fully. Although, they’d had their share of steamy kisses.

All in all, it had been a good two days, but as they say, ‘All good things must come to an end,’ and this morning it did.

As the two of them made their way down to breakfast, they debated how to spend the day. When they reached the kitchen, the Alpha was still there with a solemn look on his face.

“Good morning, Dad,” Byron said as they each took a seat at the table.

Clearing his throat, the Alpha stated, “The intern is here, Byron. You said you would talk to him, feel him out.”

Bryon took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

Lynn squeezed his hand, gently letting him know she was there for him. She’d learned a lot about Byron in the last two days. One of the things he had mentioned was how his duties differed from the typical Alpha’s son because he wasn’t the Alpha-to-be. She also knew that sometimes no matter how hard he tried not to, he resented it.

Byron glanced at her with a smile before returning his gaze to his dad. “All right, Dad. I’m going to eat breakfast, and then I’ll go see him.”

“May I come with Byron, sir?” Lynn asked the Alpha. Although it still made her slightly uncomfortable to be around the Alpha, Lynn had found him to be nothing like her former Alpha. Plus, she just wanted to be there for Byron.

“That will be fine, Lynn. You can see my son at work; he’s pretty awesome at what he does,” Alpha said with a smile, standing to leave. “Son, just don’t take too long.”

An hour later, Byron was carrying Lynn piggyback style to the Alpha’s office.

As they walked in, the lady in the front looked up and smiled. “Good morning, Byron. Who is this lovely lady?”

“Morning, Rosalinda, and this is my mate, Lynn.”

“So nice to meet you, Lynn,” Rosalinda said.

Lynn nodded and bashfully whispered, “Thank you.”

“Your dad stepped out with his beta just now, Byron,” Rosalinda continued. “However, the intern is in his office if you wish to go on in.”

Byron nodded at her and turned away to start walking once more.

Lynn gave her a slight wave as they headed down the hallway.

Byron walked into his dad’s office and paused.

This allowed Lynn to look over the man standing behind the desk. He had been staring out the window, but when he heard them enter, he turned. She was shocked to find it was someone she knew. “Landon?”

“Lynn?” Landon questioned, looking as shocked as she felt.

“Wait, you know him?” Byron asked her as he gently placed her on the couch.

“Yeah, we went to school together,” Lynn answered. “Well, we went to the same school anyway; Landon is older than me.”

“About three years older if I remember correctly. I went there for other pack business, and you just didn’t realize I wasn’t a student since you only saw me at lunch,” Landon explained. “How have you been, Lynn?”

“Oh, um… I’m actually good now. Byron, here is my mate,” Lynn said as she smiled in Byron’s direction.

Landon walked around the desk, holding his hand out for Byron to shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Byron finally. Your dad has all good things to say about you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Byron told him. Then he pointed between Landon and Lynn as he asked, “Were the two of you friends or…?”

Landon laughed. “Yeah, sort of. As I said, we only saw each other at lunch. I was mostly there to keep an eye on the younger pack kids that tended to get into trouble, so I had no classes there. I met Lynn when she ran into me in the hallway. Clumsy little pup she was, although I didn’t know she was a wolf at that time.”

“Oh?” Byron questioned.

“No, Lynn smelled completely human,” Landon answered. “However, I guess I put off enough alpha vibes that she must have realized I was a wolf. Anyway, she ran into me, and she was crying, and I… well, I felt bad for her, so I started a conversation.”

“He made me feel like he genuinely cared, and I found myself sobbing out my whole life story,” Lynn murmured, her face heating up at the memory. “He ended up meeting my friend and me every day for lunch, him and his brother. My friend Mona had the biggest crush on Phillip.”

Landon laughed. “That was obvious from the beginning. Phillip found his mate a few months ago, though, after he took over the pack. He went to an Alpha meeting up north and met her there. He’s so happy it’s sickening.”

Byron smiled. “Mates can make a lot of things better.”

“Yes, they can,” Landon agreed. “I’m hoping perhaps mine is in this pack since she doesn’t seem to be in mine. I’m curious though Lynn, how did you end up here? Aren’t you from the Simmion Pack?”

Lynn swallowed hard at the mentioning of her old pack. “Yeah.”

Landon frowned. “I know you had a few problems since you didn’t shift, but you look almost as if you fear something.”

Lynn looked at Byron, and he nodded. So, she told Landon all about what had happened to her.

Landon sat back in his chair and growled. “I know the Alpha has some issues, but I didn’t realize… that is…um…” Landon scrubbed a hand over his head. “Wow, he just needs to be taken out of authority.”

“Yes, but his son is just as bad, if not worse,” Lynn softly informed him.

Landon nodded. “I know. I’ve met Chester, and he isn’t a good man, so I know he won’t be a good Alpha. No, someone needs to challenge him for the position of Alpha.”

“Yes, they probably do, but I don’t see it happening,” Lynn stated. “Everyone is scared of him.”

Landon looked over at Byron then with a curious look. “Not to mind your business, Byron. Why aren’t you taking over as Alpha here? Your dad never did say.”

Byron looked away toward the window, and Lynn squeezed his hand.

“You didn’t take an intense whiff, did you, or you would have noticed I don’t smell like an Alpha,” Byron finally answered.

Landon frowned as he took in a deep breath. “No, Byron. I smell Alpha on you. Yes, it is faint, but it’s there all the same.”

Byron gave a humorless chuckle. “You probably just smell my dad if you smell an alpha.”

Landon grunted and frowned at Byron, who gave him a blank look in return. Tapping his thigh, he glanced at Byron and asked, “Lynn, what was your father in your pack?”

Lynn glanced at him, a bit startled at the change of subject. What does the rank my father holds have to do with Byron and the smell of an alpha? With a shrug, she answered, “My dad is a beta, and my mom was a beta’s daughter. Why?”

“Hm… May I see your mark? Byron has marked you, right?” Landon inquired.

Lynn nodded and limped over to where Landon sat. Pulling her hair out of the way, she waited for Landon to speak.

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