All I Wanted

Chapter 23

“I'm sorry” I say quickly looking down at my toes awkwardly.

“It's fine, ll just grab a towel” he says and reached out for the nearest towel he could find and he wrapped it around his waist just right below his v-line leaving his chest broadly opened,

“Did you come here to tell me something?” He asks and I couldn't find the perfect statement to tell him as I stuttered and decided on telling him the next day.

“Why can't you say it now?” He asks and I looked at his face after I have been staring at my toes the she while. “No..nothing, I'l say it tomorrow, Goodnight” I turned to walk out the door.

“Jane!” He calls out my name walking closer to me and I found it difficult to breath.

I have been so horny since I mentioned about Chase to him and seeing him naked is putting me off the edge I only wish he won't be able to smell my arousal.

He's right in front of me now as I suddenly looked small standing besides him.

He bent his head lower placing a kiss on the side of my lips and I wanted more as I grabbed his face and pulled his lips closer to mine kissing it harder than I have ever while moaning loudly and frequently.

He seemed to notice I was in the mood for something as he lifted me from the ground on his body kissing me tightly and his towel fell from his waist.

I could feel his erected dick standing upright touching my b**t and it turned me on the more.

A part of me was telling me that I shouldn't do this with Justin while the other was telling me to go for it and maybe Ill get completely over Chase.

“F**k you're so hot right now” he moans into my ear as he broke from the kiss now kissing and sucking on my neck

The pleasure was getting really much for me as he pulled me closer to a wall resting my back on it while his lips still sucked and bite on my neck.

He gently let my body down from his but pinned me with his body on the wall standing naked before me and his d**k was pressed on my tummy.

I let out a soft moan as he unzipped my trousers letting his fingers in rubbing on my c**t softly.

I felt so much pleasure from it that I haven't felt in years, I helped him by pulling off my trousers completely and he was shocked at my reaction as I was left only in panties and my oversized sweater.

He rubbed my clit from my panties while his tongue played with mine, the wetness from my vaginal made it easier for him tc rub my clit and I lightly screamed as he dug two fingers into me thrusting faster as the kiss got more intense.

I had a sense of getting closer to my climax as my vaginal tightened around his hands and the knot in my tummy free bigger and I knew he felt it too as he thrusted slower into me letting the liquid flow out as I squirted.

I buried my head on his chest after I reached my climax trying to catch my breath and be squeezed my b**t making me suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

I guess you really come to your senses after you come.

I continued to kiss me but I didn't show back that much of an affection that I showed some minutes ago.

“F**ki Babe let's have s*x” he says and my eyes were widely opened, I shouldn't have to be surprised because I actually threw myself on him some minutes ago and I should have known it was going to lead to this.

“I... can’t have s*x with you” I mummur.

“Why?” He asks

“I suddenly lost the feeling too Justin,maybe some other time” I tell him as he shamefully tied his towel around his waist. “Ym sorry” I apologized.

“You haven't gotten over him yet” he asks and I didn't respond making him to scoff in a painful way.

“It's fine” he says looking dissapointed.

“I should probably go to bed now” I tell him as I picked my trousers and left the room, I was glad my sweater covered my as I heard him cussing followed by the loud sound of his fist against the wall but I couldn't bring myself to go back in there.

I walked to my room as I shut the door closed, I saw my phone lying on the bed and turned it on, the battery percent was really low as I decided to charge it.

I spotted a missed call notification on the screen as I swiped across the screen to see who the caller was but it was a strange number, could it be my Dad?

I dialed the number back as I patiently waited for an answer while the phone rang.

“Hello?” It was a male voice not that of my father, a hit of dissapointed appeared in my voice as I replied.

“You called me, who are you?" I asked but there wasn't any reply from the other person.

“Hello?” I ask trying to know who the person was but the person hung up on me.

I plugged in my phone as I laid it on the floor besides my bed, assumed the call must've been a mistake or wrong number. I closed my eyes trying to put together my head and everything that happened today, today was really a day.

The thought of Justin crossed my mind and I thought that maybe I was just being hard on him after all I've known him for long and he's really nice, maybe u should just let him in but I know itl take a long period of time to.

It took quite some hours before I finally felt sleepy as my mind was occupied with thoughts from the day and my Dad and I eventually slept when it was past Iin night.

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